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ISC Class XII Prelims 2025 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Dr. C. L. Metha Sishya OMR School (CLM), Thoraipakkam)

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\ Sish ya OMR Sch ool Prel imin ary Exam inati on I- 2024 -202 5 Eng lish Liter atur e- Pap er -11 Std: XII Time : 3 Hou rs Mar ks: 80 Pag es: 1-4 Date: 22.0 1.2,J ; Inst ruct ions to Candidates > You are allo wed additional fifte en min utes for only reading the que stion paper. > You mus t NOT star t writi ng duri ng reading time. This que stio n paper has 4 prin ted pages. It has 5 que stio ns in all. Ans wer a\\ que stio ns. > Whi le ans wer ing Question 1 in Section A, you are required to writ e only ONE option as the corr ect ans wer . Inte rnal cho ice has been given in the long answer questions on Drama, Prose and Poe try. Do not exceed the prescribed wor d limi t whil e answering the questions in Section 8. The inte nde d marks for questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION A (20 Marks} .Question 1 Choose the corr ect options.for the following ques tions. (i) Wha t does Siwa rd learn abou t Mac beth 's posit ion in Act 5, Scen e 4? (i) Macbeth has fled Scotland . (10] (ii) Macbeth is ,gathering more forces. (iii) Macbeth remai!ls in Dunsinane. (iv) Macbeth is negotiating pe~ce. (ii) Lady Macduff: ;. Fathere'd he j~. yet he's fatherless .' (Act IV, Sce ne 2) Whic h figure of speech can be.identified in the given line? (i) Irony . (ii} Antithesis (iii) S~rcasm (iv) p ara<;iox (iii) In Act IV, Scene 3, Malcolm tests Macduff's loyalty by pretending to be even more corrupt than MaGbeth. This strategy highlights the play's theme -----(i) The importance of patience and self-control. (ii) The destructive nature of unchecked ambition. (iii) The difficulty of discerning true intentions. (iv) The inevitability of fate. (iv) In Act 3, Scene 4, Macbeth is dramatically rema rkable for whic h of the reasons given belo w? (i) Paranoia and ambition (ii) Guilt and escalation of evil (iii) Pathos and confusion .(iv) Doubt and confusion 1 a. On\~ \i) - 'o. \i) and \iii) c. \i) and (ii) d. (iii) and \i\J) \\J) Wha t motivated Motilal Babu to consider Tarpada a suita ble match for Charushashi? a. Tarpada's intelligence b. Charushashi's approval c. Tarpada's background d. Charushashi's rebellious behaviour. (vi) (vii) Which of the following statements most strongly fores hadows the story's supernatural elements? a. Bubber's single-minded focus on the cookies. b. The description of Mrs. Drew's house as overgrown and decaying. c. The contrast between Bubber's weariness and Mrs. Drew's reiuvenation. d. The harsh, relentless wind that follows Bubber home . Examine the statements from the story "There Will Come Soft Rains" and choose the correct option based on their relationship. Statement 1: "At eight-thirty, the eggs were shrivelled , and the toas t was \ike stone." Statement 2: "The house stood alone in the city of rubb le and ashes." (i) Statement 1 is independent of Statement 2 (ii) Statement 1 is the reason for Statement 2 (iii) Statement 1 and Statement 2 describe contrastin g events . (iv) Statement 1 is the result of State men t 2 (viii) (ix) In the poem 'Telephone Conversation' the poet's voice becomes_ _ _ __ (i) angry (ii) annoyed (iii) sarcastic (iv)humble What does the 'wreath of tube rose s' symb olise in the poem 'Sma l\ Tow ns and the Rh,er'? (i) Celebration of life. (ii) Fragility of nature . . (iii) Mortality and cycle of life and deat h. (iv) The beau ty of the town. * (x) Whic h of the following best enca psula tes the centr al message conv eyed by the spea ker in the poem 'Dea th be not Prou d'? (i) Deat h is a cruel and merc iless force that must be feared . ")( (ii) Deat h is a temp?rary state that the faithful will trans cend . (iii) Deat h is an illusion that hold s no true po~e r over the living. (iv) Deat h is a necessary part of the cycle of hfe and should be emb race d. Question 2 Complete the following sentences bY ,Prov1 d'mg a reason for each in brief. Do not write the question. [1 O] ause_ _ _ beth says, " What's don e is don e" bec Mac y Lad , beth Mac of 2 ne Sce , 1. In Act ht k.,ngs, deepIY urbs e1g th of b ion M of ess 1 proc ne a Sce on, 4, ariti Act app In 2. ac e , the fourth Mac bet h bec aus e l th e 5 1, Lad y Macbeth refers to the smell of blood on her hands, saying, "Al ne Sce 3. In Act per fum es of Ara b raw ,-11 not swe eten this little hand," because:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . ~ e:_ _ _ _ _ __ 4. In Act 5, sce ne 5 , M acb eth re,e rs to lrfe as 'a walking shadow' becaus . t t Come 5 st ua ,on Soft Rains' highlights its tragic The dog 's dea th in The re Wrll 3 ---- l' bec aus e -- -- -- of heritage because 6. The med icin e bag was a sym bol as the 'wo rst' nard and M-rs.--0-~-e-w-is-described 7. The cen tral relationship between Ber bec aus e --- k'd their wills" because -----8 Tith onu s says "strong Hours indignant wor e aus poet mocks death bec -----9 In the poem, 'Death be not Proud', the because_ __ en', alludes to the Towers of Babylon' 10. The spe ake r in the poe m 'Beethov SECTION B - 60 MARKS MACBETH -WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Question 3 (i) (ii) (iii) how Macbeth 's and.actions in Act Ill Scene 1, analyse Ref erri ng closely to Macbeth's words, of Banquo's 's murder. Explore Macbeth's fear quo Ban plot to him es driv ition amb [5] des cen dan ts inheriting the throne. consider the following: In you r response of 100-150 words, der. rs and his justifications for Banquo's mur (a) M~cbeth's manipulation of the murdere . age paranoia regarding Banquo's line (b) Macbeth 's feeling of in$ecurity and pares life to and Tomorrow..," in Act V Sce ne 5, com [5] Mac beth in his soliloquy 'Tomorrow $everal things. sider the following: In your response of 100-150 words, con es . (a) Explain ally one comparison he mak his nihilistic view of the world. . (b) Analyse how the soliloquy reflects 's ghost uss Macbeth's confrontation with Banquo "Ne ver shake thy gor y locks at me." Disc and denial say I did it," reflects his internal conflict not st can u Tho t" tha ce sten insi his and of guilt. ? l101 ds. Write you r ans wer in abo ut 200-250 wor Or s his actions in Act 4 of 'Macbeth'. How doe Evaluate Macbeth 's state of min d and his mis guid ed aritions affect his decisions, result in interaction with the witc hes and the app fulfilled? sha dow the way the pro phe cies will be con fide nce and act as sym bols that fore l101 ds. wor 0 -25 200 ut abo in Write you r ans wer I tuestlon 4 (i) (ii) (iii) What significant event ultimately led to the destruction of the automated house in Ray Bradbury's 'There Will Come Soft Rains'? Provide details on how this event unfolded and resulted in the house's demise. [5] In your response of 100-150 words, consider the following: (a) Describe the critical moment that initiated the destruction of the house. (b) Highlight the futile efforts made by the house to save itself. The indigo planter says "I h . shed a tear at .' ave treated the natives here so badly that there is no one to my passing away " w t b h" . Write your answ h n e a out is inner turmoil and a deep sense of guilt In your responsee~;~~;_ ~~ paragraph o! about 100-150 words. [5] 1 words, consider the following (a) The cruet treat th fl" e m 1cted on the local people durin 9 hi . (b) Th e fear of themen consequence of his action. s time as a p\anter. The title 'The Cookie Lady' ma kes one t h"mk 1t to be an amusing story, but \ater on tt "bl out t o be a hom e story. Elaborate. , 1 urns Write your answer in about 200-250 words. Or Why did Tarpada repeatedly leave his home and embark on various adventures, as depicted in the short story 'Atithi'? What significant lessons can be drawn from Tarpada's encounters with Motilal Babu and his family during his journey? l'\01 Write your answer in about 200-250 words. luestion 5 (i) Evaluate how the setting of the poem enhances the themes of isolation and discrimination in the poem 'Telephone Conversation'. [5] In your response of100-150 words, consider the following: (a) Imagery associated with the 'Red booth' and 'Red Pillar Box'. (b) The clever play of words us~d by the speaker to highlight the absurdity of rada\ discrimination. (ii) i) In "Death, be not Proud," how do paradox and personification contribute to the sense o, victozy over death? l51 In your response of100-150 words, consider the following: (a) Explain the paradox 'And death shall be no more; Death, thou sha\t die.' (b) Explain why Donne calls Death a 'slave to fate'. 'The Gods themselves cannot recall their gifts.' Explain the fear that Tithonus has that his situation will continue forever. How does Tennyson expose the potential dangers and unintended consequences of desiring immortality? [10] Write your answer in about 200-250 words. Or Discuss the significance of Beethoven's repeated attem~ts to meet. his f~ th er's expectations in his musical journey and his relentless pursuit to shape his music and . [10] persona\ hfe. . . Write your answer in about 200-250 words with supporting details from the poem. ****End of Paper*** 4

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