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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Environmental Science (Jasudben M. L. School (JML), Mumbai)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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Gujarat Resoarch Society's JASUDBEN M. L. SCHOOL AND BLOOMNODALES PREPRIMA Dr. Madhurl Shah Campus, Ramalrishna Misslon Road, Corner of 16h and 17h Roads, har, Mumbal 400 052 Preliminary Examination- December 2022 Date: 5.12.2022 Std.:X Time: 2 hrs Subject Environmental Science Maximum Marks: 80 Time allowed: Two hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed t0 write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time iven at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets (This Paper has 5 printed sides) SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this Section.) Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers [16 only.) () Which of these is not a secondary city? (a) Noida (b) Mumbai (c) Indore (d) Pune () consists of the throat which absorbs both harmful gas and water when they are passed at a very high velocity. (a )Scrubber (b)Electrostatic precipitator (C)Plate tower (d)Cyclone separator (it) Name the erosion control technique shown in the picture (a)Gullies (b) Bunds (c)Tree Planting (d) Wind-breaks (v) In which year was Mahila Samakhya launched with the help of world bank? (a)1979 (b) 1988 (c)1989 (d) 1990 (v)The crossing of two plants or lines of dissimilar genotype is known as (a) GMO (b) HYV (c) Hybridisation (d) Intercropping (vi)_ (a) (b) (c) (d) satellite observes a particular area continuously. Polar satellite Geo satellite Both a and b None of the above (vii) Which is not an MNCs (a)1BM (bApple (cImfosys (d) Dell (vii) The Cheetahs that are brought from South Africa are kept in. (a) Kanha National Park (b) Kuno National Park (c) Periyar National Park (d) Corbet National Park i) Which of the following statement is not true for Biomass (alt is completely clean (b) It includes biodegrdable waste (c) It excludes organic material (d)t is commonly referred to plant matter grown to produce biofuel. ) Name the process in which worms are used for composting organic materials (a) Vemiculture (b) Vermicomposting (c) Vemiculturist (d) Vemicasts (xi) What is the area of TTZ? (a)10,450 Sq.Km (b)10,500 Sq.Km (c)10,400 Sq.Km (d)10550 Sq.Km (xii) The Kyoto Protocol came into force on (a)16th December, 2005 (b)16th February, 2005 (c)16th March,1996 (d) 16th April,1998 (xii) This technique is commonly use to collect surface run-off water in Gullies (b) Contour Ploughing (c) Terracing (d) Bunds statement is true about eco-clubs? (xiv) Which of the following awareness about the world's environment (a) It aim is to heighten (b) It aim is to take care of planted saplings. clubs. (c) It is also known as evergreen animals. (d) It aim is to take care of (xv) Which countries were worst affected (a) Ukraine (b) Russiaa (c) Belarus (d) All of the above GHG (xvi) What is the full form of (a) Green House Gas (b) Green housing Guide lines (c) Greater Hybrid Grass (d) None of the above by Chernobyl Disaster agricuture Question 2 2 (a) What is mulching? (b) Why is CNG safe? (c) Define the term counter Urbanisation? 2 [2 121 (d) What is sustainable agriculturds? Question 3 (a) Why is kerosene considered as a desirable domestic cooking fuel in rural areas? b) Mention any two UNs Population Projections for 2050. () State an advantage and disadvantage of captive breeding (d) What are the causes of inequality in trade? (2] [2] 12 (21 Question 4 (a) Give two eco-friendly ways of treating kitchen waste. (6) Differentiate between Agroforestry and Social forestry. (c )Name any two agreements signed by India in the field of environment? 21 (dWhy is there a need for mutual cooperation between developed and developing 121 countries. SECTION B (Attempt any four questions from this Section.) Question 5: (a) Write a short note on Montreal Protocol. (b) Explain how traffic can be controlled in big cities. I5 Question 6: (a)How is growing population linked with the environmental pollution. (b) What are the benefits of crop rotation? 151 Question 7: (a) How does biotechnology help in waste treatment? (b) Write a short note on Bhopal Gas tragedy. Question 8: (a)Define Biosphere reserve. Explain the zones of biosphere reseve (byWhat is incineration? Write any two advantages and two disadvantages of it. 15 Question 9 (a)Explain the ways in which community participation can contribute in keeping surrounding clean. (6) Wnte two causes and three consequences of overgrazing. ue. 51 I5) Question 10 (aDescribe any five conservation strategies for saving the Biodiversity (6)Define MNCs. Explain its importance to the home country. 5 51

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