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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Computer Applications (Jamnabai Narsee School (JNS), Mumbai) Prelim / Pre-Board 1

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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FIRST PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION November/December - 2022 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS ( GROUP III ELECTIVE) Std. : 10 Time: 2 hrs. Marks: 100 Date: 14/12/2022 ___________________________________________________________________________ Answer to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. This paper consists of 9 printed pages. SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this Section.) Question-1 (i) (ii) (iii) Choose the correct answer and write the correct option. A __________________ is an exit-controlled loop in Java. a. while b. do while c. for d. switch Name the type of error in the statement given below: int r= 100/0; a. Syntax error b. Run time error c. Logical error d. None of the above How many elements are there in an array marks? int marks[ ] = {23,56,78,87,45}; a. 6 b. 4 c. 5 d. 7 1 [20] (iv) Which of these operators is used to allocate memory to array variable in Java? a. b. c. d. (v) alloc malloc new new malloc Modulus operator (%) can be applied to which of these? a. b. c. d. Integers Floating point numbers Strings Both a and b (vi) int result = C ; What is the value of result? a. C b. 67 c. 66 d. 99 (vii) Which of the following are not Java keywords? a. double b. char c. then d. case (viii) Which of the given operators can be used to concatenate two or more String objects? a. + b. += c. & d. || (ix) What will be the value stored in the variable c after the following statement is executed? char c = DECODING .charAt(2); a. C b. E c. D d. C (x) In java, array elements are stored in ________ memory locations. a. sequential b. sequential and random c. random d. dynamic The class string belongs to ________________ package. (xi) 2 a. b. c. d. (xii) java.lang java.awt java.string java.applet Consider the following code and predict the output. public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { String s = new String("5"); System.out.println(1 + 10 + s + 1 + 1); } } a. b. c. d. 1152 11511 1105110 18 (xiii) The output of the method HELLO .substring(0,2) is : a. HE b. EL c. he d. el (xiv) Automatic conversion of primitive data into an object of wrapper class is called _______________. a. autoboxing b. explicit conversion c. shifting d. wrapping (xv) Which of the following functions is used to remove leading and trailing white spaces from the string? a. trail() b. truncate() c. slice() d. trim() (xvi) Parameters used in method call statement are known as ____________________. a. formal parameters b. actual parameters c. defined parameters d. passed parameters 3 (xvii) Which of the following is not a part of looping construct? a. for b. break c. continue d. close (xviii) Which of the following statements will terminate the premature execution of a program? a. break b. System.exit(0) c. stop d. end (xix) What value will be stored in the variable p after executing the following code? double a = -6.35; double p = Math.abs(Math.ceil(a)); a. 6.5 b. 6.0 c. 6.35 d. -6.0 (xx) We can calculate the length of an array using ________. a. sizeof(array) b. array.len c. array.length d. array.sizeof() Question-2 i. What will be the output of the following code? class try { public static void main(String args[]) { int y = 10; int z=(++y * (y++ - 5)); System.out.println(y + ", " + z ); } } 4 [2] ii. What will be the output of the following code? class Main { public static void main(String args[]) { int array_variable [] = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { array_variable[i] = i; System.out.print(array_variable[i] + " "); i++; } } } [2] iii. How many times will the following loop execute? What value will be value stored in y ? int x = 2, y = 50; do { ++x; y- = x++; } while(x <= 10); [2] iv. Rewrite the following program segment using if-else construct. String grade=(mark>=90) ? A : (mark>=80) ? B : C . [2] v. Write the output of the following code segment: char ch; int x = 97; do { ch = (char)x; System.out.print(ch+ ); if(x%10==0) break; ++x; } while(x<=100); [2] 5 vi. Write function prototypes for the following: a. A method InChar which takes a string argument st and a character argument ch and returns an integer value. b. A method check which receives a character argument ch and an integer argument n and returns true or false. [2] vii. What is the difference between isUpperCase() and toUpperCase() method? [2] viii. Give the output of the following code: String n = Computer Applications ; String m = Computer Science ; System.out.println(n.substring(0,8).concat(m.substring(9))); [2] ix. class First { public static void main(String args[]) { int a[]={5,1,15,20,25}; int i,j; int m; i=++a[1]; j=a[2]++; m=a[i++]; System.out.print(i+" "+j+" "+m); } } [2] x. Predict the output of the following: a. String str = String Manipulation ; int p = str.indexOf( n ); System.out.println(p); b. String smp = Technology Is Fun ; System.out.println(smp.length()); [2] 6 SECTION B (Answer any four questions from this Section.) The answer in this section should consist of programs in either BlueJ environment or any program environment with java as the base. Each program should be written using variable description / mnemonic codes so that the logic of the program is clearly depicted. Flowcharts and algorithms are not required. Question-3 Define a class with the following specifications. Class name : Salary Data Members/Instance Variables Name : to store name of the teacher Address : to store teacher s address Phone : to store teacher s mobile number Subject : to store subject specialization MonthlySal : to store monthly salary Income Tax : to store income tax Functions/Member methods Salary(String nam, String add, int pno,String sub, int mon_sal): parameterised constructor to assign nam to Name, add toaddress, pno to Phone, sub to Subject, mon_sal to MonthlySal compute() : compute the annual income tax as 5% of the annual salary above ` 1,75,000 display() : displays the details of the teacher in the format given Name : _____________________ Address : ______________________ Phone : _____________________ Subject : ______________________ Monthly Salary : __________________ Income Tax : _________________ Write a main() method and create 2 objects to calculate tax for 2 teachers and call the above methods accordingly. 7 [15] Question-4 Write a program to accept the year of graduation from the user as an integer value. Using the binary search technique on the sorted array Gy[] given below, output the message Record Exists with its position - if the value is located in the array. If not, output the message Record does not exist . Gy[0] 1990 Gy[1] 1992 Gy[2] 1994 Gy[3] 1998 Gy[4] 1999 Gy[5] 2002 Gy[6] 2004 Gy[7] 2008 Gy[8] 2010 [15] Gy[9] 2014 Sample Input : Enter the graduation year ( 1998) Sample Output : Record Exists at 4th position in the array Sample Input : Enter the graduation year ( 2005) Sample Output : Record does not exists .. Question-5 Question-6 Write a program in Java to input a number and check whether it is a Unique number or not. [A number is said to be unique , if the digits in it are not repeated. for example, 12345 is a unique number. 123445 is not a unique number.]. Sample Input. : Sample Output : Enter the number: 4356 4356 is a unique number Sample Input. : Sample Output : Enter the number: 45564 45564 is not a unique number Design a class to overload a function check ( ) as follows : (i) int check (String str, char ch) to find and return the frequency of a character in a string. Sample Input: Enter the string : str = success Enter the character = s . Sample Output: number of s present is = 3 (ii) void check(String s1) to display only vowels from string s1 after converting it to to lower case. Sample Input : Enter String : s1 = computer Sample Output: The vowels in the string are : o u e (iii) char check(String st, int idx) - to display the character at the specified index (idx) in a string Sample Input : Enter String : st = Technology Enter the index : 3 Sample Output: The character at index 3 is : h 8 [15] [15] Question-7 Special words are those words which start and end with the same letter. Examples: EXISTENCE COMIC WINDOW . Palindrome words are those words which read the same from left to right and vice versa. Examples: MALAYALAM MADAM LEVEL ROTATOR CIVIC [15] All palindromes are special words, but all special words are not palindromes. Write a program to accept six words in an array arrWord[] . Check and print the palindrome and special words and only special word from the array an array and also print their frequency. Sample Input : COMIC ICICI MOM MALYALAM EXISTENCE DAD Sample Output : Palindrome and Special Words are : ICICI, MOM, MALYALAM,DAD Frequency of Palindrome and Special words : 4 Special Words are : COMIC, EXISTENCE Frequency of Special Words : 2 Question-8 Write a program to input 10 numbers into an integer type array and arrange the numbers in descending order using Bubble Sort technique. Sample Input : Enter any 10 numbers in an array 67, 12, 45, 34, 32, 99, 87, 69, 88, 3 Sample Output : Array after sorting is : 99, 88, 87, 69, 67, 45, 34, 32, 12, 3 _____________________________________________________________________ 9 [15]

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