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ICSE Board Exam 2016 : punjabi

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Jasraj Nanda
Sat Paul Mittal School, Ludhiana
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PUNJABI (Second Language) (Three hours) . Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes- This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowedfor writing the answers. This paper comprises of rwo Sections : Section A and Section B. Attempt all the questions from Section A. Attempt anyfour questions.from Section B, answering at least one question eachfrom the two books you hove studied and any two other questions. The intended marks for questions or part of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION A (40 Marks) Attempt all questions. Question I Write a short composition in Punjabi of approximately 250 words on any ONE of the following topics :- [15] H 93 ui?-uf.z 25 o H:rs s tH fFrd fr fu8' :(D qS n'3 a.u qr&r4t'ured'e' IT'3 * 6 * fisr. sem fii*arr ua. tlrrrrt ffir n{S ffi 4ffirfr ffi uras'q.} m, fu * gd'3 Ffrss' S fer'd rrs i6 ffi Hrllri- ffi' fdv i' fd.R F{ t (ii) HtEa'r'e*a'r'ry AJrf m{fi{41rn i (iii) Hffi fi+s q fd-d'!EFE. ila8 3 (iv) 'rra ;fr3 ngr rfrs' fsr qErd ?tB I EEr pd Er4r r ft*fos f vrd, urer TT')iftr{ mrel ffi t This Paper consists of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page. Tt6 tzl @ Copyright reserved. Turn over (v) t6 fdit 3IrSa u a gd':i rrs f o * fu?'ft fr'f -d ire. ge ua,', fu ftri urar, ilJ.e1fr. &q d'fr ltr Ei :-- I Question 2 Write a letter in Punjabi in approxim ately l2}words on any ONE of the topics given below:-- 17l ffi HF,{ifd 'ffi film f v ftrE :- rd{ (t tr{ fud firt, ftF ffr to, ry'uq fifsd Tr Fr&fr o; H )?f sgct- . (changes) r fudT (ii) 'tl6 t2l g ura-ura 120 F rs d afr F* fi#.ltzriya =ld'3 ats'ioprt'i r fss.ii d farnirs f+u frli EF g uax'd il6, fsr 6* Hftrd c Liq )Hflg )rrdnir d # J imd ad'r 3t-d'3 # Fr*zir aild J' Question 3 Read the passage given below and answer in Punjabi, the questions that follow, using your own words as far as possible :- ffir{+dfdsi+3.{mr.egsdrhdf ffi tftfi'.id i 6 anrE Hs,sr d 3'a? :\ \ i Ar f6ftrq uT ffi H 'fr f*o 6 g.{+ zrryr tngr ura 4.rg mrrss Hrera i, '4{irs61rFf 3 treo. gfrr,{", ffi n'*fr trre ffi trfur uS rrs uffHs {'ss e.tqtr*rs'v_us w \--:--= \- a S q.n-*sre'd g Ffr4{ Ad aai sry s -, n@if Rf firalrya b *" * m* -g fr 0* n' gnt"f 3 f;r' e' dH *a e' euEtrffun r" g@ *"e- ST \ -,^irr\\a=ertr 5(j uraFoy* *f*1iusjg" rc dq- ge'-=tc' u-cs-c'!e' i *ati s{dsd qrd u{ir | lRrrEr r g dH ds riils H'd qlrfra ;r' f${E ya frsrrT f*r fr fss-.n a-s d-d+ _'Se 3 fu FtE #g us f** aSlifrSs st # tra;r r a drq, @ tr'' ,i{H H i 3 rys rrfrd 3 riss d's er grryr eE-sd,iw dffi..r'rfus fdt gq i U-er ii,x i lr& $ss ?trtr Til& otffi r r d i8,i., ff3sry ti trfis8 ai im rfi*riss 3'y.egorirJ* fifra'er xdt=U"; ryuie (i) Tt6 t2l irfr treo srs-*-strffi 6; h + IFd$-8fr*frfHF ie + alr fr Sr * Euc? s-{' u'r ds'fu,?{ei e- t'e't i 6.g- yfr {s t a r t2l Turn over f Et sE i i (iD y6t riqs (iii) fr# rirs ftrr$ (iv) 'al+rg$ r?{?i6t (v) i6 fttt Fser i tzl ti I2l 3 trds'gnfrr/ g rrros 6fr g"e ii tzl fut :- t2l t9r nus (ry) Lis (s] hrdsd (E) eu-dsl Question 4 (a) Use the following idioms in sentences of youi'own Aa,fut (i) roefuargq{rtrea3 e iiq :- t4l :- qrt (ii) gd if*s ir6r (iii) zrefftgarts (iv) grlfsrltt r '-: (b) Write the opposite words.of the following :- d6m HserdHdtrseffi ,a\ - (i) ils (ii) vrrrq *r (v) @r {iiD Tt6 tzl 4 l2l (c) Give ONE word for each of the following v-0" xre. t21 :- d q'fifu sre fir& ,- (i) ftq'ffiEaf,iadfttie (ii) tt s *r+ aas'eer'fuarq* (iii) gir qi-fi#& fifa ur* ;rre' (iv) tfr s d e e.s. \ {^lv t SECTION B (40 Marks) Attempt F.OUR questions from this Section. You must answer at least oNE questionfrom each of the Two books you huve studied and any two other questions. 3Tfi ftffSr,{t' 'tfrgq' ird, fuetr ffi'ffi-fiq qF6 ii6 dderr rcrfr A E dt 'qtr6 io Eat ua"r rr+}?,tr mi Cd4{r nd d-{rigt11r ff{ Feiil (frAr frftrr dT) -/ Ques@5 ,/ ,/ :*- Read the extract given below and answer in Punjabi, the questions that follow ffi fdi q5er i fud u5 sd gs ry t F-br' | 4{r dre1 tr. d W to, f6'fr fdt'ds g u+ x4-.3. x*rtd f e ry f o ffi :fr gir t- G: fu zs'il s'UdF q-aa a-d'ig, F db{i sr A q s 'dr "-fu ?tfr uv e$ ?t(FrS 3 w3r * zr'firar, "rr &=.,rfr, Qga Eu y3's_Er, AE frfu?,F giut t" +u-elil T16 tzl srti Hs sf.r fapfl' I q5l t F{ Fr rfr "qE g {n n B r Turn over ffi i# t{'fu?rr' 3 f*si dg wg g sd fto ,rg sql,f'r Egrj&r' fitifirr'ri'aFi err rgi rg* rrr u#ar rrar ry - d'd6fi ?r'js *r r+'a * Lrrel,r{' .,Hdt *tfr ?"........ n'o' strT'jil | 4 Itr to,e,{ g {iw3.*Fveii gt'W ./ ,' fr 1iiil ( ;^ (iv) darqqc w'ftrs fird a i oril.dft t2l Fv ertrc df dfod-',s'--ue'.t ? t3I f,ry i Hir r'ir ,/ Qufn6 ,/ -'*--r21 t3l !-\-*, (ffiF - '}lrdt{t$) Read the extract given below and answer in Punjabi, the questions that follo, t6 ffrrfr ua f'.rs g u+ x,rg feFrc )rrsd k r+i g rrdlf F U-s !farrf', fi,,g 2'-" 3 ","na df + rfr arlezr- f Etg nFr fui{rfu}rrr ui,, "ft * (i) get ?rgt x,f' dr t" Ffr urusn# guil xqe fdg s'a f s du dts ird (ii) grr{ Ab (iii) gs 6fr I a }r,fp,r' m ? 4; Ekg tfg"rf s f# re il I ats6f Afu i I * x{rftprfr | ..ffi A'F + azs nt ? t AF fdg 6r sB arB ra i stH.r @a,,r"f s6fritez,r.i Tt6 tzl + gsd rin #c ff W #da fird'i'fdprf'l ad fife ffi wf il I ?rglf u?rtu (ilgrr+d ftir$) Read the extract given below and answer in Punjabi, the questions that follow +6 futfr fnrg "*ry s O- u* "fg ftF )r{. d ffr f+3 qrs,' a fud f f :irs 3'g1ifg?r{r dE fw ryi s '(utul ?tr{r 3 *@ " xd s-s" f o ffi :- f' rrdfggudrrufqrT+r3at ar 1}t rh'* :- " udrur s$ qrf', f r dr ar' * a;rg t arfrrar. r @, (i) zr6qt- * fw nve fdr trsrs He qi rs i t2l (ii) 6 .& u&ur e'afr te fr i t2I (iii) erg ,. (iv) afr s rrEir ftiyec a?'r fsx Til-e+ er t3I @i*E1* i ffi t3l Gffi @ftr-Eatftr' ( E!-f,sd?r fi*ru samt estion 8 Read the extract given below and answer in Punjabi, the questions that follow :- fu'fstfr fu 6 u+ )?{-3 furg fds FS Ur"f#d :- A g3:d 1}n'gtr fqg: fet rreafi*ur: ry.aFrdteBr 121 Turn over fuFn, d : iibr I HHiur * rlwi s. gfi r g E3e YS Are -^-- TeF{Fr}," 'g- gdfr fs' rsss r # t fu sqe res'fiiur g fq' q*dr (qt) f s ai u' i (ii) 'd'* uri a' fuir si'attra j,. * g'e i i tq i ffi.r /{Qb, * fer Hqfr er ffir* iidr i i r' affi o fdfn, tt rl t2l I2l r \l \ _- \iu/ la ldn?r tst E 5rflrf q i+n-{d fi t3l r t3l ilT'e lnrvrrfrs) Question 9 Read the extract given below and answer in Punjabi, the questions that follow t.' fstfr e'S - f6t* O dr_trdr u+ '''3 f"' x,Rftd f+s f+J UF-'. t firryffi, rirqa ryG H' " xidi ?iH i.? w rox ai arUs Olg ll-s ilrev, ft5.l. Vrar, fr E* i frd fil* f*o :- fi# :_ t r trttrd a'r r f fg.r,,f. lqr* fer lPard f w-J }{rrrrsgqanr tftI Sillr;lrel16.frt (i) e'S #|v+n-f (ii) #+ Tt6 t2l fcg aF.iS i i e'd erqr ftimt g fulr'd ar0 (iiD e'-S (iv) Teqtdr g f?r,r * ua l2l ? fufl|Es + InM't #fr-rrrr t3l fu'a'rs fad'firir ed s rifrl,f'g gJ's.a ilo'et Ee- a- fif,i dt lb * 8 ? k'd Eai o-s i I2l t3l uf,3,rf E Question 10 (F*H iffr) 96r ' questions that follow Read the extract given below and answer in Punjabi, the t6 fs.'fr ffi fslfs 6 u . ".F3 fir (qql flEr a x{$-d r+f,E- 41 fter'rr& ffr ft'.3'w* e ft6 g) sg Ffr, gfi s'sr it rhfit fiso ffi iT ifis ffi :- 6} HttsB I irr 3i ffi # Fdre ud gfr fins'e v rfr HHv :- t t o."B +6r fu urs e 2? HF * )t- 3T fr lifa Fr.g' 3 d& r{nrE F}'s +S'} gfi gfl s >ra' ffi d T +3 (E g) q's. fr itrg' | t | tar3-d g) ti Su' #s'gu'farr tfu' ir$ gl i r sq f} ffi +} q-BTr t urs t g (sal ? s'-e ds'l 3.6t ffi frit}t{t'u}1frEtr'tr aFs grdpr g s. d3. re fti5 tuy r rs eT fw t d-e ffi t 6rtEi- g.'ffdr<'tarrt tzl (i) ehr 3 fifre *e tm't (iD eT )YFd (iii) urd ft+s (iv) ffiqq 3 E6 g fr m+r ui ua'i #fl+ ffi fw ffi t2l ffi f+s d EFd' is S w1r'f4{t' 3 ? t3l e-fu i i t3l Frerr : fW efurlr. (+Tgfur hiur Question ffil 11 Read the extract given below and answer in Punjabi, the questions that follow :- ffi :u'e'r.r3 u'F t #s fe: a frHe S ffi &Hr ITra- ftfi{', 3 fu ttrflf ffi' zrqr ffi-"E ffi 41 6fr Flfkir"' frH? 1fr zrq'r tis geffi er efv ryfird' r{s fr fu .rd ftrR' t t6. fenfr f6'f3 g u : )?r3 "tl6 l2l ffi ),,ftfrd ffr f+3 wdt' e g3d ftrdt H|e 9 Turn ovcr * fe,,'r.d S fer lfd-ct ats tsltr ffi fr-d 6d, fiTF 'ar*ndarr 6 ?Rrrer *& aa fds; dr Jk)?{. | Qir 6rfr irr d-fr fr-..E Ta r f3r4frH : rr6fr&t fxt{e : ie u'F g rrs' zrd ? ? H eu g{ fuprr r 9o gsrfr ?rrrr ffi-'+ , ea g Ra ii S fu aro *'? (i) ui 3 u.F fuF s.a ifs qE dfrar Fd i t3l (ii) fiile'g f6rx Ag errs tro Ffi * t2] *asr (iii) rrrF'3 (iv) ? sra i'fdd'fr 3 u'F b afr fxr+? O fr,.t? 3 s ffik+d fdx 6; riar$ tt t3l fffi #s e'fusr* 3 i t21 Question 12 Read the extract given below and answer in Punjabi, the questions that follow iti firtfr ftffr O u* :-- ffr t+3 qryr' A Fd rird H'o fu9 :-- )rrJ fEFg xr$d itrf,is" 3rmfrg fr rro-fr xrr*rre )ftfet *ndfrFfr? dr+r6' EIH xtrg uqit a'nr+* tl fFia*ffiafoait aha.\A.\o rgir gr (i) 9ue-ds ra=raru (ii) anrtr ft'l{ (iii) arsar g* i'fg'rr 3 Tt6 l2l g-IIUr, )f 3rr Hirgirr g: u{d fqr f& 3 t aS i I e'nr,rti ? nrs fqg }{'|elt' yr& TTr-dr* (iv) rirre friur e Efllr q r feg I I2l * ? l2l t3l I rcdd ffi g ser t3l r t0 Question 13 Read the extract given below and answer in Punjabi, the questions that follow io, f{nfr ftrrrs O ,r{ xrs fEEe r{dd att *a,r' d qHd d tre' o ue ffi g t ffi a f+ fiE3 r{rd'e grd ft'* firrrrlr f s :- ffi :- ar e ua 9o fietr dIE m tr ?tS * afti* fiEi'dfti*- frxe s'frd' fsd'i!3 r {sd fu far sfl g Eg ir6..... .i I fsd mye far frss fi*c ai xa I . (ii) fxr+? ress"fgo ffi i I (i) EE ' s& 1ril,) Enreas (rv) vse T16 tzl uE ir r{flfs 4,|EEE qr g usd r s 4r eoa u str rIEd g fgDrf q ffi'l -r' t21 r2l t3l t3l ll

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