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ISC Class XII Board Specimen 2022 : Biology [Semester 2]

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ISC 12th
Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC), New Delhi
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ISC SEMESTER 2 EXAMINATION SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER BIOLOGY PAPER 1 (THEORY) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum Marks: 35 Time allowed: One and a half hour Candidates are allowed an additional 10 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internal choices have been provided in one question in Section B and one question in Section C. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets. [ ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION A 7 MARKS Question 1 (i) Give the biological name of the causative agent of gonorrhoea. [1] (ii) Sonora 64 is a variety of: [1] (iii) (a) Wheat (b) Rice (c) Maize (d) Sugarcane Assertion: PAN is a secondary pollutant. Reason: The secondary pollutants are produced by the combination of primary emitted pollutants in the atmosphere. (a) Both assertion and reason are true, and reason is the correct explanation of assertion. (b) Both assertion and reason are true, but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion. (c) Assertion is true but reason is false. (d) Both assertion and reason are false. 1 [1] (iv) Give one significant contribution of Prof. R. Mishra. [1] (v) Expand the term ADA. [1] (vi) A substance that stimulates the production of antibodies is called __________. [1] (vii) Why does a large ozone hole develop specifically over Antarctica? [1] SECTION B (16 MARKS) Question 2 Briefly explain the role of the following in providing defense against infections in human body: (i) B-cells [1] (ii) T-cells [1] Question 3 [2] What is the role of a probe in recombinant DNA technology? Question 4 [2] The level of air pollution is very high in a city. Suggest any four measures which should be taken by the government to control it. Question 5 (i) [2] If 20000 K Cal energy is available at the level of producers, what will be the amount of energy available at the level of secondary consumers. OR (ii) The number of mice in a laboratory was 100 on a particular day. After one year their number increased to 120. Calculate the growth rate in the population. Question 6 [2] Give any four advantages of mutation breeding. Question 7 [2] Name and describe the technique that helps in separation of DNA fragments. Question 8 [2] Which molecules are called molecular scissors? Why are they called so? 2 Question 9 [2] Differentiate between primary succession and secondary succession with appropriate examples. SECTION C (12 MARKS) Question 10 [3] Study the graph given below and answer the following questions: (i) Explain the ecological principle represented by the graph and write a mathematical expression for the same. (ii) What will happen if the slope of the line b becomes steeper? Question 11 [3] Explain the steps involved in the process of plant breeding. Question 12 [3] The rDNA technology has provided a method to control the nematode parasite Meloidogyne incognita. Explain the principle involved in this technique. 3 Question 13 (i) [3] Consider the amount of organic matter at the different trophic levels in an ecosystem given below: Trophic Level Amount of organic matter (in Kg) Tertiary consumers 250 Primary consumers 150 Primary producers 100 Secondary Consumers 200 On the basis of the data provided above, construct an ecological pyramid. Comment upon its nature giving at least one example of the type of organism occupying each of the above mentioned trophic levels. OR (ii) On the basis of the demographic data of a country given below, construct an age pyramid and explain whether the population is stable, declining or growing. Age group No. of individuals Pre-reproductive 20,000 Reproductive 15,000 Post-reproductive 10,000 4

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