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ICSE Practice paper 2017 : Biology (The Bishops School, Camp, Pune)

6 pages, 101 questions, 101 questions with responses, 204 total responses,    0    0
Viraj Talim
The Bishop's School, Camp, Pune
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TllE BTSHOp',S EOUCAIION SOC!ETy, FUNE 6!O!OGY - REVISION PAP R T cfas9 x prnvdad se!3fite Ar5warc to lhie p0pdr nru5| L. wriltln on tlrt l]ate' You w not be.llowed h {ril'r dr r r! the n6t 15 minrt$' rhie tme s io Le n rr:d nq th' q!esroi tap'r -J!!lr: er{i!l!: lgJ'll9ll1l:r-:!:' Atemlrl atlqc,.stiois fr.'. section /' !rrljl!49r1!t=tfl*1!!; 1 rnn anv four qlen -i :!!!!:t!:!!r,4!'"!!!1:"49{!: 'n' r'ofl s ction 2 !!:!:Jl:':- Ouestio4 | A. Namc the followingl l. The poini of attachnent oftwo chrcmatids in'ne 2.lmmunily due to genetic rnake up ofan individual. L An clcnenl presenr in Thyroxine. 4. The vilamin fequired for clolting ofblood. 5. Thc cclls ollhetestes that lroduce male honnones. (5) B. State the main fonction ofthe folloNing: 2. Bera cells ofparc.eas I Proximal convoluted lubule C. Giv n below rre five seis with fourterms ach.In set, one tern is odd tnd cannot bc grotrped in the sane category to which the otier bclong. Identify the odd one in each set lnd nane the category lo which the r amaining thr e belong. The liBt one (s) has bcen done .|s an cxanple. f,xanplc: Mitochondria, ribosomes, pl.tsiids,vtcuote Odd termr Vxcuole Cal gory: Rest are organ.Ues. L u dr narrer. pir mate'. oericdrdiLrn r.n ,ic e 2. Prosiare gla.d, lacrimal gland, seminal vesicle, urethral Sland 3. Ovary. urerer, lallopian tube, uterus 4. Benzoic acid, DDT, mercurochrome, boric acid 5. Vaseclomy, diaphragm, condoms, spemicidal agcnts D. Rcnrite L lnd compl t tle followirg byfiUing in th. correctword in the d space Penicjllin obtained fron a tungus is is the phenomenon of conlr.ction of the cytoplasn lrom the cellwall 2. islhe altachnenl ollhc blastocystto the walloftrrerus. Woodendoors swellup infaiDy season due to 5. The double walled memb|anous sac enclosing I

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