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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (Don Bosco School, Park Circus, Kolkata)

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Department of Education Jadavpur University
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no:s HOSC O SCIIOOI.. PARK C IRCUS IC~ I' l'IU IIOARI> EX AM INA TIO N : 2023-24 li'N la ISI I I.A N(; t fAG I~ \l:NG I.I Sll l'Al'Elt - I) /\f,I\ 111111111 .iltt\\1 , , Marlo , 80 /'1111r u//p11 t d /\1 ,, '"'"rfi ro t/11,, l'i,p, I' mu ,t /tr 11 r.lf l1 11 "" th, pup cr prov111l'd scpa l uu \I ,II ,wt he ollu wcr l to 11 rift' d11r, ,1~ 1:t tmll rotd y. th( /tr.~t 15 11111111/ c~. 1111 , 11111< ,, lo"" 'I"'"' 111 rc<1dm~ thl' r111e, 11nn paper. gm 11 ,II th1 ltr,ul of rh:, / ,1p, r ,s ti,, fl/Ill ' olln wetlfnr wr,t mg the 1 answers. Atrempt allj ii e qucs twns. Till rnm1dcd ,n,;,,.._ , for qui.>sfl()IIS or parts ofquest/On.\ are given mhrackers { j. }ou art' advt.,l'd 1i1 ,rl'11d 11<>t more them JO mm utes m answer mg Question 1 and 20 mmutes m answering Questio11 2. Que5rioa I (Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question.) \\ me a composition (300-350 words) on any one of the following: l201 (i) Wri te an original short story entitled : ' A Miracle called: Life' . (1i) Have you ever faced the negative cons equences of something that you have v.i.s hed for') Narrate an incident that showed you that you need to be careful of what you wish for_ and say what impact it had on your life. What did you learn from this experience? {iii) 'Adversuy 1s a prereqwsite for happme ss . Express your views either for or against this statement (iv)You are taking a leisurely stroll, visiting a place that you loved as a child. Describe what you see and experience as you look around while reminiscing about your childhood days. (v) Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests to )'OU . Your composition may be abo ut the subject of the picture or you may take sugesttons from it~however, there must be a olw rare::::ba)n between the picture and your composition . This queltion paper consists of 7 printed page s Page 1 of7 Question 2 [10] (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question.) Select any one of the following: (i) You have just attended a performance of the famous play by William Shakespeare, 'Julius Caesar' staged by a renowned theatrical troupe. Write a letter to your friend telling him/herhow you enjoyed the performance, laying special emphasis on the acting and stage setting. OR, (ii) A heap of garbage bas accumulated near your locality. The garbage removal truck of the Corporation has not come for a fortnight. This dump is not only an eye-sore but a health hazard as well. Write a letter to the Mayor of the local Municipality describing the inconvenience caused to the public and requesting him to get it removed at the earliest. Que,tion 3 (i) Your school is organizing an 'Education Camp' during the Winter Vacation for the underprivileged children living in the slums near your school. Write a notice to be put up on the school notice board, providing all necessary details of the camp andrequesting the students from classes IX to XII (5] to register their names as volunteers for helping to conduct this camp. This question paper consists of 7 printed pages Page 2 of7 I . 1.n e-mail tn thl' J>ri11l'i p11l ,)t' ) 11111 Hl! hn,11 1l: q111.!sli 11g hi111 111 p111vidc 1111.: nci.:css,lry thin gs for (ii) \.\' ntc_ '- hl ni: kh11a1dll, 11111 ch11n k~. 1cx 1h1111k8 nnd nthcr slal1011ury J orua1 1 <' 11 Cu mp ' I IM' e 11 z111g ti 11."' r u11cll1 151 m:u~riuls. Read the- folhrn ing pJsst4J.C ,'orrl\1lh 1111d 111 1'! \\ 1 1 the q11 e~1i11 11 B 11 111 1 lnlln \.\: Titre<. )l' U11!,l sblc-rs :-hh'd nt the sh.: 111 111 '' sul ling ship i11 11 11.J 1111\J s11 I11111 0 I o l I HQ writd ,ing 1hc shores of' Fngland foll ,I\\U~ inh' the- ,f1stu11,'C, /\s the " 111r 1s 11 1 the lh i~111I Cl1111111cl gt,vc plr11 c to the upcn sen, the ~,reat " hilc $,ul, ntxn r lhl'lll 1,1ll (m ul ,1111 in the stil ll!ni11g h1 ccw, Tlll lfm~""' BlntJ,; \\ cll girl~ " lh' ~l1'l'd 1H1 thl lkd: 11ml d11y, wi th lhl' wind whipping their rn>nnt;.1 rihbons a.gain:-t Lhnr ;.-hc-rk, . " l'li.' 1hc ddr1 1111~ " in a l:11111I) ol\ ipht l' hiltlil-11 A 111111 wus li ftccn, Marian thi rteen and Elizalx th c.h. , ~-n. 1111.-~ " 1.. 1-r 1,,, n th,.-,r \\ ,I) tll ,1111. w till: in II l\l'W 111ml. They were emigrating to America. TI1t j1..1un1~y th:lt 1.n lx fi.,r~ th,:m mi ght take sevcrul weeks, according lo tht: di '>position of wind and \\"e3thct. bc.-,~,re th<: t', p ,11N: ol th\.' ,\tlnnlic wus crossed and they soiled into New York harbour. It was complete h~.,"-. \\ith th<: \\ h1..) k of thl.'ir pust life in their comforta ble Bristol home. To the children it had :i 311 ti1e cxciicmc:1t and. at thl.' moment, something of the awe-attendant on venturing out into the unknown. JO Ho,,e, er. it "JS not as if they were going alone far from it. It was a large family group that was being tr~p!~1ted TI1ere were ~fr. and Mrs. Blackwell and the eight children; there were four aunts, and the go,eness. \~1ss ~1aJor. Samuel Blacb,ell, the father of the family, had owned a sugar refinery in Bristol. When the fire swept through it some weeks earlier, it seemed to him the final pointer towards making this major move about \\ilich he had been tentatively thinking for some time. Coming on deck now to join the girls, he must have bad a heavy sense of respons ibility as the last shadow of England faded from the distant horizon and nothing was ro be seen but a waste of water surrounding them: What would the new country hold for them at the end of their long journey? The girls, now that there was no more to be seen, turned to go down to their cabin, to the excitement of 20 getting out their belongings in such a novel setting. At Bristol, the Blackwell's home was the centre for many interesting visitors- social reformers, travellers from overseas and philanthropists such as George Muller, founder of the famous Muller's orphanage. It was the greatest treat for the children to be allowed to come down and sit at a little side table and listen to the talk when such guests came to dinner. Their favourite visitors were missionaries, as they told exciting stories about wild places and people. Only intrepid and dedicated men ventured into unknown Africa in those early days of missions, and they were great heroes to the children. One of the worst punishments was to be excluded from dinner when such guests were present. When, forty years later, Elizabeth revisited their old home in Wilson Street, the memory came back vividly aed to her and she had been banished to the attic 30 to her of an o,uts1tmljl ~ - - -talll in the ball and looked up. suddenly seemed to see a ifiilii for some nau little, childis the child was ~1 ,!~!.~ the whole acene of1he I dining-room paradise from which the passage) from the options [2] Page 3 of7 1. Philanthropists (line 22) {a) antagonists {b) benefactors (c) detractors (d) rec1pi~nts 2. lntr~pid (line 25) (a) fearful (h) timid (c) ~1ppr~hensive (d) Cearl~ss (ii) Which word in the passage means the opposite of the word constricted? (a) transplanted fl] (b) ventured (c) billowed (d) faded (iii) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. (a) Which sentence in the passage shows that the girls were excited to emigrate? fl) (b) What made the father decide on emigrating to a new land? [2J (c) What thoughts occupied the father's mind? [2] (d) What was the greatest treat for the children. at the Blackwell's home, in Bristol? [2] (e) What memory came back to Eli7.abeth, forty years later, when she revisited their old home in Wilson Street? [2] (iv)ln not more than 50 words, describe the gatherings that were held at the Blackwell's home in Bristol and also describe the experience that flashed in Elizabeth's mind when she revisited her old home, forty years later. [8] Question 5 (i) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. [4] Example: (0) The orderly _ ___ (come) back in a few minutes with a rifle and five cartridges. Answer: came Page 4 of7 ( some Burnwns . ( 1) urri vc ) urn! <2 ) (te ll) uci that the elephant I I I . I (4) (start) y 1 , '") Ill tlw paddy lh:ld:; hclov. ' 111 I1 \;W 11111t r el yo rcf g owuy As I (. . I . n (5) 11 1,1rw.ird. prucl ll'U ly lhl \\ hol e.! pop11l111io11 111' re tp,u,r c,s, I nrkcd 0 111 of rh c houses and J'I . II ) fl ' ( c ) ( ") 1I , 1 11.!)' 11 ( l<l ow llll' (7) (he) ulJ houti ng excitedly that r was ' s1.:c ic ' c rul . , ) (won t) the meat. ol 11111 10 thc111 , he Hlcii, they 8 ~0111g to :-hnnl the ~:lcphunl . 11 \ H is II hit i\ 1,_.,inwhill'. ~) (I 4 [4J (ii) Fill in the- hl1111 b \\ ith Uf'p1oprin1 ~ \\ord s. his 11.: 11111rlw hlc nlJ li icvcmc111E, (n) l~urilf pride-ti him:-d l (b) I lurish rcnd i11g I >r11iicl I >cfoc's ' l{ohi11r.on Cru ,oc'. b ,,h~or bcd (r) Gargi's landhwd has hldgc d a cor11pltii111 _ __ __ her. (d) iKnr,m St"H' n b~L':t tlll' acl'. ustom cd !he locnl cuisin e of' Kera la. er. (c) She is nnt li:tbk __ __ the debts incurred by her broth his silence. (t) fa~ csh s father is \'CXcd (g) 111e b~ggar is affiic ted _ __ dysentery. s in (h) Sarita intends to dispose __ __ all the plastic bottle her house. sentence without using and, hut or so. Choose {iii) Join the following sentences to make one complete [4) the c.orrect option. rejoiced. The First Tenninal Examination was over. The students ination was not over. (a) The students rejoiced but the First Terminal Exam ination was over. (b) The students rejoiced when the First Terminal Exam 1. nts rejoiced. was over, the stude (c) No sooner than the First Tenninal Examination ination was over. Exam (d} The students celebrated as soon as the First Terminal hand. 2. Seema was watching the television. A spider fell on her on her hand. (a) Though Seema was watching the television, a spider fell a was watching the television and a spider fell on her hand. (b) Seem on her hand. (c) While Seema was watching the television, a spider fell on her hand. (d) Seema was watching the television 80 a apider fell 3. The old man was kind. His sons didaotlove .... (a) Despite of being kind, the old (b) Although the old man ans. Page 5 of7 (d) Though the old mun was kind, his sons did not love him. attcn dl'd tlw ~chnnl cnn1.\'tt II loo", pI .iu:.. 111 th(; auditorium. 4. My tnmil~ (a) M) famil) ,tttcndl d the sd,nnl nmrnt 1111111011k plun.: in Ilic auditorium. (b) ~I) r.uml~ attended tlw ronn:11 , \\ htrh took pl.iu.' 111 lhr 1111ditoriurn . (c) i\ 1~ t:um h tltcnlkd a sd1nol crnwnl thul t(iok plmL' 111 1111 1111d1lori11m. {J) (iv) ~h family :ittcnlkd till' ~l'1 1nnl 1. nt1Cl'rl :ind Chl'l)Sl' thl' C\)11\'Ct option to S<.'l\h.'IH'C. t'l'W rit l.! 11 tnok pl ucr Ill ni1uudilorium. !hi.! foll owing nccording to the instructions given after eac [8] k\1r Ghcsh'" ,1ilml.!nt has mad!.! him too W<.!ak to walk. 1. (Remcn'l' rhl Adwrb 'too ') (:1) ~ fr. Ghosh s ai lment made him so weak that he would not walk. (b) ~tr. Ghosh's ailment will make him so weak that he could not get to walk. ( c) lvfr. Ghosh 's ailment has made him so weak that he cannot walk. ( d) Mr. Ghosh s ailment will be making him wealc so he cannot try to walk. 2. Shalini said to Damini, "Do you know where Preeti lives?" (Begin with: Shalini asked ...) (a) Shalini asked Damini where is Preeti living. (.b) Shalini asked Damini if she knew where Preeti lived. (c) Shalini asked Damini whether she knows where is Preeti living. (d) Shalini asked Damini if she would know where Preeti Ii ves. 3. The boy could not complete the marathon as he had injured his knee. (Rewrite using: 'prevented') (a) The boy's injured knees prevented him from completing the marathon. (b) The boy's injured knee prevented him in completing the marathon. (c) The boy's injured knee prevented him of completion of the marathon. (d) The boy's injured knee prevented him from completing the marathon. 4. Very few cities in England are as large as Liverpool. (Rewrite using: 'larger') (a) Most other cities in England are more larger than Liverpool. (b) All other places in England are larger than Liverpool. Page 6 of7 i!verpool is larger than most other cities in England. :Not very few, cities in England, are larger than Liverpool. s. Suresh was hit by a garbage truck. (End with: ... Suresh.) (a) A garbage truck hit Suresh. (b) A garbage truck was hitting Suresh. (c) A garbage van hit Suresh. (d) A garbage truck was hit by Suresh. No sooner had the music teacher ordered than the students started singing. 6. (Begin with: As soon as ... ) (a) As soon as the music teacher gave orders all the students started to sing. (b) As soon as the music teacher had ordered, the students started singing. (c) As soon as the teacher had ordered the students started to sing. (d) As soon as the music teacher instructed the students started singing. 7. How beautiful this sculpture is! (Begin with: This sculpture .. .) (a) This sculpture is very beautiful. (b) This sculpture was extremely beautiful. (c) This sculpture shall be very beautiful. (d) This sculpture was indeed very beautiful. 8. The Principal was very busy, but he came to give away the prizes. (Begin with: In spite of .. ) (a) In spite of being very busy the Principal will have come to give away the prizes. (b) In spite of being very busy, the Principal came to give away the prizes. (c) In spite of being busy, the Principal bad come to give the prizes to the winners. (d) In spite of being busy, the Priacipal had arrived to give the prizes. Page 7 of 7

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