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ICSE Prelims 2018 : Geography (The Bishops School, Camp, Pune)

3 pages, 87 questions, 46 questions with responses, 62 total responses,    2    0
Rasesh Ramadesikan
The Bishop's School, Camp, Pune
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THE BrsHoP's scHooL' cAMP-PUNE sEcoND PR;iil"TiNARY EXAMINATION (2017.18) GEOGRAPHY CLASS: X DATEr 28.11'20 17 TIME: 2 HOURS IoTAL MARKS: 80 .i':'"ffiilii;;il" ;;;iil rirsi is'il:F-":.Ilf ffo*.,@l*o-ii-TL"lslJ; tff 'ffi i":", ". itre. itre.1'.1'-'-' j'* this paper ^'lTi gJ111Lthe head or is ine iime allowed for writiD!9-!!9:?!9]!!Ia :;H'i;';:il;;'il:;il;il;'p"f A total of five questions Att.empt seven questions in all. Part I is compulsory' are to be attemPted from Part II' Part -I (ComPulsory) (30) oUESTIDNI:StudvtheextractofthesurveyMaDsheetno45D/1oandans\ryellhc following ouestions: the (a) Name and gave the four_figure grid reference of a settlement where (2) people of the region meet at least once a year' (2) mean? (b) wh;t does the c;nventional symbots at grid reference 1515 (.j tf u .un tere to walk from Gulabganj (1820) to Harmatiya (1916) (i) In which direction would he be walking? (2) roads that he would be using? of kinds different two are ttre wtricfr 1il; (d) V,/hat do the follo\,ling numbers in grid sq 1718 and 1818 mean? (2) (i) 280 (ii) 281 1914 and those in 1813? (2) (e) What are the two differences between the settlements Bamba in (2) (f) Name four facilities that Anadra nas which makes it an important settlement' (1) for the people of Dabani (1313)? ( g) Whlcn is tnu qui.kest means of communication (h) What do the following m an: (i) Brackish in 1915 (ai) Causeway in 1715 (3) (iii) 6r in 1218 ? (i) Mention two factors which support the following: (i) The Sipu river is in its middle cou6e (2) is seasonal' iii f-ne raintatt in the region shown in the map extract (j) what is the distanc'e in kms. between the distance stone 20 in 1818 (2) an,l the causeway in 1715 along the metalled road? provided: Q!!.E$iIIp!!-2i On the outline rnap of lndia (a) Drcw, name and number the Tropic of Cancer (b) Label the P', Narmada (c ) Shade and name Canara coast (d) Mark and name Mt. KancheniLlnga (e) lvlark and name the Nathu La Pass (f) shad..: and name a densely populated state in S lndia (9) lYark with a dot and name Hyderabad Coast (h) Mark and name the winds wnlch bring rain in winter to the Coromandel (i) Mark and name the Jharia coalfield ii; sf,aoe ana lab'el an area in w. India with red soil Part - II (AnY five) ( 10) (5O) OUESTION gri (i) (i) tturn" the type of climate prevailing over lndia' (ii) Mention any two factors responsible for it' (b) What is the direction of the summer monsoon wind? Why? (c) Give 9(iographical reasons for the following: (i) Ev en in summer Shimla is cooler than Delhi' (ii) The northern plains of India do not freeze in wlnrer' (iii) Kochi has a lesser annual range of temperature than Agra (2) (2) (3) questions that follow: belo\^/ and answer the data climatic the -c'iven (d) study -Rainfall lil iiiii Mar Jan Monti Jun May 23.8 EN 27.1 28.3 T 0 1.1 1.5 Jul Aug sep Oct 30.2 30.4 30.3 30.u 2.\ 46.5 45.4 43.3 20.1 Nov Dec 25.5 24.2 3.0 0.1 answer (3) Give a reason for vour ff:T:::,:':Jirii:l maritime have a *:,il:";::::ll;ili:;.*", ooes tne statlon (2) fr,HP",".#-",n"0'"-'-::l::l':'"1f":"iff differences in the a (b) i:f :::ffi":"'J.'i.""':,llJl"15[' (2) (3) l4ention tv,o on thr'-' coastal pluin: of h:'-1-''-' makes the soil fertile of the black soil which characterlsrlcs ( c) Menuon any three iiii-'"'""*i'.:""'""."ff 1:,jiJ,:Llilli:il'; ill to aunsu' ff:"::J l;,"":.:ioitoJ.'..a ffff""fff*" rposes (3) 'oit'' to exploit fot Forests are difficult Evergreen rroPical reasons wh' tott"ttill) \2) (3) pJ of I idal forests' (b) 6i'uJi,r"o .t,u.utt"tittics ;:l:,'ilil::"'.*;;'-*ivto'"'t"::li"^::,:::',:::; It l:',"::::::1""iio,1i.ii*". (c) i",*'on ,n.." '.u'o* in mons( (d) Name any three trees found these trees #.,Hffitr"uuons ioi r"",,"., i:l *. to a country like why irrigation is important railw i\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\:ral'iJit'lll.o" "*antases.or jl::""i1:ij",lllJli,,3li,ll; il: ffiff"" .-o ""d *r,, or state one use of each India have over sufface in India? whv? sources of c/f using non-conventional power' ;;;i i:H ;;;;t" lii l:] li] "otantages i:l;:il"H:.:'.:,:',i:T;:;."Naneardam'answer,therorrowins: of this project' "' ii,'-"." in" '"er and the reservoir il ;;t that benefit from this proiect l;it wells (3) (3) wrth the dam power houses associated li':!lT,1".T"liJ*'. 0,,0"*' "' : lT"?::".i: rndia (3) New rempres or Modern the i,j ;;;;;; ;"' '*"' river 9*,'.'-ll'^iil"iects carred are vallel triii the nruttipurpose H**n#-,'*,.0o...:1."^:::::'il}ff ,[[:HJ:l^Xff ::J::'i::.soirconditons;; i"::"::.T:".T,xl::fl,"*,",,T:;ffi :',i"i"'""''"*o' for the following: t.f [t" n"C)n'"on'*l reasons (l) lute has to be retreo' i ]ll,:","':1'J:Jil ;ji::j::"' "'." prantations srown on corree (rJ) Explain the following: (i) The propaqation of sugarcane by ratooning (ii) The propagation of paddy by transplantation (iii) Pulses are important food crops (3) OUESTION 9r (a) With reference to the Bhilai Iron and Steel Plant: (i) Name its ioreign collaborator' (ii) State the source from where it obtalns iron ore ano coal' jn (b) Give two problems of the sugar industry India' (c) (i) I\4ention two advantages of setting up a small scale industry' (ii) What is the difference between public sector and private sector? (d)(i) Why are the petrochemical Plants often located close to oil refineries? (ii) Name a product of the petrochemical industry used in agriculture' (iii) Mention the full form of IPCL and NRSA' ouEsTrof,t 101 developed in 1i) wentioLr tnree reasons why inland waterways are better (2) (2) (3) (3) N India than in S,lndia. (b) Transport is the backbone of a country's economy" Give two reasons to support the statement (c) Give two reasons why airways are used extenslvely d..rspite being an expensive mode of transport' (d) (i) Which is India's most ambitious road proiect? ( ii) What is BOT? purpose? (aii) Which is India's largest inland waterway system? What is its OUESTION 11: (a) Why is nLlclear waste harmful? (b) (i) What is the meaning of the 3 R's in waste management? (ii) Give an example for each one of the above (c) Explain the role of an individual in maintaining environmental standard (d) (i) Staie the main objective of the treatment of gaseous waste {ii) Name two cornmon olseases caused as a result of gaseous pollution ************* **** * ************ **x***x* **** )t *x* ***'(*xx (3) (2) (2) (3) (2) (3) (3) (2)

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