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IIT JAM 2020 : Geology

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JAM 2020 GEOLOGY - GG Paper Specific Instructions 1. The examination is of 3 hours duration. There are a total of 60 questions carrying 100 marks. The entire paper is divided into three sections, A, B and C. All sections are compulsory. Questions in each section are of different types. 2. Section A contains a total of 30 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ). Each MCQ type question has four choices out of which only one choice is the correct answer. Questions Q.1 Q.30 belong to this section and carry a total of 50 marks. Q.1 Q.10 carry 1 mark each and Questions Q.11 Q.30 carry 2 marks each. 3. Section B contains a total of 10 Multiple Select Questions (MSQ). Each MSQ type question is similar to MCQ but with a difference that there may be one or more than one choice(s) that are correct out of the four given choices. The candidate gets full credit if he/she selects all the correct answers only and no wrong answers. Questions Q.31 Q.40 belong to this section and carry 2 marks each with a total of 20 marks. 4. Section C contains a total of 20 Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions. For these NAT type questions, the answer is a real number which needs to be entered using the virtual keyboard on the monitor. No choices will be shown for this type of questions. Questions Q.41 Q.60 belong to this section and carry a total of 30 marks. Q.41 Q.50 carry 1 mark each and Questions Q.51 Q.60 carry 2 marks each. 5. In all sections, questions not attempted will result in zero mark. In Section A (MCQ), wrong answer will result in NEGATIVE marks. For all 1 mark questions, 1/3 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. For all 2 marks questions, 2/3 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. In Section B (MSQ), there is NO NEGATIVE and NO PARTIAL marking provisions. There is NO NEGATIVE marking in Section C (NAT) as well. 6. Only Virtual Scientific Calculator is allowed. Charts, graph sheets, tables, cellular phone or other electronic gadgets are NOT allowed in the examination hall. 7. The Scribble Pad will be provided for rough work. GG 1/15 JAM 2020 GEOLOGY - GG SECTION A MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQ) Q. 1 Q.10 carry one mark each. Q.1 The Mesozoic Era approximately ranges from (A) 1000-540 Ma Q.2 (B) 250-65 Ma (B) 025-205 (B) sheeted veins (D) stockworks (B) anthophyllite (B) wind flow abrasion (D) coral reef accumulation (B) Mercury (D) Jupiter (B) Ankleshwar (D) Moran The most abundant element in the Earth s continental crust is (A) silicon GG (C) Saturn Which of the following oil field is NOT located in the western part of India? (A) Bombay High (C) Gandhar Q.9 (D) actinolite Approximately 71% of the planetary mass in the solar system is concentrated in (A) Uranus Q.8 (C) glaucophane Atoll is a geomorphic feature formed by (A) glacial erosion (C) fluvial deposition Q.7 (D) 030-210 The diagnostic amphibole in a blueschist facies metabasalt is (A) hornblende Q.6 (C) 020-200 Randomly oriented ore-bearing veinlets in a mass of rock are known as (A) en echelon veins (C) lode Q.5 (B) convergent plate boundary (D) passive margin The strike (in degree notation) of a bed dipping 30 towards N45W is (A) 045-225 Q.4 (D) 65 Ma-Present A trench is found at a (A) divergent plate boundary (C) transform boundary Q.3 (C) 540-250 Ma (B) aluminium (C) oxygen (D) iron 2/15 JAM 2020 GEOLOGY - GG Q.10 Mammalian fossils are commonly found in (A) Haimanta Group (C) Siwalik Group (B) Jabalpur Group (D) Uttatur Group Q. 11 Q. 30 carry two marks each. Q.11 Hardness of groundwater is determined by (A) Mohs scale of hardness (C) Bernoulli equation (B) concentrations of calcium and magnesium (D) Darcy s law Q.12 Which one of the following defines a hexagonal dipyramid? (A) A vertical six fold axis of symmetry (B) A horizontal mirror plane (C) Six vertical mirror planes at an angle of 30 with each other (D) A mirror plane that is perpendicular to the vertical six fold axis of symmetry Q.13 Match the twinning in Group I with the corresponding mineral in Group II. Group I P. Cross-hatched Q. Carlsbad R. Polysynthetic S. Brazil (A) P-4 Q-2 R-1 S-3 (B) P-2 Q-3 R-1 S-4 Group II 1. Plagioclase 2. Microcline 3. Sanidine 4. Quartz (C) P-1 Q-2 R-3 S-4 (D) P-2 Q-3 R-4 S-1 Q.14 Evidence of Late Paleozoic glaciation is recorded in (A) Panchet Formation (C) Motur Formation GG (B) Talchir Formation (D) Barakar Formation 3/15 JAM 2020 GEOLOGY - GG Q.15 Match the landform in Group I with the corresponding geological process in Group II. Group I P. Cinder Cone Q. Ox-bow lake R. Draas S. Drumlin (A) P-3 Q-4 R-1 S-2 (B) P-4 Q-2 R-1 S-3 Group II 1. Eolian 2. Glacial 3. Volcanic 4. Fluvial (C) P-2 Q-4 R-3 S-1 (D) P-3 Q-2 R-4 S-1 Q.16 Identify the fold in the given figure, where T0 and T represent the axial plane thicknesses at the hinge and limb, respectively. (A) Parallel fold (C) Supratenuous fold (B) Similar fold (D) Flattened parallel fold Q.17 Identify the type of fault in the given figure. (A) Normal fault (C) Reverse fault GG (B) Strike-slip fault (D) Thrust fault 4/15 JAM 2020 GEOLOGY - GG Q.18 In clastic sediments, the correct order of decreasing grain size is (A) Boulder > pebble > silt > sand (B) Granule > pebble > clay > silt (C) Cobble > granule > silt > clay (D) Granule > pebble > sand > silt Q.19 Match the primary sedimentary structure in Group I with the corresponding process of formation in Group II. Group I P. Asymmetric ripples Q. Dish and pillar R. Flute cast S. Wavy bedding (A) P-1 Q-3 R-2 S-4 (B) P-2 Q-1 R-4 S-3 Group II 1. Water escape 2. Bed load transportation of sediments 3. Deposition from alternate traction and suspension load 4. Scouring by turbulent eddy (C) P-2 Q-4 R-1 S-3 (D) P-3 Q-1 R-4 S-2 Q.20 The correct pair of metal and the ore mineral is (A) Nickel - Sphalerite (C) Zinc - Pyrolusite (B) Tin - Cassiterite (D) Lead - Bornite Q.21 Match the mineral/metal deposit in Group I with the corresponding Indian occurrence in Group II. Group I P. Diamond Q. Iron R. Fluorite S. Copper (A) P-4 Q-3 R-2 S-1 GG Group II 1. Malanjkhand 2. Wajrakarur 3. Dalli Rajhara 4. Ambadongar (B) P-3 Q-4 R-1 S-2 (C) P-2 Q-1 R-4 S-3 (D) P-2 Q-3 R-4 S-1 5/15 JAM 2020 GEOLOGY - GG Q.22 The mineral sequence arranged in order of increasing degree of sharing of (SiO4)4tetrahedra is (A) Olivine Tremolite Enstatite Quartz (B) Olivine Enstatite Tremolite Quartz (C) Quartz Tremolite Enstatite Olivine (D) Olivine Quartz Enstatite Tremolite Q.23 The metamorphic facies series that explains oceanic subduction zone metamorphism is (A) Prehnite-Pumpellyite Blueschist Eclogite (B) Greenschist Epidote amphibolite Amphibolite Granulite (C) Albite-epidote hornfels Hornblende hornfels Pyroxene hornfels Sanidinite (D) Greenschist Amphibolite Granulite Eclogite Q.24 The correct combination of textural feature of magmatic rocks with corresponding petrological process is (A) Exsolution lamellae Sub-solidus cooling (B) Reaction rim Eutectic crystallization (C) Graphic intergrowth Quenching of ultramafic lava (D) Spinifex texture Peritectic crystallization Q.25 A volcanic rock consisting of alkali feldspar (70%), sodic plagioclase (10%) and nepheline (20%) is named as (A) Phonolite (B) Tephrite (C) Trachyte (D) Andesite Q.26 Match the name of granitoid in Group I with the corresponding Craton in Group II. Group I P. Closepet Q. Berach R. Dongargarh S. Mayurbhanj (A) P-4 Q-2 R-1 S-3 GG (B) P-3 Q-4 R-2 S-1 Group II 1. Singhbhum 2. Bastar 3. Dharwar 4. Aravalli (C) P-3 Q-4 R-1 S-2 (D) P-4 Q-2 R-3 S-1 6/15 JAM 2020 GEOLOGY - GG Q.27 Match the seismic discontinuity in Group I with their occurrence in Earth s interior in Group II. Group I P. Conrad Q. Mohorovi i R. Gutenberg S. Lehmann (A) P-4 Q-2 R-1 S-3 (B) P-4 Q-2 R-3 S-1 Group II 1. Between lower mantle and outer core 2. Between crust and upper mantle 3. Between inner and outer core 4. Between lower and upper crust (C) P-3 Q-2 R-4 S-1 (D) P-2 Q-4 R-1 S-3 Q.28 Choose the correct statement: (A) Porosity of weathered granite is less than a crystalline granite. (B) Coarse sands have high porosity and high permeability. (C) Clays have high porosity and high permeability. (D) Ground water table does not fluctuate with water recharge. Q.29 In the given profile section, P, Q, R, S and T are sedimentary rocks. Identify the type of unconformity in the sedimentary sequence. (A) Angular unconformity (C) Nonconformity (B) Disconformity (D) Paraconformity Q.30 Which of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched? (A) Productus - Brachiopoda (B) Redlichia - Arthropoda (C) Belemnites - Cephalopoda (D) Gryphea - Gastropoda GG 7/15 JAM 2020 GEOLOGY - GG SECTION - B MULTIPLE SELECT QUESTIONS (MSQ) Q. 31 Q. 40 carry two marks each. Q.31 Which of the following statements in relation to the solar system is/are correct? (A) The most abundant elements are H and He. (B) The abundances of elements with atomic numbers 1-50 show an overall decreasing trend. (C) The abundances of heavier elements (atomic number >50) are mostly higher than that of lighter elements (atomic number <50). (D) Elements having odd atomic numbers are more abundant than their immediate neighbours. Q.32 Find out the correct statement(s). (A) Authigenic minerals form during diagenesis of sandstone. (B) Heavy minerals in sandstone are good indicators of provenance. (C) An arkose is mineralogically more mature than a quartz arenite. (D) Matrix in sandstone may form by post-depositional infiltration and/or authigenic filling. Q.33 Which of the following is/are correctly matched? (A) Dendritic drainage pattern uniform substrate and gentle slope (B) Trellis drainage pattern parallel valleys and ridges (C) Radial drainage pattern uniform flat topography (D) Rectangular drainage pattern joints and faults Q.34 A northerly dipping fault (F-F) has displaced beds P, Q and R. The thickness of the beds across the fault is same. Identify the fault type(s). (A) Dextral fault (C) Normal fault GG (B) Reverse fault (D) Sinistral fault 8/15 JAM 2020 GEOLOGY - GG Q.35 A bedding plane, pictorially represented at X, will be plotted in stereonet as (A) I (B) II (C) III (D) IV Q.36 Choose the correct statement(s): (A) Stratiform chromite deposits form by weathering of ultramafic rocks. (B) Skarn deposits mostly form in calcareous host rocks in contact with felsic intrusives. (C) Nickeliferous laterite is a type of placer deposit. (D) Gold-bearing vein deposits can form from hydrothermal solutions. Q.37 Under crossed polars, a mineral remains dark at all stages of rotation of the microscope stage. Which of the following statement(s) is/are NOT correct? (A) The mineral is isotropic. (B) The mineral is biaxial with an optic orientation corresponding to the principal section of the indicatrix. (C) The mineral is biaxial with an optic orientation containing the Y-vibration direction only. (D) The mineral is uniaxial with an orientation perpendicular to the optic axis. GG 9/15 JAM 2020 GEOLOGY - GG Q.38 A schematic deformation (D)-metamorphism (M)-time map of a metamorphic belt is shown below. The belt recorded two phases of deformation, D1-D2 and attendant schistosities, S1S2 and metamorphism, M1-M2. The metamorphic minerals stable during these events are shown by solid lines. On the basis of this information, which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? (A) M1 and M2 events refer to regional and contact metamorphism, respectively. (B) The S1 schistosity developed as a crenulation cleavage. (C) Garnet grew syntectonic with D1. (D) Andalusite grew during the waning phase of D2. Q.39 Choose the correct statement(s): (A) Gravity dam is a rigid structure, straight or slightly curved in places. (B) Arch dams are commonly built on very strong foundations. (C) Buttress dam chiefly consists of reinforced concrete slab that slopes upstream. (D) Earth dams have a concrete wall curved with convex face pointed towards the upstream. Q.40 Choose the correct pair(s): (A) Proterozoic Origin of flowering plants (B) Paleozoic Origin of amphibians (C) Mesozoic Acme of trilobites (D) Cenozoic Dominance of mammals GG 10/15 JAM 2020 GEOLOGY - GG SECTION C NUMERICAL ANSWER TYPE (NAT) Q. 41 Q. 50 carry one mark each. Q.41 The wt.% (correct to two decimal places) of Cu in chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) (atomic weight of Cu=63.55, Fe=55.85, S=32.07) is ____ Q.42 The general formula of an amphibole mineral is A0-1B2C5T8O22(OH)2, where A, B, C and T are cationic sites with different co-ordination numbers as stated below: A=12, B=6-8, C=6, T=4. The amount of octahedral Al in an amphibole of composition Na0.6Ca2Mg3.8Al3.0Si6.2O22(OH)2 is ____ Q.43 In the block diagram, the net slip (=100 m) is resolved into strike slip (s) and dip slip (d) components. The value (in m, correct to two decimal places) of s is ____ Q.44 The true thickness (t, in m) of bed B in the given diagram is _____. GG 11/15 JAM 2020 GEOLOGY - GG Q.45 If (326) is the Miller Index of a crystal face, then the value of x in the corresponding Weiss Parameter of the same face, xa: yb: zc is ____ Q.46 The value of h in the Miller-Bravais Index (4 1h0) is ____ Q.47 In an ocean basin, a 4 Ma old oceanic crust lies 40 km away from the ridge axis. The average velocity (in cm/yr) of the oceanic lithosphere is ____ Q.48 An aquifer has a cross sectional area of 1000 m2 and a hydraulic gradient of 0.01. If water is flowing from the aquifer at a rate of 10 m3/sec, the hydraulic conductivity (in m/sec) of the aquifer is ____ Q.49 According to the mineralogical phase rule, the number of minerals that can coexist at equilibrium in a 8 component chemical system with 2 degrees of freedom is ____ Q.50 The grain density (of solids only) and bulk density (solids + voids) of a sandstone sample are 2.7 gm/cm3 and 2.3 gm/cm3, respectively. The total porosity (in %, correct to two decimal places) of the sample is ____ Q. 51 Q. 60 carry two marks each. Q.51 In an undeformed and normal stratigraphic succession, a dolerite dyke was emplaced before deposition of sandstone B. The difference between the maximum ages (in Myr) of deposition of sandstone A and sandstone B is ____ GG 12/15 JAM 2020 GEOLOGY - GG Q.52 A coal seam occurs in a stratigraphic sequence as shown in the figure. If a vertical borehole is drilled at location B, the coal seam will be intersected at a depth (in m) of ____ Q.53 A set of sedimentary rocks A, B and C are affected by a fault F-F. The amount of vertical throw (in m) along the fault is ____ Q.54 The retardation of a uniaxial negative mineral of thickness 0.03 mm is 5160 nm in its principal section of indicatrix. If the refractive index corresponding to the E-ray is 1.486, the value of the refractive index (correct to three decimal places) of the O-ray is ____ Q.55 A spherical ore body (diameter=40m) has 7% metal content and density of 3300 kg/m3. The reserve (in tonne) of the ore body is ____ GG 13/15 JAM 2020 GEOLOGY - GG Q.56 From the data shown in the table, the weighted mean size (in micrometer, correct to two decimal places) of the sediment population is _____. Grain size (micrometer) 4 20 40 60 Dry sediment weight (in gram) 50 75 125 50 Q.57 Consider the schematic isobaric T-X phase diagram in the binary forsterite (Fo)-fayalite (Fa) chemical system. If there is equilibrium crystallization of melt (L), the wt.% of olivine crystallized from a melt of composition a at a temperature T2 is ____ GG 14/15 JAM 2020 GEOLOGY - GG Q.58 Consider a schematic isobaric ternary phase diagram A-B-C, shown below. The diagram, which is contoured with isopleths of liquidus temperatures (in C), reveals crystallization behaviour of melt (L) of different compositions during cooling. When a melt of composition a lies at a temperature of 1800 C, the variance (or degree of freedom) of the magmatic system is ____ Q.59 An eclogite consists of garnet (60%) and omphacite (40%), where the mineral abundances are in mole %. XMg [=Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)] of garnet and omphacite is 0.50 and 0.75, respectively. The XMg of eclogite is ____ Q.60 A harzburgite contains pure forsterite and pure enstatite in a molecular ratio of 60:40. The mole % of MgO in the rock is ____ END OF THE QUESTION PAPER GG 15/15

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