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ICSE Class X Notes 2019 : English Paper 2 (English Literature)

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Shreyas JV
The Hyderabad Public School (HPS), Begumpet, Hyderabad
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MOV - ACT IV 1. Where does the scene tale? Name the characters who enter the scene. A. This scene takes place in a court of Justice in Venice. The scene begins with the Duke of Venice, the Venetian noble men or magnificoes, Antonio, Bassanio, Gratiano, Salerio, Antonio s merchant friends and a crowd of other eager people. 2. How does the Duke show his sympathy for Antonio? A. The Duke shows his sympathy for Antonio by telling him that he pities him for he had to defend himself against an opponent who was stone-hearted and cruel, who did not a single drop of pity or mercy. 3. What has Antonio heard and how is he prepared to reconcile to his fate? A. Antonio has heard that the Duke himself has taken great pains to soften or moderate the severeness of his cruel plan of action. But since Shylock is adamant and no legal means can carry him out of the dangers of his envy, he can only face his anger with his patience. So, he is prepared to suffer his anger and his cruelty with a calm spirit. 4. How does the Duke address Shylock after he enters the court? A. In his last attempt to make Shylock show mercy on Antonio, the Duke tells Shylock that it is everyone s opinion, and his also, that he is only keeping up this show of cruelty and hatred until it has gone to the last minute of action. Then, it is believed, he will suddenly show mercy and repentance which will be all the more unexpected than his present cruelty. While he is now insisting upon taking the penalty, which is a pound of Antonio s flesh; instead of it , he will not only leave the penalty but also forgive half of the original money lent to Antonio. He will do so because he will be touched with gentleness and love. He will look with pity upon the losses that have recently fallen upon Antonio s shoulders. Those losses were enough to break the heart of the royal merchant and win sympathy from breasts made of brass, hearts made of rough stone and obstinate Turks and Tartars, who have never received any training in expressing sympathy or show acts of kindness. 5. What is Shylock s reply to the Duke s appeal? A. Shylock replies that he has already informed the Duke of his intentions and moreover, he has taken an oath by his holy Sabbath (Saturday the Jewish day of rest), to see that the terms of the forfeit are carried out. 6. What threat does Shylock utter to the Duke now? A. Shylock threatens the Duke by saying that if he refuses to let the law be carried out, then the reputation of his city will suffer. The Duke has to be prepared to face the danger of losing the very liberty of his state, by leading to a revocation of the Imperial Charter which gives it. 7. Explain: I ll not answer that . A. Shylock says if the Duke asks him why he prefers a pound of rotten flesh to three thousand ducats, he will not answer that but say that it is his whim (fancy). 8. How does Shylock go on to answer the Duke about why he would rather have a pound of flesh than the money? A. He goes on to state that he has individual whims like other men. He says suppose his house is infested with rats, he may spend ten thousand ducats to have them poisoned. There are some people who cannot tolerate the sight of an open-mouthed roasted pig. Some people are sent almost frantic by the sight of a cat. Still others feel furious when they hear the scream of the bag-pipe. In all these cases, there is no definite reason for hating these things. It is just a matter of personal taste. What we like or dislike is not determined by any reason but just by a strong whim or mood, which can overpower our reason. In the same way Shylock can offer the Duke no explanation. He says he has a deep rooted hatred and a definite dislike for Antonio. Therefore he wants the penalty in this unprofitable case. 9. What question does Bassanio ask him? What is Shylock s reply? Bassanio asks Shylock whether a man is obliged to seek the death of everything he dislikes. Shylock replies with another question. He wants to know when a man hates a thing intensely, why should he not kill it willingly. 10.What is Bassanio s reaction & Shylock s argument? A. Bassanio argues that a first offence does not call for so fierce a hatred as that. Shylock asks Bassanio whether he would give a serpent a second chance to bite him. 11.By which three examples does Antonio prove that it is fruitless to argue with the Jew? A. Antonio tells Bassanio to remember that he was arguing with the Jew. He tells him that he might as well go to the sea-shore and ask the ocean to bring down its high tide. He might as well ask the wolf why he made the mother sheep cry by killing her lamb. He might order the pine trees on the mountain not to move their high tops and make noise when disturbed by the strong winds. He may attempt the hardest things in the world rather than attempt a thing still harder, i.e. to soften the heart of Shylock. 12.What does Bassanio offer Shylock now? What is Shylock s reaction? A. Bassanio offers Shylock double the amount of the debt, i.e. six thousand ducats. Shylock tells Bassanio that even if he were to double it (twelve thousand ducats), and double it three times over (36 thousand ducats), he would still refuse to accept it. He wants the penalty to be paid. 13.What does the Duke now ask Shylock? A. The Duke now asks Shylock how he can hope for mercy from God, if he shows no mercy to others. 14.How does Shylock answer the Duke s question? A. Shylock answers the Duke by saying that he need not fear any punishment because he has done no wrong, as he is asking for nothing but justice. He explains by saying that: Christians posses many slave whom they employ like donkeys, dogs and mules in slavish duties and justify themselves for this treatment by saying that they (slaves) are theirs by right of purchase. If Shylock, using the Duke s own argument on mercy, were to tell the Christians to give their slaves freedom, allow them to marry Christian children, not let them sweat under burdens, give them comfortable beds to sleep on and rich food to eat, then the Christians will reply that they can treat them(slaves) as they please as they are their property. Similarly the pound of flesh he demands from Antonio has been bought by him at a high price. It is his own and he insists on having it. If the Duke refuses him, then he will be making an open confession that the law of Venice is a mere dead letter. It will be held up to shame. 15.What does Bassanio offer Antonio to cheer him up? To what does Antonio compare himself? A. Bassanio tells Antonio not to lose hope and have courage. He is ready to give his own flesh to the greedy Shylock and his whole body too, before he will not allow him to lose even a drop of blood on his account. Antonio says that he is like a sick sheep in the herd, only fit to be taken out of the herd and slaughtered. He also compares himself to the worthless fruit that drops from the tree and rots quickly. He wishes that Bassanio should continue to live and write an epitaph for him. 16.Who enters the scene and with what? A. Nerissa, dressed as the lawyer s clerk, enters the scene. She has brought a letter from Bellario of Padua. 17.What does Gratiano say to Shylock when he sees him sharpen his knife? A. Gratiano tells Shylock that he is sharpening his knife not on the sole of his boot, but upon his own soul (which is full of jealousy and hatred). He says no metal, not even an executioner s axe, has such sharpness. He asks if no prayers or requests can move him. 18.Explain: thou almost makest me waver in my faith to hold opinion with Pythagoras . A. Gratiano hurls curses at Shylock that justice itself should be blamed for letting a man like him live. He says that this makes him believe what the ancient philosopher had taught about the transmigration of souls i.e. the soul of a beast sometimes inhabits the body of a man. He says that Shylock s cruel spirit once inhabited the body of a wolf who was hanged for killing a man. When it was hanged on the gallows its cruel soul escaped and entered Shylock s body when he was still unborn because all his desires are like those of a wolf which is blood-thirsty, hungry and wild. 19.What is Shylock s reaction to this? A. Shylock tells Gratiano that he is only damaging his lungs with all this shouting. It is a mere waste of breath unless his curses can make his bond illegal. He asks him to be more sensible or he will be permanently mad. 20.What reasons does Bellario give in his letter for sending Balthazar, the young lawyer, to represent him? A. Bellario writes that when the Duke s letter arrived, he was very ill. But at the same moment a young doctor of laws of Rome named Balthazar paid him a visit and Bellario begged him to undertake the case in his place, as he could not do so. In the meanwhile, they discussed the case together, told him about the quarrel between Antonio and Shylock and his (Bellario s) view in the matter. They searched many authorities on the subject. He writes that Balthazar comes to the Duke, armed with Bellario s opinions and instructions which is strengthened by his (Balthazar s) own wishes and learning. Bellario states that the extreme youth of Balthazar should not hinder the Duke from obtaining his respect or esteem. He assures the Duke that he knows of no one so young as he who is possessed of such ripe wisdom. He recommends him feeling confident that when he is put to test, his (Balthazar s) own skill will earn him praise better than any recommendations from Bellario. 21.Who enters the scene now? How is she dressed? A. Portia enters the scene now. She is dressed like a Doctor of Civil Law of Padua University. 22.How does the Duke greet her? What does she say? A. The Duke welcomes her with delight. He tells her to take her place on the Judge s Bench. He asks her whether she has come from Bellario and if she is acquainted with the nature of the dispute involved in the case which is now before the court. Portia says that she is well acquainted with the case and asks who the merchant is and who the Jew is. 23.What remark does Portia make about Shylock s plea when she begins the case? A. Portia tells Shylock that his law-suit is strange, yet in such strict legal form that the law cannot find a flaw in his procedure. 24.What is Portia s reply to Shylock s question on who can compel him to have mercy on Antonio? A. Portia says that mercy is such a quality that it cannot be forced. It comes easily and naturally just like rain from heaven falling on the earth below. It blesses the person who shows mercy and also him who receives it. Just as no man can command the rain to fall, so also, no man can command mercy. Just as rain is pleasing and beneficial in its effects by refreshing the weary earth, so is mercy beneficial to the human heart. 25.How does Portia point out that mercy is not an attribute of weakness? A. Portia points out that mercy is not an attribute of weakness by saying that It is the greatest quality of the greatest man. It suits a king more than his crown. His crown & sceptre which are emblems of his earthly power instills fear in the minds of his subjects. But mercy is above such worldly power. It dwells in the monarch s soul. It is a symbol of God Himself. It befits the king more than his crown or his sceptre. If an earthly ruler knows how to soften his justice with mercy, then he comes closest to God. 26.What does Portia tell the Jew to consider, as she speaks of mercy? A. As she speaks of mercy, Portia tells the Jew to consider the thought of asking for justice because if strict justice were to be given out to all, then no one can enter heaven. We all pray to God for mercy, not for justice. We pray to him to forgive us our faults so that we may forgive those who trespass against us. He, who needs God s mercy to be shown to him, should show mercy to the man who needs it from him. Therefore Portia requests Shylock not to press for bare justice and to season justice with mercy. 27.What is Shylock s reaction to Portia s plea? A. Shylock has closed his mind to all such arguments. He merely calls down on his own head all responsibility for his acts. He demands justice and the carrying out of the agreement. 28.How does Bassanio answer to Portia s question whether Antonio is not able to pay the debt? A. Bassanio replies and says he is willing to offer the money on Antonio s behalf. He offers double the amount. If the Jew thinks that is too little, he will pay it ten times over. If he fails to do so, he is ready to forfeit his hands, his head and his heart. If shylock refuses this offer, then it will be plainly seen that this suit is only pressed forward from pure spite and ill-will. 29.How does Bassanio plead with Portia? What reason does Portia give for not breaking the law? A. Bassanio pleads with Portia to twist the law a little from its natural course for once. The great good she can thus do will far out-weigh the slight deviation and prevent this cruel person from carrying out his cruel design. Portia says that no authority is powerful enough to set aside the laws of the land. If it were done once, it would be quoted as an example in the future and would probably lead to greater misuse. 30.What does Shylock call Portia when she refuses to change the law? A. When Portia states that the law cannot be altered, Shylock describes her as a marvelous young judge, as wise as Daniel (a wise Jewish prophet). He calls her second Daniel. 31.What does Portia now ask Shylock to do? What is his reply? A. Portia, after seeing the agreement, asks Shylock to think again as he is being offered the money three times over. Shylock tells her that he has sworn an oath before God to have nothing but his bond. He cannot commit the sin of breaking an oath. Not for the whole wealth of Venice will he break his oath. 32.What decision does Portia give when he reads the bond? A. Portia reads the bond and says that the agreement has been broken and the penalty must be paid. This gives Shylock the legal right to a pound of flesh, cut by him from the side nearest to Antonio s heart. 33.How does she make a final appeal to Shylock? What does he say? A. She makes a final appeal and asks him to have pity on Antonio, take three times the amount and allow her to tear the bond. Shylock says the bond can be torn only when it has been fulfilled, according to what is written therein. 34.After permitting Shylock to take his flesh, what does Portia ask Shylock to be prepared with? A. Portia asks Shylock whether he has the scales ready to weigh the flesh and a doctor to stop the flow of blood from Antonio s wounds, to prevent him from bleeding to death. 35.What little does Antonio have to say and to whom, before Shylock uses his knife on him? A. Antonio says he is prepared for death and has strengthened himself with courage to face it. He bids Bassanio farewell. Holding his hand he asks him not to feel grieved that all this was happening to him for Bassanio s sake because Fortune has been kind to him than to others. Usually when misfortune overtakes a man he spends his old age in poverty and goes through it with sunken or hollow eyes and wrinkled forehead. But Fortune has cut him off from such a long drawn pain of that kind of suffering. He asks him to convey his regards to his wife and tell her the circumstances of his death. Tell her how much he loved him (Bassanio). Speak well of him when he is dead and when the whole story is told, ask her to judge whether Bassanio had a true friend or not. He asks him not feel sorry that he would be losing his friend. He says that he himself is not sad that he has paid a debt for Bassanio because if the Jew only make a sufficiently deep cut, he will pay the debt with all his heart (wholeheartedly), most gladly. 36.How does Bassanio reply Antonio when he has given his final message? What does Portia say to this? A. Bassanio tells Antonio that he has a wife whom he loves as much as life itself. But life itself, his wife and the whole world are not valued to him higher than Antonio s life. He says he is willing to lose all, sacrifice everything to Shylock, to save Antonio. Portia sarcastically comments that if his wife were within hearing she would not be very grateful to him for his offer. 37.What does Gratiano say after Antonio s farewell speech? What is Nerissa s remark? A. Gratiano says that he also is married and he swears he loves his wife, but he almost wishes she were dead, that she may beg someone in heaven to influence the mind of Shylock. Nerissa tells him that it was good that he is making this offer in his wife s absence otherwise that would shatter his domestic peace. 38.What does Shylock remark aside about Christian husbands? A. Shylock remarks that Bassanio s and Gratiano s words show how Christians regard their wives. He wishes that his daughter had married one of the Jew, Barabbas (a notorious criminal), rather than a Christian. 39.What sentence does Portia formally deliver? A. She tells Shylock that he is entitled to a pound of Antonio s flesh. The court awards it to him, and the law justifies the award. She tells him he must cut the flesh off from Antonio s breast. The court gives it to him. It is legally his. 40.How does Portia now trap Shylock? A. Just as Shylock is about to strike Antonio, Portia stops him and says that the bond does not give him even a drop of blood. The words clearly state that he is entitled to take only a pound of flesh. He is permitted to take his penalty, but in doing so if he sheds even a drop of Christian blood, his lands and goods will be confiscated according to Venetian law. 41.What is Shylock will to settle for when his scheme of revenge fails? Who stops him? A. He says that he will accept the offer of money which was made at first. He will release Antonio on payment of three times the amount of his debt. When Bassanio eagerly hands him the money, Portia stops him and states that Shylock shall have justice he has asked for, to the fullest extent. He can have nothing now, except the fulfillment of the bond. 42.What further legal technicalities does she state to defeat Shylock? A. She asks Shylock to proceed to cut off Antonio s flesh without shedding a drop of blood. Neither must he cut less or more than exactly one pound of flesh. If he cuts more or less than an exact pound even if the difference makes the scales(weighing machine) light or heavy in weight by one twentieth of a grain, if the scales turn in one direction or the other by the weight of a hair, then he will be sentenced to death and all his goods will be confiscated. 43.What does Shylock want now? How does Portia stop Bassanio from paying him? A. Shylock now asks for the original amount of three thousand ducats. Though Bassanio is ready to pay it, Portia stops him and says Shylock had asked for strict justice and the payment of the penalty and only these he shall have. 44.What is Shylock s reaction to Portia s words? What is Portia s reply? A. Shylock is surprised and cannot believe that the court will deny him the mere principal amount. He asks Portia if he will not receive his original sum. Portia tells him that he will only be given what is in the bond i.e. a pound of flesh. He is free to take it at his own risk of incurring the penalty mentioned by her. 45.What does Shylock say angrily? A. Shylock angrily says that Antonio should keep it and the devil should give him the benefit of it. He says he will not stay there to discuss it any longer and angrily prepares to leave. 46.Who detains Shylock as he is about to leave? Why? A. Portia detains him because she has another claim on him. She tells Shylock that as per Venetian law if it is proved against a foreigner that he has directly or indirectly attempted to take the life of any citizen, then the person against whom he had planned will get one half of his goods. The other half of his wealth goes to the treasury of the State. Besides, the defaulter s life will lie at the mercy of the Duke of Venice and his decision cannot be questioned or changed by other person. She tells Shylock that he has placed himself in an awkward position as he has conspired against the life of Antonio. Therefore he has brought himself to punishment. She advices him to kneel before the Duke and beg for mercy. 47.What does the Duke say to Shylock? A. The Duke tells him that he grants him life before he asks for it, in order to show the difference between Shylock s nature and that of a Christian. As for half of his riches, they will now belong to Antonio. The other half will go to the treasury of the State but if Shylock repents and begs for mercy, the State may impose a fine instead of taking the full amount. 48.What does Portia specify? A. Portia says that the fine to be imposed will have to be paid from the portion that comes to the State, and not from Antonio s half. 49.What is Shylock s reaction now? A. Shylock says that they may as well take his life too. He says it is no use sparing his life after taking away his means of livelihood. He asks how he can live after reducing him to a beggar, since he makes a living by lending out his money. 50.What does Portia ask Antonio? What is his reply? A. Portia asks Antonio if he will show mercy to Shylock. Antonio says that he would be very pleased if the Duke is gracious enough to forgive him the fine. He would transfer his own share, after the death of Shylock, to Lorenzo whom Shylock s daughter Jessica has married. But for the kindness shown to him he must become a Christian and must sign a will there, in the court, that all his (Shylock s) wealth and property that he possess at the time of his death must be inherited by his daughter and son-in-law. 51.What is the Duke s reply? A. The Duke passes an order that Shylock must fulfill these conditions or otherwise he will withdraw the pardon he has just extended to him. 52.What does Shylock say now? A. Shylock, whose spirit is broken, begs to be allowed to go for he is not well. He says he will add his signature to the document if it is brought to him later. 53.How does Gratiano taunt Shylock before he departs? A. He tells him that when he (Shylock) is to be baptized into the Christian faith he will have two godfathers. But if Gratiano were the judge he would have arranged for ten more (to make it twelve as in a jury) to take him to the place of hanging, not to the font ( the place in the church where a child is given his name or baptized). That is, if he had been the judge he would be tried by a jury of twelve judges and sentenced to death instead of baptizing him with holy water. 54.What invitation does the Duke extend to Portia? Does she accept? Why? A. The Duke invites Portia to dinner. Portia refuses the invitation and says that she has to return that very night to Padua and therefore it is important that she sets out at once. 55.What does the Duke tell Antonio before he leaves? A. The Duke asks Antonio to recompense Portia as he (Antonio) is greatly indebted to her. 56.What does Bassanio offer Portia? What does Antonio say to her? A. Bassanio tells Portia that Antonio and he have been delivered from a most terrible position that day by her skill and learning. So he asks her to accept the sum of three thousand ducats which was due to Shylock, as a small token of their gratitude. Antonio tells Portia that even amount will not repay their obligation to her. They will always consider themselves in debt to her and be ready to be of any service to her. 57.What is Portia s reply? A. Portia replies that one who is well pleased with one s work is sufficiently rewarded. She is fully satisfied by saving him. So she thinks that she has been fully compensated. She has never thought of any other payment than the pleasure of doing a good action. She only wishes that they recognize her when they meet again and bids them farewell. 58.What does she ask for when Bassanio persuades her to accept something? A. On insisting, Portia asks Antonio for his gloves and Bassanio for his wedding ring. 59.What is Bassanio s reply? A. Bassanio tells her that the ring is a petty thing and that he would not bring shame upon himself by giving her such a gift. When Portia says she will not accept anything other than the ring, Bassanio replies that he does not hesitate merely because of the worth of the ring. The ring means more to him than its actual value. He says he will send a proclamation throughout the whole city of Venice, and discover the most valuable ring in it to present to her; but as regards that particular ring he begs her to forgive him if he refuses to give it. 60.What comment does Portia make when Bassanio continues to refuse to give her the ring? A. She says this shows plainly that Bassanio makes promises freely. First he taught her to beg (ask for the ring) and now he is teaching her how one should answer a beggar. 61.What real reason does Bassanio finally give Portia? What is Portia s remark? A. Finally, Bassanio confesses that the ring was given to him by his wife. He says she put it on his finger and made him promise that he must never sell, lose or give it to anyone. Portia remarks that such an excuse is used by men who want to avoid giving a gift. She further goes on to say that if his wife is not a mad woman, and knew why she(Portia) deserves that ring she would not be offended with him for giving it to her . 62.What does Antonio tell Bassanio to do now? A. Antonio tells Bassanio that he should let her have the ring. Let the value of Antonio s love for him and judge s meritorious services to him, be of greater value than his wife s instructions to him. 63.What is Bassanio s reaction? What does he do after Gratiano leaves? A. Bassanio feels that he cannot refuse his friend, Antonio, anything. So, he sends Gratiano after Portia with the ring. He tells Gratiano to hasten and reach Portia before she departs. Also, he tells him to invite her to come back with him to Antonio s house to dinner. After Gratiano leaves, Bassanio plans to go to Antonio s house at once and get ready to go to Belmont, early next morning. SCENE -2 1. Where does the scene take place? Who enter the scene? A. On a street in Venice. Portia and Nerissa enter the scene. 2. What does Portia tell Nerissa? A. Portia tells Nerissa to ask someone to direct her to Shylock s house. Then she has to deliver the document to him and get him to sign it. After that they will set out for Belmont and reach it a day before their husbands arrive. Lorenzo will be greatly delighted to receive the document as a present. 3. Who enter the scene? Why has he come? What is Portia s reply? A. Gratiano. He has come to give Portia the ring of Bassanio and also to invite them to dinner at Antonio s house. Portia replies that it is impossible for her accept the invitation to dinner. She accepts the ring with pleasure and gratitude. 4. What does she request Gratiano to do? What does Nerissa secretly tell Portia? A. Portia requests Gratiano to direct Nerissa to Shylock s house. Nerissa tells Portia that she will try to obtain Gratiano s ring as well, though he vowed never to part with it. 5. What does Portia remark to Nerissa about the rings in a whisper? A. Portia remarks that she expects Nerissa will succeed in getting Gratiano s ring. She also says their husbands will be kept busy swearing that they have given the rings away to men, as a gift, but they will contradict them and swear that they are deceiving them. 6. What does Portia say aloud to Nerissa? A. She tells Nerissa to go and make haste. She knows where she will be waiting for her. *****

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