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ISC Class XII Prelims 2025 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (St. Stephen's School, Dum Dum, Kolkata (Calcutta))

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Lelouch Lamperouge
M. C. Kejriwal Vidyapeeth (MCKV), Liluah, Howrah
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St.Stephgu's School- BumDum PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION- 2024 -2025 Class - 12 Subject - LITERATURE IN ENGLISH Writing Time (in Hrs.): 3 HRS Marks: 80 Instructinns to Candidates You are allowed additional fifteen minutes for only reading the quetion paper. You must NOT start writine durine reading time This qucstion papcr has 6 printed pages It has Squestions in all. Answer all questions. r Whilc answering Question I in Section A. you arce required to write enty ONE option as the correct ansMer. r Internal choice has been given in the leng answer questions on Drama Prose and Poctry. Do not exceedthe prescribed word limit while answering the questions in Section B. The intended marks for questions arc given in brackets ( ) SECTIONA- 20 MARKS Question 1 Choose the correct option for the following questions In Act 3 Scene 1 of Macbeth why does Macbeth want to kil Banquo? A. Banquo has discovered Macbeth's involvement in Duncan's murder B. Macbeth is envious of Banquo's success in the battie Macbeth fears Banquo's descendants will take the throne D. Banquo might betray Macbeth and revoit against him (10) brings out apparition of a bloody child The second good omen. naivety in believing it is a A. Macbeth's Macbeth's son. B. Murdering of threat Fleance to remove the C. Murdering born of woman. be harmed by anyone not shall Macbeth D. The dreadful secret which Lady Macbeth fears through the would be disclosed words of Macbeth, addressing the ghost of Banquo was A. Murder of Duncan B. Murder of Fleance C. Murder of Banquo D. Murder of Lady Macduff IV. Why carry out the murder does not Macbeth himself of Banguo but hires assassins for it had advised him to do so. A. Because Lady Macbeth important than Duncan B. Because Banquo was less born murderer. C. Because Macbeth was not a would lament the death of Banquo. . Because certain mutual friends V How do Martin's feelings about Grandpa medicine bag relate to his feelings about wearing the life for Grandpa or the medicine bag. A. Martin feels he has no place in his always proud of him and the medicine bag. From the time Grandpa arrives, Martin is of the medicine bag. C. Martin likes Grandpa but never sees the point Grandpa and the medicine bag B. Martin feels embarrassment and pride about both B VI. the one given below. From the story "The Cookie Lady'",choose the correct option from Statement I:"well it will be the last time" May said Bernard Goodbye" Statement I: "I know "she laughed gaily, opening the door for him."Goodbye A. Statement I and Il are similar B. Statement Iand Il are not related to each other C. Statement II is the reason for statement I vP. Statement lis the reason for Statement Il VI.What impact does aflat tyre' and "brewing storm" have on the atmosphere of the story "Indigo" A. A sense of apprehension BA sense of foreshadowing C. A sense of fear D. A sense of restlessness. VIlI. What does the word 'sunlight' from the poem "SmallTowns and the River" suggest A. New Day 8 Hope and after life C. Life goes on D. Life and death Beethovan and choose the correct option from the lA. Kead the two statements from the poem ones given below Statement I: He was an addiction for one more Statement Il: Everyinch of that body making them ache hit. A. Statement Iand Il are similar each other B. Statement Iand ll are not related to I statement Vt. Statement Il is the reason for D. Statement lis the reason for statement lIl lines X. In the poem "Death be not proud" the two "and death shall be no more. Death thou shall die." Is an example of A. Paradox B. Allusion C. Personification Metaphor Question 2 Complete the following sentences by providing a reason for each in brief. Do not write the question. [10] t Macbeth's fear in Banquo stick deep because The murderers come to meet Macbeth during the banquet because Lennox wishes that Macduff should exercise caution against Macbeth because Lady Macbeth'sobsession with the "damned spot" results from The English indigo planter did not go back to his country because yB. Tarapada left his family because VJH. Death cannot touch our souls because Martin never showed his Grandpa's picture to his friends because The poet talks of a 'shrine' of happy pictures of childhood because The African caller refers to the "red" colour of the booth and pillarbox because SECTIONB-60 MARKS MACBETH - WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE QUESTION 3 answer in A. Explain the symbolic significance of each of the visions of the witches in Act 4. Write your ashort paragraph of about 100 -150 words incorporating the following details a. Details of the three visions and their symbolism [5] b. Macbeth's reaction to each. 2. Bring out the disintegration of Lady Macbeth's character in Act 5in the sleepwalking scene .Write your answer in 100 - 150 words incorporating the following points a Lady Macbeth's washing of hand and the irony behind it. b. Changes in her present character from the bold and resolute woman that she was earlier. [5] R. A. Macbeth gradually takes over from being a husband who needs to be spurred by Lady Macbeth to a king who leaves Lady Macbethas a pale shadow behind with his macabre actions.. Justify your point of view in about 200 - 250 words by referring to the acts studied. [10] OR 3/8. Bringout the details ofthe scene where Banquo's ghost makes an appearance at the banquet and the significance of the motive of "blood" in it . Write your answer in 200- 250 words. [10] PRISM - A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES Question 4 A In the story Medicine Bag discuss how Martin felt when Grandpa told him that he was to hand over the medicine bag to him. Write your answer in 100 -150 words incorporating the following details a. Martin's initial reaction b. Martin's gradual change later [5] What role do the machines play in the story "There willcome soft rains" Write your answer in 100150 words incorporating the following details. a The livingtouch which acts as a contrast. b. The different functions of the machines in the house [5] 3. A. What kind of story is Indigo? Discuss with relevant detalls and episodes from the text to justify (10] your answer.Write in 200-250 words OR What underlying meaning is hinted at 3B. Discuss the relationship between Bubber and Mrs Drew. (10] in the story" The Cookie Lady" Answer in 200- 250 words RHAPSODY - POETRY Question 5 transience and permanence in the poem A. How does the poet bring out the contrast of the theme of incorporating the following "Small towns and the River" Write your answer in 100 - 150 words details a. Imagery of the river b. Imagery of the small towns humour as the two In the poem Telephone Conversation bring out the theme garbed in caustic following details people converse. Write your answer in 100 - 150words incorporating the The woman's stilted queries for details b. The man's gradual shift of tone a. Donne's poem "Death be not 3. A. What is the octave's problem and the sestet's solution in John Proud". Discuss with details in about 200- 250 words (10] OR 3. B. Discuss the poem Tithonus as a dramatic monologue. Bring out the contrast vividly present through Tithonus's narration. Write your answer in about 200- 250 words (10)

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