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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Biology (Arya Vidya Mandir (AVM), Mumbai)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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ARYA VIDYA MANDIR GROUP OF SCHOOLS Prellminary Revlew- January 2023 Std. X Sc. 3 Biology Date: 13/1/23 Marks: 80 Time: 2 hrs SCIENCE PAPER 3 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent reading the question paper. Thetime given at the head ofthis paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [] This paper cons sts of 7 printed pages *** Section A (Attempt all questions from this section) Question1 Select the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question. Write the correct answer only): 15] 1. The valve present between the left auricle and left ventricle is a) Tricuspid valve b Mitral valve c) Aortic valve Pulmonary valve d 2. After the mitotic cell division, a female human cel (zygote) will have chromosomes. a)44+ XY . b) 22+Y c) d) 22 +X a) b) c) d) 4 44+XX The process of release of ovum from the ovary is called Ejaculation Fertilization Gestation Ovulation The cell wall in the a) b) c) Glucose d) Proteins plant cell is made up of Starch Cellulose 2. 2 Contd...Std. X Biology Preliminary Review January 2023 5. Which of the following phytohormone promotes senescence? a) 6 Ethylene Cytokinin b) c) Auxin d) Gibberellin The rate of transpiration will be faster when the a) day is cool, humid and windy hot, humid and stilt b) c)hot, humid and windy d) hot, dry and windy 7. 7. f a haemophilic man marries daughter will be haemophilic? a) b) C) d) 8. a normal woman then what is the probability that their 50% 100% 0% 25% A plant cell placed in an unknown solution gets a) Isotonic solution b) Hypotonic solution plasmolysed. What kind of solution was it? c)Hypertonic solution d) 9. 9 The part of the a) b) c) d) 10. Water Cerebrum Cerebellum mainly associated with balance and posture is Thalamus Pons The dark black eye is a) brain pigment which prevents light rays from reflecting and scattering inside Melanin b) Rhodopsin c) Visual violet d) Visual purple 3. the Contd..Std. 11. X Biology Preliminary Review January 2023 Light dependent reaction takes place in a) Thylakoid b) Chlorophyll Fret d) 12. Stroma Deficiency of leads to Diabetes insipidus. . a) ACTH b ADH c) GH dFSH 13 is a source a) b) c) d) 14. 15. of radioactive islets of Langerhans are a) b) Pancreas C Gonads d) Thyroid gland The pollutant. Calcium 30 Lithium 5 Helium 9 lodine 131 present in Adrenal glands marriageable age for boys in a) b) c) 25 d) 20 India is 18 years 21 Question 2 Name the a. i. ii. . following: which a person passes blood cells with urine. Number of deaths per thousand of population per year of Splitting water molecules in presence of iv. Loss of cell sap due to injury to the V. I5 A condition in A pigment present in light in the grana plant. urine which imparts yellow colour. of the chloroplast. 4 Contd....Std. X Biology Preliminary Review January 2023 b. Given below are groups of terms. In each group, the first pair indicates the relationship between the two terms. Complete the second pair accordingly. I51 Recessive trait: Terminal flower:: Dominanttrait i. ii. Endosmosis: Turgidity:: Exosmosis ii. Suppress growth oflateral buds: Auxin: Stimulates closing of stomata: iv. Mitosis: V. Neutrophils: Phagocytosis: : Basophils Equational division:: Meiosis: C. Match the items given in column I with the most appropriate ones in column I and rewrite the correct matching pairs. I51 Column Column I a) Luteal phase 1. Testosterone b) Playing video game 2. Natural reflex c) Acrosome 3. Eardrum d) Tympanum 4. Progesterone e) Knee jerk 5. Spermatozoa 6. Conditioned reflex 7. Meninges d. Choose the odd one out from the following terms and name the category to which the others belong to. i. ii. ii. iv. V. e. 5 Hypertension, Deafness, Diarrhoea, Irritability. edema Cretinism, Scurvy, Myxodema, Simple goitre. Prostate gland, Seminal vesicles, Adrenal gland, Bulbourethral gland. Dendrites, Medullary sheath, Synapse, Neurolemma. Forest fire, Detergents, Brick kilns, Vehicles. State the exact location of the i. Medulla oblongata ii. Stomata . Lens iv. Seminal vesicle v. Adrenal gland following structures. . [5] Contd....Std. X Review Biology Preliminary January 20023 SECTIONB (Attempt any four questions from this section) Question 3 11 Define mutation. (ii) (ii) (iv) (v) Give two structural differences between State Mendel's law of independent assortment. [2 widely used in the food industry. neat and labelled diagram of a sperm cell. Gibberellins Drawa [21 [21 artery and vein. are 3 Question 4 () terms in Given below is a set of five terms, Rewrite the directed at the end of the statement. a logical sequence as 1 Calcium ions Fibrin, Thrombokinase, Prothrombin, Injured tissue, (formation of blood clot) (i) Mendel selected garden peas for his study. Explain. (ii) Why does the renal cortex show a dotted appearance (iv) ( (V) [21 in the sectional view? 2] Enlist any two objectives of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. (2 Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the stomatal apparatus. 131 Question5 Define Thigmotropism. (i) (ii) 2 Give any two functions of amniotic fiuid. 121 State the function of a) Coronary artery b) Medulla oblongata Give the genotypic and phenotypic ratio of monohybrid cross of pure tall and (v) 2 pure dwarf pea plant. Observe the given diagram and answer the following questions 3 * 6.. Contd..Std. X Biology Preliminary a) ldentify the Phase. b) State any one change taking place in this stage. follows the given phase. c) Name the phase which Review January 2023 Question6 Define (i) (i) a) b) Turgor pressure. Name the hormone responsible for Contraction of uterus during childbirth. Increase in blood sugar level. before is it essential to destarch the plant Why (ii) starting any photosynthesis experiment? waste. waste and Non-biodegradable Distinguish between Biodegradable the defect of the human eye. Answer Given below is a diagram depicting a (iv) (v) questions that follow: a) b) [2 [2 3 Give the scientific term for the defect. Mention one c)What type possible oflens can for the defect. be used to correct the defect? reason Question 7 nitrogenous waste excreted by humans. ) Name the main (i) (i) Ventricles have thick muscular walls as compared to auricles. Justify (ii) (iv) () Expand the abbreviation: TSH. State its function. Enlist two characteristics of roots for absorbing water. Observe the diagram and answer the folilowing questions: 1 (21 121 (2 13] 7.. Contd....Std. X Biology Preliminary Review January 2023 a) Give the term for the outermost protective membranous covering of the above structure. b)State the arrangement of white matter and gray matter in the above organ. Question8 () Define transpiration. (i) Differentiate between cell membrane and cell wall permeability and presence in the type of cel. i) Name any two 11 on the basis of their 21 major steps in the formation of urine. (iv) Name the surgical method of contraception in females. Which part of the female reproductive system is ligated surgically? (v) Given below is the diagram of an apparatus set to up study a very important physiological process: TWIG fintact with the plant) C T SUNLIGHT POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE a) State the aim of the experiment. b) Explain the role of potassium hydroxide in the above c)Give a balanced equation for the WATER set up. physiological process being studied. ***************Ihe End*************** 121 (21 13

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