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ICSE Class IX Prelims 2015 : Chemistry (Maneckji Cooper Education Trust School, Mumbai)

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Kanishk Israni
Maneckji Cooper Education Trust School, Mumbai
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\ . ] MANECKJI COOPER EDUCATION TRUST SCHOOi. JUHU TARA ROAD, MUMBAl-400049 FIRST TERMINAL EXAMINATION AUG-2014 STD:-IX TIME: 2 Hours DATE:-13 -08-2014 SUBJECT:-CHEMISTRY MAllKS:-80 SECTION A[40 Marks] (Attemp t all guestio ns from this section} QUESTION 1: - A) Name the followings: (5) i) An example of colloidal solution. S~ ~ d w,,Je>c. ii) A bluish, explosive gas with a pronounced odour. 0-3 ""iii) A polar covalent compound. W ....f-c-r iv) v) An atmospheric pollutant produced during lightening discharge. V'\ 0 A homogenous mixture. g, oJ.,_, C) 1) Give Reason: - 2- (3) i) Atomic mass of chlorine is a fraction and not a whole number. Air is considered a mixture and not a compound. . iii) Waterisauniversalsolvent _o :dcl'vc< f!f,l,>;"""' 't ; ,. ;' ,c:,;. 7 ~ :J rA' , ~~:,.r-~ 0 ,, ,-;),. J ... )/ 2) What is meant by acid rain. Give two impacts of acid rain. (2) ii) t:_J 'r ' I L DJ 1) State giving reason whether _the underlined are reduced or oxidized:( _) (3) i) Fe 2+ - - - Fe3+ <J......; _ L5~ e . HJ Al - - - - Al 3+ L,:,( 0 " - ) .,,drr iii) Cu 2 r t ..,, , ;.r, Cu +_____ o..,, r tj 2) Draw the election dot diagram.for the formation of Magnesium , Chloride.(MgCh) [Mg=12,Cl=171 /J, ii; tit M71~ c1; (2) ~ ~ ) JJ~f.,;u.;)!_ ', ::i... 2{,1 .. .. l tj .t!':...., I ('I E) 1) State the main observation with a balanced chemical equation / ,.,, , for the following: (4) Action of heat on:rJ i) Lead dioxider(),-.,17 l o/ ,J;, ,..., r '"' J-. ii) c~ ,).,_ -IA, .1-- I w~ ,t-1 t, v'"',J,'o'-' on> r~,J,--~ er 1,.J 'h .,...;,;..' .,..,,~\1 t', I' 0 f elcct1 011s? 1>2) What are lone pau 1"-' , f) Complete and balance the following d1e111ical e,111at; s:. 011 i) Ni -BJ"lz Fe-450 C 200 atmos press ii).2.KNOJ +H2S04 iii) l,AgBr ~ r Sunlight iv) CoCb +a-l20 - - v) Na +:H20 - -- - r /() r S04 yJJ/ N 3 1A) Rr 2. C o ( l, l ~' : o , If.2.... 1 ('.l c1.CLl-f _ GJ Name a chemical technique which could be successfully used to separate:. (5) i) Idoine from sand. ii) Petrol from crude oil. j; r-. < ,J 1 1 iii) Benzene and Toluene 1v . ) N'1tre an dPotassium Chi orate f<(I r . Ct ) v) Powdered chalk and sugar ct~ so }fl , 1. I >'\ _ ,._,,_J1h, l' j~ f.? (t_L., ,,.)q Hs O Q..~J 1;//2- t HJ Balance the following chemical equations:(SJ -- -~~JCu +3H20 + N l J NH3 .f:?CuO 2 2) Clz +2H20+ S02 -- ---------.~HCL + H2S04 3.)?AI + N2--------.:2 AlN 4) Ca( HC03) 2 f HNb3----- Ca(N0 ) ~H 0 3 2 SJlR20 2 + 02 -1-2c o . 2... SECTION B [40 MarksJ (Attempt any four questi~ns from this section,} Question 2: A) Differentiate Between: . (3) 1) Phito chemical reactions and electrochemical reactions (Definition). 2) No,..polar covalent compounds and polar covalent compounqs ( Electron distribution) 3) Catalyst and Inhibitor ( Definition) B) Define: - 1) Chromatography 2) Isotopes 3) Redox Reaction C) Give reason for the following: 1) Burning and respiration are considered as chemical charge. 2) Water exhibits anomalous expansion. (3) (2) (. .1TD:IX 3 SUB: CHEMISTRY D) State the tests for water. (2) Question 3: A) Name the process used to separate: - f=; I+, J'n, ,, .., '. . ., 1) Water and Carbon tetrachloride. 2) The coloured dyes of ink. (4) \.., ..,_ .~ t '~ -l 3) Black copper oxide from a mixture of copper oxide and zinc oxide. 'l r- t , ' 1,II 4) Methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol. .', ( I "" 1 ll. 'J: B) Give main observations and balanced equations for the I >' }._.,,l [ J ": , (4) following: - 1) Action of heat on ammonium chloride. Fe. sot -4 fi .lJ. 2}Actionofheatongreenvltriol. : 1. ,;o. i C) Differentiate between the terms: - (2) 1) Combustible and non combustible substances. (DEFINITION) 2) Exothermic and Endothermic reactions. (DEFINITION) Question 4: - A) A compound has the formula H2Y (Y=Non Metal) (3) State the following: - 1) The outer electronic.configuration of'Y'. 2) The valency of 'Y'.2 3) ThebondingpresentinH2Y. 10"'-i- ?. 1 G B) Give the electron dot represe!}tation of Nff3. (N =7, ff.=1) \ l~.1- ~~ J. , t l ~ ~ 1<'. ~~l ) f-1 ' .. (2) y (3) u C) Name:- ~ 1) A metalloid. Ar'"' "''j 2) Non-metallic element which is a conductor of electricity. 3) An example of reducing agent. H'L f"" t e.. , .. D) What is the principle of centrifugation? Give an example_ . ~t.>~ 4 ) C.a..l\h-i~ ,o.1 (v,A, 1,., '1 . ( ll} t f"'t'[" I,':'.; v11' a e,1<, ,;_, ""' ,Cc :;,.,--,."'7 --rQ.~ L e,,-- f,, <ti.. ,ul,~~ " ' ~-Ii,, / . -, c ~ ' ,,,_,, .J -~, :L Question 5: .,_ 1 A) Answer the following questions: . '' (5) 1) Explain: Silver Nitrate solution is kept in coloured_re~gent bottles. 2) State the importance of dissolved gases in water.(,, h( J' . ,, 1 0,:,,.- ,t,~ . I 3) What is an Ozone layer? Name the chemicals responsiole fo 1 destruction of ozone layer . . 0 ' ;~;,~ J B) Choose the kind of chemical bonding from the ionic bond. . t bond both ionic and covalent bonds present in the followmg l cova en , compounds: - - -- - .-- ----- ( ) 3 ~ Q..-)\ STD: IX ... , ....... '-I t- 1) Magnesium oxide. ;> "' 2) Carbon dioxide. .. ,0 .. .. . 3) Sulphuric acid. \ rv c 1 4) Water. CA; \.'"".<''5) Zinc sulphide. 1 ""c. 6) Ammonium hydroxide. ,- p I- p 0 ~- ' C) Element xis a metal with . a valency 2 Element y is a non metal (Z) with valency 3. . 1) Write an equation to show how x,,'!.-nd y form 10ns. Questions 6: - V. - ') t? _.>,')( . . ,, A) 1) What is meant by a Co-ordinate bond? 2) Show the formation of Ammonium ion. B) State the difference between: - ' fl i , . ,' (3) ~ -t 1 1 i; 1) Atom and Ion, 'j uJ -/;" "f-~ -- 1 J (3) 2) Electrovalent and Covalent bond. 3) Mixture and Compound. C) XCh is the chloride of a meta) X State the formula of fts Oxfde and Y, O_~ . v rJ:; ) .., (2) Nitrate. D) Define: 1) Displacement reaction. 2) Endothermic reaction. (2) Question 7: A) Match the reactions mentioned in column A with the types fn column B: (5) A B 2KCJ03 --. 2KCI+302 Synthetic reaction. Na+C)z - 2NaCJ '-- Double decomposition. BaC]z+Na2S04 - - BaS04+2NaCI _,_ 2KOH+H2S04-- K2S04+2H20 Fe+CuS04 -.. "' Decomposition reaction. Displacement reaction. FeS04+Cu , __ B) Give balanced equation for: 1) Calcium reacts With Water. Ca. 1 Neutralisation reaction. _ (i (3) '2 H,o 2) Ammonia reacts with oxygen.f t-l~/?. 11D ,.,.->; m, 1 2~ 2 ,Ufz_ 0 (' C< "- 1 1 3) Iron (Ill) Chloride reacts with Hydrogen sulphide gas. ;:.. f t- [/ ..1-; 1 C) Identify the following reaction~ as either oxidation or ~eduction: - (2) 1) 0 +2e --.. 02 :, '> -) Fe,'. ' , I

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Additional Info : ICSE Class IX Prelims 2014 : Chemistry (Maneckji Cooper Education Trust School, Mumbai)  

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