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ISC Class XII Board Specimen 2019 : English Paper 1 (English Language)

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Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC), New Delhi
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ENGLISH PAPER 1 (LANGUAGE) (Maximum Marks: 100) (Time allowed: Three hours) (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Attempt all four questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. (You are advised to spend not more than 50 minutes on Question 1, 40 minutes on Question 2, 30 minutes on Question 3 and 1 hour on Question 4.) (You should begin each answer on a fresh page.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question 1 Write a composition (in approximately 400 450 words) on any one of the following [25] subjects: (You are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of material, use of appropriate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar.) (a) Imagine that you visited a remote village untouched by the influence of technology. Describe the village, the people, their routine and at least one person you met there. How did you feel at first? What were your feelings when you had to return? (b) You were waiting at the ATM booth of Focus Bank, when a white car drew up and four men with masks rushed into the bank. Narrate how an attempted bank robbery was foiled by an alert security guard. (c) Today s youth is more practical and less swayed by emotions . Argue for or against the given statement. (d) Sacrifice. (e) It is easier to preach than to practise . Express your views on the given statement. (f) Write an original short story beginning with the following words: Everything went horribly wrong that evening . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 ISC 2019 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER. Question 2 (a) As a reporter you have visited a number of hospitals in your city. Write a [20] newspaper report in not more than 300 words, entitled City Hospitals , based on the following points: Buildings and infrastructure maintenance of the hospitals quality of services Doctors nursing staff waiting period for treatment emergency facilities other facilities available medical equipment overall opinion. (b) As a member of the student Council of your school, you have been given the [10] responsibility of setting up a science club. Write a proposal in not more than 150 words, stating the steps you would take to successfully establish this particular club. Question 3 Answer sections (a), (b) and (c). In each of the following items, sentence A is complete, while sentence B is (a) not. Complete sentence B, making it as similar as possible to sentence A. Write sentence B in each case. [10] Example: (0) (A) He always obeys his teachers. (B) His teachers Answer: (0) His teachers are always obeyed by him. (1) (A) Not only did he buy a desktop but also a laptop. (B) (2) (A) The heavy showers of rain revived the plants. (B) (3) As soon as (A) As she has not brought a pen, she is writing with a pencil. (B) (6) In spite of . (A) No sooner did we see a flash of light in the sky than we heard a loud explosion near us. (B) (5) The plants (A) The men were forced to work although the light was poor. (B) (4) Besides Not (A) Mumbai is the most vibrant city in India. (B) No . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 ISC 2019 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER. (7) (A) Their dog is too friendly to be an effective guard dog. (B) (8) (A) Sameer said, Ramesh, can you help me with my homework? (B) (9) (c) No nook or corner .. (A) How long I shall stay is doubtful. (B) (b) Sameer .. (A) All nooks and corners were checked. (B) (10) Their dog is so . The . Fill in each blank with a suitable word. (Do not write the sentence.) (1) If we set _______________ early, we can return before sunset. (2) He left the company for good and set _________ his own business. (3) The teacher jumped _________ a conclusion and punished the child. (4) Ramesh jumped__________ my offer of a job. (5) I am a simple man and have no use __________much money. (6) My father lost the use ____________ his right arm in an accident. (7) Rahul decided to carry ___________ with tennis and give up volley ball. (8) Dinanath is a good worker and is always ready to carry ________ his master s orders. (9) Reena agreed _________ me when I proposed a meeting. (10) The four sisters could not agree __________ themselves. Fill in the blanks in the passage given below with the appropriate form of the verb given in brackets. Do not write the passage, but write the verbs in the correct order. [5] [5] The other day we ______(1)(discuss) the setting up of a Debating Club in our school. We ________(2)(talk) about the club and how many students ______ (3)(be) interested in it. Then we ________(4)(begin) to talk about the rules and regulations _________(5)(govern) the club. None of us could_______(6) (agree) and we began ______(7)(argue). Finally, our English teacher ______(8)(have) to be informed and she _________(9)(come) and _______(10)(break) up the meeting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 ISC 2019 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER. Question 4 Read the passage given below and answer the questions (a), (b) and (c) that follow: (1) My father and I left the hall and made our way out to walk across to headquarters. There were street lights round the square, but underfoot the cobblestoned ground was dark and lumpy. My father tripped on the uneven surface and went down on one knee, trying not to fall entirely. (2) At exactly the same moment there was a loud bang and a sharp zinging sound and a scrunch of glass breaking. (3) I bent over my father and saw that his eyes were stretched wide and his mouth grim with pain. (4) Run, he said. Run for cover. For God s sake, Ben! That was a gunshot! (5) We were halfway across the square, easy immobile targets. He struggled to get to his feet and told me again to run: and for once I disobeyed him. (6) Stay down, I told him. (7) You don t understand... His voice was anguished. (8) Are you bleeding? (9) What? I don t think so. I twisted my ankle. 15 (10) People ran out of the hotel, drawn by the bang that re-echoed around the square. There was confusion and people saying, What happened, what happened? and hands stretching down to my father to help him up. When he was well surrounded he finally took my arm. Putting his left foot down caused him much discomfort. 20 (11) That noise a woman said. (12) Heads nodded. It sounded like... Was it... a gun? (13) But where? There s no one here with a gun. (14) Everyone looked round, but it was far too late to see the rifle, let alone the person shooting. My father put his arm round my shoulders for support, and indicated that we should set off. (15) We walked in a procession to the headquarters and my father called the police. (16) I went to the open door, looking across the square to the hotel. (17) 5 10 25 I remembered the zing of the bullet. If the bullet had been aimed at my 30 father, and if he d stumbled at the exact second that the trigger was squeezed, and if the bullet had smashed some glass so that I heard the tinkle, then why was every pane of the window in the headquarters intact? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 ISC 2019 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER. (18) I told myself that the whole thing had been a coincidence and turned to go back inside, and saw for an instant a flash of light on broken glass down on the ground. (19) It was a window of the shop next door that had been hit. (20) Zing. Ricochet. Smash. The straight line could have been deflected by the curve of a cobblestone. (21) The police arrived at headquarters, and it was nearly two o clock when I finally closed and bolted the doors and switched off the lights. (22) My father moved himself into one of the single beds in the bedroom. I lay on the second, not at all sleepy. (23) My father said, Ben, why didn t you run? (24) I answered. I didn t want you to get shot. (25) So you stood in the way... (26) After a while, I said, I d say it was a .22 rifle with a high-velocity bullet. Hitting you in the body, it quite likely won t kill you. You need to hit the head or the neck to be lethal. All I did was shield your head. (27) There was a silence. Then he said, I d forgotten you could shoot. (28) I was in the school team. We were taught by one of the country s best marksmen. I smiled in the dark. You paid for it, you know. 35 40 45 50 Adapted from Penalty by Dick Francis (a) (i) Given below are four words and phrases. Find the words which have a similar meaning in the passage: (1) unmoving (2) full of severe pain and agony (3) complete, not damaged (4) protect [4] (ii) For each of the words given below, write a sentence of at least ten words using the same word unchanged in form, but with a different meaning from that which it carries in the passage: [4] (1) feet (line 11) (2) square (line 17) (3) second (line 31) (4) head (line 49) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 ISC 2019 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER. (b) (c) Answer the following questions in your own words as briefly as possible: (i) What two things happened simultaneously when Ben and his father were walking to the headquarters? [2] (ii) What did Ben see when he looked at his father on the ground? [2] (iii) Why did Ben s father tell him to run and why did Ben disobey him? [2] (iv) What was Ben s logical answer to his father explaining why he did not obey him? [3] Describe the incident of the shooting in not more than 100 words (Paragraphs 1 to 10). Failure to keep within the word limit will be penalised. You will be required to write your points in the form of a connected passage in about 100 words. [8] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 ISC 2019 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER. ISC EXAMINATION 2019 ENGLISH PAPER 1 (LANGUAGE) Guidelines for Proposal Writing, Question 2(b) (Word limit: approx. 150 words) 1. Heading: The candidates will be required to explain the overall context in not more than 10 to 15 words illustrating the specific task that the project is supposed to achieve. 2. Statement of Objective: The candidates will be required to explain the goals and objectives of the proposed project and the resolution to be arrived at. 3. List of Measures: The candidates will be required to explain the specifics and method of what is to be done, such as: (a) Time that will be taken; (b) Budgetary and non-financial needs, i.e. How much money will be spent on the project and what non-financial resources are required? (human capital, infrastructure, etc.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 ISC 2019 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER.

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