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ICSE Prelims 2018 : Chemistry (The Bishops School, Camp, Pune)

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Rasesh Ramadesikan
The Bishop's School, Camp, Pune
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THE BISHOP,S SCHOOL, CAMP- PUNE SECOND PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION [2017-18I CHEMISTRY TIME: 2 HRS CLASS: X DATEr Ol.12.2017 TOTAL MARKSI AO SECTION A (Attempt all questjons from this section) quEgu.grllj ( 1O) qrven below: A, B, C and D in each case choices the from answers Perrodlc correct the the period of A) Select order of electron affiniti in a increasing correct in l.iins"o The elements i) Table are A. Nitrogen , carbon , boron B, Boron, EerYllium, lithium C. carbon, oxyqen, fluorlne D. OxYgen, nit'.ogen, carbon covalent bond is oi.cianic .-ompound having a triple carbon-carbon The ir) A. Crha B. C.lHo C r-:Hr D. CrHLo thermal decompositiofl is: Tne mei.allic comPouno reduced to metal by iji) A. Irolr(llI) oxlde B. CoPPer oxide C. Magnesium oxrde D. Silver oxlde solLltLon ls The solt which on hydrolysrs forms a neutral iv) A. Arnmonlum chloride B. S rdium chloride C. llagnesium chloride D, PotassiLlm carbonate hydroxide i5 v) The hydroxide which is soluble In ercegs oF ammonlum A.. Zn (OH), '8. Fe(OH ), c. Pb(oH)r D lYg (oH)'? formula will be vi) If the rnolecular formllla oT a su bstance is cHo'z its empirical A CrHzOa B. CzH:Oz c. cHo? D. CzHO vii) ihe metals at the top of the actlvrtY series afe /\. most easilY reduceo B. give up valence electrons least readilY C. least electroPosltlve caLlsrrc D. most easilY oxidised of boiling chloroethane with alcoholic reaction the of lhe of name Product viii) The IUPAC Potash isl A. Ethanol B. Ethylene C. Ethene ethvl alcohol' makes it spurious ?nE llJ"""'. *rnpound lvhich when mixed'"vith '"1 A. Methanol B. Methanoic acid C. 14ethanal x) _The D l'thanoic acid ofl ethene and bromine is an example formation of 1,2 dibromoetrtane from A. Sufjstitution B. D ihYdration c. DehYdrohalogenation D. /\dditron (3) OUESTIC'N 2: the following comPound9: A) Name the anion /callon in each of a gas which on bubbling through with conc sulpnurrc acid liberates i)' Compound 'X'on heating .^lL!hlp i11 lio u of ammonla .ir.ei ntt rate solut on gives a \ rhrte Drecip'taLe whrch rurns r'n'e wate"iirkv ias sulpl^urlc o'rLrle u' wlLh o'r heatrtg ;rr "' lompound on potassiurr permanganate solution, iri ri* ;:',;"i;;;;i:;; "" "t"ct i ) :;:l"J:fl;l',;ffi:,!Tff:1'"':$ffiT::.3i"","#ii:I:!#ii';'.{5::l:"":f,lj":".'. comPound " Tff"":"'i'i_'"!i.'oJ=_:l"j"ll.ljln L",jo?::""'"":g:i:::l:L*,T31'n" Ca.bon=26Jo/o , Oxygen =71.: ".0,.,.u, ro'.,,u .1',)n" i:inut.^''l,#:il;ll"i"ill':n:'li*#;;,';,";l:l''Ji:rfl::l"":il:'illi'::i;: weak acid. (r) 023 x I071 ) oxvgen t?:1:llN-6 II) _-' r)How many molecules are present in 2grams (1) (Na_ o.f iii lto* many moles are present in 2 3 grams of sodium zJ) reactions for the following: ffit#nn."o ''' ' r wt'"n waterchemical is added to calcium carbide .1itrate i. n.iio" oi.o".""tlated sulphuric acrd on sodium 3. +. (s) Burning of aluminium In alr' nciOutitea water with inert electrodes' B) Your observations: - State -__-t.'Copp". oride ls treated with conc Hcl chlorine' i. lnititoni" is passed through excess ofacid Sulphurlc . 3. Sugar is heated with conc a. wh-en oowdered copper is added to zinc sulPhate sorutron i. 1.."'"i". nvit"xide is added to lron (III) chloride solution ffi?Ht,.u, ' ' " -1. 2. !. a Lest (s) to disLinguish betu/een: (4) SoOiurn carbonate and sodium sulphite Calcium nitrate and lead nitrate' oituie sutpnuric acid and dilute nitric acid' Vungun"i" dioxide and copper (II) oxide (4) B) Iderlify the gas evolveo in the followinol 1'Theoaswh|chtUrnsactoInedpoiassiumdichromatesoIutioncleargreen' rs heated ,. ii.;At produced when silver nilrate in an aimosphere of oxygen without any catalyst. burns 3 The oas Droduced wnen ammonia flowers +. a ao6rt.a qas whrch bleaches moist coloured show the structure of hydroniLlm ion State the tYpe of C) Draw an electron cross dot diagram to Bonding Present in it {2) SECTION B (ATIEMPT ANY FOUR QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION) (5) oUEsTIoNS:A)AnswerthefolIoWingquestionsbasedonthediagramgivenbelow: 1. i. 3. a. by the above process as shovrn in the figurel Name the process and the etement extracted the main electrolYte Cive tne tJnction of the electrolytes added to with coke? wnv is the electrolyte covered W.lie tt'e reaction taking place at anode' i) Draw branched structural formula for the following: 1, Butanal 2. 2-bromo-2-methyl butanol 3. Propanone (3) (2) Give the foflnLrla of the next higher homologue of: 1. Propyl 2. butene QqESTIoN 6i A) A hydroc;rrbon decolourises alkaline KI\4nO4 solution but does not form any precipitate with ammonic;rl silver nitrate solution . Answer the following questions: (4) 1. li the hydrocarbon saturated or unsaturated? 2. What is the tvDe of bonds between two carbon atoms? 3. Dces the hydrocarbon belong to alkane, a kene or alkyne famlly? 4. !/hat will be the change on adding few drops of bromine soLution in a test tube filled with !:h s hydrocarbon? B) Explain, while di!uting concentrated sulphuric acid, the acid should be added to water and not water to lhe acid (1) C) Wrrte balanced equations for the three chemical reactlons that take place during the convefsion of sulphur dioxide to sulphuric acid in the Contact Process. (3) D) When dmmonium salt is warmed with sodiLrm hydroxtde solution, anrmonia gas is evolved . State 2 (2) ways in which you can identify the gas. OUEST:TON 7: A). Na, Ca, Mg , Al , Zn, Fe ,Pb, and Cu are well known metals: (6) X, Y and Z are coded letters for three of the metals ln the activity series of metals as given above. Pletal X, reacts violently with cold water and its hydroxide is not decomposed by heat. Metal Y, has Iro reaction with water but its hydroxlde decomposes, with slight warming, giving a black lrowder.Metal Z, react., vigourously with dilute hydrochloric acid but hardly at all with cold water. it is heated in steam, a white solid A is forrned and a coJourless gas B is set free. "f 1. Which of the metal:i in the list is X, Y, Z? 2. Write the name of Solid A and gas B? 3. A certain metal aoes not liberate hydrogen from d lute sLrlphuric acid but it drsplaces silver from aqueous silver nitrate solution, State the most likely place for the metal in the activity series. 4. What wo{rld \/ou expect to happen, if aluminiLlm metal is heated with lron (IIi) oxide? B) State the met-nod of preparation for the following salts: 1. Calcium carbonale 2. Ferroug sulphate (2) C) Write a reaction to show the foLlowtng property of sulphuric acid: 1. As a dilute acid. 2. As a dehydrating agent. (2) (3) OUESTLON 8: A) Grve reasons: 1. An aqueoLrs solution of the salt ammonium chloride is acidic in nature while an aqueous soilrtion of sodiurn chloride is neutra . 2. Why is it dangercus to burn methane in an insufficient supply of air? 3. Ammonia cannot be obtained in laboratory from amrJ,l oniurn nitrate. (3) B) Soive the following: 1. lron pyrites has, the formula FeSr. What mass of sulphur is contained in 30 grams of iron pyrites. When roasted, lrcrn pyrites gives sLrlphur dioxide accordrng to the equatron 4FeS, + 11C, ------ --' 2Feror + 8SOz r/Vhat volume of SO, at STP would be liberated by roasting 309ram of iron pyrites.(S= 32, Fe=56,Mo ar vc,lume= 22.4 litres.) (4) Nl|l b,el qf!g!,!. ns 1LZ 2A 10 Study the table above and answer the following questions carefully: 1. Write the atomic number of A, 2. To \ /hich groups does C belong to, 3. To which period does A belong to. 4. \ l hich amongst A, B and C is a halogen. 35 ._l two pratinLrm erectrodes and an aqueous li*1?H"1"1r""'i# *t*#.-il?1,t1",il'."iu: ""'"'i: towards the anode N;;;i[" ;;s mlqratins ions sPectator 2. Name the solution acidified? electrolytic i. wf.ul. tf'" 4. Write the reaction at anooe' ;. l;;; i;;;;;;""tion for the electrolvte taken for the following: a balanced chemical reactions B) "'-iGive-pieoaration of ethane from sodium propionate' from iodoethane' i. preparatlon of ethene bromloe 3. An alcohol frcm ethyl 4. Burning of ethanol in air' s. iitranoi reacts wrth Ethanoic acid' s*ffi i#,il,;'i","''"1"''::li';:ifl i:ii'"TTetrasbase' z. Liouio *t'i.n ao". not conduct (s) (4) electricity i: i""r:t*'l;'.:*""iiil1i'"""n"in"11;"e behind on heatins' of the following alloys' 8) Write the percentage composition 1. Solder. 2. Brass 3. Magnalium 4, Stainless steel. C. Differentiate between 1, Calcination and Roastin9 i. i""i. i"tp"r"a and covalent compounds' (4) (2)

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