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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Physics (Loyola School, Bhubaneswar)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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LOYOLA SCHOOL, BHUBANESWAR PRE BOARD ICSE EXAMINATION JANUARY, 2023 PHYSICS ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Maximum Marks: 80 Time allowed: Two hours Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ SECTION A (40 Marks) (Choose the correct answer) QUESTION -1 (i) (ii) (iii) [1X15] In which vibrations is the amplitude large? (a) forced vibrations (b) resonant vibrations (c) natural vibrations (d) free vibrations A wire is stretched to thrice its original length, its new resistance now is (a) one third (b) three times (c) one ninth (d) nine times Identify the circuit in which the electrical components have been properly connected (a) (iv) (b) (d) Inside a current carrying solenoid the magnetic lines of force are (a) circular and do not intersect (b) along the axis of the solenoid and parallel to each other (c) perpendicular to the axis of the solenoid (v) (c) (d) none of these The pitch of a sound depends on (a) frequency (b) distance of sound (c) amplitude (d) temperature (vi) On reversing the direction of current in a wire the magnetic field produced by it (a) gets reversed (b) increases in strength (c) decreases in strength (d) no change in direction and strength. (vii) If A X Z and A YZ+1 are 2 radioactive elements. X emits one alpha particle and Y emits one beta particle. The daughter nuclei formed are (a) isotopes (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (b) isobars (c) isotones (d) isomers Which of the following is in increased order of wavelength? (a) UV rays, Radio waves, Micro Waves (b) X-rays, Microwaves, UV rays (c) Visible light, infrared rays, Radio waves (d) Gamma rays, UV rays, X-rays An object is kept at 2F of a convex lens. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the image formed (a) erect, magnified (c) real, image is formed at 2F (b) inverted, same size as the object (d) real, inverted Which visible colour has the highest critical angle (a) red (c) violet (b) green (d) yellow A movable pulley is used as a (a) A force multiplier (c) a device to change the direction of effort (b) a speed multiplier (d) an energy multiplier A light ray does not bend at the boundary in passing from one medium to the other medium if the angle of incidence is (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (a) 00 (c) 600 (b) 450 (d) 900 If the magnification produced by a lens is -0.5, the correct answer is (a) the lens is concave (b) the image is virtual (c) the image is magnified (d) the image is real and diminished formed by a convex lens. A pendulum is oscillating on either side of its rest position. The correct statement is (a) It only has kinetic energy at each position. (b) It has the maximum kinetic energy at its extreme position. (c) It has maximum potential energy at its mean position. (d) The sum of its kinetic and potential energies remains constant throughout its motion. The power rating of an electrical appliance is 200 W- 220 V. If this appliance is connected to a 110 V power supply, then its power consumption will be (a) 50W (c) 150 W (b) 100 W (d) 200 W QUESTION -2 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) State 2 common properties of gamma rays and x rays. Which characteristic of sound will changeif there is a change in (a) its amplitude (b) its waveform List 2 advantages of connecting household appliances in parallel State 2 precautions while handling radioactive substances. Which physical quantity is represented by (a) joule/coulomb (b) power/velocity Why is the earth pin thicker and longer than the other pins? Draw a displacement -time graph for damped vibrations. [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [3] QUESTION -3 [2x5=10] (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Explain why the weather becomes cold after a hailstorm. Give 2 characteristics of a copper wire which make it unsuitable for use as a fuse wire. Define radioactivity .How is radioactivity affected if the substance is oxidized? (a)When does a ray of light passing through a lens travel undeviated? (b) In which S.I.unit is the power of a lens expressed? (v) A uniform metre rule of weight 10gf is pivoted at its 0 mark. (a) What moment of force depresses the rule? (b) How can it be made horizontal by applying a least force? SECTION B (40 Marks) (Answer ANY FOUR) QUESTION -4 (i) (e) (f) [4+3+3] 2 pendulums C and D are suspended from a wire as shown in the given figure. Pendulum C is made to oscillate by displacing it from its mean position. It is seen that D also starts oscillating. (a) Name the type of oscillations C will execute. (b) Name the type of oscillations D will execute. (c) If the length of D is made equal to C , then what difference will you notice in the oscillations of D? (d) What is the name of the phenomenon when the length of D is made equal to C ? A pendulum has a frequency of 4 vibrations per second. An observer starts the pendulum and fires a gun simultaneously. He hears the echo from a cliff after 6 vibrations of the pendulum. If the velocity of sound in air is 340m/s, find the distance between the cliff and the observer. (a)Name a device which is used for echo depth sounding (b) Name the type of waves used and give a reason for its use? QUESTION-5 (i) (ii) (iii) What is the function of (a) earthing of an appliance (b) main switch? Identify and write Live, Neutral and Earth against the correct number [4+3+3] 1 State in brief the meaning of each of the following 2 3 (a) The heat capacity of a body is 50 J/0C (b) The specific latent heat of fusion of ice is 336000J/kg (c) Which depends on the mass of a body .heat capacity or the specific heat capacity of a body? The diagram shows the cooling curve for 200 g of water.The heat is extracted at the rate of 100 J/s.Answer the questions that follow: (a) Calculate the specific heat capacity of water (b) Calculate the heat released in the region BC. QUESTION -6 [4+3+3] (i) State Snell s laws of refraction.Why is the value of absolute refractive index greater than 1 always? (ii) The figure shows an equilateral prism ABC and the ray QR emerging out from the prism after suffering minimum deviation. Complete the diagram to show the refracted ray PQ inside the prism and the incident ray OP on the prism. Mark the angle of deviation. (iii) A concave lens of focal length 20 cm forms an image at a distance of 10 cm from the lens.What is the distance of the object from the lens? Also state the characteristics of the image formed. QUESTION -7 [4+3+3] (i) Three resistors of 3 , 1.5 and 1 are connected in parallel.The combination of the above resistors is connected in series to a resistance of 8.5 and then to a battery of emf 4.5 V. If the internal resistance of the cell is negligible (i) Draw the circuit diagram (ii) Calculate the current in the main circuit (iii) p.d. across 8.5 (ii) State the purpose for which the following rules are used (a) right and thumb rule (b) Flemings left hand rule (c) Flemings right hand rule (iii) An electric geyser rated 1500 W,250 V is connected to a 250 V line mains.Find the (a) current drawn by it (b) the energy consumed by it in 50 hours (c) the cost of energy consumed if each unit costs Rs 6.00 QUESTION -8 (i) (ii) (iii) [4+3+3] Draw a block and tackle system of pulleys which has VR = 5. Label load, effort and the tensions clearly with their direction If a man raises a box of 50 kg to a height of 2 m in 2 min,while another man raises the same box to the same height in 5 min. Compare(a) work done (b) power developed by them. (a)What is the relation between the smallest unit of energy measurement and the commercial unit (b) In the expression for the force acting on a conductor F=I B l, what does B represent? Statewhether B is scalar or vector. QUESTION -9 [4+3+3] (i) A battery of emf 12 V and internal resistance 2 is connected with two resistor A and B of resistances 4 and 6 respectively joined in series Find: (a) Current in the circuit. (b) The terminal voltage of the cell. (c) Voltage drop. (ii) Give one use of (a) ultrasound (b) radioisotope (c) total reflecting prism (iii) Arrange alpha, beta and gamma in ascending order with respect to their (a) penetrating power (b) ionizing power (c) biological effect ********************************* All the best*********************************

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