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ICSE Prelims 2018 : TAMIL (Good Shepherd International School (GSIS), Ooty, The Nilgiris)

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Jagadeesh L R
Good Shepherd International School (GSIS), Ooty, The Nilgiris
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Good Shepherd International School SECOND TRIAL EXAM DEC 2017 Sub: TAMIL Class: X Marks: 80 Time: 3Hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. This paper comprises of two Sections; Section A and Section B. Attempt all the questions from Section A. Attempt four questions from Section B, answering at least one question each from the two books you have studied and any two other questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION-A (40 Marks) Attempt all questions. Question 1 Write a composition in Tamil of approximately 250 words on one of the following topics:fPOs;stw;wpy; xd;Wf;F 250 thHj;ijfSf;F kpfhky; fl;Liu vOJf: [15] 1. ,aw;ifr; nry;tq;fs; kdpj ,dj;jpw;F vt;thW gadspf;fpwJ tpsf;fp> mijf; fhf;Fk; Kiwfisf; fl;Liuahf vOJf. vd;gij 2. ek; ,e;jpa ehl;by; rhjpg; gpuptpidfs; ,d;Wk; cs;sij Rl;bf;fhl;b mtw;iw fisa nra;a Ntz;ba eltbf;iffis tpsf;fp fl;Liu vOJf. 3. jw;fhy ,e;jpa murpd; kf;fs; eyj;jpl;lq;fspy; xd;iw tpsf;fp mjd; ed;ik jPikfisj; njhFj;J fl;Liu vOJf. 4. ty;ytDf;Fg; Gy;Yk; MAjk; vd;w ,g;gonkhopf;F rpWfij vOJf. 5. fPOs;s glj;jpw;F cd; kdjpy; vOk; vz;zq;fisj; njhFj;njOJf. GSIS-TRIAL 2 - Dec2017 1 Question 2 Write a letter in Tamil in approximately 120 words on any one of the following topics:fPOs;s tpdhf;fspy; xd;Wf;F 120 thHj;ijfSf;F kpfhky; fbjk; vOJf:[7] 1. Gifg; gpbf;Fk; gof;fj;jpw;F mbikahd cd; ez;gUf;F mjd; jPikfis tpsf;fpAk; mwpTiu $wpAk; xU fbjk; vOJf. 2. cq;fSf;F nrhe;jkhd tptrha epyj;jpy; ePh; gha;r;r> kpdt ; pir nghUj;j Gjpa kpd; ,izg;G toq;f cjtp kpd;nghwpahsUf;F xU tpz;zg;gk; vOJf. Question 3 Read the passage given below and answer in Tamil the question that follow, using your own words as far as possible :ciueilg; gFjpiag; gbj;J fPo; tUk; tpdhf;fSf;F nrhe;jkhf tpil jUf: [10] , , (Plates) . (seismometer) . 3 . 7 . (Lithosphere) . . , , . . 80 . . . , , . . . 13 . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . tpdhf;fs;: GSIS-TRIAL 2 - Dec2017 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. epy eLf;fk; vd;gnjd;d? mjd; NtW ngaH> msit Kiw gw;wp $Wf. G+kpapd; Nkw;gug;G mikg;G gw;wp tpsf;Ff. ,ize;Js;s epyg; gug;Gfs; ahit? mtw;wpd; epy Nky;jsk; vt;thW cs;sJ? mjpf epy eLf;fk; Vw;gLk; gFjp vdg;gl;lJ vJ? Vd;? A+Nurpah tpsf;fk; jUf. Question 4 Answer the following according to the instructions given :tpdhtpw;Fupa tpilia milg;Gf; Fwpf;Fs; Nfl;lgb vOJf :- [8] 1. JiwKfk; midtUf;Fk; XH ,d;wpaikahj gFjpahf cs;sJ. [rpwe;j / nghJ thd / Kf;fpakhd ]-mbNfhbl;l nrhy;ypd; nghUis NjHe;njLj;J vOJf. 2. rpy nghUl;fis ghJfhg;ghf mDg;g flw;g; gazk;j; Jizg; GupAk; -,j; njhlupy; Ntz;ba ,lq;fspy; ty;nyhw;iw ,l;Lk; ePf;fpAk; vOJf. 3. [y;ypf;fl;L ______tpy; ______ahba NghJ> vd; ______vYk;G Kwpe;jJ. [ tpoh> tpyh / tpis> tpiy / tpyh> tpoh ]-Nfhbl;l ,lq;fspy; rupahd nrhw;fisj; NjHe;njLj;J vOJf. 4. Little drops of water make a mighty ocean Vw;w jkpo; gonkhopia vOJf. 5. rpWth;fNs fhiy vOe;jTld; gbg;G vd;W ghujpahh; $WtJ Nghy; ele;J nfhs;Sq;fs; vd;W Mrpupah; $wpdhh; - ,j;njhlupy; Ntz;ba ,lq;fspy; epWj;jw; Fwp ,l;L vOJf. 6. fd;dz; fd;Dk; fWj;Jkhf jz; Ntisia Kbj;jhz; ,j;njhlupd; kaq;nfhypg; gpiofis ePf;fp vOJf. 7. Nfhtyd; nfhiyAz;ljhy; khjtp rhgk; mspjJ ; kJiuia vupj;jhs;. - thf;fpaj;ijg; gpupj;J jdpj;jdp thf;fpaq;fshf vOJf. 8. gRkuj;jhzp Nghy - ,j;njhliu thf;fpaj;jpy; mikj;J vOJf. GSIS-TRIAL 2 - Dec2017 3 SECTION-B (40 Marks) Attempt four questions from this Section You must answer at least one question from each of the two books you have studied and any two other questions. Question - 5 tPughz;ba fl;lnghk;kd; Read the extract given below and answer in Tamil the questions that follow :fPo;tUk; ghlg; gFjpiag; gbj;JzHe;J mjd; njhlHghd ehd;F Nfs;tpfSf;Fk; tpilasp :- vjph;f;f epidj;jhNy ,y;yhky; Ngha; tpLNthk; vd;gij mwpe;jjhy; gf;fj;Jg; ghisaf;fhuh;fs; gifik ghuhl;lhky; ghh;j;Jf; nfhz;ldh;. 1. fl;lnghk;kdpd; gf;fj;Jg; ghisaf;fhuh;fs; ehy;tupd; ngaiuAk; mth;fspd; ghisaq;fspd; ngah;fisAk; Fwpg;gpLf. 2. fl;lnghk;kdpd; ghisak; vJ? mJ Njhw;wk; ngw;wJ vt;thW? 3. fl;lnghk;kdpd; ghisaj;jpy; Ml;rp elj;jpa Kd;Ndhbfs; ,UtuJ Ml;rp tuyhw;iw tpsf;Ff. 4. fl;lnghk;kdpd; Ml;rp njhlf;fk; gw;wpAk;> cld; gzpahw;wpath;fs; gw;wpAk; Fwpg;gpLf. Question - 6 Read the extract given below and answer in Tamil the questions that follow :fPo;tUk; ghlg; gFjpiag; gbj;JzHe;J mjd; njhlHghd ehd;F Nfs;tpfSf;Fk; tpilasp :- Mq;fpyf;fhud; fbjk; vOjpajhy; jpUr;rpapy; ,uhkehjGuk; rk;gtk; gw;wp tprhuiz njhlq;fpaJ. mjpfhupfs; kj;jpapy; jhdhgjp njspthf vLj;Jiuj;jhh;; 1. tprhuiz ele;jjd; fhuzj;ijr; RUf;fp vOJf. 2. tprhuizapd; KbT ahJ? mjdhy; mg;gFjp kf;fs; mile;j gutrk; vt;thW tpsf;fg;gl;lJ? 3. Gjpa fnyf;lh; fl;lnghk;kDf;fhf fhj;jpUe;J gpd; vOjpa fbjj;ijAk; mjw;F fl;lnghk;kd; mspj;j gjpYiuiaAk; vOJf. 4. Mq;fpyf;fhuDk; el;G fhl;l> fl;lnghk;kid rpf;fitf;f epidj;j ghisaf;fhuh;fspy; xUtdJ nraiy tpsf;Ff. Question - 7 Read the extract given below and answer in Tamil the questions that follow :fPo;tUk; ghlg; gFjpiag; gbj;JzHe;J mjd; njhlHghd ehd;F Nfs;tpfSf;Fk; tpilasp :- Kjypy; vd; mikr;rh; mjd; gpd; ehd; ,Wjpapy; ,e;jg; ghisak; ,JjhNd cs;Nehf;fk;? mJ ehd; capNuhL ,Uf;Fk; tiu elf;fhJ 1. ,f;$w;W ahh;? ahuplk; $wpaJ? ,ij tpsf;fp vOJf. 2. jkpo;g;G+kpapd; rpwg;igf; $wp rhd;W jUf. 3. fl;lnghk;kDf;F cjtpajhy; ghdh;Nkdhy; jz;bf;fg;gl;l ,U ghisaf;fhuh;fspd; ngaiuAk; mth;fs; ngw;w jz;lidiaAk; vOJf. 4. JNuhfr; nraYf;F nts;isah; gupR toq;fpa nraiy tpsf;Ff. GSIS-TRIAL 2 - Dec2017 4 rupj;jpur; rk;gtq;fs; ngupa NfhapnyLj;j Nrhog; Nguurh; Question - 8 Read the extract given below and answer in Tamil the questions that follow :fPo;tUk; ghlg; gFjpiag; gbj;JzHe;J mjd; njhlHghd ehd;F Nfs;tpfSf;Fk; tpilasp :- gr;rpiyfSk; Kiwahd guhkupg;Gk; cly; fhaq;fis tpiutpNyNa Fzkhf;fpd. 1. epidT jpUk;gpaJk; Nrhkth;kd; nra;j nray; ahJ? 2. cly; fhaq;fs; Vw;gl;ljd; fhuzk; vd;d? 3. Nrhkth;kdpd; jpwikfisj; njhFj;njOJf. 4. ,g;ghlj;jpy; $wg;gl;l gonkhopiaAk; mjd; fhuzj;ijAk; $Wf. khtPuH rj;u]hy; Question - 9 Read the extract given below and answer in Tamil the questions that follow :fPo;tUk; ghlg; gFjpiag; gbj;JzHe;J mjd; njhlHghd ehd;F Nfs;tpfSf;Fk; tpilasp :- rf;uth;j;jpf;F> kfd;fshNyNa Mgj;J Vw;gl;Ls;s Ntisapy;> mth; mUNf ,Ug;gijNa tpUk;gpdhh; uh[Gj;jpu tPuh; rj;u]hy;. 1. rf;uth;j;jpapd; Gjy;th;fs; ahth;? Gjy;th;fshy; kd;dDf;F Vw;gl;l Mgj;ij tpsf;Ff. 2. ed;wp kwthj uh[Gj;jpuh;fspd; Fzj;ij rhd;Wld; tpsf;Ff. 3. rgjk; Nkw;nfhz;lth;fs; ahth;? vLj;j rgjk; vd;d? mjd;gb mth;fs; vt;thW nray;gl;ldh;? 4. rj;u]hypd; rpwg;Gfisj; njhFj;J vOJf. ky;yd; khwg;gd; Question - 10 Read the extract given below and answer in Tamil the questions that follow :fPo;tUk; ghlg; gFjpiag; gbj;JzHe;J mjd; njhlHghd ehd;F Nfs;tpfSf;Fk; tpilasp :- ,sturp y~;kp Njtpf;Fk; ntq;fzhtpw;Fk; jpUkzk; vd;gijf; Nfl;l khwg;gd; mjpHe;J Nghdhd;. ,J fl;lhaf; fy;ahzk;jhd; vd;w KbTf;F te;jhd;. 1. jpUkz ehspy; ehl;bd; epiy vt;thW tpsf;fg;gl;bUe;jJ? 2. khwg;gdpd; Kiw te;jJk; ele;jJ vd;d? 3. tpdh vOg;gpf; nfhz;Nl ele;j y~;kpNjtpia khwg;gd; vt;thW Jupjg;gLj;jpdhd;? 4. ,g;NghJ muz;kid M];jhd kz;lgj;jpy; elg;gnjd;d? ******************** GSIS-TRIAL 2 - Dec2017 5

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