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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : History and Civics (St. Gregorios High School, Mumbai)

8 pages, 47 questions, 23 questions with responses, 28 total responses,    2    0
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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ST. GREGORIOS HIGH SCHOOL PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION sUBJECT: HISTORY & CIVICs STD :X DATE :9/1/2023 MARKS 80 TIME: 2 Hours Answers to this Paper should be written in the answer sheets provided separately.You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the guestior paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time alloted for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory) A total o1 f+ve questions are to be attempted from Part II, two out of three questions from Section A, and three out of five questions from SectionB. The intended marks for questions or part of questions in given in the brackets | . PARTI Attempt all questions from this Part. [16 Question 1 Choose the correct option: i) A proposal to lay aside all other business and take up definite matter of urgent importance is known as: a. No Confidence Motion. b. Impeachment Motion. C. Prorogation of the House. d. Adjournment Motion. i) In the malters of the Finance of the Country, the following organ of the Government, enjoys more powers: a. Lok Sabha. b. Rajya Sabha. c. The President's office. d. The Finance Ministry. 1 (ii) Session of the The President of India addresses the Parliament: a. Once in five years. b. Every six months. c. Only during a Joint Sitting. d. At the commencement of the first Session each year. (iv) The Vice President, may in writing, send his letter of resignation to: a. The Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. b. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha. c. The President. d. The Prime Minister. (v) Many controversial issues discussed in the Parliament like price-rise, Centre-State relations lead to an ugly situation in the House. Such matters generally end with the intervention of: a. The Cabinet Minister in-charge ofthe matter. v b. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha. C. The President. d. The Prime Minister. (vi) When the Supreme Court reviews the cases and takes appropriate action to remove an error of law, violation of procedure /natural justice or wrong judgement, it is the_ function of the High Court. a. Advisory. b. Judicial Review. c. Revisory d. Court of Record. (vii) The Arms Act of 1878 was passed by: a. Lord Canning. b. Lord Lytton. c. Lord Ripon. d. Lord Curzon. 2 (vii) Thec following statement is NOT true about the role of the Press in the scecond half of the 19th Century: a. It promoted patriotism and liberal ideas. b. It did not expose the true nature of the British policies. c. It crealed an atmosphere for exchange of views between social groups. d. l made them aware of what was happening in the world. (ix) The Partition of Bengal came into effect on: a. Deccmber 25th, 1885. b. October 17th, 1919. c. October 16h, 1905. d. August 7th, 1905. (x) Who said the following: "Swaraj is my birth right, and I shall have it". a. Bipin Chandra Pal. b. Surendranath Banerjee. . c. Lala Lajpat Rai. d. Bal Gangadhar Tilak. (xi) The a. following was NOT the objective ofthe Muslim Lcague: India support for the British To promote among the Muslims of Government. b. To protect and advance the political rights and interests of the Muslims.. the feelings of national unity, irrespective To develop and consolidate of caste, religion, or province. of hostility between the Muslims of d. To prevent the rise of feelings India and other communities. c. (xii) Committee in 1942, at the Wardha session, The Congress Working Quit India Resolution' because passed the of the a. Japanese Threat. b. Failure C. of the Cripps Mission. Pakistan. Muslim League's demand for d. Second World War. 3 (xi1) The Treaty of Versailles affirmed complete independence to: a Beigium, Holland, and Denmark. b. Poland. Yugoslavia, and Portugal. c. South Africa, Poland, and Denmark. d. Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. (XIv) The following was not the ideology of Fascism and Naz1sm: One Party one Rule. b. Democratic Govenment. a. C. Anti-Communist. d. Aggressive Nationalism. (xv) The function a. Take of the Security Council is to: military action against an aggressor. b. Approve the budget of the UN. c. Codify the International Law. d. Receive and consider reports from other Organs of the UN (vi) On World Children's Day, observed on 20"h November, 2022, in India, disabilities and less recommitted to do more for children with opportunities. a. UNICEF. b. WHO c. UNESCO. d. UN Question2 1. Justice D.Y. Chandrachud was sworn in as the 50h Chief Justice of India On 9th November, 2022. Why did his predecessor vacate office? Who [21 administered the Oath of Office to the present Chief Justice? The National Lok Adalat, with 94 panels, concluded in Mumbai on 11/11/2022 setling 11819 pending cases. What are the advantages an Adalat? (21 of such 3. What did the British do to reduce he landed aristocracy to poverty? 21 4. Who founded the Satyashodak Samaj? How did he contribute to the (2 upliftment of women? 5. Why was the Simon Commission appointed? How did the Indian leaders 12] react to this Commission? 6. State any two objectives of the Non-Aligned Movement? 21 7. What was the immediate cause of the First World War? Who organised it? 21 PART II SECTION A Attempt any two questions from this Section Question 3 reference to the Union The Union Parliament is the law-making body. With Parliament, answer the following questions: Describe any four functions ) (ii) 14) of the Speaker? the Executive. in which the Legislature controls Sabha elected? On what criteria are the members of the Rajya How (iii) this House? What is the term of office is the State represented in State three ways 3 31 for its members? Question 4 The President of India is the Head of the State. With reference to this, answer the following questions: (i) (ii) (iit) 13 elected? How is the President of India Mention any four Executive powers What do you understand by leading to such a situation. of the President. President's Rule? State the 4] circumstances 13 Question 5 The Supreme Court is the apex body of the Judicial System in India. With reference to this, (i) answer the following questions: How is the independence of the Judiciary ensured in the Constitution? 141 (4 points) (ii) (ii) What are the qualifications required to be a judge in the High Court? State any three differences between the District Court and the Session Court. 13 13 SECTION B Attempt any three questions from this Section Question 6 The culmination of discontentment with the British rule came with the Great Revolt of 1857. With reference to ) this, answer the following questions: How did the British disrespect thelast Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah 3 Zafar? (ii) What were the apprehensions amongst the orthodox Indian with the 13 introduction of modern innovations and western education? (ii) State any four military causes for the Revolt of 1857? 14 Question 7 The years between 1914-1945 witnessed two major World Wars. With reference to this, answer the following questions: that led to the rise of dictatorship in (i) State three (i) Why did the League of Nations fail? (iii) State the consequences of the Second World War. causes Italy. 3 131 4 6 Question 8 The national movement under the leadership of Gandhiji saw mass movements in India. With reference to (i) What was the impact of the Non-Cooperation Movement in the national (11) this, answer the following questions: 13 struggle for freedom? (3 points) Why was the 1929 Congress Session held in Lahore, significant to India's Freedom Movement? What programme did the Congress adopt at this Session? (1i) What did Lord Irwin, the Viceroy, agree to as per the Gandh-Irwin 4 Pact? . i Question 9 Look at the given picture and answer the followinquestions: A B C State any two significant contributions the picture? in 'A' above 0)Identify for freedom. made by him in the national struggle faction of leaders differ from the other these of methods How did the 13] 141 (ii) of the Indian National Congress? (i) unite? What When did both factions of the Congress was its significance? [3| Question 10 The Indian National Army set an inspiring example of patriotism in the country. With reference to this, answer the following questions (i) Who was the founder of the Indian National Army? What were its 14 objectives? (ii) (iii) Why the Mountbatten Plan? did the Indian National Congress accept declare with What did the Indian Independence Act of 1947, the Princely States? ******************* regard to 3 13

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