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IIT JAM 2020 : Physics

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JAM 2020 PHYSICS - PH SECTION A MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQ) Q. 1 Q.10 carry one mark each. Q.1 Which one of the following functions has a discontinuity in the second derivative at x = 0, where x is a real variable? (A) ( ) = | |3 (B) ( ) = | | (C) ( ) = cos(| |) (D) ( ) = | |2 Q.2 A collimated beam of laser light of wavelength 514 nm is normally incident on a smooth glass slab placed in air. Given the refractive indices of glass and air are 1.47 and 1.0, respectively, the percentage of light intensity reflected back is (A) 0 Q.3 (D) 4.2 (B) A plane (C) A cylinder (D) Two parallel planes For a system undergoing a first order phase transition at a temperature Tc, which one of the following graphs best describes the variation of entropy (S) as a function of temperature (T)? (A) Q.5 (C) 3.6 Two stationary point particles with equal and opposite charges are at some fixed distance from each other. The points having zero electric potential lie on: (A) A sphere Q.4 (B) 4.0 (B) (C) (D) In a photoelectric effect experiment, a monochromatic light source emitting photons with energy greater than the work function of the metal under test is used. If the power of the light source is doubled, which one of the following statements is correct? (A) The number of emitted photoelectrons remains the same. (B) The stopping potential remains the same. (C) The number of emitted photoelectrons decreases. (D) The stopping potential doubles. PH 1/14

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