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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Chemistry (Delhi Public School (DPS), Newtown, Kolkata)

7 pages, 45 questions, 2 questions with responses, 2 total responses,    2    0
Lilly Diaź
Delhi Public School (DPS), Newtown, Kolkata
class 10 Biology
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electrolyte at afions. DELHIPUBLIC SCHOOL NEWTOWN SESSION 2024-25 PRE BOARD EXAMINATION FULL MARKS: 80 CLASS: X TIME: 2HOURS SUBJECT: CHEMISTRY .SET A) Maximum Marks: 80 Tine allowed: Two hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the paperprovided separately. You will not be allowed to write during first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question papet he time given at the head of thisPaper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Decton A is compulsory, Attempt amy four guestions from Section B. The intended marks jor questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [|. (This paper consists of seven printed pages) SECTION A Question 1 (Attempt all questions from this Section) Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the questions, write the correct answers only.) () A mnetal spoon is to electroplated with nickel. Which of the following could be the electrodes? P. anode: spoon; cathode: nickel Q. anode: nickel; cathode: nickel R. anode: nickel; cathode: spoon (a) both P andQ [15| (b) only Q (c) onlyP (d onlyR ( ) A student did an activity in which he added bicarbonate to hydrochloric acid. The gas released was passed through lime water.sodium What change would be observed in lime water? (a) bubbles were formed b white turbid was formed (c) the solution became colourless (d) the colour of the solution became red (i )) Which of the following has higher number of molecules? (a) 20 gram of oxygen (b) 5 gram of nitrous oxide (c) 2.24 litres of sulphur dioxide at STP 2 gram atoms of chlorine [At. Wt:- 0-16, N=14, (iv)The reaction taking place at anode during silver plating is: (a) 40H-4e- 2H20+ 02 (bj Ag-e Agt (c) 2CN-2e+2C+ N2 (d) Agt te Ag A/1 S=32,Cl=35.5] (v) Assertion (A): Collection of hydrogen chloride gas in the collected by the downwarddelivery. laboratory gaom aiye uppreparation Reason (R): Hydrogen chloride is 1.28 times heavier than air. (a BothA and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A (b) BothA andR are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true (vi) Which of the following is an isomer of 2-methyl butane : (a) n- butane (b) propane (c) n- pentane (d) but-2-ene (vii) Apolar covalent bond will be (a) hydrogen formed in which one of these pair of atoms is: (b) methane () hydrogen fluoride (d) oxygen (viii) An element P has the value of Z as 16. The period and group to which P belongs respectively is: (a5 3,16 tb) 1,2 (c) 6, 16 (d) 3, 6 (ix) When NazCO3 (a) blue (light green (c) brown solution is added to CuSO4 solution, the colour of the precipitate is: (d) white (x) The element having highest (a) lithium (b) carbon ionization energy is: (c)fluorine (d helium (v SSertion (A): Reason (R): Both (E Both (a) A Pis a weak acid having low contains ions. htawlesconcentration of R are P correct explanation ofhydronium A. correct explanation of A. and true, and Ris the AandRare (c) A is true but Ris false. but Ris not the true, (d) A is false but R is true. (xi ) The ratio between the number of O = 16, N = 14] (a) 0.01:1 molecules in 2 g hydrogen and 32 g oxygen is: (b) 1: 1 1:0.01 (d) 1:2 (xi ) When asalt Xis heated ions. with gas. The anion present n X'is:copper (a) carbonate and conc. b nitrate (c) sulphate (d) sulphite A/2 sulphuric acid, it liberates a reddish brown method is 1<rte at Sone pair dinali bend Co-or xiv)The incorrect statement about a coordinate bond is: (a) It is formed by a shared pair of electrons coming from one atorm (b) It behaves as a covalent bond of electrons (c) Number of coordinate bond is equal tothe number of lone pair dy It iscaused by bond pair effect pH paper and the nature of the (xv)Which of the following is correct about the colour of solution in test tubes A, B and C respectively. NaCI dil. NazCO3 solution soBution HNO3 C B A (a) A-red, basic: B- red, acidic: C- yellowish green, neutral b) A- blue, basic: B- red, acidic: C- yellowish green, neutral (c) A- red, acidic; B- blue, basic; C- blue, neutral (d) A- blue, acidic; B- red, basic; C- green, neutral Question 2 [5) () Study the diagram given below and answer the following questions: Hydrogen Oxygen Test tube Water Water 6V Battery (a)a) Reat -Cathode Anode Name the process depicted in the diagram.m (not guph as t ca soy (b) State the composition of the electrodes acid are not added (c) The reaction does not take place if a few drops of dilute sulphuric Sonelecoyte Hao wndegees towater. Why? Puse balancea reachons akngplace atHt4 the respective electrodes. le (d) Write B: column with (5] A (ii) Match the following Column Column B 1. Ammonium chloride Column A (a) Non electrolyte (b)Three types of bond 2. Distilled water 3. Carbon to carbon dioxide (c) Carbonate ore (d)Concentrated sulphuric acid > (e) Fountain experiment 4. High solubility of a gas 5. Calcination (ii) Complete thhe following by choosing the correct answers from the bracket: (a) If a metallic oxide is dissolved in watcr, the resulting solution has a higher concentration of base is (b) A triacidic [5] (oH/H) (phosphoric acid/ aluminium hydroxide). (simple displacement/ direct prepared by (c)Ferric chloride cannot be A/3 combination). A/4 (iv) [3) the (3) You which a-chlotul-ene -ere Propam Concentrate I3 [2] following turns [2| for the 4 -3 penan -bi metwg azl, H the acid in Avogado'k Ao. (PbCh/ AgCy ammonia). (nitrogen/ ammonium (iii) (ii) () 3 Question i e ) (a) cases: suitable Using What (") h The (b) (a) acidified Sulphuric when acidIdentify following: (iv) State How Which plumbit> Sodium sulphuric lead, In In Btric periodic ut are (b) electronegativity the ( a ) Subiiuhon (e) () iN(7 Write the 2. property (a) 1. provided (e) (0) whether is 3. Give solution. aqucous Draw Z. hydrochloricacid, Type one the preparation potassium The thepreparation ne ne Positional A AA Ihe molecule the white anion carboxylic salts . acid, chemicals has ionization number number t h e ess caustic of the method of CH, first reactions of suitable with CH3CH=CH, IUPAC IS more mentioned carbonie precipitate hydroxide is Nitric structural present heating CH homologue of ofdichromate isonmer acid,soda ; the ikely of warmed having of of used rom atomic an acid listporential carbon acid( particles term nitric renlaceable name to ammonium solution, acid OH -CH element ethane in oatahon afethto below: the of of diaoram b having triple dlute t h e radius? with chemicals concentrated oxide -((H, list fosoluble r (Atempt butanol placed of dioxide solution of of SECTION CH, ompound CH, t h e undergoes. nresent the covalent a X fromX Zinc (Usinggiven, ketone or five is compound hydrogen likely carbonate, following in to lesser following* concentrated) for from sulphate, green. any the carbonseries mentioned copper. excess write in thc one buban-a PP right to thancarbon. ore one zinc bond X' four (40 B compare following balanced ions in reagent organic atoms X' questions) and hydroxide,lead , blende. that Marks) zinc, or excessmole gives write below produced to is r ofa edThg oexhibited nitrogen thewith only compounds: compounds: chemical elementY. off supply in the leftthat substanee. the a once) balanced colourless per of of dioxide, bOx: in of molecule air. equation each inYY? the equation Roahy (e of gas the for of (b) preparation of nitrate Lead(c) Zinc(a) carbonate tondy Hh, A/5 treated |3] 3 (ii) of a cold, excess On and tomed12) iy Yellow this, e it xponu,g she a [2 heating gas and other. the name are One observe?agent. made. is alumina, To demonstrate and colour above testedwhite reducing did for almn reaction. she with when analysis. colourless strong ammonium is 'X' of alumina. with B. the column magnetic wheelNon Pulverised ore Magnetic oreMagnetic wheel fromB Column reduction Gangue 5. the of treactions he 4. 3. 2.electrolytic 1. options when the correct (iii) linng CathoAnoda de B () 5 Question (a) (C)C,which(b)At(a) (b) produced Lead,(bti)n (Name a) LdentifyGiven hydroxide (b) (a) reddish Rohit Anjali passed Identify aluminium, Write excessWriteName an below the was the balanced the brown electrolyte alloy excessawants a ammonium produced given balanced residue electrode the parts in salt gas. element magnesium, column a whichchlorine to taken labelled salt prove Thewhich chemical contains chemical a B is ( Column hydroxide. A colourless by of solution X' made A that is through or which is which as a Rohit. ycllowmanganese, two B) A,equations schematic upammonia equation is aluminium the B solution. of was aluminium of: ammonia. ine saltwhen A S and electrodes white (o, to Cwith 'X is diagram f o r copper Nhali hot show a when in the good formed? Whatcompounds. (iv) in 3] found nitrogen Ravi [2| 0.002 acid. contains to nitric (21 of nitric of the dioxide acid: sample Determinethe T 2 oe UNH eH,0 (atomic weight 16). platinum. Ravi. or the extraction cell questions: used following the Question () 4 () (iii) (TV) The aluminium. The (c) (b) (empirical a) Give grams On (b) (a) following Name Addition analyzing Give Passage Oxidation diagram balanced o0 formulametalbalanced the With of of questions below ammonia prOcess. of hydrogen an dilute equation organic respect sulphur ofchemical is nitric the a relate representation2nt 3 compound for and sample to using and -000) acid each the equation oxygen,over to 0.25 A process sulphuric the to of weighing zinc the gram industrial obtained for of following: granules. answer of t he an acid.heated oxygen 0.5 electrolytic conversion by grams,preparation () 7 Question (i ) (c) (b) (a)Which (a) Copper (b)X (iv) (g) law 502 +mixture 1302 litres If 40 to (70%). the atnosphere. (3) I3| acidifiedsolution: carbonate. on liberate 3] Cu-2e [31 The 2, Write 8, 8, formula anhydroussolutions is permanganate used 7|the o1 electrode electrorefined a a 3CO:+ and colourlesspungent g)householdis equation forreactions is is burnt, X, Y the the of 8CO2 Ythe copper (2, t h e has 4H0, non-metallic smelling andabove find oxidising 8,for compound fuel solutio? gas the can g) 2]. using Z sulphate the the that that 10H20 + be Usingimpure is caleulations. a reaction copper gas represented total turns mixture agent. has element. this 2 formed blue.when pH A/6 0). volume block lime information Heat sulphate occurring 7, of reacted of between 13 nronane as: of water copper? and carbon Water bath concentraled andacid ethanoic propanol. Mixtureof solution. with 3 at millky X complete the respectively. (30%) and ammonium dioxide but above Anoe Y and isM no the added electrode. effect butane which following: (c) (a) state CAHs Oneof potassium he 1 CAHi0 willwill will his combination variety + has the produce turn Karan(ii ) condenser Liebig (Bace,) Experiment (b)2 ptate sd: s: of table. XN' I, 21 1 the each high al ag:with Tablesolid elen onmelting point 4 ofbased for a the in which ? the Periodic laboratory vadency is observation solution. given one Experiments tuTesne two in formula t h e experiments the state periodic group (ii) Experiment(a) 1 and () 6 Question Instructions given: A 2. 1.X' Observe Element 2student Justify would (a) that Li you the was the (b)most X' picture would Caforms asked position likely (e) noticegiven to B be a perform of(d) nitride placed below on X' C mixing in with and the A/7 that not but series the honmologous B reaction. the for red? same blue equation litmus of a are chemicalturns members state H-CC-H Give (a) (c) (b) D' Which Identify isomers can compound be totwo prepared each of other. the in fromcompounds its aqueous PE 'C. D C H H - H- --0-H O-H [31 soy Ay kot holic Alco (3) using be [2] sodium by a solution hydroxide distinguished [2| (4| acid hydrochloric conc with (i) (i l) (i )) Question (i) 8 according The (c) (b) (a)Give Draw (2)Calcium State (D) the 0.02moles c) Calculate (b) (a)MnO2+ (d) (following: Laboratory Conversion Sodium solution. . Laboratory structures mass mass VolumeMoles balanced thhaving e 12,pH giving of of of 4HCI to of electron H-C=C-(-H reasons the the ofthe sulphat nitrate the pure equations of chlorine preparation of acid salt A preparation salt H equation five MnCh managanese dot methyl produced. if: required.formed. ' a nd and organic diagram gas + H iodide for ammonium magnesium H 2H20 formed of ofthe 0compounds hydrogen ethyne of .Ma=55, 24 02 to following: +oxide Clh methaneanmmonium at ppt nitrate STP. 24 is by sulphate heated C-35.5, chloride. are dehydrohalogenation. n .anlvte at can .s enLes ion. shown: solids -S29 2 strongly be,0=16| distinguished 4ad+ can (iv)

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