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ICSE Class X Notes 2025 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (St. Thomas School, Dhurwa, Ranchi)

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Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd CheckList - BILL OF ENTRY FOR HOME CONSUMPTION [Custom stn: Nhava Sheva Sea,INNSA1] Printed On 07-Oct-2022 AEO Registration No. INAAACA1034D0F185 IMP/S/02019/2022-23 Job No BE No. / Date AEO Role : AEO-LO Party Ref Importer Detail AD Code 0388024011 6500114 M/S. LARSEN AND TOUBRO LIMITED Branch SNo: 189 PAN: AAACL0140P A M Naik Heavy Engineering Complex Modular Fabrication Facility, Hazira, Post Bhatha, Dist Surat, Gujarat. Surat - 394510, AAACA1034DCH004 Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd CHA Details 8, Gyan Bhavan, Kumtha Street, Ballard Estate ,Fort Mumbai -1 Filing Status IGM No Cntry Of Origin BL No. HBL No. No Of Pkgs Marks & Nos 1/19 Normal 1111111 dt. 07-Oct-2022 Inw dt. 07-Oct-2022 Netherlands MEDUSI841827 dt. 30-Sep-2022 Port Of Loading Cons. Country Gross Weight 34 PKG AS PER B/L Warehouse Name Transaction Payment Method Nature Of Transaction Others GSTIN: 24AAACL0140PDZD Singapore(SGSIN) Singapore 27086.000 KGS AEO Code/Country/Role Inv No & Date Invoice Value Freight Insurance OTHERS (OTHERS) Terms of Payment Supplier Nam HEEREMA MARINE CONTRACTORS SE VONDELLAAN 47 Supplier Addr HMCSIN-2022-YA03 dt. 26-Aug-2022 68962.43 USD TOI FOB 13792.49 USD (20%) 775.83 USD (1.125%) SVB Ref. SVB Load(Ass) SVB Load(Dty) HSS Load Rate Misc. Charges Loading Chrgs Discount Rate Exchange Rate 1 USD = 80.4000 INR 2332 AA LEIDEN THE NETHERLANDS Netherlands Cus. House Netherlands Supplier Country Netherlands Green Channel No No Section 48 No Kachha B/E Amount Amount Related First Check Under SVB No No No ITEM DETAILS Sl No Qty Unit RITC 1 73158900 1.000000 Description Unit Price Assessable Value CTH CETH Cus. Duty Rate Exc. Duty Rate BCD Amt(Rs) CVD Amt(Rs) OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 400 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 400220 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1005.000000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) NOS Cus. Notn Exc. Notn 97871.42 050/2017 377 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 9150.9 0.00 0% 0.00 NOEXCISE AIDC Excise : Customs Educational CESS: Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: Social Welfare Surcharge: IGST Duty: GST Compensation Cess: 072/2017 001/2017 56 1468.10 0% 0% 0% 10% 0% 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 146.80 0.00 0.00 97871.42 Page Total 1614.90 97871.42 BE Gross Total 1615.00 Container Details 1 TCLU7024548 40' FX21091811 Licence Details 1 FCL (Continued on addl. sheet) Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd CheckList - BILL OF ENTRY FOR HOME CONSUMPTION [Custom stn: Nhava Sheva Sea,INNSA1] Printed On 07-Oct-2022 AEO Registration No. INAAACA1034D0F185 IMP/S/02019/2022-23 Job No BE No. / Date AAACA1034DCH004 Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd 8, Gyan Bhavan, Kumtha Street, Ballard Estate ,Fort Mumbai -1 ITEM DETAILS RITC 2 73158900 1.000000 AEO Role : AEO-LO Party Ref Importer Detail AD Code CHA Details Sl No Qty Unit 2/19 Description Unit Price Assessable Value CTH CETH 0388024011 6500114 M/S. LARSEN AND TOUBRO LIMITED Branch SNo: 189 PAN: AAACL0140P A M Naik Heavy Engineering Complex Modular Fabrication Facility, Hazira, Post Bhatha, Dist Surat, Gujarat. Surat - 394510, Cus. Notn Exc. Notn GSTIN: 24AAACL0140PDZD Cus. Duty Rate Exc. Duty Rate OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 400 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 400259 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1004.250000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 050/2017 377 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 9144.1 0.00 0% 0.00 97798.38 3 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 400 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 400260 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 NOEXCISE 1467.00 NOS 73158900 1004.250000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 9144.1 0.00 0% 0.00 NOEXCISE 1467.00 97798.38 4 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 400 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 400266 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 1116.840000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) NOS 108762.90 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 10169.4 0.00 0% 0.00 072/2017 001/2017 56 1631.40 0% 0% 0% 10% 0% 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 163.10 0.00 0.00 304359.66 Page Total 5021.90 402231.08 BE Gross Total 6637.00 Container Details 1 TCLU7024548 40' FX21091811 Licence Details 2 3 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 146.70 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOEXCISE AIDC Excise : Customs Educational CESS: Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: Social Welfare Surcharge: IGST Duty: GST Compensation Cess: 0.00 0.00 0.00 146.70 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOS 73158900 BCD Amt(Rs) CVD Amt(Rs) FCL (Continued on addl. sheet) Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd CheckList - BILL OF ENTRY FOR HOME CONSUMPTION [Custom stn: Nhava Sheva Sea,INNSA1] Printed On 07-Oct-2022 AEO Registration No. INAAACA1034D0F185 IMP/S/02019/2022-23 Job No BE No. / Date AAACA1034DCH004 Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd 8, Gyan Bhavan, Kumtha Street, Ballard Estate ,Fort Mumbai -1 ITEM DETAILS RITC 5 73158900 1.000000 AEO Role : AEO-LO Party Ref Importer Detail AD Code CHA Details Sl No Qty Unit 3/19 Description Unit Price Assessable Value CTH CETH 0388024011 6500114 M/S. LARSEN AND TOUBRO LIMITED Branch SNo: 189 PAN: AAACL0140P A M Naik Heavy Engineering Complex Modular Fabrication Facility, Hazira, Post Bhatha, Dist Surat, Gujarat. Surat - 394510, Cus. Notn Exc. Notn GSTIN: 24AAACL0140PDZD Cus. Duty Rate Exc. Duty Rate OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 400 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 400273 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1116.840000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 050/2017 377 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 10169.4 0.00 0% 0.00 108762.90 6 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 400 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 400279 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 NOEXCISE 1631.40 NOS 73158900 1116.840000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 10169.4 0.00 0% 0.00 NOEXCISE 1631.40 108762.90 7 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500263 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 1430.100000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) NOS 139269.57 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 13021.8 0.00 0% 0.00 072/2017 001/2017 56 356795.37 Page Total 759026.45 BE Gross Total 2089.00 0% 0% 0% 10% 0% 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 208.90 0.00 0.00 5886.90 12524.00 Container Details 1 TCLU7024548 40' FX21091811 Licence Details 5 6 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 163.10 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOEXCISE AIDC Excise : Customs Educational CESS: Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: Social Welfare Surcharge: IGST Duty: GST Compensation Cess: 0.00 0.00 0.00 163.10 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOS 73158900 BCD Amt(Rs) CVD Amt(Rs) FCL (Continued on addl. sheet) Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd CheckList - BILL OF ENTRY FOR HOME CONSUMPTION [Custom stn: Nhava Sheva Sea,INNSA1] Printed On 07-Oct-2022 AEO Registration No. INAAACA1034D0F185 IMP/S/02019/2022-23 Job No BE No. / Date AAACA1034DCH004 Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd 8, Gyan Bhavan, Kumtha Street, Ballard Estate ,Fort Mumbai -1 ITEM DETAILS RITC 8 73158900 1.000000 AEO Role : AEO-LO Party Ref Importer Detail AD Code CHA Details Sl No Qty Unit 4/19 Description Unit Price Assessable Value CTH CETH 0388024011 6500114 M/S. LARSEN AND TOUBRO LIMITED Branch SNo: 189 PAN: AAACL0140P A M Naik Heavy Engineering Complex Modular Fabrication Facility, Hazira, Post Bhatha, Dist Surat, Gujarat. Surat - 394510, Cus. Notn Exc. Notn GSTIN: 24AAACL0140PDZD Cus. Duty Rate Exc. Duty Rate OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500292 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1828.460000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 050/2017 377 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 16648.9 0.00 0% 0.00 178063.66 9 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500295 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 NOEXCISE 2671.00 NOS 73158900 1782.170000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 16227.6 0.00 0% 0.00 NOEXCISE 2603.30 173555.73 10 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500301 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 1857.030000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) NOS 180845.94 532465.33 1291491.78 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 16909.1 0.00 0% 0.00 072/2017 001/2017 56 2712.70 0% 0% 0% 10% 0% 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 271.30 0.00 0.00 8785.70 Page Total 21309.00 BE Gross Total Container Details 1 TCLU7024548 40' FX21091811 Licence Details 8 9 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 260.30 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOEXCISE AIDC Excise : Customs Educational CESS: Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: Social Welfare Surcharge: IGST Duty: GST Compensation Cess: 0.00 0.00 0.00 267.10 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOS 73158900 BCD Amt(Rs) CVD Amt(Rs) FCL (Continued on addl. sheet) Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd CheckList - BILL OF ENTRY FOR HOME CONSUMPTION [Custom stn: Nhava Sheva Sea,INNSA1] Printed On 07-Oct-2022 AEO Registration No. INAAACA1034D0F185 IMP/S/02019/2022-23 Job No BE No. / Date AAACA1034DCH004 Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd 8, Gyan Bhavan, Kumtha Street, Ballard Estate ,Fort Mumbai -1 ITEM DETAILS RITC 11 73158900 1.000000 AEO Role : AEO-LO Party Ref Importer Detail AD Code CHA Details Sl No Qty Unit 5/19 Description Unit Price Assessable Value CTH CETH 0388024011 6500114 M/S. LARSEN AND TOUBRO LIMITED Branch SNo: 189 PAN: AAACL0140P A M Naik Heavy Engineering Complex Modular Fabrication Facility, Hazira, Post Bhatha, Dist Surat, Gujarat. Surat - 394510, Cus. Notn Exc. Notn GSTIN: 24AAACL0140PDZD Cus. Duty Rate Exc. Duty Rate OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500303 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1857.030000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 050/2017 377 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 16909.1 0.00 0% 0.00 180845.94 12 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500305 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 NOEXCISE 2712.70 NOS 73158900 1857.030000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 16909.1 0.00 0% 0.00 NOEXCISE 2712.70 180845.94 13 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500306 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 1857.030000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) NOS 180845.94 542537.82 1834029.60 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 16909.1 0.00 0% 0.00 072/2017 001/2017 56 2712.70 0% 0% 0% 10% 0% 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 271.30 0.00 0.00 8952.00 Page Total 30261.00 BE Gross Total Container Details 1 TCLU7024548 40' FX21091811 Licence Details 11 12 13 0.00 0.00 0.00 271.30 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOEXCISE AIDC Excise : Customs Educational CESS: Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: Social Welfare Surcharge: IGST Duty: GST Compensation Cess: 0.00 0.00 0.00 271.30 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOS 73158900 BCD Amt(Rs) CVD Amt(Rs) FCL (Continued on addl. sheet) Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd CheckList - BILL OF ENTRY FOR HOME CONSUMPTION [Custom stn: Nhava Sheva Sea,INNSA1] Printed On 07-Oct-2022 AEO Registration No. INAAACA1034D0F185 IMP/S/02019/2022-23 Job No BE No. / Date AAACA1034DCH004 Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd 8, Gyan Bhavan, Kumtha Street, Ballard Estate ,Fort Mumbai -1 ITEM DETAILS RITC 14 73158900 1.000000 AEO Role : AEO-LO Party Ref Importer Detail AD Code CHA Details Sl No Qty Unit 6/19 Description Unit Price Assessable Value CTH CETH 0388024011 6500114 M/S. LARSEN AND TOUBRO LIMITED Branch SNo: 189 PAN: AAACL0140P A M Naik Heavy Engineering Complex Modular Fabrication Facility, Hazira, Post Bhatha, Dist Surat, Gujarat. Surat - 394510, Cus. Notn Exc. Notn GSTIN: 24AAACL0140PDZD Cus. Duty Rate Exc. Duty Rate OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500308 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1857.030000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 050/2017 377 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 16909.1 0.00 0% 0.00 180845.94 15 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500312 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 NOEXCISE 2712.70 NOS 73158900 1857.030000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 16909.1 0.00 0% 0.00 NOEXCISE 2712.70 180845.94 16 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500314 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 1857.030000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) NOS 180845.94 542537.82 2376567.42 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 16909.1 0.00 0% 0.00 072/2017 001/2017 56 2712.70 0% 0% 0% 10% 0% 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 271.30 0.00 0.00 8952.00 Page Total 39213.00 BE Gross Total Container Details 1 TCLU7024548 40' FX21091811 Licence Details 14 15 16 0.00 0.00 0.00 271.30 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOEXCISE AIDC Excise : Customs Educational CESS: Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: Social Welfare Surcharge: IGST Duty: GST Compensation Cess: 0.00 0.00 0.00 271.30 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOS 73158900 BCD Amt(Rs) CVD Amt(Rs) FCL (Continued on addl. sheet) Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd CheckList - BILL OF ENTRY FOR HOME CONSUMPTION [Custom stn: Nhava Sheva Sea,INNSA1] Printed On 07-Oct-2022 AEO Registration No. INAAACA1034D0F185 IMP/S/02019/2022-23 Job No BE No. / Date AAACA1034DCH004 Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd 8, Gyan Bhavan, Kumtha Street, Ballard Estate ,Fort Mumbai -1 ITEM DETAILS RITC 17 73158900 1.000000 AEO Role : AEO-LO Party Ref Importer Detail AD Code CHA Details Sl No Qty Unit 7/19 Description Unit Price Assessable Value CTH CETH 0388024011 6500114 M/S. LARSEN AND TOUBRO LIMITED Branch SNo: 189 PAN: AAACL0140P A M Naik Heavy Engineering Complex Modular Fabrication Facility, Hazira, Post Bhatha, Dist Surat, Gujarat. Surat - 394510, Cus. Notn Exc. Notn GSTIN: 24AAACL0140PDZD Cus. Duty Rate Exc. Duty Rate OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500322 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1857.030000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 050/2017 377 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 16909.1 0.00 0% 0.00 180845.94 18 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500323 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 NOEXCISE 2712.70 NOS 73158900 1857.030000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 16909.1 0.00 0% 0.00 NOEXCISE 2712.70 180845.94 19 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600251 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 1995.000000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) NOS 194282.08 555973.96 2932541.38 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 18165.4 0.00 0% 0.00 072/2017 001/2017 56 2914.20 0% 0% 0% 10% 0% 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 291.40 0.00 0.00 9173.60 Page Total 48387.00 BE Gross Total Container Details 1 TCLU7024548 40' FX21091811 Licence Details 17 18 19 0.00 0.00 0.00 271.30 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOEXCISE AIDC Excise : Customs Educational CESS: Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: Social Welfare Surcharge: IGST Duty: GST Compensation Cess: 0.00 0.00 0.00 271.30 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOS 73158900 BCD Amt(Rs) CVD Amt(Rs) FCL (Continued on addl. sheet) Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd CheckList - BILL OF ENTRY FOR HOME CONSUMPTION [Custom stn: Nhava Sheva Sea,INNSA1] Printed On 07-Oct-2022 AEO Registration No. INAAACA1034D0F185 IMP/S/02019/2022-23 Job No BE No. / Date AAACA1034DCH004 Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd 8, Gyan Bhavan, Kumtha Street, Ballard Estate ,Fort Mumbai -1 ITEM DETAILS RITC 20 73158900 1.000000 AEO Role : AEO-LO Party Ref Importer Detail AD Code CHA Details Sl No Qty Unit 8/19 Description Unit Price Assessable Value CTH CETH 0388024011 6500114 M/S. LARSEN AND TOUBRO LIMITED Branch SNo: 189 PAN: AAACL0140P A M Naik Heavy Engineering Complex Modular Fabrication Facility, Hazira, Post Bhatha, Dist Surat, Gujarat. Surat - 394510, Cus. Notn Exc. Notn GSTIN: 24AAACL0140PDZD Cus. Duty Rate Exc. Duty Rate OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600258 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 2366.430000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 050/2017 377 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 21547.4 0.00 0% 0.00 230453.60 21 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600260 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 NOEXCISE 3456.80 NOS 73158900 BCD Amt(Rs) CVD Amt(Rs) 2366.430000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 050/2017 377 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 21547.4 0.00 0% 0.00 230453.60 22 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC HMC 600261 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 NOEXCISE 3456.80 NOS 73158900 2366.430000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) NOS 230453.60 691360.80 3623902.18 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 21547.4 0.00 0% 0.00 072/2017 001/2017 56 3456.80 0% 0% 0% 10% 0% 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 345.70 0.00 0.00 Page Total 11407.50 BE Gross Total 59794.00 Container Details 1 TCLU7024548 40' FX21091811 Licence Details 20 21 22 0.00 0.00 0.00 345.70 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOEXCISE AIDC Excise : Customs Educational CESS: Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: Social Welfare Surcharge: IGST Duty: GST Compensation Cess: 0.00 0.00 0.00 345.70 0.00 0.00 FCL (Continued on addl. sheet) Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd CheckList - BILL OF ENTRY FOR HOME CONSUMPTION [Custom stn: Nhava Sheva Sea,INNSA1] Printed On 07-Oct-2022 AEO Registration No. INAAACA1034D0F185 IMP/S/02019/2022-23 Job No BE No. / Date AAACA1034DCH004 Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd 8, Gyan Bhavan, Kumtha Street, Ballard Estate ,Fort Mumbai -1 ITEM DETAILS RITC 23 73158900 1.000000 AEO Role : AEO-LO Party Ref Importer Detail AD Code CHA Details Sl No Qty Unit 9/19 Description Unit Price Assessable Value CTH CETH 0388024011 6500114 M/S. LARSEN AND TOUBRO LIMITED Branch SNo: 189 PAN: AAACL0140P A M Naik Heavy Engineering Complex Modular Fabrication Facility, Hazira, Post Bhatha, Dist Surat, Gujarat. Surat - 394510, Cus. Notn Exc. Notn GSTIN: 24AAACL0140PDZD Cus. Duty Rate Exc. Duty Rate OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600263 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 2366.430000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 050/2017 377 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 21547.4 0.00 0% 0.00 230453.60 24 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600264 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 NOEXCISE 3456.80 NOS 73158900 2366.430000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 21547.4 0.00 0% 0.00 NOEXCISE 3456.80 230453.60 25 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600290 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 2366.430000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) NOS 230453.60 691360.80 4315262.98 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 21547.4 0.00 0% 0.00 072/2017 001/2017 56 3456.80 0% 0% 0% 10% 0% 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 345.70 0.00 0.00 Page Total 11407.50 BE Gross Total 71202.00 Container Details 1 TCLU7024548 40' FX21091811 Licence Details 23 24 25 0.00 0.00 0.00 345.70 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOEXCISE AIDC Excise : Customs Educational CESS: Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: Social Welfare Surcharge: IGST Duty: GST Compensation Cess: 0.00 0.00 0.00 345.70 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOS 73158900 BCD Amt(Rs) CVD Amt(Rs) FCL (Continued on addl. sheet) Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd CheckList - BILL OF ENTRY FOR HOME CONSUMPTION [Custom stn: Nhava Sheva Sea,INNSA1] Printed On 07-Oct-2022 AEO Registration No. INAAACA1034D0F185 IMP/S/02019/2022-23 Job No BE No. / Date AAACA1034DCH004 Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd 8, Gyan Bhavan, Kumtha Street, Ballard Estate ,Fort Mumbai -1 ITEM DETAILS RITC 26 73158900 1.000000 AEO Role : AEO-LO Party Ref Importer Detail AD Code CHA Details Sl No Qty Unit 10/19 Description Unit Price Assessable Value CTH CETH 0388024011 6500114 M/S. LARSEN AND TOUBRO LIMITED Branch SNo: 189 PAN: AAACL0140P A M Naik Heavy Engineering Complex Modular Fabrication Facility, Hazira, Post Bhatha, Dist Surat, Gujarat. Surat - 394510, Cus. Notn Exc. Notn GSTIN: 24AAACL0140PDZD Cus. Duty Rate Exc. Duty Rate OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600292 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 2366.430000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 050/2017 377 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 21547.4 0.00 0% 0.00 230453.60 27 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600305 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 NOEXCISE 3456.80 NOS 73158900 2785.550000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 25363.7 0.00 0% 0.00 NOEXCISE 4069.00 271269.39 28 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600306 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 2785.550000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) NOS 271269.39 772992.38 5088255.36 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 25363.7 0.00 0% 0.00 072/2017 001/2017 56 4069.00 0% 0% 0% 10% 0% 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 406.90 0.00 0.00 Page Total 12754.30 BE Gross Total 83956.00 Container Details 1 TCLU7024548 40' FX21091811 Licence Details 26 27 28 0.00 0.00 0.00 406.90 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOEXCISE AIDC Excise : Customs Educational CESS: Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: Social Welfare Surcharge: IGST Duty: GST Compensation Cess: 0.00 0.00 0.00 345.70 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOS 73158900 BCD Amt(Rs) CVD Amt(Rs) FCL (Continued on addl. sheet) Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd CheckList - BILL OF ENTRY FOR HOME CONSUMPTION [Custom stn: Nhava Sheva Sea,INNSA1] Printed On 07-Oct-2022 AEO Registration No. INAAACA1034D0F185 IMP/S/02019/2022-23 Job No BE No. / Date AAACA1034DCH004 Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd 8, Gyan Bhavan, Kumtha Street, Ballard Estate ,Fort Mumbai -1 ITEM DETAILS RITC 29 73158900 1.000000 AEO Role : AEO-LO Party Ref Importer Detail AD Code CHA Details Sl No Qty Unit 11/19 Description Unit Price Assessable Value CTH CETH 0388024011 6500114 M/S. LARSEN AND TOUBRO LIMITED Branch SNo: 189 PAN: AAACL0140P A M Naik Heavy Engineering Complex Modular Fabrication Facility, Hazira, Post Bhatha, Dist Surat, Gujarat. Surat - 394510, Cus. Notn Exc. Notn GSTIN: 24AAACL0140PDZD Cus. Duty Rate Exc. Duty Rate OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600307 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 2785.550000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 050/2017 377 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 25363.7 0.00 0% 0.00 271269.39 30 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600308 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 NOEXCISE 4069.00 NOS 73158900 2785.550000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 25363.7 0.00 0% 0.00 NOEXCISE 4069.00 271269.39 31 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600343 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 2785.550000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) NOS 271269.39 813808.17 5902063.53 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 25363.7 0.00 0% 0.00 072/2017 001/2017 56 4069.00 0% 0% 0% 10% 0% 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 406.90 0.00 0.00 Page Total 13427.70 BE Gross Total 97384.00 Container Details 1 TCLU7024548 40' FX21091811 Licence Details 29 30 31 0.00 0.00 0.00 406.90 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOEXCISE AIDC Excise : Customs Educational CESS: Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: Social Welfare Surcharge: IGST Duty: GST Compensation Cess: 0.00 0.00 0.00 406.90 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOS 73158900 BCD Amt(Rs) CVD Amt(Rs) FCL (Continued on addl. sheet) Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd CheckList - BILL OF ENTRY FOR HOME CONSUMPTION [Custom stn: Nhava Sheva Sea,INNSA1] Printed On 07-Oct-2022 AEO Registration No. INAAACA1034D0F185 IMP/S/02019/2022-23 Job No BE No. / Date AAACA1034DCH004 Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd 8, Gyan Bhavan, Kumtha Street, Ballard Estate ,Fort Mumbai -1 ITEM DETAILS RITC 32 73158900 1.000000 AEO Role : AEO-LO Party Ref Importer Detail AD Code CHA Details Sl No Qty Unit 12/19 Description Unit Price Assessable Value CTH CETH 0388024011 6500114 M/S. LARSEN AND TOUBRO LIMITED Branch SNo: 189 PAN: AAACL0140P A M Naik Heavy Engineering Complex Modular Fabrication Facility, Hazira, Post Bhatha, Dist Surat, Gujarat. Surat - 394510, Cus. Notn Exc. Notn GSTIN: 24AAACL0140PDZD Cus. Duty Rate Exc. Duty Rate OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600345 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 2785.550000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 050/2017 377 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 25363.7 0.00 0% 0.00 271269.39 33 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600354 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 NOEXCISE 4069.00 NOS 73158900 2785.550000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 25363.7 0.00 0% 0.00 NOEXCISE 4069.00 271269.39 34 AIDC Excise : 0% Customs Educational CESS: 0% Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: 0% Social Welfare Surcharge: 10% IGST Duty: 072/2017 0% GST Compensation Cess: 001/2017 56 0% OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600357 (OILFIELD SUPPLIES) 1.000000 2785.550000 73158900 AIDC : Aggregate Duty: 072/2017 (ii) NOS 271269.39 813808.17 6715871.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 406.90 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 10% 011/2021 17 0% 15% FG Amt: 25363.7 0.00 0% 0.00 NOEXCISE AIDC Excise : Customs Educational CESS: Cus Sec & High Edu. CESS: Social Welfare Surcharge: IGST Duty: GST Compensation Cess: 0.00 0.00 0.00 406.90 0.00 0.00 050/2017 377 NOS 73158900 BCD Amt(Rs) CVD Amt(Rs) 072/2017 001/2017 56 4069.00 0% 0% 0% 10% 0% 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 406.90 0.00 0.00 13427.70 Page Total 110812.00 BE Gross Total Duty Payable Rs. One Lakh Ten Thousand Eight Hundred Twelve Only Container Details 1 TCLU7024548 40' FX21091811 Licence Details 32 33 34 FCL (Continued on addl. sheet) Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd CheckList - BILL OF ENTRY FOR HOME CONSUMPTION 13/19 [Custom stn: Nhava Sheva Sea,INNSA1] Printed On 07-Oct-2022 AEO Registration No. : INAAACA1034D0F185 AEO Role : AEO-LO GSTIN Details Regn No Regn Type State Code/Name IGST Ass.Val IGST Amt GST Cess Amt 24AAACL0140PDZD GSTIN 24 - GUJARAT 7454617 0 0 Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd CheckList - BILL OF ENTRY FOR HOME CONSUMPTION 14/19 [Custom stn: Nhava Sheva Sea,INNSA1] Printed On 07-Oct-2022 AEO Registration No. : INAAACA1034D0F185 AEO Role : AEO-LO SINGLE WINDOW - Additional Product Information Inv N Item N Info Type Info Qualifier 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Item Characteristics Product Name Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Standard UQC SIMS Info Code Information Measureme Unit 571.000000 KGS 571.000000 KGS 571.000000 KGS 571.000000 KGS 571.000000 KGS 571.000000 KGS 685.000000 KGS 685.000000 KGS 685.000000 KGS 685.000000 KGS 685.000000 KGS 685.000000 KGS 685.000000 KGS 685.000000 KGS 685.000000 KGS 685.000000 KGS 685.000000 KGS 685.000000 KGS 960.000000 KGS 960.000000 KGS 960.000000 KGS 960.000000 KGS 960.000000 KGS 960.000000 KGS 960.000000 KGS 960.000000 KGS 960.000000 KGS 960.000000 KGS 960.000000 KGS 960.000000 KGS 960.000000 KGS 960.000000 KGS 960.000000 KGS 960.000000 KGS SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL SIUNAPL Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd CheckList - BILL OF ENTRY FOR HOME CONSUMPTION 15/19 [Custom stn: Nhava Sheva Sea,INNSA1] Printed On 07-Oct-2022 AEO Registration No. : INAAACA1034D0F185 END USE INFORMATION Inv No Item No Code Description 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 N.A. 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HMC 400 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 400 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 400 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 400 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 400 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 400 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 400 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 400 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 400 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 400 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 400 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 500 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 500 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. 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N.A. NL 1 34 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600 OLD AND USED SHACKLE, WLL 600 MT, ANCHOR TYPE ID NO. HMC 600 N.A. N.A. NL Accessories DECLARATIONS DETAILS Inv N Item N Declaration Codes 0 1 0 0 CUG00,CUG01 CUV01,CUV02,CUV03 DECLARATION 1. I/We certify that the above entries are correct. CHA Importer Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd LARSEN AND TOUBRO LIMITED Signature Signature Origin Countr Source Countr Transit Countr Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd CheckList - BILL OF ENTRY FOR HOME CONSUMPTION [Custom stn: Nhava Sheva Sea,INNSA1] Printed On IGM No Cntry Of Origin BL No. Date No Of Pkgs Marks & Nos. 07-Oct-2022 SHIPMENT DETAILS GLD (Inward) date Cons. Country HBL No. Date Gross Weight 1111111 dt.07-Oct-2022 Netherlands MEDUSI841827 30-Sep-2022 34 PKG AS PER B/L 19/19 07-Oct-2022 Singapore 27086.000 KGS Container Details 1 2 TCLU7024548 TRLU6424560 FX21091811 FX21091011 40' 40' FCL FCL

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