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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Geography (Thakur Public School (TPS), Mumbai)

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THAKUR PUBLIC SCHOOL (Affliated 10the the Indian 2003) Certificxue Sew ISO 9004 : 2015 CERTIFIEO Geography H.C.G Paper 2 Maximum marks: 80 (Two Hours) Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. ne time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section A and attempt any five questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of a question are given in the brackets [ J SECTION A (Marks 30) Question 1 21 to Study the extract of the survey of India map sheet no. G43S10 (Easting 63 to 72 and Northing 31) and answer the following questions: (a) (i) Give the six-figure grid reference of triangulated height 1426. (ii) List a few civic amenities found in G.S.6821. one that (b) Name one settlement in the region covered by the map extract that has electricity and [2] does not. What is the evidence for this? (c) (i) Mention any two landmarks in and around Abu that help attract tourists to the place. (ii) Identify the drainage pattern in G.S.6824 and name the landform. [2] (d) (i) Compare protected forest and reserved forest. Give the meaning of siphon in G.S.6231 and wall in G.S.6227. (i) (e) (i) Calculate the length of National Highway 168 in kilometers. Give two pieces of evidences that prove that the region receives seasonal rainfall. [21 (ii) Question 2 On the outline map of India, name and mark the following: (a) The second-largest freshwater lake in India (b) The coastal plain of Maharashtra (c) The largest oil field (d) The Silicon Valley of India (e) Shade an area of laterite soil. (f) Nathu La pass. (g) Gulf of Khambhat (i) Western disturbance (j) Thar Desert (h) Damodar river Question 3 Choose the correct option: (i) The National Remote Sensing Agency is at (c) Bengaluru (d) Chennai (b) Pune (a) Hyderabad ITPS-Std.10-Geography-Second Preliminary Examination-05/01/20241 This paper consists of 5 printed pages. 1/5 [10] I') Givc reason: (i) The Ganga plain get', the monsoon ram much later than the west coast of India. (ij) Kolkata receives rnoderate rainfall from April to May. (iii) It is cooler on the mountain slopcs than on the plains in the surnmcr. climate data provided and answer the followin uestion: Jan Feb T ernp?c Mar A r 23.1 24.8 26.5 15.3 10.1 0.3 29.3 0.1 Ma Jun Jul Oct Nov Dec 32 1.3 32.8 33.1 32.1 30.5 29.3 4.5 6.1 10.2 10.5 20.) 28.7 26 1 Aye [31 (31 16.8 19.0 (i) Calculatc the annual rainfall experienced by the station. (ii) Suggest the name of this station, giving a reason for your answer. (iii) Name the winds that bring rainfall to this station. Question 5 (a) 'Rarncshand his friends visited Madhya Pradesh Chambal Valley this summer and found uncultivated land. [2] (i) Why do you think this area is uncultivated? (ii)What other term in geography can we give to this region? (b) Name the most extensive soil cover in India. Compare this soil with the soil found in the [2] peninsular part of India. [31 (c) Give reason: (i) Sugarcane grows best in black soil. (ii) Laterite soil is acidic in nature. (iii)Rows of fast-growing trees of different heights should be planted in the "Ihar Desert. (d) (i) Define: Pedogenesis (ii) Name two cash crops that grow best on alluvial soiJ. (iii) How do the slope and nature of rainfall influence soil erosion? [31 Question 6 (a) What type of vegetation is found on the western and eastern slopes of the Western Ghats? State the reason for the variation. (b) Name two regions where mountain vegetation is found in India. Mention two characteristics of such vegetation. (c) The Jntcrnational Day of Forests, also known as World Forest Day, is celebrated each year on March 2 J to raise awareness about the importance of forests and trees for the survival of humanity and the planet. (i)How does the forest affect the climate? (ii)What are the different ways forests are useful to society? [31 (iii)llow docs deforestation affect the environment? [31 (d) Give reason: (i) Acacia has long roots. (ii)Sundari trees are considered good for the building of boats. (iii) In November and December, teak trees shed their leaves Question 7 [21 (a) Global fresh water demand is expected to outstrip by 40 to 50% by 2030. (i) Why is it predicted that by 2030, nearly two billion people will live in absolute water scarcity? (ii)From your everyday experiences, write a short proposal on how you can conserve water? [TPS-Std.10-Geography-Second Preliminary Examination-05/01/20241 This paper consists of 5 printed pages. 3/5 (b) Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow: ptoe (i) Identify the means of irrigation. (ii) State two advantages of the above means of irrigation. (c) (i)Why tank irrigation commonly is found in peninsular India? (ii) How does the construction of a tank in Hyderabad benefit the locals? (d) Give reason: (i) Canal irrigation leads to the ground around it becoming unproductive. (ii) Johads are common in Rajasthan. (iii) Inundation canals are converted into perennial canals. [3] [3] Question 8 (a) The aluminum industry, followed by iron and steel, constitutes the second-largest metal market in the world in terms of volume. [21 (i) Why is the demand for aluminum growing worldwide? (ii)Name the ore of aluminum and the largest producing state. (a) Name any three types of coal found in India. Which type of coal is most commonly used in the production of iron and steel? [21 (b) Give reason: (i) The G-20 aims to triple renewable energy by 2030. (ii) Coal is a versatile mineral. (iii) Bhakra Nagal Dam plays a pivotal role in Punjab, Himachal Pradesh. (c) (i) State an important industrial use of copper. (ii) Name the leading natural gas-producing state in India. (iii)Name the mineral referred as 'black gold'. Question 9 (a) Distinguish between intensive and extensive farming. (b) Explain the following terms: (ii) Retting (i)Ginning (c) Give reason: (i) Ratoon cropping is popular in sugar cane. (ii) Silver oak and banana trees are grown on coffee plantations. (iii) Millets are known as dry crops. ITPS-Std.10-Geography-Second Preliminary This paper consists of 5 printed pages. 4/5 [31 [3] [2] [2] [31 (d) .Studvthe picture given below and ansvser the following uestions: 131 (i)Name the crop that is being planted. Give one benefit of this method of planting this crop. (ii)Which type of soil is best suited for growing this crop? (iii)Name the state that is the leading producer of this crop. Question 10 (a) Give reason: [2] (i) A large number of cotton textile industries are shut down in Mumbai. (ii) Products made from petrochemicals are growing in popularity. (b) Contrast the village and cottage industries. (c) With reference to the Bhilai iron and steel plant, answer the following questions: (i) From where does it get its coal and iron ore? (ii) In what state it is situated? (iii) Name two of its finished products. (d) (i) What are your views on the need for industrializationin India? [3] (ii)Name a center of the silk industry in India. (iii)State two problems faced by sugarcane farmers in Uttar Pradesh. Question 11 (a) Why is rail transport in India considered better than road transport? [2] [2] corridors. (b) Mention the significance of the Golden Quadrilateral.Name the North-South [3] (c) Give reason: (i) Helicopter services are crucial during emergencies. (ii) Sea transport has lost its popularity. (iii)The density of railways is lower in north-east India. (d) Identify the means of transportation to be preferred in the given situation. State a reason to justify your answer. (i)Rama catches fish in the river and wants to take them to the market. (ii)TISCO exports its products to Japan. (iii)Khyati brings gemstones from Gujarat to Chennai for sale. Question 12 (a) 'Waste segregation is important'. Give reasons. (b) Why is nuclear waste harmful? (c) Explain the following: (ii) Eutrophication (i)Composting (d) Compare Biodegradable waste and non-biodegradable waste. (e)Explain two ways in which you, as a student, can contribute to waste management. [TPS-Std.10-Geography-Second Preliminary Examination-05/01/20241 This paper consists of 5 printed pages. 5/5 [2] [2] [21 [21 [2]

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