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ICSE Practice Paper 2017 : Physics (The Bishops School, Camp, Pune)

4 pages, 70 questions, 63 questions with responses, 102 total responses,    0    0
Viraj Talim
The Bishop's School, Camp, Pune
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THE BTSIIOP'S EBUCATION SOC'ETY' PUNE PHVSTC$ - RIVISION PJIPER cfA55 X I ttdn cr lre pape Drovdod Eeparat v You !v not b! aiio4.d to \t|ie.iJriq trre f Ft i5 m'nui.s rirr. t n., s lt b0 sr.nt r rcln rs r[t qu.]ston p/per rre t m q vei al the h ad oftrr 5 papor f the t nrc a .*.d fot wrli nq dre.rswe:r Arsre..lo lh s pap.r nrurl bc vJr s*tion I jt canu lsary At!.n1pt aty f.ur ql.tttrnsfton Se.tton rI The irteDded nra*s t.t .t p"rtt Df questo.s a.. qtve. in t l a. Asprin! s kept compressed by a sma tfol y of mass 0.5tS surface as shown rn the fgure b low: ynqonasmoothhorzonta ata sD ed of2ms_r Whattorm ofenergy does th comprcascd sprng possessT ) wrrat 6 th maqnrtude ofthis energy possessed by the compr ssed sprn9? ' pendu um 5 suspended rrom a point o and oscilates about A po nt does trre bob hav max mum pot ntialen rqy and naximum kinetc nerqyT ) (i' ,C I c. How s th work done by a force measur d when th force i) Is the dtrectiof ofdisplacement. 'n an ansle b the dnedion ofthe d splacemont. iD rs d d. Iniiarcd tht is used to take photographs ofth earth from sate tes. whyT e Ident fy the opt cal nstrumentkept n the box qiven be ow Copy and complete the ray a. b State the pr nc pl ormoments. crdr | .n. q) -.d 9.\ r c'ollo^ o ^h,e D Burn nq ora cand 'n. F: c. i) d . what are w nd kmsT what must b the appropriate sp-"ed ofw nd, ta tum tria brades ofa w nd turb ne7 'il ray of light s pass d rrom. transparont medium (A)to a tran5prert mediun {B).It A n a.h cas the r lanonship between the faiiactve ndex ( >, < or =) drboth m dra an obrecr is Daced in front ofa convex Lans, such that th sizc as that orthe obie.t. Draw a d aqram to ill!snate trr s. State (10) a. (i) lfthe amp tude ora wave ls tripled, what w I be the erfect on ts loudness? (i) sele.t the quantites which are subjectv n nature and objectiva n nature Frequency, lnte.5 ty, P i.h 7 I Loudnessi Calcu ate the m n mum distance b tw en a source and be heafd Take 5peed ofsound =340ms a arge obsracte for 1. Time taken by a distant e.ho to the sound ro rea.h the tistener of2sw,4ow ard 60w. which orthem rr.s the ') ii) What wi be thc rcsEtance Fnd the valu of R n thc rollow ns riqure ir quiva e You aru g ven rhree burbs d Menton any two d ffercn.e. berdeen a. a Step'op and st.p down transrormer. Asource or h at, suppres rr cube. The variaton tenperature ofrhe cube wth the heal supp'ed sshowninthefiqurebeow: n th,A E il Fti (D what does the rlope of the part oE represent? rf cD=2 sAB, whardoes t mean? diagram shows a cunenr canyinq conductor passed through a cafdboald sprnked with Copy the d agram and draw rho magner. r rd rines rorm d when the cutrent s passed atrows to show the d rection ol the maqnet c fc d Incs. A rad o actve substanc g vas offthrc typos of rad ations: (i) Naoe th radEton which travers wtli ihe speed of sht. (ii) Name th radiaton which has highest ionizin9 power. cohp et th rollowinq nuclearchanqes: )-Nar ' e Ms +oP, asorid of mass 609 al100 !c is pra.ed in 1s0q orw.terat 20 Dc. The finarsteady temp ratu reco.ded ed capac iy or the so d Gp orc rred capacty oflater =4200 r k9 r K r) SECTIO B q!l!5!9!_5i A unlro.m mene ro! orwesht 50 qr s ba an.ed atthe40 c suspended at the s cm mark. where must a weght of 30 9f be suspended to ba ance the rod? b. (i)At what vo ta9e is the er ctrc power qenerat d at the p (ir)wh'ch two w res used in a hou5errod. r.!it are dt trre sama potenlia ) { i)why isthe ru5e w re rtt d n a por.elain casins? (i) whd s d .arorimetrrl (iDwhat s the sI un t of heat capacity? ( i)an tron ballor mass s Kq requt s 4s00I rreat e.ersy to r:,se is temperatur by 10 !c caculate: (a) h atcapacity (b) sp.c fi. heat capacity of the ron ba , a. .. a. { )whar are hsh tension w res7 ( i)rtrenton two chaGderstG ofthesc wrcs z b A ray ofrqht PQ 5 n.dent on one surface oTa pi'sm. A c ( ) copy and complet the d agram, ( ) whatisthen asureorrheanseof ncdence on slrface AB? is the measure of the ang e of merqence on suface Ac? state the sI un t ofmom nt of force i) when s the moment or rorce (a) posrive (b) nesarve? { (' )stat Newton's second raw or motion. (v)state the cond non wrren Force = mass x acceterarion, ho/ds true. ( 0 whal c. o (3+3+4) a. ()x'doess00Iofwork lr c. n 1/6 hours and,Y,does 600 I work in V3 hou6 Whatwillbe the rato or the pow r! lvered by X and Y? ( i)What s th eff ct of temperature ofth surface ora what s an erectricfuse? r't nron rwo crra.actersncs ol A bock or ead of mass 2s0 s at 27 !C was heated in a furns.e t lit completely metad. Find the quantry of h at requ fed (i) to br nq the b ock to mert n9 point (,i)to.omp te y met the brock (mert nq po nt of l ad = 327 !c, spe. f c heat capac ty = 0 13 I a L K 1, spec'fic atenr heat orruson=26rqr). (3+3+4) OUESTTON A: ength are shown n the Y z 24 <2L the res stanc or conductors x, Y and z rn terms o|A and L. is rre Errc bdween the res stance of x, y and z? ( )what ch conductor has trre rr'5tance? )wh ( ) whet is meant by total ( )state the conditons n cessary rorrota lnterna reflection v rt cel clirl fifes a gun. He he moving closaf io the criff by 32 Thi5 t me he hears an afref 2.s seconds. O F nd () The distanc ofthe clifffrom ve o.ity ofsound ( b. ( )rie the n t alpos t on ofthe man in! th rr quency olv brations ofa stretched str nq ncined plane and the vertcalh iqht is o calcuate the weght orthe vefr cc whch s pusri.d up the i wou d be requned, the positon orthe lens and and mage respdclvey. I 3 5 cty to trrat hcaht? a 1 a. (3+3+4) The diagram shows two @rls x and Y. Coil s conn<ted to a garvanometer G. X @nnected to a battery 5 and key K, The coilY B S obserye in the ga vanometer when closed the coilsX and Y are moved same speed rn the same (ll) what willbe the polarty at the end B of corLX? A postage stamp kept b low a rectangu arglass block of iractive index 1,5 when viewed frcm vertially:bove it, appeaBto be ra sed by 7.0 mm. calculate the thickness of the glass istance of 500 N thrcugh a disbnce ofo.12 m, when an effort of 100 N actsthrouqh a distance of 0.72 m. Calculatei (i) vereity.atio or the machhe (l ) M hanicl advantage of the machine +

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