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ICSE Class IX Prelims 2023 : Chemistry (St. Joseph's Convent (SJC), Chandannagar)

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Suman Dey
Holy Home, Kolkata
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/ 16 .!. io.1.-a Cass IX St. JoN ph'1 eon .ant , Chandannapr l'INAl ASSl!SSH NT F.M 80 Subject : ())emlst1y Sec Uur lA( ~AI .L) 1. Ol00R the amc t answer from the foHowtng : [15) : a) Olernlcal that can be used for drying ammonia gas . HlSO cone. (Ill) (II) c.aOJ (Iv} all d them (I) b) The element whldl ts a metalold : (II) Barium (I) Germanium c) TrtYIIII name ot nl!J'Ogen b1hydr1de Is : (I) Nitre (II) Nitride (Ill) Neon (Iv) Nitrogen (Ill) Ammonia : d) Aliquid that Is formed by the reactiOn of two solids COz (Ill) (II) NH,O (I) NaOH (Iv) Sal ammoniac (Iv) CS, e) Tlndure of lod1ne Is a solutlon d T1n In alcohol (II) lodlne In water (Ill) Iodine In benzene (Iv) (I) Iodine In akX>hol r) Which of the rotlowlng ls a deliquesa!l"lt salt (Iv) PhQ5PhoruS pe11toxldc (Ul) fffliC chlor1de (B) Nitre (I) Washing soda l Is : g) Colour lmpar1l!d to the flame Is lllac when the meta mium Chro (Ill) (II) potassium (I} Ulhlum h) Gas that turns lead acetatr paper blilck (HI) Chlorine (U) Nitrogen dioxide (I) Sulphur dioxide (Iv) None of these (Iv) Hydrogen su ~ I) Ozone depletion Is mainly caused by : (Iv) all d them (Ill) freons (II) methane (I) O,lorine gen 1) A metal OJClde that can not be redOO!d by hydro Iron oi<ide (Iv) Aluminium oxide (Ill) (fl) Leed oxide (I) Copper oxide to water k) Which d the salt Imparts permanent hardness (Iv) all of them (Ill) Calcium oXlde te bona bicar um C.ald (ff) (I) Caldum chlorlde I) Alloy of 70% oopper and 30% zinc Is : (U) Bra~ (I) Bronze (JU) AlnkX> m) Olemical that act as both oxidising and reducing agent (I) H202 (111) (II) KMno. coo n) Promoter used In the manufacture of ammonia : (I) Iron (II) Chromium o) Catalyst used In II catalytic co o~ (11) Potassium (I) Palladlum (Iv) Zlndte (Iv) None of these (HI) Platlnum (Iv) Molybdenum (111) Nldcel (Iv) None of these Quest1on 2. r. Fn>rn the diagram, that Jhows the laborat0ry preparation of answer the followlng question : I . . ' . Is the gas CXlllect!!d by 1 b) What Is there In the troug h '1 II) Which method I the llghb!st gas , !IMfl below , [SJ I c) Name the- llQuld prese nt In the round bottomed lla5k ss. d) Write two precautions to be obsffied during this prooe [.5J ll. Match the following : Column 9 O>lvrooA I turns whltr on heating ll) Nitre b) Blue Ylb1ol I Decomposes by strong S01n1 I gives orr, oxygen gas on heating I absorbs h)"drooen sulphide gas I acts as a catalyst t'0r production d c) lad nitrate d) Manganese dioxide e) Acetylene ccyge ri [SJ m. ~ the ro11ow1ng by choosing the airrect 0l)tlons : Is _ .( Zn / Hg) I ( , gas a) The metal lhlt Cll'I reect with an abll to give h)ldrogen _ .( mectaie / arbc n rnooadde) b) C,ompotr,d respo,l9ble t'0r causing ~tl on Is _ ( Na /Mo) _ c) The atom that Is larger In !llze between the two Is 3 / NaiX>J ) ZnC0 ( , _ _ Is lg heati on d) Compound that does not !!Ne COi .N;i(]) t <Xlllslant with change In l!mperature Is _ ( NaNO e) Salt whose 50lubillty remains almos , I l ' I I ' I I [SJ below : IV. Identltv the aitre tt dlemk:als from tt1e 11st given ,J [ NH.a , S0i , Oh , AoH<)J , Pb(N0,)1 , H,PO., HJSO ide. 1) Retards the rCllr d decomposition d hyao gen perox b) Does not lea-..e ln'f residue on heating. on. c) Oecolourlses pink pcosslom permanganate solutl gm. lde ,ulph , gei d) ab9orb tr,,dlo e) Dealml)05leS when opos rd to Slrig ht. (2+3] (II) White vltrlol V 1) Write, the formula d : (1) Gypsum and the te~ ture ~ dwea sed ID b) The pres sure d a ftllled 111i!SS d gas Is bic:ressed by 50% Is S 200 ml , find the ctia-ige n l's 60% d the ortglnaJ value. If the onglnal volume of the'VB Scdi J eCNJ9tl any FOUR ) 3.a) X(NOJ), Is the formula d nitrate of a metal X. wrttr the formUla d It's (0 ca,t,onatie (i) chlorate. (U) empll1cal fcrmula b) 081ne : (I) RdaCM atomic weight phosphate . c) Cak:ula e th.. pe,ce1tage of pho,pllorus In ammoo4um ( N l , H l, P.31 , 0 16) d) 2 Fe+ 3 HiO ~ Fe<>J+ JH, llon. Wlb three lnfonMtlcn that we do not get from this eQUil [2+2+3+3] : .a) Write the 1111111! d the productS lbrmed when ly strong d heilllJ ls (1) Qllcl un, bkab oiete (I) SoU bls d soc1um chloride and silver nitrite reedS b) 5'ICI! two adYantages d green house elfect C) Wr1te 1tne 9lmllwty ~ 11',diogen wftn halogens , d) An a1Dm Im 6 da:bc.s In Mftl. Wrtl! : (1) It's (Ill) probilble YMrJCY (I) atDmlc number zh: da.llllille (l)l'lfl glnllo n f2+2+3+l) b p,ete,ed t'0r llbora lllly preparation d hydrogen 5.a) ave rf)l90 rl : (I) Gnn allld gas , (Ii} Cone. HiSO. Is not used for drying 11-,oooen 4. Clloose the correct chemical from the given list : [5] [ Mn02 , CaCli , NaCl , CO2 , Cl2, 02 , H2S , Cu , Zn , NH3 ] (i) It's solubility does not change much with temperature (il)used as positive catalyst In the process of laboratory preparation of hydrogen (Iii) A gas other than oxygen that has oxidizing property. (iv) catalyst used for preparing oxygen by heating potassium chloride. (v) Gas that turns lead acetate paper blue-black . s. a) Calculate the molecular weight of ammonium dlchromate. [2+3] [N = 14 , 0 = 16 , Cr = 65 , H = 1 ] b)Wrlte balanced equations for the decomposition of the following when they are dry heated. (i) silver nitrate (II) anhydrous ferrous sulphate (iii) ammonium dichromate ~ ., -- 6. Answer the following based on the following diagram that shows the laboratory preparation Of the.JQhtest gas of the periodic table . . ~-S O)identlfy A and B (ii) Write the equation for reaction between A and B . (Iii) State the method of collection of the gas. (Iv) Mention one reason for opting this particular method of collection. [2+1+1 +1 ) Section B CAnswer any FOUR) 7. a) explain why halogens are strong oxidizing agents (ii) How does atomic size vary along a period from left to right ? Give reason . b)(I) State Mendeleev's periodic law. (ii) Write two merits of Mendeleev's periodic table . c) Write the equation and name the type of the reaction for the following : (i) Reaction of dilute sulphuric acid with sodium hydroxide. (Ii) Quick lime added to cold water. [(1 +2:)+(l +2)+4] 8.a)(i) Write the equation of reaction of aluminium oxide with HCI acid and dilute solution of KOH (Ii) What do you condude about aluminium from the two reactions ? b) Water gas Is converted to hydrogen gas by Industrial method . Name t'he catalyst , promoter and optimum temperature for this reactiOOc) (l) Give reason : 1. alkali metals are stored In inert organic solvent 2. Hydrogen Is Included In activity series of metals. (Ii) Complete and balance : 1. FeCh + H2S -- 2. Zn+ H2SO (cone.)--- [(2+Jl)+3+(2+2)] I I I. .Y 9 .a) (I) Define solublllty (II) W ha t Is tincture cj 2 Iodine 7 (Ill) In brass , name th ~ e solute and solvent . b) The diagram shows th .. e solubility curve of a sa lt ha vin g anomalous solubll\ty . (I) { Name the salt with formu la (II) Writ-e the value of ~ t" C (111 ) What Is the differen ._ __ ,.. ,' .---ce c) (i) Mention 2 uses of so between hygroscopic and deliquescent salts? l c Tc lublllty airve . ?"'/> (', ) _ , (II) Name th e chemical suitable for drying ammo nia gas . Justify your answ er. 10. a) (I) Why do gases have low [3+3+ ( 2+2)) dens ities ? (ii) Wnte the numenca l value of Sn>. b) A. certain mass of ga s has a volume of 300m l at Sn> . Th e temperatur and pressure Id decrea e is increased by 30% sed by two-fifth of original value . Calculate the fin c)(I) State ooe advent al volume c:J the ga s. age of green house ef fect . (ii) What is the tempe rature needed for nitro gen to react with oxygen (iii) Write th e noonal ? pH of rain water. (iv) How Is CO harmful to hum an being ? 11 . a) igM 39 Is the sy mbol of an element M . (I) Write it's elcctOt 1ic configuration. (II) ts it an oxidizing agen t , or reducing agent ? GiV e reason b) (1) Define chemical bond . (ii ) Write two difference s between ionic and CO Yalent oompounds . c)(I) Dr aw th e electron clo t diagram for eao molec ul~ . (II) Why do 150bars have differen~ chemical _p r o ~7 (ii) W hy do es chlorine have fractional atormc weigh t . [(1+2)+3+ 4] [(1+2)+(1+2) +(1+ 1+2)] ....... ... ...... ' " ' I St. Joseph's Convent, Chandannagar Final Term Assessment SUbject : CHEMISTRY F.M = 80 Class: 9 .................................................................................................................................................. Wtoo A( Answer ALL) l.Choose the correct option from the given answers : a) Chemical that has dehydrating property: [15] {iii) P20s (i)caCh (II) cao b) An element that has coloured ion : (I) calcium (11) Iron (iv)P03 (Ill) zinc (Iv) magnesium (Ill) Mn {Iv) Fe (iii} Pb(N03)2 (iv) NaiCOJ c) Promoter used In Haber's process: (I) Mo (U) Mg d) Does not decompose on heating : (Ii) ZnCOJ (ii) caco3 e) Law that explain the nature of change of volume of a gas with temperature at constant pressure (I) Henry"s Law (ii) Bovle's law (Iv) Avogadro's law , (Iv} Char1e's law f) It decomposes in the presence of sunlight (I) NaNQ3 (II} AgNOJ (ill) KNOJ (Iv} Cu(N03)2 g) It has a triple bond in it's molecule : (i) Ammonia (ii) Ethene (Ill} Methane (Iv) Acetylene h) Element that was named eka slllcon by Mendeleev : (0 Germanium (ii) Boron (Iii) Gallium (Iv) Aluminium i)Black residue left when aystals of blue vltr1ol is heated strongly: (I) carbon (ii) Manganese dioxide (iii) copper oxide (Iv) copper carbonate j) radioactive Inner transition element : {I) actinium (Ii) lanthanum (ill) radium (Iv) radon k) Gas evolves when nitre Is heated : (I) H2 (II} 02 (ill) N2 (Iv) N02 I) Inert element , has been found to have formed compound : (l) argon (ii) xenon (Ill) helium m) A green house gas : (I) Ni() (ii) NO (Ill) CO (IV) Neon (Iv) NHJ n) Olemically, marble Is (0 (II) ca(NOJ)2 {Iii) cacOJ o) CaH,a Is the molecular formula of: (I) gasoline (II) ammonia (Ill) ethylene caso. (Iv) ca(OH)2 (lv)ethanol 2.AII In the blanks : (5] Inert elements form the group _ _ or the perlodle table . Their valency Is _ _ The radioactive member of this group Is _ _ _ . The only two mem~ In this group Which are found ID have formed compound are _ __ and _ _ _ 3. Mab:h the following: [5] (I) respo. islble for making table salt tum moist (H) liquid formed by the reaction of two solids (Iii) used as promoter In Bosch process (Iv) KiCri<n turns light green In It's presence (v) It can absort> phosphine gas I AgNOJ I S02 I I NaNOJ Mg02 I CS2 I Cri0J - -,,,,.~, : n11 Papa- couilu or 2 priated paae,: b) OL~fy the following changes into phylical and chcffllcal ch ngff . i) W11er to water vapour iv} Healing of ii) RU$llng v) Cryst11llwuion or Sugar iii) Sublunauon oflodioe vi) Heating of line oxide c) Cnvc r~ns i) Magnesium continues to bum in Carbon diollidc ii) White deposit is formed on surface orL..cad when exposed to moist air 6 ()) [2-+2) a) Latent heat of vaporiution of water 1s 2260 J / gm . faplam {2) b) The!iO\ubi\ity of N..CI ii\ ,mtu 11 go (' i, 40 gm. what da you u!ld S\t.r.d by the S\t.\~l'I\CI\\ 1lll t) Answer the following with respect 10 electrolysis of water i) ~ the process if 30 ml of hydrogen is produced. how IT\IJ'Jy ml of oxygen ..,.;11 be produ=I' ii) Give the cathode and the anode reaction Pl d) ZnCl:+ Al----+A ICl1 + ln Expl1in the above reaction with ttSpect to Oxid.trion and Reduction clearly showing the ex.change or electr0n [JI 7 a) CaC01 -L+CaO ~ Ca(HC01 >, ,l.C~ , Pl Write the equation for 1hc following conversion. name your oquation as A, B and C b) Write cq11ation for the following, when Chlorine is pl55Cd through water i) Tn d~ sunlight ii) In diffused sunlighl. [ H-2) c) i} State your obsavation with reac:tion, whcu Sodium reacts with cold water [2] ii) SI.Ile your ob5Cl'Vation and give the formula for the compound formed when Water droplets fall on a) white copper sulphate b) blue cobal1 chloride. [2] 8 a, uive .,q,i~tic;: fer the following prqiaration ofHydrogen i} From N'rtric acid ii) From Alkali Solution. b) Answer the following question with regards to purification of Hydrogen; State the function of the following in the oroccss with equation i) Sodium Hydroxide Solution. ii) Silver nitrate solution iii) Phosphorous Pcn1o)cidc c) Answer 1he foUowmg with respect to prq,aration of Hydrogen from water gas i) Two ways in which water gas can be produced., with equation ii) Two dilferent step.s by which Hydrogen 1s finally recovered. d) Define Hydrogenation 9 a) State the properties cf Hydrogt21 which makes it useful for the following. i) Atomic Hydrogen torch ii) Exuaction of merab. iii) Me1corolog,cal Balloons h) 1) Explain with cquauon how Sulphuric (3) [2-+21 111 [3) acid is added to the atmosphc:-c ii) Sw c iwo ways in which atmospheric N'itric acid is harmful to Nature c) Explain 1he formation of Orone and iu function in ,he Atmosphere. ' [2] [2+2) \ [3 I 3. a) Mention two dlffelences between: (I) slb..i)es and lsoblll's. (i) suspe11.si011 ant colold. b) How wll you separam a mbtture o f ~ sand, nlre and an 1oniJm chloride? c) NH~+ 0.-+ N1 + HCL (I) Balance the equation. (li) Show that the aoo,e equation Is an example of redaK reaction, by eediu11 transfereqUIIHon. (2+2+3+3) 4. a) XJZnOs Is the fonrula o f ~ of a metal X. WIie the formula of itS phosphate and dlct110nate. b) wt'ty Is Ntr.: acid n used to ot:tain Hydrogen bf reectio,i wth d ~ adds. Whlctt two metals only can be used for 1hs purpose? c) Wrile the two ~ reaction for Bosch l)IOa!SS for Industrial manufadllre of Hydrogen. Slale the reec:tion conditions also. d) Gtve reason why:- I) Metals are monatcrn1c. lJ) Inert gases are chenic:aly Inactive. [2+2+3+3) Ill) Most d cl-block elel, e ,ts exhibit variable valency. 5. a) Wrte lralana!d equations ror the reaction of hydrogen wld1 : I) nllJCgen i) ethyne. Also assign a name to the typeof reactiol,. b) Name the chemicals that can abs0rt> the folk>wlng gases :(I) ~, (ii} CO, , (Ill) CO , {Iv) N~. ZnSC4 + ~ Write thn!e l11fumeti:>,1S that cannot be otulned from the above equation. d) calcklm oxide and CalciUm Chloride bottl ab.sort> mor;ture. What is the basic diffetence bebiees: their c) Zn + Ha>. 11 absoiptbt propesties. Name the associatl!d phenomena. [2+2+3+3] 6. a) Defkle- (i) efftuesoence fd) electrophol'esls . b) Aqueous solutlon of ICNO and ~ are heated. What diffen!n<:e wtll Ile 0bsei \lei on their solubllly? c) A blue_crystaane sold (A) on heeli,g <.hanges to a whlle amorphous powdei' (B) and gNeS df a Sllelmt vapour(C). C turns blue mbalt chloride paper ~le. B on strong heating gt,,,es a bllldt residue (D) and two gases {E) and (F). Etums line wat2r miky and deJ::olourtses potasshirn peimanganate solution. F rekindles a gbwlng splint. (I) Identify A, B, C, 0, E, F. (U) Wrte the equatiOn fur heating of 8. (Ill) Name a chemol that Cill\ absolt> the gasf. {2+2i6} 7. a) Name: I) Two metallk: oxides which decompose on heating. M) Two metaHlc oxites which do notdeali,,pose on heating. b) Give ooe difference between: I) Gas and Vapour. Ii) Boililg and Evaporation. C) The folbwing questions refer ID the el&.:bOlysls of ackiulat!d water. i) Name the eltcbodes at which hydrogen and oo,oen are famed. U) Gi-Je equations for the reactions takfs place at cathode and at anode. iii) What is the ratb by volume for hydrogen and oxygen? d) State the three conditions Mi ;ary fur the process of conilustion. {2+2+3+31 sro 1.x 1""" UAN DAN NAG Ak ST JOS PU 'S CON VllN 1' SCH OOL C '.LRST TU M .l:XAMINAUON S - JOll (One lto11r 1,1,uJ "'1IJ) C Ul!:I\U:. nn SCl NC: E P11pe ~l ,,,, tJu: JHIIKT pNlv idd Upo rilll} )' ~ n,w u Iii t/ib pllf) U 11uut b~ IWUU" '' fint JS """"1a ,v You will not k.u -ed to wru. arl fHll'U don I/Ma IU int Mlll t fJus ti tM IS to ~ l~lt ' writi ,,1 t J u or w J/ aJ/Q dtN t/u i., r Tltt1 dlf'II tllltA tll IM '- oftlw Jllll'e /3, t,9, ~OI Z . S ri ott I SclJoll L'vmp,usot')'. Afl"'1f/JI "">'few fllalJoNljrOllf /;l rt!U ' " nuvlc.>/Ut q1u1.w111u VI JAJII.:. vf y...:.>JJu,u <MC n,c "''"'""'cl u. b,~,., (] LI SEC 'l'tO N I ('O MarldJ tpt Al1M all q1111stfor,s from this section. s1on. >Sme 1wo foctors lha1 helph 10tbcdillu pbysicaJ llale of a 111b.11.1Jx:C depeodL b) State two fi.cto rs oo whic from ions. cJ Give two ways Ill wlucb molecules arc diifu111,1 s.. ofga. ity dem the on C s3Ul' ofpre d) E,cplein the effect ISO Pascal. find the and (..' 27' Ill lilers 2 pies C) A cc."Ulio of gas occu me halfof their i.iidal values. f2 x S l Temoenrure when the volume and pressure beco - - - -- -- -- :,) Give one cxnmplc of1hc following . i) A Ductile non-lJICW ii) ,\ Tc1nuomic gas. iii) A gas fiJJcd io dectric bulb. 1v) A lustre-us non- metal. I>) What is tincture, lftve an ellample c) Explain ho" sugur represents a compounC:. mbrturcs d) Nnmc the process 10 scpa me the following Alcohol yl Meth + ooe Aro1 ii) r. i) Acet one i Wate ~ {4J [2] (2) [2) -- -= -- -- --- -- -- --- -- ---- --- - -- - -- -or rcducticm:ionlc equations slaling whether it is oxidation aJ Complete the foUowinB _; i) Al - ,4( ..... n ii) o ce ir:b) Complete the followins equation and balan 4 i) r a(NO3 )2 1i) <aV , H,SO, iii) PhSO1 + Hrl iv) NH, l'I +H,S O, - , r2J [4) cJ Give Chemical lormula for 1hc following i) Ferro us Aluminate. [2J ii) AJumiiuu'll l"biosulphate ii) NO [2) NO, u)J) show bo IO r;ir1a following Com.'OIIOds CWod J) Whnt is lhe Valency of N'lltOflCll in the ~J chemical change a) E<plain. Heating of NaNO, is a physical and b I Whar is Polymerization. )ll~ e an exam ple. wtlCII J;CO, is dissolved in water. c} explain the colour cha.or,.: in lilmus solution d) Gi ve IWO IC$1S for oxidi.dnS qeat -. is expo!ed to air. c} Give cqulilioo for reaction, wh:n pota,:sium [2 x SJ _:::::,. 5 SEC llON U (40 Mitr a) t1 A11e1mpt An:, Fmu ,111i:n1ons.fro,,, tl11s ,r ll0 m chloride can be lds ofa mixture of gun powdu and sodlu 1) Bric lly dc:scribe huw all the COlllpOW [JJ SC'ranuod.. Co>JT -- St. Joseph 's Conve-nt , Ch1nd1nn11ar 1 Second Term Weekly test Subject : Chemistry Class ; 9 F.M :: 30 ............................................................................................. ........................ ............ .................... 1. Give reason for the follow ing : {S} 1) Isotopes have similar chemical pro per ties b) Chlorine has fractional ato mic weight . c) Group 18 elements do not form com pounds. d) Non metals tend to form anions e) Orbits are also called energy leve ls 2. Answer the follo wing : {6) {i) Mo del of ato m proposed by JJ.Thom son . pl IA."" ~ .. JJ., (II) The ele me nt eka silicon was late r nam ed as : 3, (ill) Actual mass of an electron In S.I un,t . 'l 7- 10 11~ {iv) Wh o discovered the family of inert gas es i? (v) Which metal whe n hit by cathode ray produces x-ray? (vi) Wh ich was the thir d element In Dob erelne r's triad with Barium and Calcium ? 3. Dra w the molecular stru ctu re of: (2x2 =4) ' (i) Magnesium chloride (11) Am monia "a 4. Answer : WJite the alphabet denote d for the elem ents in the questio n [5} Element p II -Q R s .I i A z 36 18 24 19 23 - 12 9 11 7 T 14 (i) num ber of neu trons In the elem ent R. {II) A non metal of valency 3 (Iii) Element t hat will not form any com pou nd. (iv) An ele me nt having 12 neu trons. (v) Probable valency of ele me nt S 5. a)St ate Me ndeleev's periodic law . b) Me ntio n thre e defects of Me ndeleev 's period ic law . 6.a) Wri te two difference s bet wee n cath ode and ano de rays . b) Define : (ii valency c) Wri te the thre e conclusions of Rut her ford 's ato mic mo del . ... ......... ..... ...... (1+3) (2+ 1+3) I I St. Joeeph' COnvent Chllnclanneoar FN1 &amlnatton Subject ; O)emlstJy OOSS: D< :l It. :2 . 20 I ) E,M-IK>, 2 t1<IA Sedlrt) 4( Arelc .. ) 1.a) Mame the oasies e-,,olved In lhe followklQ cases : ream wth dll. hydrochlol1c acid (I) Sodun nltnte 1s 11e1111111. (I) l.!lld nltm! ls heatlld, (Ill) ZlnC sulph~ Ml!r, warn, ~ reldS nbtde lum M!IQnes (Iv) Ammonium dlchl'Ol'llllte ls healllll. (Y) b) What w11 you ob9eNe when : I) Aqueou s solutlons ~ Sodium cttlorlde and ~ nitrate are mbl!ld II) Cal!Stlc soda added to a solutkln of feffllUS sulclhlte Ill) Red mercuric OlClde Is helllllll In a test tube Iv) Cont. hydrochlonc add Is added tX1 leed dladie and wanned v) Chlamre Is l)eWld lhl'0UQII 1XJ1M11um Iodide solution C) ~ and balance lhe folb mg flQUlltlonS: II) NH.a + C a ( ~ i) H,S +H,SO. - Iv) C-a(OH)1 + C01 - Iv) feCI, +K.S - 1H) ZnO + NII01 --+ d) G.-e lhe chembll names of the followl11g C0fflPO\llds : (Iv) l( MnO (11) ~ (I) (CH,COO),Zn (D) (NH.)aPO, (Y) 1111(00.)a e) Give nmons for the fobmo : I) Slier nitrate Is always S1Dred in dlll1t CXlloured bottles. II) JmDure zinc IS used to prepare Hydrogen In the laboratory !s ii) Bements d same group In the periodic tllble ll!Ple si'nllar c::hernb l ptope,tl aoe,,ts l!dualg good are Iv) Non-nmls v) Sodium and ~ m a r e ~ under lcl!rosene. f) Name the mettlod by which lhe folowlng mbttures are Sf!l)!lratm :(II) Catbon trnc:hlo llde and wat2r (l) Iron and sulphur (U} piy,nents <A leaf un Chloride and wtllle nd Arrmon (v) Wa1D' and e tulphati (H) Barium o) GM! lhe Nll'l1l!S cl the folowilg eleml!nl:5 : (I) LIQl.lkl metals I) Non-metals having IUStlJre Iv) Metals that dol!S not reKt ~ 'Mtl!r or steam Y) Elements cl ftlSt period (IH) Maline earth metals II) Find out lhe odd ones from the folkJwilQ series stating the sclentWlc reesoo: HJO PA NOa, S0a. (II) Hi HSr, H.S, 00 CO, HA (l) Na, Mg, Zn, CU, ~ (t.)At., ff, Ra, Pb, Rn (v) K, Fe, ca, Na, SECTION - I <Answer AoY FOUi\) In water? 2. a) Whet are lhe ways d Increasing the solublllly d a QM!l'I volume cl gas and silver' chlonie? cttlor1de lead cl mlllture a rrom cttlorlde lead 1) :e ll!C)llrat you woukl How b) te? Cllrbala IDdlum and ~ l l M) Zinc carbonBt2 from a ~ clJ!nc: C c) Mention three adYantaoes cl ctlrom etogra~ . phosphate? Wrb the relall!d c:tlefflbl d) I) What wll be the effect cl llnu on aqueous solutlon cl PoUlswm l!QUlllXM\. (2+2+ 3+3) U) Define the ~IQffle ,,00 "51)011Slble for this obleMl tlcn. I fil12.ll ST JOSEPH'St;O:N\'r..oq sc11001. CIJ.\NlM1',"UliAB tlnl f,rm -2017-111 C:HEMISTlff Tim,: 2 tioun P lr : Jt-OI -ZOIT ' Full Maru BO Sc:cllon o I Anc-mpl all quc-stfon from s 1ion A anJ MY four qucsu~n f~ m ts 1 bnackc m g1w:11 11re oa qllC'stl or paru or ns The imrnJcd nwb q,ucstio ( 1120) SECT ION A (40 l\11rks) (.~lltmpt all q11c.mo1rs from thJS r, rt/on.) Oatujo1 I a) Cklinc Charles's law. b) Giv-c 1wo adv1u11ngc of using Kelvin temperature. c) Give two rc3SOOS \\by equations should be Bnlauccd. d) The fomJation of NaCl is a redo:< reaction. Explain. e) Phosphate Give tbc formula for the following i) Su1nnic Oxalstc ii) Nickel I) Whal g) Draw a graph for PY vs, V for Boyle's law. h) \Vhy do some clements ha\'e Variable Valency. i) nium Carbonate ii) Calcium Calc:ula1e the ~lative molecular mass of the following i) Ammo Bisulpha1c. ( Ns t4, H; I, C=t2. 0 16. Ca"'40. S*32} j) r is pol~mcrization. give 1111 exnmple. e explain. Heating of Zinc Carbona1e is a chemical as well ns physical chang k) Through a graph show the solubility curve ofGlauber Sall I) r Salt) Define Effiorc.sccnce and give one example . ( other than Olaube. m) With equation show the use of Hydrogen in Haber Process.. with time, explain. n) Reaction of Aluminium with steam progressively decreases blue, Explain. o) Aqueous solution of Potassium Car.bonote turns red litmus . At whet temperature \\ill the volume p) A gas occupi es a volume of 800 cmJ at normal temperature re being constant. of1he gas be reduced by 40 % ofii.s original volume, the pressu q) with equation. Conc.cn1ru1~-d I'2SO-1 is not used in the preparation H2. Give reason r) lraOoting II balloon seems to violnte Doyle's low explain. s) With equation slate your observation when Magne.~ium rcocts with t) Give the trivial name for i) Ammonia ii} Waler. I wnter. Conllnued ...... .. ... . :This Paper consilb or 1 prialed pages: b) Clas.<;ify the following ch&11~ into physical~ chem~cal changes:- 0 iv) H~~. f~u~S 1 v) C,,-1zat1on o . ugar . . . i) Water lo w11er vapour. '') Rustmg 11 v1) l:f.eabng of llllC oxide. . i) Magnesium continues to bum in Carbon diollide. . . ii) White deposit is formed on surface of Lad when exposed lo moist llf. iii) Sublimation of Iodine. c) Give veasons 6 [2+2] 2 a) Latent heat of vaporization of water is 2260 JI KT'' Explain [ ] 2 b) 1hc whbi\it~ of NICI in watct at 'Ul0 ( ' ia 40 _ gm. what do you undmtand by the Sla.ummt ?l ] c) Answer the following with respect to electrolysis of water: . ? i) During the process if30 ml ofhydrogcn is produced, how many ml of oxygen will be produced . ii) Give the cath<>de and the anode n:action. [3] d) ZnC/1 + AI-AIC/1 + Zn Explain the above reaction with respect to ()xjdatjon and Reduction clelrty showing the- ewcblnge of (3) electron. 7 {3] a) caeo, -L+ca0 J,B ,1,c Co(HCO,>,, CaS01 13) Write the equation for the following conversion, name your equation as A. B aoo C b) Write equation for the following. when Chlorine is passed tlvough water. i) In direct sunlight. ii) In diffused SIUl1light. [ 1+2) c) i) State your observation with reaction, wheo Sodium reacts with cold water. [2] ii) State your observation and giYC the fomrula for the compound formed when water droplets fall on a) white copper sulphate b) blue cobalt chloride. [2] 8 a) GiYC equation for the following preparation ofllyd:rogen: i) From N"itric acid. ii) From Alkali Solution. b) Answer the following question with regards to purification of Hydrogen: State the function of the following in the process with equation. i} Sodium Hydroxide Solution. ii) Silver nitrate solution. iii) Phosphorous Pentoxide. c) AnJWCI' the foUowing with respect to preparation of Hydrogen from water gas. i) Two ways in which W8lCI' gas can be produced, with equation. ii) Two diflmnt steps by which Hydrogen is finally recovered. d) Define Hydrogenation. 9 [2) [31 [2+2) [I) a) State the properties of Hydrogen whic.h makes it weful for the following i) Atomic Hydrogen torch. ii) Extraction of metals. iii) Meteorological Balloons b) _i_) Explain with ~ation_bow Sulpt.iric acid is added to the atmosphere. u) State two ways Ill which atmospheric Nitric acid is harmful to Nature. c) Explain the formation of Omne aoo its function in the Atmosphere. [3] (2+2) (3] OL CUA.NDANNAGAJ< ST JOSEPH'S COHVINT SCJiO JNATIONS - 1112 ~'T TU M .t:.XAM C HUU S rR t STOIX SC llN C:I: l'lp er-, l AIU 'll'V /0 13. "9. 2"12 lflls p., a -.s t bd lllfflUA OIi 1111 (U, w luH u IUld uq } Jl'fl'" pl'IJt'ill,d ~ . ,,,1 Mj int ,, ... ..,,, for, w'1J"'111~.llawsl111 . . ..,; tiL qunt11111 pap u 1 ll11 rtlll lll 1'1111 dJ,w Is ,o N ipe dtb ,.e r ll 1/u dJ,w ~ f o r tl/fflUIJ -- - - - --- ne 111M,,_ ., 1M l- 'of Jo,e ll. t,ry/,_ . pe e:C lr j rta &,a It, /J,.,.J.Ki . tt/11 l(l u,c ut1> L ufy11<~ 11w /n'4,1,J, ,J ,.,.,,.bjur f/llJL>J/u,u u, JJUJ S a. J ,s ctJlll/1f'lsary Al/ ofp l - [/ SEC TIO N l (.0 Mar111> ion. Attempt .ii q,mliomJr - /his Sffl dilfusion. a) S1a1c IWO ticlors that help m sical 11&10 of a b) Swe two &don on which tho pliy ..,..,iu depends. are d1fterm1 from ions. cJ ul\'C &wo ways m wbic:11 roolocwes dcmily ofps. d) Explain the elfect o f ~ oo lhe he lilm a& 2r (.' and 150 Pascal. Find & c) A ccnain mass of gas ocaJpies 2 valuc:s. 12 x SI al initi ir &he of half ~ c aur Tempenlllre wtJcn !he YOlume aod p,-c :! 3 g:a) Olvc ooo example ofthe followin l. i) A Ductile ooo-mm ii) A Teuatomio ps. iii) A ps flJled io cJedric bulb . iv) A lustrous non-mew. mple. b) Whet iJ tmc tl.ff, siw an e-ca compound. c) Explain how sugar rq nsm s a foDowina mixtures the e arat d) Name the process to sep + Methyl Afa>hol i) ACCIOIIO + Wiler. ii) A0eccae [4] [2} (2} [2] o:- iog wbdhcr ii is oxidation or niductio atiooa stl1 a) Complde lhe following ionic equ i) A/ Al'" ii)~ O b) Complde the followina equation and m balance it:- i) Ca( NO3)2 ~ ii) CaO + H,SO, iii) PA.'i(Jl " HC'I iv) NH,CI + H,SO, (4] wilw :c) Gwe Chemical formula for the follo le. nial 12) i) Ferroua Alw ii) Aluminium Thio,ulphlle. , ii) NO [2) NO .i) to bo ~) die Fcllo,riaa Compounds (W cnq in qi:n Nil yo( aac Val 1h11 ii l Wha d) 4) lN;aJ and cbomical cbanac a) t,.,q,lain, Hcatrna of NaNO, is I p/ly p 11 1-. ,lc . er. tion whCln K,CO, is diuolved ia Wil Explain the colour cblrwe ln litmul eolu b) Whal ii ~ c) nl d) Oh-e two tea J ror oxidlzina ap pocas.ium ia e>p wd 10 air. o wbe , tioo rw: o) Give oqua&ion ftx [2 ll S} < ~ ) 5 SIC'J10N D , F-qw.rt,u,ujro,w UM3 .'f l!CII OII ,.,. -, At# soclum chloride can be ach of a mixture of IIWI powder and (JJ l Briclly Ja.:ribc how all th,, compoo lllparlled. Co.a-- . . . . .. . & Jn 2 tb'I r.onnat, Almr-w-:: Dile ; Class : IX F1RST TERM WEEl(l.Y TEST Subject : Chsnbti)' F.M 30 1. Wrtte canplete balanced equation for the fallowing . Also state the typed 1eldl!11. [4x2] a) Heating d lead nitrate. b) a.un chlortde and sodium sulphate solutions are mbced c) caldOOl Oldde ts added to Cllld Welte' . d) Zinc reacts with dilute sulphurlc add . 2.(1) Deftne relatwe mol :ular mass. [l] {II) Calculate the molecular weight of Magnesium a,_,.1111e ~hydrate (2) [ Mg :: 24 , 0 = .16 , S = 32 , H = l ] 3. Give one word answer ror the followtng : [41 a) Number rl atans In one molecule of an eleut:ut b) Atml that has lost twc, elec:tJ oos. c) Raasible decanposltion reaction brouoht: about by heat only . d) Chemical that enhances the rate of any chemlcal reactton. 4.(1) Wrte your observation [ no equation needed] [3+21 a) Sodun hyd,CJClde added to ferrous sulphate sdutlon. b) ~ carbonate Is hceaed . c) Amnonlum dtchromate Is heated . {II) Wrte the formula of : a) Sodun thlosulphate b) 9annlL d1k>tlde 5.Clloose the <Died: chtmlcal rrom the gl en 1st to amuer the tt.kJcd questions:[4] [ fW tiSi'.rn nitrate, Sodium cat1Jonate , Magnesun , Acety1ene, Carbon d6sulphlde, Maybdenwn , Lead carbonate Lead nitrate , ethylene ] a) Prortdei used dll'ilg rnanufactll'e ct ar riOOla. b) Chemlc:al that get decorrlll-(Jsed by mong sound. c) A IIQold fumed t,v ~ 11ei1 ctlor, ct two solkls . d) A dlemlcal that does not decornpose oo t&tliig . 6. a) What Is PhcmmerulGII: ea c:iio, 7 Give an equation for the sane. [21 b) What Is neuball.atbt 1&Jb, 7 Give an equatm . (2] c) What IS a chemical equatioo7 (1J d) Why Is silwr r11bate stoled In dart bl:Alles 7 [l] t t" l St Joseph' s Convent Chandanngar 1" W eekly Test 06/ 07/2022 1. Chom l1try Std IX (f M : 30) Rcclify lhu lollo wlnu Cl\limlcal Formula, MnP0 1 I i ... I ) b. CaMn0 4 c~ >-1 ., c..J l Nai\10 1 1..--,11 le,, C ;, t-JoJ {\ I O J / N r; d. AIN0 1 /\ I ( --t , ) , / \/( r JO~))' e. AgPb01 Pl, 0 (SJ I hv, Ii ' 0 1 1 2. What do the following symbols denote : (31 a. 2H1 b. H' c. 4H 3. Give reasons for the following a. Variable Valency. b. Balancing or an equation. (4) 4. Match the following: {SJ a. W.ishine Soda b. Lime stone c:. D ustic Pot..,h d. Baking Soda e. Caustic Soda 5. - Potassium hydroxide - Sodium bicarbonate -- Po1assium Carbonate - Sodium carbonate ---Calcium carbonate -- -Sodium hydroKide - -Calcium bicarbonate {ll Balance the following equation. i) Cu(N0 3)i CuO + N0 2 + 0 2 Ii) Use the above equation to prove the law of conservation of mass. Given atomic weight : ( Cu = 63.S, 0 = 16, N = 14) [21 Section B 6. Name the follow ing : a. A negative catalyst b. A salt that decompose s in sun light. .A~ tJ ll, / tl c. A substance rubbed with mercuric chloride to give scarlet colou red substance d. Another name for photochemical rea ct ion. r ~.1 ~1,.-,s "3 e. A compound that decomposes w ith sound energy. 7. ISi I( 1 ,v... lJ lce ""'- a. Give reaction for the following: Chlorine water exposed t o sunlight. 12,2,ll b. State your observation with reaction : Ferrous sulphate added to sodium hydroxide. c. Reaction for : two gases combininc to form a solid. =========-=----------===='-=-~====--====- -================= ... I U' l}I. ST JOS pu s COHVUT SCHOOL CtfANDANNAGAR t1RST TERM llAMJNA TIONS - HIJ Ctlt.:&ttsTRV ,_, ~ " - SCIENCE Papa--2 A,u_.,od,b/NIPO'--N,.,,.;ae,,_.ptlpa- (U " "'IUUI lull/) Y_will_,,._..,rwl.,....,..,_,..~~ st. Jo11pli's Convent, Chllndllnnaoar Second Term Wew.}y Test C1ass 9 F,M: 30 SUbject : chemistry MassNo Atomic No p 16 8 Q 39 19 1.a) Atoms R 31 s 35 I / ; IS r l. - 2 , c; u" 2 , S , 'ii , I , . a, s 15 2,5 - ' 17 ') I ';J , .., I ' (l}Whlch one Is a metal ? a._ (Ii} Which one has 18 neutrons in the nudeus? s (Ill) which one has a negative valency of 3 7 R (Iv) Write the formula of the C01,ijJOt111d formed betweeli P and Q. c- I Q1 P l b) (l)What are Isotopes ? (II) Draw and name the three isotopes <:A hydrogen . c) Why does chlorine have fractional atomic weight ? [4+(1+3)+2) 2.a) Give reason : (i) Isobars have no similarity in their chemical properties . (A) Noble gases have zero valency {Ill) Metals always tend to form cations. b) Name the following : {I) A molecule having polar covalent bond (II) A radio Isotope used as the fuel in nuclear reactor (Iii) An eement having triple covalent bond In It's molea.Jle. c) An atan has 2 electrons In N shell. What Is It's elec:tJ011lc CDf'lfiguration and ata11k: ,lUOlber? d) Write two differences between sodium atom and sodium Ion . [3+3+2+2) 3.a) Define oovalency . When is It non polar in natl.Ire ? b) Draw the dlagrcwn to show the formation of ammonia molealle. c) Draw the decboo dot diagram to show the formation c:I magnesium chlorkle molecule. d) Write two dltrerences between covalent and eleC'iJovalent compounds. e) Chloride Ion and argon atan has the same. elecbUitk: configuration. What ls the difference between them 7 I [2+2+2+2+2]

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