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ICSE Class X Podar Mid-term 2024 : Physics

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Podar High School .ISC SummativeAssessment 1 - 2024-25 Lilavatibai -Physics -X Subject Grade Duration -2Hour Marks :- 80 : Instructions Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed to write the answers. Attempt ALL questionsfrom section A and from Section B The intended marks for the questions or parts of questions are given in bracket SECTIONA (AttemptALL questions ) -Choose the correct optionfrom those given below Ranveer does 600J of work in 10minutes and Ranbir does 300of work in 20 minutes.If the power delivered by them is P a d P: Question (i) 1 respectively then a) P,- P: ( ) ) (b) P: > (c) P <P: The deviation produced in a prism does not depefd on a) angleof incidence b) size of theprisgn material of d) colaytrof prism A rayof light incident (i i) refraction passes a) Its first focus d) The cerntre of (iv) P: on a lens par llehoits light used. principal axis, after through or appearstocomefrom: b) Its opticl entre curvature of c) Its second focus itysecond surface. The pointof appli qtono toroe on a rigid body is a point : a)fixed on rigidbody b)that can be t ans erred anywhere alongthe line of action of force. that carberafered along the direction of force. d)that cgnbetansferred opposite to the direction of force. ) (v) WhichAthefollowingstatementsis not true about a pulley? Asnglefixed pulley is one which is fixed to a support. VBNAsinge movable pulley is not fixed to any support. movable pulley doubles the effort we exert. ) A single (vi) movable pulley acts asa speed multiplier In asinglemovable pulleyif displacementof load displacement of effort a) 2m b)4m is 2m then is c) Im d) 3m THIS PAPER HAS7 PRINTED SIDES 1 [ 1. (vii) The nature of image formed by a concave lens is a) virtual, upright and diminished - b)virtual, inverted and enlarged ) virtual, inverted and diminished ) virtual, upright and enlarged (vii) - Assertion Quartz prism is used to obtain ultraviolet spectrum Reason -Quartz does not absorb these radiations. a) both assertion and reason are true b)both assertion and reason are false c) assertion is true d) assertion (ix) is false The phenomenon sunrise but reason - and is false responsible for appearing a) Diffraction of light b) ) Reflection d) Total () A body ,ISC reason is true. of light of the sunbefre gctal Refraction ofigh IntnalRefection. is performing a uniform cirqulagtnooy. Which of the following quantities is/are constanfR a) velocity (a) Two forces F of couple is 9 -will be b) speed c) and Fz are appled Pod b)60 cm avatibai such that moment F=15N ) d)40 cm 30cm Jhere must an object be placed in front of a convex lens so that the image formed is at infinity? b)between F & 2F a)at2F (xiii) ohacircular body Nm in dockection.The radius of circular body F,= 15N (xii d) both (a) and (b) accelagation ) at Focus d) At infinity The correct relation between mechanical advantage [MA],load [L] and the effort [E]is a) MA =LxE )MA=L+E b) MA=L+E d) 2 MA=L-E (xiv) Assertion(A):- Infrared radiations travel long distance through a dense fog and mist. Reason(R) :- Infrared undergoes minimal radiations in the earth's atmosphere scattering A and R are true and R is the correct explarnation of A. b) both A and R areTrue and R is not the correct explanation ofA. )A isfalse but R is true. d)A is true R is false. a) both (cv) A moment of anticlockwise direction. Then the moment of couple is taken as maximum d) zero b) negative a) positive Question ) couplehas a tendency to rotate the body in an ISC 2 School, : () Complete the followingsentences by choggieg the gorrect answers from the bracket a) Ifa part ofthe lens b) Diamond sparklebecauseof.... covered,its fobal decreases/remains (increases/ (refraction Centre is .....on of light/ total of gravity is t rja ot light /dispersion) from/lowertowards the base d e) A fire tontwith class AI as D The splimg belongsto class II ( i) A metal ball its . light into its (b) thermal lg=10 m s?] 3 examples : [2] power station. and rebounds to a height potential energy constituent colors is called place in the following of mass60 g falls on a concrete height of 2.8m )energy /scattering ) he energy conversiontaking microphone (kinetic/ potential ]lever. polychromatic 0dispersion (a) ) l when it is a hollowan In an oscillating,pertdulun the. is maximum at theextreme positions. ( [6] floor of 1.3 from a vertical m. Find the change in 21 Question () 3 Two bodies velocitiesif A and B have samekinetic energies. Compare the mass of A is 4times the mass of B. I2] A lerns forms an upright and magnified image of an object. (i) [2] a)Identify the lens b)State the sign that identified (ii) must be assigned to the power of the lens above Draw a graph of kinetic energyvs height fora body thrown vertiealhy 21 up. (iv) Anon-uniform beam of weight 120 N shown below. Calculate the value of is balanced at one endas [21 F. 020m 0.60 m Pryot Weight Centre of gravity of beam 120 N (v) A horseexerts a pull on with a uniform horse. (vi) a artos00N so that the horsecart spep18kmh,Calculate moves Amagician duringa nagicshow makesa glass lens of refractive index ina trough of liquid. a) Whagns therefractive indexof 147pear liquid b) Cotheliquid be water? [2] the power developed by [2 ? Denescattering Why is red colorused Question 4 (i) An objectof size3cm is asa danger signal ? I21 SECTIONB kept ata distance of 14 cm in front concave lensof focal of a length 21 cm. a) Calculate the position of the image formed. b) What will happen to thesizeof the formed imaged if the moved further awayfrom object is the lens ? 4 I21 n the diagram below is shown a lever. 1m B m 0.4 L- 120 N [1 a) Identify the type of [2 lever. b) Calculate themechanical advantage of the lever ( ) Draw a block and Calculate mechanical advantage if its its effidency using a spectacle with power of the lens used. length of ( ) child is is 90% hoo Question5 a) Define power of a lens. (i) b) A [4 system diagram with velocty ratiq 4. tackle 25b Fnd the [1] focal [2] A lens forms an image of 16 cm of objedemtall kept at a areon same side distance of 6 cm from the lens. Theecra dimage: 13] of the lens. a) Identify the lens. b)State ) ( i) an incolete is formed. magnifjeatinothe image formed. State the Below theage the characteristics electromagngtic table showing the pectrum arrangement of in the increasing order of their wave length Coplet thetable. GarineX-rays UV Infrared rays [21 (b) (a) rays Name the radiation ) State one common above whose frequencywould be l1012 Hz. property to all the radiations [11 . mentioned in the (11 table ) Question6 a displacementof An effort of 10 kgf is applied on a machine through a distance of 4 cm. 80cm, when a load of 100 kgf moves through Calculate:a) Velocity ratio. b) M.A. c) efficiency of machine in percentage. 31 () When sunlightpasses through water droplets in the atmosphere it its constituent colors forming a rainbow. similar is observed when whitelight passes gets dispersed into phenomenon A through a prism. a) The ray of which and which one will show the maximum angleof show the minimum angleof deviation? b) Ifinsteadof sunlight, glassprism. What ( i) [2 color will a green-color deviation 1) ray is passed through a be the color of the emergent ray? will The diagram below showS a light ray refracted through a glassslab:(4] The angle of incidenceisalways equalto the angleof M Inident Angle of emergence. incidence ray Angle of refracton Air B MA Glass D Air Angle of refraction Angle of emergence N At which angle of incidence a) b) How will the angle of will the lateral displacementbe zero? and angleof refraction be related denser to a rarer medium? incidence the light ray travels from any two factors on which List Emergent ray a if the lateral shift depends upon. Question7 () a) What ismeant by the term 'critical angle'? b) How is it related to the refractive index of Does the depth of a tank of ) 13 the medium? water appear to change or remain the same when viewed normally from above? 6 ) rod isbalanced at the 70cm mark by suspendinga mark. 40 cm mark and 200 gf at the 95 cm weight of 50gf at the and calculate the weight of the Draw a diagram of the arrangement metre A uniform metre rod. (i i) A lens produes a) Name a virtual (4] and the lens. image between the object the lens the formation using standard rays showing b) Draw a ray diagram image. of ISC School, High Podar Llavatibai

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