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Class 10 Exam 2016 : punjab (Sat Paul Mittal School, Ludhiana)

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Jasraj Nanda
Sat Paul Mittal School, Ludhiana
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jasraj.nanda Sat Paul Mittal Schoot Finaf Examinations 2AL4-L5 Punja bi ClassX I Time Allowed: 3 Hours M.M.80 (i) Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. (ii) You will not be allowed to write during the first L5 minutes, this time to be spent in reading the question paper. This paper consists of two sections, A & B. Attempt all questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of it are given in the brackets. [Section- A] (40 Marks] Q.1. Write a short composition in Punjabi of approximately 250 words on any one of the following (i) sn l HtThrrrr (ii) rI= EE (15) el Flnhdr (iii) Hralrrtr HHrff,-d /' , L E-d-Ehzt \ :--&:-^ (rv) eq ----:---4,---4. d-J U66 3 P{f, E-J 7gg 1r tttHd , AJ-!.C---: :..j^e^ -3:-: ^ l U tl lqr?rci tlr l Urc qe'ge Uo, VUo'0ldH (V) dO' leJl JH |C --o-:-o--J.c---+--i:-0 eq d JUrd Hd uladr, frfu-d ilnEt F EU il-fi !F a3: - & q\\ '1 O,J \ v IT Q.2. Write a letter in Punjabi in approximately 120 words on any one of the topics given below: - -o ffi fufu)d fuS ffi fe H 3 120 ry''i ea g-fl ?i rrra =u- uftF a-w-r6 ?i i1-56 Fs ff b/ FEd.el fuolni=-s furi: - ats'aad u'i trmffi ffi s'i tisn drs luir nUl f>t \td r Q.3. Read the passage given below and answer in Punjabi the Questions that follow, using your6 own words as far as possible: - ,/\ \ ft t "lyf .is i6 fttg \ er l $ .,\ q-=*e G'r Gbtlr-," t g* +'r* lE ft , rr? k t #'nnr8, --a -------l: I el ccJ o(cl -----4 HU ' Cll qs rr t o'e) Ffd n: dg. ggg fOO tt rJ FffidT Ae Hg g a AW e *g e, .a5.J cX'Ct' I rfA R.A -, tr d,rT dfi fu-d'3'd?rridT fud E-'6-&rt d kilJ di+El fue? h{f,-dg HEryd el s'Qne'ild E {u.oe1 oe iel )dH A *d f durr$ 6-S-: a3:rr-S sE6' uiis tr nrfo-o d rg qE t F a ffi 6B 3 EE Sg fu dr 3 fls)r'6 1 fuJ d sa qa' ir ff,F Hrbrr O ff-se-6 aw fus '6EfS' afo a fEfufi' #s fr h+t ,-,+ ,n?-, --._ il(5 -*Hd Cr .:,, Uat-U,ar' :O dlTE -- - ir 6WA ?a aw gH ?i da )i6 a Lrflarr +e'aiAn 1 fEE E-61fl' t*= iir-{ .U _ Usso U fus fln e tfE "0" ge a-*s am fue f -d f,frB w- )fr en' dii11i 1 torilJ a-sa- s sJ a *{ ' rrnre.ateo 9 a nrrvg ffi, c-=- :--A +-' , n-) lcu ddlH'o fiF dueE-' uo fla+ra-$ 5gtcx - cicx effl?tt e1dr+El3 rro-g, -s .Ci----: -:. -C--------C--: -:5 qc --L: , tgr I 3 J UJ d d lqHcruicl,Tr o loee do, Hafl = yrrao d arrd, fo}a-dr el asr+s iiz oar &d a-fi FrEsi fa fuJ ', &&nt', +ffi 3 FfvErEi fl{il-3 1dHE1a's afi EE Fd }fli, ffi ll8 A$di,ur$ne 3 idfurt' e1 r-sss ir ffi O Ul-ou iu & u" s ffi g gl41s15-gr sisr fi1 *o 6fz" r:? tii; ris-d{ a HA kd EF d Ucrag R i af i: (i) HF t ar-a.o ... l-: )"/|fd (lll) - HH -\-: fu ffi dh{J : aJ \ .cc lgHcr rd ldH 5c' e -c.. z_ am ? go-c dd6 a-e le= sa- t} --=Ffr t= Q.4. (a) Use the following idioms in sentences of your own: bjlre-fu4,t t ea EE- a r,rge- rlnz aE : r i iv r ge-,rs (l) dcr o,at dlct' (4) (iii) d6'w.6Er cxqo' ;. , d6 dJc6' (lv) --a(b) Give the antonyms of the following: n,\,n t cLil .-.'.'-' Hdc (ll) du H,G c{c6' (2) t.$ (iii) ftnis' (i) er=1 (ii) \ /.\:- (rv) 3dr ilrJ (c) Give one word for each of the following sentences: (2\ \_/ i 4-!udj Hde' --4 el q' }t.ltr. ,,r-.C.O n +ol(, t't cr il) lq\J --> --------:- r...r 55 (iii) Fd ,. . -c-- ,." a---:-s----:-: (ll) lnH - do dlct e' q5' u s - -4-. a]{ Tdd ry - o' u (lV) ltlUfr 6'e'C --:: = Section-B (40 Marks) ffir{i dd.elrdi e.5. Read the extract given below and answer in Punjabi, the questions that follow: fu fuifr l6bg o 3 UFst a 9:-d ,z+c |fr. ir,6 ffi{ e1 fud aTs e-'u g e-{ E L{5 g os du, +E y ur &s foa]T ae 'd7 ; =-7 a LiB' 1id a 3 aielr Ee s urg El T r fu H.'?5 ffu- -'- 35- ;:;; uff E ff r ifr a kd' 5 # i .c-- -4, tdd, Hil A rlyh(i) t^ " 4 1ii; n-iy+F--:--+--+o dr6 E5 edr g rdirrt EY--o^ tno ffiu O aev ftiu i .r ffi: i "'' Er-sr - i urs r"o fi5r z''- =g 5" ft. f l r ' -4t./z , 6t cn \ dPf' (iv i a3 e1 qeu gmdi adr 1,5 (;3) Q'5' Read the Extract given below and*anslirer in F,urrjabi, the rpuestions that f'llow: i6+ fut*T r?il*r f re g;-i,*, _ a =fgaa, Fa il-dTfshr' ;ff .faft r ta-fr.n$, ii fuiryrr ci?T {-,'Er uc_}rs., a -d-' fud 6-d-re r b,rrfi*g mx d d,r.d' tre$e ir' E*,Err ar-sr& -6aa,v, r-nf,brt. ,il+ dEg=fu?t gu ati ,r ;m m ufo.s, ci t&re g uu'-r;'amd Ee-r'krs frTry'a rr qF-,r err tfuri,, ila p.Ers eii n-o fsg p,q.ry-,ft',rrr (i; rilra EJ r+i'rrfrs rn,lg fuJ fttfi i frl (ii) ilg d'A ii ;rnd (ivi Etr* Q' ;l-' d qr,rr frKil irni y ffi a1 -, f {3)t (2] . atu' I tS ,tSJ q I (3) Ig !3 _w 7' Rearl the extract ;given below andanswer in ry H.g 5 *l Elurn Bx * *ri d rlq;l'-d. ftplt' a-u* t p*i.ui, the ,rluestions -,ffi tu. o ai,tury, ei', #*il-: that follow: y-.ffi F #en tfi $ , trijlit tfiit rm-d3 Lr;Jr ii :'a r-nl faiiri' ii; re,f e'*s' fa;trE + ad += Str (ii) futr klr s &r H il=r ifu,.r, t (iv) $tr* E fbr ffirfr fHe.efi itls fdy i (iii) rifuni ? (2) r=e mvtit a1,rss'f,r t.fu B 1ra.*r a_3 ffir ? (s) l (2) ,l (3) Q'8' Read the lHtract pliv'en below and answer in purrjabi, the c;uestions that fcrlllow: fsEl fte= 1f ug e"w#5 _ -d 6[d, ^g riS1, trEr,.3 q ,, H ffi,'';;ilSl; :ymS,X a,B H-Es rnarnrrr Erft .* ::f,y,Iry il;# # ;_=# rJ ffi Tffi-#'# fuH 'Hi & T;.H::J1H Etrr;;i 1ir lfi fa nirrfi drsTi A.*.,. ilffi (i) fuJ HrE *a,, fuHS .t a-F dfo fuc.' d7 (ii) n-eir*t* f;i.mfx ftS', nr,.e1n1? (iiir pc1-} ErffiJ' &]T srili sr fB.5qrd Sr hinr8 ts,.s'il ft'Qr {v.i fn fudtnfi q fq{ jbr* r ,('r,( ly/ tr\ (2) 3 mz) (2) (3) (3) L , wh ) bt /,5 r

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