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THE BTSHOP'S SCHOOL CAr,tp,pUtrtE SECOND PRELI!4INARY EXAI,IINATION-{2O17-2014) HISToRY rqND CMCS CLASS:1O TOTAL MARKS:aO B.EAD!'{G TtME:I5 MINUTES WRITIIIG TltllE! 2 HOURS DATE:30.1t.2017 . a . . Answers ta this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. YotJ will not be allowed to write during the first tS ninutes This time is to be spent in reading the questiorl paper. The time at the head of this oaDer is the time allowed for writina the answers, AXempt all que$tions frafi Paft l(Compulsory),A total of five questions are ta be a$e[nDted frotn Part II, twa a]ut ol three questions fram Section A and three out of quegtians fram Sectittn B. The intended marks for questions or pafts of questions are given in brackets[] PART I (3O MARK5) ATIEMPT ALL QUESTIoT{S FRO[4 THIS PART quEsTlof{ (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) ,. Name the two types of euthority in a feLleral set up in India. What is the term of the l-ok Sabha? How i$ the Speaker of the Lok Sabha elected? Who presides over the sessions of the Rajya Sabha in the absence of the Chairman? To whorfl does the President address his letter of resignationil Menti'rn one lmportant function of the Vlce-President of lndia. llention one leglslative function of the Council of l4inisters. Which i! the highest criminal court in a district? Who presidee over it? l4entio. on military po\,ver of the President. What rjo you nlean by adjo rnment motion? tive ttl trl t1l tlj tu tlI trl t1I tlt alJSFttfls_.e a) b) c) dJ e] f) (9) (h) (i) ij) When and why was,qwadh annexed by the Sritish? t2l What t$/o fact$rs led to the fise of nationalisrlr in India in ttre 19th century? t2l Mention oily two objectives of the Musllm League, 421 M ntjon the significance clf the Lucknolv Pact. t2l Give anv two ccntributions of Subhash Chandra Bose. t2l lvlention any tlvo provisions of the Indian Independe ce Act 1947. State irny rwo objectives of the Forward Bloc. t21 Give any two rauses of the First World War. t2l Whaf- is understood by th policy ,f appeasernent followed by Britain and France towafds Gerrnany? I21 Me tion any two objectives of the Non iigned l4ovement, t2l PART II(5O MARKS) sEcTroN a (clvrcs) auggtro4S ATTEI4PT ANY TWO QUF iTICNS FRON4 THIS SECIIOIi. With reference to the Uniorl Parliarnent: (a) {3ive three reasons as to why the Lok Sabha is considered mor powerful than the Rajya (ir) (c) Sabha. State three exclusive powers of the Rajya Sabha. M.ntion a y fouf fu',rctions ofthe Speaker sfthe Lok Sabha. t3l l3l t4I 0!I_ESJIlltU_4 With .efe, ance to the Unron E\ecutive. [a) Whdt isi the tornpo$ition of the Eledora! college for the election of the President of India? [3] (b) State tfiree reasor,s to justify the indirect election of the President. t31 (c) l'.lention any four iunctions of the Union Cabinet: t4l ouEsTloN s With r-eference to thej Judiciaryi (a) What are the qualifications required to be apf.,ointed as the iudge of the Sapreme Court? [3] (b) Explain the t.rrm ludicial review'of the liiLjh Court. t3l (c) What do you mean by Lok Adalat? State any three advantages of the Lok Adalat. t4l gilJg*UP!-0 SECTION B (HISTORY) AttemFt any three questions from this Section. \.{/ith ieference to the Fifst War of Independence,l S 57: {a) Givu three causes tbr the resentment of the sepoys against the British (b) Mention three economkr cfiuses thtrt c.iused unrest among Indiang. (c) Sjtate four changes intrcduced in the organization of the Army after the Flrst War of Indepenrlence. t3l t31 t4l