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ICSE Practice paper 2017 : Biology (The Bishops School, Camp, Pune)

6 pages, 101 questions, 101 questions with responses, 204 total responses,    0    0
Viraj Talim
The Bishop's School, Camp, Pune
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TllE BTSHOp',S EOUCAIION SOC!ETy, FUNE 6!O!OGY - REVISION PAP R T cfas9 x prnvdad se!3fite Ar5warc to lhie p0pdr nru5| L. wriltln on tlrt l]ate' You w not be.llowed h {ril'r dr r r! the n6t 15 minrt$' rhie tme s io Le n rr:d nq th' q!esroi tap'r -J!!lr: er{i!l!: lgJ'll9ll1l:r-:!:' Atemlrl atlqc,.stiois fr.'. section /' !rrljl!49r1!t=tfl*1!!; 1 rnn anv four qlen -i :!!!!:t!:!!r,4!'"!!!1:"49{!: 'n' r'ofl s ction 2 !!:!:Jl:':- Ouestio4 | A. Namc the followingl l. The poini of attachnent oftwo chrcmatids in'ne 2.lmmunily due to genetic rnake up ofan individual. L An clcnenl presenr in Thyroxine. 4. The vilamin fequired for clolting ofblood. 5. Thc cclls ollhetestes that lroduce male honnones. (5) B. State the main fonction ofthe folloNing: 2. Bera cells ofparc.eas I Proximal convoluted lubule C. Giv n below rre five seis with fourterms ach.In set, one tern is odd tnd cannot bc grotrped in the sane category to which the otier bclong. Identify the odd one in each set lnd nane the category lo which the r amaining thr e belong. The liBt one (s) has bcen done .|s an cxanple. f,xanplc: Mitochondria, ribosomes, pl.tsiids,vtcuote Odd termr Vxcuole Cal gory: Rest are organ.Ues. L u dr narrer. pir mate'. oericdrdiLrn r.n ,ic e 2. Prosiare gla.d, lacrimal gland, seminal vesicle, urethral Sland 3. Ovary. urerer, lallopian tube, uterus 4. Benzoic acid, DDT, mercurochrome, boric acid 5. Vaseclomy, diaphragm, condoms, spemicidal agcnts D. Rcnrite L lnd compl t tle followirg byfiUing in th. correctword in the d space Penicjllin obtained fron a tungus is is the phenomenon of conlr.ction of the cytoplasn lrom the cellwall 2. islhe altachnenl ollhc blastocystto the walloftrrerus. Woodendoors swellup infaiDy season due to 5. The double walled memb|anous sac enclosing I E. State the exact locrtion oflhe following: (5) L Nhsl'sSranules 2. lris 3. Ofgan ofco i 5.Inierslitialcells F. Malch lhe items given in column A with the nosl appropriate ones in column B and (5) r.write the correct malching pdrs from colrnn A rnd colutrn B: Column B a. Protects the embryo 2. Kidneys c. Sight of li8ht reaclion 3. Mitosis d. Sdmulates production of milk by the mammary gladd e. Somadc cell division t Hisher Or demdd G. Given below is n diagram represenling a stage during (.r.follylnd answert'he qu8tioB I fhatfollow: hitotic cell division. Study ii (5) --->u w 1. Identiry the stage shoM. 2. Name the slage that follows the one shown here. How h that staae identified? 3. ls itapldlcell oran animal cell? Give reason to support your dswer. 4. Name the cell orSdelle thal foms the aner. 5. Draw a duplicated chromosome and label iis pans. H. St le whelher the following statements are true or false. If false, rewrite the correct (5) form of the statement by changing the nNt or last wordh only: L Chromosones olher than the pair ofsexchrcmosomes are called alleles. 2. Ciliary nuscles regulate the size ofthepupil. 3. Slroma is the ground substece ofa chloroplasl. 4- The pan ofthe ear assoc;ated with dynamic baluce is the cochlea. 5. Righlkidney is slightly lowerinpositio. compmd to the leftkidn y. sEeMNlE l40 M!!tr) (Altempl any four queslions ffom this seclion) Ouestion 2 A. Given below is a diagram ofthe longitudinal section of the testes san. and.rswerthe questions thatfollow: 1 Label lhe !!r1s I to 4 ofthe disgram. 2. Slale tbe tunclions ofthe pafis labelled L and 3. 3. Wh!1 is the significuce ofthe lestes beinS localed in the sfotal ofa n.n. Studv th (5) sac outside the abdonen? 4. what is thc roleplayed by inguinalcanal? B. Differentirt bcfwe n the following ptin oD the basis ofwhrt h mentiored within L ldentical 1wins and frarernal twins. (produced from) 2. Thermal pollution and water pollulion. (source) 3. Diabcles nellitus and diabetes insipidus. (reaso cause) 4. Lymphocytes ud neutrophils. (structue ofthe nucleus) 5. Monalily and nalality. (definition) O!!!!is!l A. The given dirgram r pr senls rh 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. questions. a structurefoutrd in the leal Study thc aame and answer (s) Nane the parts labelledA andBWhat is the biological lerm fo! the above siructure? What is lhe function oflhe pan labelled A? Where is tHs struclure likely 10 be found in a leal: the tem l|anspimrion. How many other celk are found sufiounding the sbuctue as seen in the diagFn? B. Givescientific re|sons forthe following strtemeDts: L Afieries have more elaslic walls. 2. There is a need to check the present mte ofu$anisalion. 3. On spdnkl;ng common salt on .{. Tlle ( The sr6s srowins in a lawn, the gmss is killed. litll groM human embryo res!;rcs but does not breathe. o\)gen demdd oilhe k dney\ i, Lr'gfe|hdn rldr ro rhe mrscler. Qlqslion a A. The diagram given below is the external view answerthe questions that follow: olfhe huhan brain. Study the srme ard (5) W: L Nane rhe pans labelled l,2 and 3. 2. Stale the main f,hclions oflheparts labelled I aod 2. L Howare the brain ceus aranged in the pan labelled'I'? uit ofthe nerous system? 5. Nane the fluid tbal surounds the bdn. State its function. :1. Whal is the struclural and functional B. Briefly explrin thctollowiDg terms: (5) 1 Hemia 3. Acquired imnuniry Question 5 A. Obsene the given diagrams A ard B and lhe qu.stioh thrl followl (s) L 2. 3. 4. 5. I 5. Labellhe parls Whatdoes diagram A dcpict? What docs diagram B depict? Connent on X and Y. Slate one lxnclion each oiparl2 B. Give lhe technical term L . 2. 3. ,l. 5. forthe dd4. lollowing: (5) Permanently opcn struclures seen on the bark of an old woody slem. Period ofcomplete intauterine dcvelopment ofthe foelus. An antiseptic substance present intears. lhe Feparaiion ofdcsd or weakened microbes. Protective covering around the hunanbrain and spinal cord. Q!!{iqn 6 A. Given bclow is r schenxii. diagran ofn porlion ofDNA. Study the srne rnd an$Yer (5) th lollowing qu stions: L. How nany strands is il showine? 2. How many nucleolides have been shorvn in cach sband? 3. Labellhe pairs numbered l,2, 3,4 and 5. ,1. Name the unitofherediry. 5. Gilc the tullform ofDNA. B. Answer the foUowing queslions: I . Whal do the tollowing abbrcviations stand fofl i) ts.c.G iD IUt) 2. State lwo causes ofnohe pollulion. 3. 1. (5) at the a8e restriclions lbr meriagcs by girls and boys in lndia? s.aLe r$o Jirfe ences belqeen Mirocic and \4eo.i. Whal a!!$ie! Z A. The diagrad bclow represents thc structure found in the inncrear' Study lh anss.r the questions ihaffouow: (5) l. 2- Name the parts labelled A. B, c and D. Nane the part labelled above which is rcsponsible fbrl Static equilibrium i) ii) Dynrnic equilibrium iiDHearing 3. Nme the audio rcceptor cells which pickup vibrations4. Nme lhe fluids present in the imer ear. B. Complete thefouowing table byfiUing fhe blaDls I to l0with the appropriate terns.(s) Fucntion,lEf lect of body Ghnd 2. 1 3. 5. 7. Teals 8. 9. 10. ---x. x--x--

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