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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Smt. Lilavatibai Podar High School (LPHS), Mumbai)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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LILAVATIBAI PODAR HIGH SCH0OL, ISC PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2022-23 SUBJECT: LITERATURE IN ENGLISH TIME:2 HRS Instructions GRADE:X MARKS: 80 Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided You will not be allowed to write the first 15 minutes. during This time is to be spent in reading the separately. question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answer The paper has four sections. Section A is compulsory- All questions in Section A must be answered. ou must attempt one question from each of the sections B, Cand Dand one other question from any Section of your choice. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets. SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this Section) Question 1 Read the following questions and choose the most appropriate response from the choices given below (Please do not copy the question- simply write out in correct serial order the appropriate word or phrase.) [16] What did the Little Match Girl see when she struck the first match? () (a) Her grandmother who was looking kind and gentle. (b) A table covered with beautiful China. () A great iron stove with brass knobs. (i) (d) Many candles on the Christmas tree. Why does the free bird dip his wings in the orange sun rays in Maya Angelou's poem? (a) The orange colour gives the bird the courage to face the world. (b) The orange colour depicts the lively atmosphere the bird lives in. (c) The orange colour can be seen on the distant hill. (d) The orange colour depicts the ambition of the white race. In the story 'AII Summer in a Day, what was Margot's age when she moved to planet (ii) Venus from Ohio? (a) Five years old (b) Nine years old (c) One year old (iv) (d) Four years old Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Gujar women? (a) (b) (c) (d) (v They fetched water from the river in big brass gurrahs. They wore trousers, wrinkled at the ankles. They wore large silver rings made out of melted rupees. They wore necklaces made out of lal-lal beeges. Which of the following lines from the poem, 'Nine Gold Medals' tells us that the narrator is a spectator? (a) The athletes had come from so many countries. b) All round the field spectators were gathered. (c) And the banner above said 'Special Olympics. (d) But as sure as I'm standing here telling the story. This paper consists of five printed sides. What surprised Jesse Owens during the broad -jump trials? (vi) (a) A tall boy hitting the pit at almost 26 feet on his practiseleaps (b) The nationalistic feelings which were high in Berlin. (c)He leaped from several inches beyond the take- offboar (d) The friendly blue eyes of the tall German broad jumper. (vii) What was the most coveted position for the public who had come to watch the execution of the patriot? (a) The house roofs (b) Peering out of the windows (c) Right at the foot of the Scaffold (d) Next to the old city walls (vii) Which of the following is NOT true for Maggie, the youngest of the three children? (a) She was hopelessly diseased. (b) She was not able to leave her bed after a fall. ()She was wrapped in clean bedclothes by the wheelwright. (d) She was sent to the poor house. (ix) When Abou saw the angel, what was it writing (a) The names of those people who loved their fellowmen. (b) The names of those people who loved God. in the book of gold? (c)The names of those people whom God loved. (d) ) The of those whose tribe should increase. Which statement presents the idea of seclusion that Wordsworth feels? names (a) Ten thousand saw I at a glance. (b) They out- did the sparkling waves in glee. (C) I wandered lonely as a cloud. (d) In vacant or in pensive mood. xi) Shylock says, The curse never fell upon our nation till now'. Which attribute of highlighted here? (a) Arrogance (b) Vengefulness Shylock is (c) Devout (d) Selfishness (xii) What differentiates Bassanio from Alcides in Portia's of the two? (a) Bassanio has a more handsome presence than Alcides.comparison (b) Bassanio saves Portia when she is being offered for sacrifice. (c) Bassanio acts out of love whereas Alcides acted out of desire for a reward. (d) Bassanio has more love for Portia than Alcides had for Hesione. (xii) yes,truly; for look you, the sins of the father are to be laid upon the children" Who says these words and to whom? (a) Launcelot to Jessica (b) Portia to Nerissa (c) Bassanio to Portia (d) Lorenzo to Jessica (xiv) According to Bassanio, cowards regard the liver as? s did the have livers as white white as milk. What nave Elizabethans as as (a) The seat of courage (b) The stairs of sand (c) A sign like a beard to show courage (d) Mark of virtue (xv) wny does Antonio feel that Fortune is beine kind to him than is her usual nature (a) She allows Antonio to outlive his wealth. (b) She decides whether Antonio is a true friend Bassanio. to n e shows the hollow eyes and wrinkled face ofAntonio to gain mercy. (d) She spares Antonio from prolonged vows of eternal fidelity. However, Cressida later (xvi) Troilus and Cressida had exchanged suffering became a symbol of(a) Unfaithful love b) I1- fated love (c) Deserted love (d) Careless devotion. SECTION IB (Answer one or more questions from this section) DRAMA (The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare) Question 2 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: PORTIA: fit be so, How little is the cost I have bestow'd In purchasing the semblance of my soul From the state of hellish cruelty! This comes too near the praising of myself Therefore no more of it. ) Where does the above scene take place? To whom is Portia addressing these lines? (i) What did she never repent doing? 13 According to Portia, how do friends who talk and spend time together resemble each other? (ii) Explain the line In purchasing the semblance of my soul From the state ofhellish cruelty', with reference to the analogy made by Portia. (iv) A little later in the scene, what instructions does Portia give to her trusted servant Balthazar? ( 131 This scene highlights two distinct attributes of Portia. What are they? Give one reason to justify each of them. 41 Question 3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: BASSANI0: What should I say, sweet lady? I was enforced to send it after him: i) I was beset with shame and courtesy; My honour Would not let so much besmear it. Who does the 'sweet lady' refer to? What does she accuse Bassanio of just before this extract? Is she serious about the accusation? ingratitude This paper consists of five printed sides. (i) (ii) What promise had did he give the sweet 1O lady? Who ring to? the lady's angert what the strength ofthat reduce gtodefends Bassanio, Bassanio himself by would narrating the circumstances led him to part with the iv) (v) from the Bassanio made made when wher he received the ring ring. What were these 13 circumstances? n d Gratiano are accused bv their wives of losing their rings. How does tt a b o u t both humour and sympathy in this scene? Explain giving8 instances from the scene. 4 SECTION C (Answer one or more questions from this section) PROSE- SHORT STORIES reasure Trove- A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories) Question 4 Kead the extract from answer the s. T.S.Arthur's short story, 'An Angel in Disguise' given below and questions that follow: 1hompson saw him approaching from the window, and with ruffling feathers met him ajew as he the opened garden gate, and came in. He bore a precious burden, ana ne felt it to be so. As his arms held the sick child to his breast, a sphere of tenderness went outjrom her and penetrated his feelings. A bond had already corded itself around them both. paces from the door, () Who is the 'he and the 'sick child in the above to him? (i) ii) What had extract? What had the sick child cried out happened to the sick child's mother? Where were her other siblings?(3] give to Mrs. Thompson for bringing the sick child home? How did he What reason did he manage to convince Mrs. Thompson to be kind to the sick child for (iv) a single night? 3 Bring out the contrast between his physical appearance and his character, citing incidents from the story. (v) 3 portrays the redeeming power of love through the character of Mrs. Thompson. With reference to this theme, explain the transformation of Mrs. Thompson. The story F4 Question 5 Read the following extract from Norah Burke's story, "The Blue Bead' and answer the questions given below: Although she did not dare stop for a moment under her mother's eye, her imagination took her in swooping flight over the bright water and golden air to the banks where she played as a child. In those cavelets above the high water mark of the highest flood, she had stored some little bowls mouldedof clay while they hardened. i) Where was Sibia and what was she doing there with her stop for a moment? (i) (iii) mother? Why did she not dare Who did Sibia imagine herself to be? What did she intend to do with the little clay cups? Why did she not cross the river with the other women on the way back?[3] What happened to the Gujar woman who came down to fill water in her gurrahs? What was her reaction? This paper consists of five 131 printed sides. What drew Sibia's attention whern she witnessed this incident and what is ironical in (iv) this situation? What does this depict about the situation of the people in the jungier 31 Describe how Sibia saved the Gujar woman. Which attribute of Sibia is most (v) 41 highlighted through this incident. SECTIOND Answer one or more questions from this section) POETRY (Treasure Trove- A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories) Question 6 Read the following extract from 'I Know and answer the questions that follow: Why the Caged Bird Sings' by Maya Angelou But a bird that stalks Down his narrow cage Can seldom see through his bars of rage His wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to sing. with the word 'But? Caged Bird represent? Why does the verse begin 3] What is the tone used by the poetess in this verse? of the What is the meaning and significance (i) Why is the cage mentioned as 'narrow'? wings being clipped and feet tied? 131 What is this singing symbolic of? (ii) Why does the bird begin to sing? bird the Caged sing of? unknown'. What unknown things does iv)"The bird sings of things the repeated singing of Which characteristic of the caged bird is highlighted through 3 (i) Who does the the song? (v) the poem. Contrast the life of The theme of Freedom verses Enslavement runs throughout with respect to the theme. the Free bird with that of the Caged bird 4 Question 7. Robert Read the following extract from "The Patrioe by questions that follow: Alack, it was I who leapt at the sun Browning and answer the To give to mylovingfriends to keep! Nought man could do, have l left un one; And you see my harvest, what I reap (1) Who is the speaker of the above lines? How has life changed for him in a year?[3] (i) What does the word, 'Alack' depict? What allusion has the poet used to depict his (ii) efforts in the best interests for the people? 31 Who is there at the house tops at present? Where is the speaker being taken and why? (iv) What contrasting imagery has the poet used to dwell on the speaker's majestic past and (v) his unheroic present? How does the poet depict the innocence of the speaker with 131 13] respect to his philosophy? 4

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