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ICSE Class X Mid-term 2024 : Physics (Pearl Drop School, Pune)

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Dr.Vijayalakshmi Murali
Pearl Drop School, Pune
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PEARL DROP SCHOOL ICSE MIDTERM STD. X 2023-24 SUBJECT: PHYSICS CLASS-X Total Marks: 80 Date: 19th October 2023 Time: Two hours Maximum Marks: 80 Time allowed: Two hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ] SECTION A (40 Marks) (Attempt all questions from this Section.) Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only) (i) A pendulum is oscillating on either side of its rest position. The correct statement is: a) It has only the kinetic energy at its each position. b) It has the maximum kinetic energy at its extreme position c) It has the maximum potential energy at its mean position. d) The sum of its kinetic and potential energy remains constant throughout the motion (ii) The change from electric energy to mechanical energy occurs in: a) Electric bulb b) Electric motor c) Steam engine d) Nuclear bomb [15] (iii) A body of mass 2 kg falls from a height of 15m. The energy it possesses at any instant is (Take g=9.8m/s-2): a) 29.4 J b) 294 Wh c) 19.6 J d) 294 J (iv) For a machine used as a force multiplier a) Effort E < Load L b) Effort E >Load L c) Effort E = Load L d) Cannot be determined (v) The highest refractive index is of a) Water b) Glass c) Diamond d) Ruby (vi) Mechanical advantage is the ratio of a) load and efficiency b) effort and force c) Load and effort d) Load and displacement (vii) The ideal mechanical advantage of a lever when effort arm is 50cm and load arm is 5cm is a) 16 b) 0.1 c) 17 d) 10 (viii) State the incorrect statement: a) A machine always has the efficiency less than 100% b) The mechanical advantage of a machine can be less than 1 c) A machine can be used as speed multiplier d) A machine can have mechanical advantage greater than velocity ratio (ix) When a ray of light travelling from an optically denser medium emerges into an optically less dense medium, the ray a) Deviates towards the normal b) Deviates away from the normal c) Does not deviate d) Gets reflected (x) The power of a lens is + 2.0 D. Then the focal length of the lens is ____. a) 0.5 cm b) 2 cm c) 0.05 cm d) 50 cm (xi) The rays used by detective agencies to detect concealed precious metals a) Gamma rays b) X-rays c) Ultraviolet rays d) None of the above (xii) Wave length of ultra violet is in the range of a) 10-400 nm b) 800-1000000 nm c) Below 0.1 nm d) 500-900 nm (xiii) Using a concave lens, a diminished, virtual and erect image of the object is obtained, when the object is at a) Only at infinity b) anywhere between the optic centre and infinity c) only at optic centre d) only at the focus (xiv) The radiations that produce very strong heating effect is a) Infrared radiations b) Ultraviolet radiations c) Visible radiations d) None of the above (xv) The critical angle for glass-air interface is a) 240 b) 420 c) 480 d) 450 Question 2 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Define the term dispersion of light. Explain the cause of dispersion of white light through a prism [3] Name the main energy transformation that occur in the following when in use: (a) Photo electric cell (b) Geyser [2] A ball of mass 400 g is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 20m/s-1. Find the maximum potential energy as it gains as it goes up. [2] A ball is placed on a compressed spring. When the spring is released, the ball is observed to fly away. [2] (v) (vi) (vii) a) What form of energy does the compressed spring possess? b) Why does the ball fly away on releasing the spring? State Snell s laws of refraction of light. [2] A ray of light moves from water to glass. (a) Does the speed of light change? (b) Give reasons for your answers. [2] The work done by a heart is 1 J per beat. Calculate the power of heart if it beats 75 times in 1 minute. [2] Question 3 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) State the sign convention to measure distances for a lens. The focal length of a lens is a) positive and b) negative. In each case state the kind of lens. [2] A machine works as a) a force multiplier b) a speed multiplier. In each case state if the velocity ratio is more than 1 or less than 1. [2] State the relation between power and velocity. If the power of a motor is 100 kW, find the speed with which it can raise a load of 50,000 N? [2] Draw neat labelled diagrams when (a) A ray of light passes from air to glass (b) Ray of light passes from glass to water [2] The base of a 15 cm tall container completely filled with water appears to be raised by 3.75cm. Calculate the RI of water [2] -3 A wave has a wavelength 10 nm. a) Name the wave. b) State its one property different from light. [2] SECTION B (30 Marks) (Attempt any three questions) Question 4 (i) (ii) (iii) State the relation between momentum and kinetic energy. A body of mass 60 kg has the momentum 3000kg m/s-1. Calculate: (a) the kinetic energy and (b) the speed of the body. [4] State the different forms of kinetic energy explaining each briefly. [3] Complete the following sentences. a. The kinetic energy of a body is by virtue of its ____. b. The potential energy of a body is the energy by virtue of ___. c. The conversion of part of energy into an undesirable form is called _. [3] Question 5 (i) (ii) Name the three classes of levers with diagram and state how are they distinguished. Give one examples of each class [3] (a) State four differences between a single fixed pulley and a single movable pulley. (iii) (b) The velocity ratio of a combination of n movable pulleys with a fixed pulley is always _____. (c) The velocity ratio of a block and tackle system is always equal to the ___ of _____ of the tackle supporting the load. [4] A block and tackle system has 5 pulleys. If an effort of 1000 N is needed in the downward direction to raise a load of 4500 N, calculate:(a)The mechanical advantage, (b)The velocity ratio and, (c) The efficiency of the system. [3] Question 6 (i) (ii) (iii) Name two factors on which the refractive index of a medium depends? State how does it depends on the factors stated by you. [2] In the adjacent diagram, AO is a ray of light incident on a rectangular glass slab. a) Complete the path of the ray till it emerges out of the slab. b) In the ray diagram, mark the angle of incidence (i) and the angle of refraction (r) at the first interface. How is the refractive index of glass related to angles i and r ? c) Mark angle of emergence by the letter e. How are the angles i and e related? d) Which two rays are parallel to each other? Name them. e) Indicate in the diagram the lateral displacement between the emergent ray and the incident ray. State one factor that affects the lateral displacement. [5] Water in a pond appears to be only three-quarters of its actual depth. (a) What property of light is responsible for this observation? Illustrate your answer with the help of a ray diagram. (b) How is the refractive index of water calculated from its real and apparent depths? [3] Question 7 (i) (a) How does the angle of deviation produced by a prism change with increase in the angle of incidence. Draw a curve showing the variation in the angle of deviation with the angle of incidence at a prism surface. (b) Using the curve in part (a) above, how do you infer that for given prism, the angle of minimum deviation min is unique for the given light. [4] (ii) (iii) What is total internal reflection? State two conditions necessary for total internal reflection to occur. Draw diagrams to illustrate critical angle and total internal reflection [3] A lens of focal length 20cm forms an inverted image at a distance 60cm from the lens. (a) Identify the type of the lens. (b) How far is the lens present in front of the object? [3] Question 8 (i) (ii) (iii) In the given figure, a ray of light PQ is incident normally on a glass prism ABC. Given the critical angle of the glass is 42 . [3] (a) Complete the path of the ray PQ until it emerges from the prism. Mark in the diagram the angle wherever necessary. (b) What is the angle of deviation of the ray PQ? (c) State the uses of a right-angled isosceles prism. An object of height 3cm height is placed 2 cm in front of a convex lens of focal length 6 cm. Draw a neat labelled diagram to show the position of the image. State the characteristics of the image formed [3] A ray of white light is passed through a glass prism and spectrum is obtained on a screen. (a)Name the seven colours of the spectrum in order. (b)Do the colours have the same width in the spectrum? (c)Which of the colour of the spectrum of white light deviates (i) the most? (ii) the least? [4] Question 9 (i) (ii) (iii) A lens forms the image of an object placed at a distance of 45 cm from it on a screen placed at a distance 90 cm on other side of it. (a) name the kind of lens. (b) find the focal length of lens, and the magnification of image. [3] Give one use each of (a) microwaves, (b) ultraviolet radiations, (c) infrared radiations, and (d) gamma rays. [4] What are infrared radiations? How are they detected? State one use of these radiations. [3]

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