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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Chemistry (La Martiniere for Girls, Kolkata)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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LAREHIVl"RllNIERE FOR GIRLS EAR ., SAL EXAMl~ATION-2022-23 Cf1EMISTRY Time : 2 Ho CLASS X . . urs + 15 . mins. readi ng t1 .rn 8 Full Marks-BO ~ -- - - -- - - - - - - - - __ Per c~l'J~lsts of ~ht printed pages. -------:___ ;__ ___________ This pa SECT-ION A 1 C~Qo~e one corre t .) (I (40 marks) (Att~rr!Pl ~~l.. questions) ' c answer tQ tt)e qy~stlons from the. given options: A strong electrolyte : - [15] (a) Sugar Solution (b) Acetic Acid (c) Sodium Chloriqe Soluti~n (d) Ammonium Hydroxide (ii) The most metallic element is. found: ' (q) At the top of Group 1 . (b) At the top of Group 17 (c) At the bottom of Grou_p 17 (d) At the bottom 9f Grou_p 1 (i !i) The main components of b.r~~s ar~: (~) Copper and Zinc (b) Copper and Tin (c). Copper arid Aluminiu,r.n (d) Copper and Lead . . h, ch has all ~prid_s {ton,1;~. cov~lent, and coordinate): (iv) A compoun d W} u1 . , . -. (a) Meth?ne [ i um Over] (~) Spdium c;_ h.!oride Cf-iE.~-1 /LNG) (c) Hydrogen Chloride (d) Ammonium Chloride (v) An acid which has two replaceable hydrogen ions: (a) Nitric acid . (b) Phosphorus acid (c) Phosphoric acid (d) Acetic acid (vi) The hydroxide which is soluble in. both ammonium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide: (a) Zinc hydroxide (b). Lead hydroxide (c) Aluminium hydroxide (d) Calcium hydroxide (vii) A Gas cylinder filled with hydrogen holds 3 g of the gas. The same cylinder holds 36 g of gas A under the same temperature and pressure. The vapour density of the gas is: (a) 24 . (b) 36 .Jc) 12 (d) 30 (viii) Ammonia gas is collected in the laboratory by: (a) The downward displacement of water (b) The downward displacement of air (c) The upward displacement of air (d) By condensing the gas, by passing through running tap water (ix) The catalyst used in the Ostwald's process is: (a) Nickel (b) Iron (c) Platinum {d) Vanadium pentoxide X CHEM-2 (LNG) (x} The gas evolved Wh (a) Nitrogen . dded to aluminium nitride: en War'rn water 1s a (b) Ammonia (c) Nitric oxide (d) Nitrogen dioxide (xi) A solution which turns m h pink is et yl orange (a) Sodium hydroxide (b) Sodium chloride solution 6 (c) Hydrochloric acid (d) Calcium chloride solution (xii) Organic compound formed on hydrolysis of calcium carbide is: (a) Ethane (b) Ethane (c) Ethyne (d) Methane (xiii) The IUPAC name of acetic acid is: (a) Methanoic acid (b) Formic Acid (c) Ethanoic acid -{d)~Propanoic acid (xiv) The product formed at the anode.during electrolysis of copper sulphate solution using platinum electrodes is: (a) Hydrogen (b) Oxygen (c) Copper (d) Nil (xv) An alkali earth metal found in Period 3 and Group 2 is: (a) Magnesium (b) Sodium (c) Aluminium (d) Calcium X CHEM,3 (LNG) rthiiiiae+ . {Tum Over J 2. (i) The giv.eri set up in the figure is for the preparation of hydrogen chloride gas: [SJ ,I O;y Hydrn~en Chloride (a) Name the reactants used. (b) Give a balanced equation for the above preparation. (c) What is the drying agent used? (d) What is this method of collection of the gas called? (e) Why is the temperature kept t,elow 200 C in this preparation? (ii) Match the following coh.irrin - - - - eo1umh a Column A (a) Ferric Hydroxide / (b) Zinc Hydroxide / (c) Ammonia ,/ [5] A...wfth column B. .... /1. Amphoteric ,, Insoluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide solution /2. /3. Blue (d) Lead hydroxide 4. On e lone pair (e) Copper Sulphate 5. Triacidic Qfl) Complete the following by choosing .. Base the correct a nswers lrom the bracket: [5] (a) Dry hydrogen chloride gas is _ _ _ _ (acidic/ neutral) to litmus. (b) CHO is the functional group of an . (alcohol/aldehyde) (c) The acid used in,the electrolysis of acidified water is _ _ _ _ .. (Sulphuric acid I Nitric acid) X CHEM-4 (LNG) iil't? (d) Hydrocarbons Undergoing reactions ar~ . (Alkanes,Alkenes) addition ---- (e) A'n oxidising agent reacts with concentrated hydrochloric acid to give - - - - (oxygen/chlorine) gas. (iv) Identify the following: [] 5 (a) A group of organic compou d having a similar structure and similar chemical properties. n s (b) Com~ou~ds Which allows small amount of electricity to flow through them and contains ions as Well as molecules. (c) The tendency of an atom in a molecule to attract the shared pair of electrons towards itself. (d) The common name of the sulphide ore of zinc. (e) The number of electrons that an atom of an element loses or gains to form an ionic bond. (v) (a) Draw the structural formula for the following : 1. butan-2-ol [5] 2. 1-chloropentane 3. 2-bromobut-2-ene (b) Name the following organic compounds in IUPAC system : 1. CH3 - ?H-CH2 -CHO CH3 CH3 2. CH _ 3 _ 6I _ CH CH3 GH - CH3 2 .I - CH3 SECtlON B (40 marks) (Attempt any four questions) 3. . (0 Identify the amens present in each of the following compounds: [.2] . te solution is added to a solution of compound A, a white (a) When silver mtra . excess of ammonium hydroxide Is formed. _ precipitate soluble m . -. are added to the concentrated acid B, dense redd1sh(b) When copper turmngs brown fumes are evolved. X CHEM-5 (LNG) f Tum Over J .. ./!.. lance the equations: JI) Write the products and _ba (a) NHpH + H2S04(dil) p(s + HN03 (cone) 4 4 [2] . / h f llowing as per .the instruction given in brackets: ~i) Arrange t e o (a) Br, F, Cl, I (increasing order of electronegativity) [3) (b) O, F, N, Li (decreasing order of electron affinity) (c) Cl, Mg, Na, Si (increasing metallic character) ~Fill in the blanks selecting the appropriate word from the given choice: [3] (a) Some of the covalent compounds are polar in nature and they _ _ _ in their solutions and can act as an electrolyte. (dissociate/ ionize) (b) _ _ _ the difference in electronegativity, more will be the ionic nature of the resulting compound. (more/less) (c) In a nitrogen molecule, 2 nitrogen atoms have _ _ _ shared pair of. electrons between them. (two/ three) 4. .;,,- (i) For each of the substances given below, what is the role played in the extraction of aluminium? [2] (a) Fluorspar {b) Coke 3 (ii) 450 cm of nitrogen monoxide and 200 cm 3 of oxygen are mixed together and ignited. Calculate the composition of the resulting mixture. [2) 2NO + 0 2 2N02 (iii) The following questions are pertaining to the laboratory preparation of nitric acid:[3] (a) Write a balanced chemical equation for its preparation mentioning the condition required. (b) Pure nitric acid is colourless but the acid obtained in the laboratory is slightly yellow. Explain. (c) State one way by which the yellow colour of the acid can be removed. (iv) Explain the following: [3] (a) An inverted funnel is used to dissolve ammonia gas in water. (b) Calcium hydroxide is used in the laboratory preparation of ammonia instead of other bases. X CHEM-6 (LNG) tc) Concentrated nit. . nc acid .IS not used during the preparation of hydrogen chlonde. P has a Which solution: 5. l\) So\ut\on pH 13 ' so\ution a haS a pH of 6 and solution R has a pH of [2] 2. C \\berate t . ta), WU\ ammonia from ammonium sulphate on heating? 1 (b, on runs mo ecules as wen as ions? . Present, based on the following observations: Name a probable cation a , .Pirty green precipitat8 1nsoluble In excess of ammonium hydroxide. .. ( ) 11 [2] ( ) D . . ba1e blue precipitate inSoluble .in excess of sodium hydroxide. , ..., G' (b [3] . aIanced chemical equations for the following: (a) Preparation of ethane from bromoethane. (111, 1ve (b) Chlorination of ethylene. [3] (c) \odomethane to ethane. (iv) ate one relevant observation for each of the following: st (a) Ammonia bums in excess of 0 xygen. (b) Ammonia reacts with. excess of ct1lorine. (c) Lead nitrate is heated. - (Q A compound with empirical formula AB; h8S vapaur density 3 times itS empirical formula weight. Find th ,noleCUlar foffllllla. [2] rydride of nttrogen contents 87.5% by mass of nitf09en, [)elermin 1118 empirical Jiill formula of this compound. [N:=14, H:=11 state the conditions required tor the following n,acliOns: [3] Convel'Sion of ammonia to nitrlC oxide- .o,{eonversion of sulphur dioxide "' sulphur triOXide. ~conversion of nitrogen to ammonia. _J;ill Some propertieS of sulphuric acid are listed t,eloW. Choose th property A, B, c or o which IS responsible far th f88Ctions (a} fO (c). [3] A-Typical acid, B-det,ydratill9 agent, c-non-voiahle acid, D-oxldising agenL )81 cu + 2H,SO, -+ CuSO, + SO, + 2H,D ,.,.-zc JP) I 22 so4 + H H O 12 11 (c) Zn + H2S04 12C + 11 HP 2 [Tum znSO, + H2 )( c;HEM-7 (LNG) over J ..,,( y( (a) tia111e the process used for the purification of bauxite. [2] (b) Write the equation for the acti9n of heat on aluminium hydroxide. J!} State the type of_isomerism exhibited by the following pair of compounds: [21 (a) n-butane and 2-methylpropane (b) but-l~ne and but-2-ene _Jvr) Mr Jane wants to electroplate hi~ chain with silver. For this electroplating : [3] (a) Name the electrolyte. (b) Give the reaction ta~ing pl!3C8 at cathode. (c) _Give the reaction taking place at anode. jP'{Name the gases evolved in each of the following_: [3J (a) Dilute hydrochloric a~id is added to calcium carbonate. (b) Ammonia gas is p~ssed overheated copper oxide. (c) Dih.i,t~ sulphuric acid i~ ~qqed to sodium sulphite. _JI J)( Draw electron dot structure for ~he following: [2] (a) NH 4+ (p) t-120 pistinguish between th~ f~llow.irig as directe~: [2] (a) Sodium sulphate ~nd sodium nitrate u,s(ng barium chloride solution. . . ... . ,;.' ' ' (b) Calcium nitrate and lecid l"litrate usin~ ~rnmoniul"!l hydroxide solution. The list Qf some organic compounds is giv.~n ~e!or-': [U~~ one compound only ~aj . Ethanol, ethane, rnethane, ethane, ethyne (a) Formed by the dehydration of ethanol [3] py ~oncentrated sulphuric acid. (b) Which forms chlorotoqn on halogenation i~ the pre~~n~e of sunlight. (c) Which decolourise_s b,r:omine solution in_c~rt>on t~trachloride. Jw) At?mic number of an ~l~rn~nt is 1S. Answ~J f9Jl~Y-'ing: (a) State the period and grotJp to which X q~Jpng~. (b) Is a metal or a n91J-m,~.t~I? (c) c.o_ mpound between X and hy,drogen. . State the formula 9f th~ . . .~ . X CH,~ ,i (LNG) [3]

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