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Class 10 Exam 2013 : English Paper 2 (English Literature)

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Jasraj Nanda
Sat Paul Mittal School, Ludhiana
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t jasraj.nanda a' ..' '.*./- ', #,1#. ' t"ffi.' iao.nlrO Filnour lir:ir. Sat Paul Mittal School Term-II Exam inati on 2013-14 Class IX Subject - English Literature Time -{llontd: 2 hrs Max. Marks: 80 Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowedfor writing the answers. Attemptfive questions in all. You ntusl attempt one questionfrom each ctf the Sections A, B and C and any two other questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in the brackets [ ]. SECTION A. - LOYALTIES by John Galsworthy Question l..Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: t16l \VINSOR. Tlrct young man hqs too much luck-+he young bounder won two races to-day,; and he's as rich as Croesus. LADY A. Oh! Charlie, he did look so exactly as if he'd sold me a carpet y,hen I tl,as paying him. n:ArSOR. [Changing into slippersJ His father did sell carpets, wholesale, in the City. Who is Winsor? What do you know about him? Who has been compared with Croesus and why? Does the extract show any racial conflict? How? \\'hat happens with. De Levis later? Is this happening important in the play? \\'hat is the significance of the opening scene of the play? t3l t3j t3I i3t t4l f ( Question2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [16] INSPECTOR. Well, gentlemen, there are four possibilities. Either the thief was here all the tirne, ytaitirx7 under the bed, and slipped out after this gentleman had gone to Mr WINSOR. Or he came inwith a key thatfits the lock; and I'll want to see all the keys in tlte house. Or he came in with a skeleton key and out by the window, probably droppin'from the balcony. Or he came in by tlte window with a rope or ladder and out the sanle way. [PointingJ There's afootmark here from a big boot which has !<e'Mtt of doors since it rained. '--tlij'GE. hrspector--you er--v,alked up to the window when youfirst came into the room. at b) v) .d) c) 13l Why has the Inspector been called? What is your opinion about him? discusses? Inspector t3l . possibilities the Which are the four to say? try I3l Whose 'footmark' is the subject of discussion? What does Canynge t3l Flave these characters any sympathy for De Levis? Why? you about it? [4] know do Wliat neu's. unexpected gives Canynge A little later in the scene De Levis SECTION B - POETRY ouestion3. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: l16l trhere tireless striving stretches its anns towards perfection ilTtere the clear stream o.f reason has not lost its way lnto the drearry desert sand of dead habit (l44tere the Mind is without Fear by Rabindranath Tagore) = 'i.Aat does the poet mean by saying 'tireless striving'? What does the poet rvant his countryrnen to =::ieve by tireless striving? 13l Erplain u,hy reason has been compared to a ciear stream. t3l 'iiei is meant by'dreary desert sand of dead habit'? Elaborate. 13l -i.:.a: :ccording to the poet are the hurdles in achieving perfection? l3l li :".i ;sr it be said that the poem is a song of pray er? l4l Question4. Read the extract gir-en belorr and ansrver the questions that follo*-: [16] \ Life is real! Life is earnesr.' And the grave is not its goal: Dust thou ctrt, to dzrst returttesi. Il/as not spokcn of the sou!. (A Ptalm of a) 'Life is real!' What lvas said earlier Lfe by H. W. Longfellow) in the poem to indicate that there are appearances rather than realities in life? b) What is meant death? 13l by 'And tlte grave is not its goal'? What conviction does the poet have about life after 13l :- -:--:-=: ;:- Explain in your words what is meant by 'Du;t thou art, to dust returnest'which allu::c: in this statement? d\ What does the speaker want'us to do before we leave this world? Do 1,'ou think the title 'A Psalm of Life' is approprate for the poem? Give a detailed ans\\ er. SECTIO\ l3I t4l C _ PROSE Q'..:rion5. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: t16l lining on the side of the undertakar makes the entire pharrnacopoeia look silly. Your litrle lady has made up her rnind that she's not going to get well. Has she anything on her mind?" "She - she v,anted to paint the Bay of Naples some day." s'tid Sue. "Paint? - bosh! Has she anything on her ntind worth thinking twice - a man for instance? " iiis v,alt Feople have of , (The Last Leaf by O' Henry) t3l Who is the speaker in the above extract? What kind of man is he? \,Vhat wa-s she? Where from? suffering is she t3l bi Who is the 'iittle lady' referred to in the extract? Why? recovering? I3l have of lady' this 'little does .j What chances Sue reply to the speaker's last question in the extract? \\'hai does lhis tell us abor.:: her ;hXnutdoes V attitude towards men? t3] Leo"r. t4] Last The er-rding of e) Corirment on the sr:rprise a) - - li 6l Que..tion6.Reedtheextractgivenbelowandanswt:rthequestionsthatfollow: t --' '" "-' )-*"""u'o' catne to yeddt3 "rr.rt,l.,r.-:,: '"'ih::!::: ::,:':::;;':7#";Y: f:;:;"'f":f;:;T;;7::':,"":J"" -'rJS mattered fu me that l1s L'LLL' tLqtrw )::: pocket, as if the soJt touctt oJ tnul " #r" ro lorgnr n,"i"tiramttv In a "to'lnen'f I reatis:; ii, ::i:;!jlf!,f:T'";;;'#:r';f:i:l;:;i'i!i:iff;; ',.' ,,",t= ::,t:,';j:i,*:k'";&;'#;lilifl{fi{!i::'rr::;;;:";;;r;;nitv and so was I' ;''.',' '","1'!'i;'!,{i";iiii'';;;;;:;; was afather by Rabindrattath Tagore) Qhe Kabutiwala carry tt t"ttn ,memorabilia of his daughter'? why does the Kabuliwala \\-hat is referred to as the !11 ral L"l Koikata? of streets the himselfl himselfl L1'^L ; in ' tfr3t1!1]:lT]t*l1ti|t.""ut reasoil a request Give .r accept his request? i\.hat are some of the 'merchandisg' ,f"ur.' n:;ril;ji,1fr"i:1il:i::,:"f;JuJ;i#;'il;;; ffiyour oPlnlon' for before him? when Mini finaiiy appears shocked Kabuliwala the d) Whv is d;;;*ator helps the F'abuliwala' ;;J#;;*J h"; ' trl i3l t4l

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