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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Computer Applications (Arya Vidya Mandir (AVM), Mumbai)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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1 Std X Computer App Preprelim Review December 2022 ARYA VIDYA MANDIR GROUP OF SCHOOLS PREPRELIMINARY REVIEW - December 2022 COMPUTER APPLICATION Std: X Date: 03.12.22 MARKS: 100 Time: 2Hrs The paper is divided into two sections. Answer all questions from section A and any 4 from section B. Section A is of 40 marks and section B is of 60 marks. Marks for each question is mentioned in [ ] to your right. This paper consists of NINE printed pages SECTION A Attempt all questions from this section Question 1 Choose the correct answer and write the correct option (i) Which of the following is the correct statement to store 35 integers? (a) int x[35] = new int[]; (b) int x[] = new int[35]; (c) int x[35] = new int[35]; (d) int x[] = new int[34]; (ii) Consider the following statement- private int x,y; Can the x and y be accessed from another class? (a) Yes (b) No (c) May be (d) if they accessed from protected class. (iii) II operator has ____ precedence than && operator. (a) lower (b) higher (c) equal (d) None (iv) How many constructors can a class have? (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) Any number 2 Std X Computer App Preprelim Review December 2022 (v) What is the output: System .out.print("NAMASTEY" .compare To("Namaste") ); (a) false (b) true (c) 32 (d)-32 (vi) What will be the output for the following code: int a=10, b=15; while(++a < - -b) System .out.print(b ); System.out.print(a); (a) 131314 (b) 141413 (c) 141313 (d) 141312 (vii) Corresponding wrapper class of char data type is __ (a) Char (b) Character (c) CHAR (d) CHARACTER (viii) A data type which contains occupies 32 integer as well as fractional part and occupies 32 bits space is_ (a) double (b) int (c) float (d) byte (ix) State the output of the following: for(int i=1, j=1, i<=2, i++); System.out.print(I + + ** ) (a)1 1**2 1** (b)1 1 **2 2** (c)2 2**1 1** (d)1 2**2 3** (x) Static variables are also called (a) Local variables (b) Class variables (c) Final variables (d) Instance variables 3 Std X Computer App Preprelim Review December 2022 (xi) A class implements which of the following OOP characteristics? (a)Encapsulation (b)Inheritance (c)Abstraction (d)Polymorphism (xii) State the output of the following : double x=-3.142; int y=(int) Math.abs(x) +(int)x; System.out.print(y); (a)O (b)6.284 (c)6.0 (d)-6 (xiii) State the output of the following : System.out.print("Save electricity and water".indexOf('b') + 1 ); (a)3 (b)0 (c)1 (d)-1 (xiv) What is the return type of the method endsWith()? (a)Int (b)Char (c)Boolean (d)String (xv) Practical implementation of polymorphism in java is (a)method overloading (b)method calling (c)method prototype (d)method signature (xvi) ___ searching is faster when the arrays are very lengthy (a)Linear (b)Bubble (c)Binary (d)Selection 4 Std X Computer App Preprelim Review December 2022 (xvii) How many boolean literals are there in java? (a)0 (b)1 (c)2 (d)3 (xviii) How many boolean literals are there in java? a) parselnteger() b) toString() c) parselnt() d) tolnt() (xix) The arguments used in the calling method are called? a) Actual parameters b) Formal.parameters c) Virtual parameters d) Real parameters (xx) The array char P[]={'a','b'}; occupies a) 2 bytes b) 4 bytes c) 8 bytes d) 6 bytes Question 2 1. What is the value of y after evaluating the expression given below? y+= ++y + y-- + --y; when int y=8 2. Write the output for the following: int y=0; for(int x=3;x<=5;x++) { y=x*x; if(y>=12) continue; System .out. println(y ); } 3. Differentiate Pure and Impure function. 4. Name the keyword that: i) The access specifier used with a class member so that this class member can be used in the Inherited/subclass. ii) distinguishes between instance variables and class variables 5. Consider the following class: public classmyClass{ public static int x=3,y=4; [20] 5 Std X Computer App Preprelim Review December 2022 public int a=2, b=3; } i) Name the variable for which each object of the class that-will have its own distinct copy. ii) Name the variables that are common to all objects within the class 6. Rewrite the following do while loop using for loop: int i=1; int d=5; do { d=d*2; System.out.println( d); i++; } while (i<=5); 7. Write the prototype of a function search which takes two arguments a string and a character and returns an integer value. 8. What is the output of the following: i)System. out. println("Java is programming language \n developed by \t\'James Gosling\"'); ii) System.out.printlri(" Health and Happiness!".trim().substring(0,5)); 9. What is Autoboxing and Unboxing? Give examples of each. 10. What do you mean by literal and Identifier? SECTION B (Answer any four questions from this Section.) Question 3 [15] A private Cab service company provides service within the city at the following rates: UPTO 5 KM BEYOND 5 KM AC CAR Rs 150/Rs 10/- PER KM NON AC CAR Rs 120/Rs 08/- PER KM Design a Class CabService with the following description: _ Member variables /data members: String car_type - To store the type of car (AC or NON AC) double km - To store the kilometer travelled double bill - To calculate and store the bill amount Member methods: CabService() - Default constructor to initialize data members. String data members to 11 11 and double data members to 0.0. void accept() - To accept car_type and km (using Scanner class only). void calculate () - To calculate the bill as per the rules given above. void display() - To display the bill as per the following format CAR TYPE: KILOMETER TRAVELLED: TOTAL BILL: Create an object of the class in the main method and invoke the member methods. 6 Std X Computer App Preprelim Review December 2022 Question 4 [15] Define a dass to declare a character array of size ten to accept the characters into the array using scanner class and display the characters with high.est and lowest ASCII value. Example : Input : {'R' 'Z' 'q' 'A' 'N' 'p' 'm' 'U' 'Q' 'F'} Output : Character with highest ASCII value is =z. Character with lowest ASCII value is = A, Question 5 Design a class to overload a method Number( ) as follows: void Number (int num , int d) - To count and display the frequency of a digit in anumber Example: num = 2565685 d=5 Frequency of digit 5 = 3 digit in a number. void Number (int n1) - To find and display the sum of even digits of a number. Example: n1 = 29865 Sum of even digits = 16 void Number() - To display the following pattern: 1 22 333 4444 55555 Question 6 Write a program that stores a list of countries and the % of people owning P.C. as below: Country %people owning P.C. India 78.2 Japan USA Germany Singapore U.K [15] [15] 36.7 89.7 42.3 47.8 37.8 Use the above data and using bubble sort technique print the list in the descending order of its % people owning P.C . Question 7 [15] Write a program to accept a word and convert it into lower case, if it is in upper case. Display the new word by replacing only the vowels with the letter following it. Sample Input: computer Sample Output: cpmpvtfr 7 Std X Computer App Preprelim Review December 2022 Question 8 [15] Write a program to accept names and corresponding telephone numbers two diff.arrays. Accept in the name of a person and display telephone no the corresponding using binary search.

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