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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Chemistry (Atul Vidyalaya, Valsad)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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ATUL VIDYALAYA, ATUL, VALSAD SECOND PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION (2022-23) SCIENCE PAPER-2 CHEMISTRY STD-X MM- 80 TIME-2 HR DATE-13/01/2023 Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately Attempt all question from section A and any four question from Section B. The intended marks for question or parts of question are given in brackets []. Section- A (Attempt all the questions from this section) Question 1 [15] Choose the correct option: :() The organic compound which undergoes substitution reaction is: (a) C2H2 (c) C2Hs (b)CaHa (d) Both A and B (ii) The element with highest ionisation potential is: (b) Helium (a) Hydrogen (c) Caesium (d) Radoon (ii) The hydroxide soluble in excess of sodium hydroxide is: (a) Lead hydroxide (b) Copper(11) hydroxide (c) Ferrous hydroxide (d) Both A and B (iv) The molecular mass of a gas with vapour density 9 is: a ) 18 (c) 36 (b) 4.5 (v) Nessler's reagent is used to confirm the presence of (b) Nitrate (c) Ammonium (a) Sulphide (d) 72 ion (d) Chloride (vi) A particular solution contains molecules and ions of a solute. So it is a: (a) Strong acid (b) Strong electrolyte (d) Weak electrolyte (c) Non electrolyte (vii) Which armong the following is not an alloy of copper? (b) Bronze (a) Brass (c) Duralumin (d) Solder (vii) The IUPAC name of the compound HCECH is (b) Ethene (a) Acetylene (c) Ethylene (d) Ethyne (ix) What reaction occurs at cathode during electroplating nickel on an article? (a) Ni" + 1e Ni (b) Ni 1e Ni (d) Ni -2e Ni2 (c) Ni+2e Ni Atul Vidyalaya Page 1 Cont....on page 2 Shaping the Future STD-X SUBJECT-CHEMISTRY (x) The drying agent used during the lab preparation of ammonia gas is (a) CaCl2 (b) P20s (c) Conc.HS04 (xi) Potassium sulphite on reacting with (a) C2 (c) HS xii dilute HCl releases The functional group present in the (a) alcohol (c) aldehyde (xii) The compound CH-CHO is (d) ketone empirical formula of glucose (b) CH2OO1 (xiv) Elements is A and B have electronic The molecular formula of the (a) AB The gas (b) SO2 (d) H2 (b) carboxylic acid (a) CaH02 xv) (d) CaO (6) B2A3 (c) CH,O (d) CaHO2 configuration 12 and 8 respectively be: compound will (c) A2B ion that gives chalky white ppt on dropwise (b) Ca2 (a)Mg*2 (d) B2A addition of (c) Zn2 sodium hydroxide is: (d) Pb2 Question 2 (i) Answer the following based on the picture given below 151 AB 8lass relo ****** ..... -cold water sand ray hcat sink (a) Name the acid collected in the round bottom flask. (b) ldentify A (a liquid), B (a solid). (c) Write the balanced chemical equation of the reaction that is taking place. (d) Why high temperature of above 200 C is not preferred for this reaction? (e) Write equation for reaction in which this hot concentrated acid reacts with copper (ii) ldentify/name the following: (a) The catalyst used during catalytic oxidation of sulphur dioxide in contact process. 5 (b) Tendency of an element to form chains of identical atoms. (c) The soluble salt of aluminium formed when bauxite reacts with concentrated NaOH. (d) A strong dibasic acid e) A molecule containing three bonding pair and one lone pair of electrons (ii) Complete the following by choosing the correct option (a) Brown ring test is used in identification of (b). gas is produced during catalytic oxidation Atul Vidyalaya Page 2 5 (nitrates/sulphates of ammonia. (N,/NO) Cont..0n page 3 Shaping the Future SUBJECT- CHEMISTRY STD- X (c) The molecular formula of formic acid is is an inert electrode. (Silver/iron) (d) (HCOOH/HCHO) has higher electronegativity (Ci/F) (e) 5) (iv) Give observation for the following (a) On adding dilute hydrochloric acid into iron[!|) sulphide in (b) On adding a drop of alkaline phenolphthalein vinegar nickel of (c) At anode during electroplating into ferric chloride solution (d) On adding dropwise ammonium hydroxide of ethyl alcohol is passed through ofe) The gaseous product obtained by dehydration Bromine water (v) Match the following 5) with the most appropriate option: B A CnH2n2 Zinc oxide Lead (11) hydroxide CAH2n Olefins Yellow when hot Soluble in excess NaOH Parafins Soluble in excess NH4OH Copper (1l) hydroxide Section- B (Answer any 4 questions) Question3 (i) Complete and balance the 13] following equations (a) CHA+ Oz (excess)_ (b) H2C=CH2 + H2(Ni, 300 C) (c) C+ 2H;SO, electron dot structure of Calcium oxide (ii) Define electrovalent bond. Draw only B and C are given in the table. Answer the (ii) The pH value of three solutions A, following questionsS Solution A B pH value 12 2 (a) (b) (iv) Which solution will have n0 effect on litmus paper? carbonate? Which solution will liberate CO2 when reacted with sodium (c) Which solution will give yellow colour on addition of methyl orange? Give reason: Alkali metals have the least ionization potential (1 Question 4 (i) Draw all the possible isormners of CaH10 (ii) 95 2% bromine by mass Determine the emperial formula of this compound If the vapour density of the A compound X consists of 4.8% carbon and compound is 252, find the molecular formula of the compound? [C=12. Br=80] (iii) Draw the electron dot structure for the formation of hydronium ion (iv) 13 Compare the following properties of methane and sodium chloride (a) Melting and boiling point (b) Solubility 12 [3] [31 (2 Question 5 (3 (i) Arrange the following as per the instructions given (a) Cl, F, Br (increasing order of electronegativity) (b) K, Li, Na ( decreas1ng order of atormic size) Cont...on page 4 Atul Vidyalaya Page 3 Shaping the Future SUBJECT-CHEMISTRY STD-X (c) Fe, Cu, K (increasing order of tendency to get discharged) 13 (ii) Answer the following questions on the basis of given diagram: (a) Name the experiment illustrated in the diagram (b) What property of the HClI gas does this experimernt demonstrates? Hydoynn cdwade Water (c) Which another gas can exhibit same type of observation? Wnter bhis Inunnus (ii) Give equation for the reaction happening at cathode and anode during electrolysi9 ofaqueous Copper[!] sulphate using an active electrode. [41 Also mention the observation at cathode and anode Question6 (i) Answer the following for the extraction of aluminium: [41 (a) Give any 2 reasons why Cryolite and fluorspar are added with electrolyte in Hall Heraults process (b) Write equations for the reaction happening at cathode and anode. (c) Why caustic alkali is added to bauxite ore during purification of bauxite? (i) Give the IUPAC name of the following compounds. 121 HHH H-C-c-c-OH (a) H H (b) (ii) Give equations for the reaction of a soluble lead salt with NaOH when added and then in excess. iv) Give a test to differentiate between Pb(NOs)2 and Zn(NO3)2 Question 7 21 2] ehene (i) Give equation for preparation of ethane by dehydration of ethyl alcohol [2] (i) Give equation for lab preparation of ammonia gas from an ammornium salt. Also mention the method of collection of gas. (ii) Give equations for the following: (a) Action of concentrated nitric acid on sulphur (b) Reducing nature of ammonia with excess of chlorine gas (c) Absorption of sulphur trioxide in 98% sulphuric acid in absorption tower 13 (iv) Propane burns in air according to following equation:CaHa +502 3CO2 + 4H2O 3 (21 What volume of propane is consumed on using 1000 cm of air, considering 20% of air contains oxygen. Question 8 (i) Fill in the blanks selecting the correct option (a) (b) 13 has more nuclear charge (N/Q) is an amphoteric oxide (Al2O,/Na20) is more electropositive in nature (Na/Mg) (c) (ii) Differentiate between: Normal salt and Acid salt (ii) Draw the structure of: (a) ne0 pentane (b) 2 butyne [21 [21 [2] [1] (iv) Give a test to distinguish between ZnCla and ZnSOa. (v) Define: lonization Potential **************kk******************************k*********************************************h Atul Vidyalaya Page 4 +**** Shaping the Future

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