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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Physics (La Martiniere for Girls, Kolkata)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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LA MARTINIERE FOR GIRLS REHEARSAL EXAMINATION-2022-23 PHYSICS CLASS X Time : 2 Hours + 15 mins. reading time Full Marks-BO This paper consists of seven printed pages & 1 blank page. SECTION I (40 Marks) (Attempt all questions) (15x1=15] 1. (i) A body is acted upon by a two equal and opposite forces each of magnitude 1ON. The turning effect of the forces if line of action of forces separated by perpendicular distance 20 cm is (a) 200 Nm (b) 2 Nm (c) O (d) none of these (ii) The type of energy in water in a dam stored at a height from ground is (a) Translational kinetic (b) .Rotational kinetic (c) Elastic potential (d) Gravitational Potential. (iii) Efficiency of a machine is not 100% due to (a) presence of external forces (b) frictional forces (c) design of the machine (d) all it these [Tum Over J X PHY-1 (LMG) (iv) Rock salt prism is used instead of glass Prism to obtain infrared spectrum because (a) Rock salt is easily available than glass (b) Rock salt is harder than glass (c) Rock salt allows IR to pass (x) The (a) (b) (c) (d) Rock salt can absorb infra rays . (v) If the refractive index of diamond i~ 1 = 2 _4 and that of flint glass is 2 = 1.58. The ratio of sine of critical angle C 1 of Diamond to sine of critical angle C 2 of flint glass is. (a) 1 (d) (xi) The (a) (b) (c) (b) 0.66 (d) (c) 1.52 (d) 0 (vi) White. light on passing through a glass prism, seven colours can be seen on the screen. Which one is not correct (a) the seven colours have different wavelengths , so bend by different amount (b) glass prism produces the s!,iven colours (c) white light is combination of seven colours (d) refractive indices of the prism is different for ttie seven different colours. (vii) Power of a lens is -5D. Choose the c~rrect alternatives from below (xii) Wh1 nee (a: (b (c (d (xiii) T111 SU I i1 , (a) it is a convex lens of focal length is 0.2 cm (b) it is a concave lens of focal length is 0.2 cm (c) it is a convex lens of focal length is 20 cm (d) it is a concave lens of focal length is 20 cm (viii) The strength of its magnetic field of an electromagnet can be increased by (xiv) \J (a) increasing the current (b) increasing the number of turns (c) both a) and b) (d) n9ne of these . (ix) 1 volt ~etween two points A and B is the work done (a). in bri,11gin9. unit charge fror;o_A to 8 . (b) in bringing unit charge froro infinity to poinl A (c) in bringing unit charge infinity to point B (d) in bringing unit charge A to infinity. X PHY-2 (LMG) (xv) (x) The safe limit of current for a device having power rating 220V, S00 W is (a) 11 A (b) 0.44 A (c) 2.27 A (d) 96.8 A (xi) The conductance of a metallic conductor from V vs I graph can be found by (a) slope of the graph (b) reciprocal of the slope of the graph (c) Area under the graph (d) tangent drawn at any point of the graph (xii) When electric current is passed through a conductor from south to north, a compass needle placed over the conductor shows (a) deflection towards west (b) deflection towards north (c) deflection towards east (d) no deflection at all (xiii) Two metallic bodies X and Y having their masses in the ratio 1 : 2 are heated by supplying same amount of heat energy. The ratio of their specific heat capacities if they show same rise in temperatures is (a) 1 : 4 (b) 1 : 2 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 4 : 1 (xiv) When a solid changes into a liquid, the changes in energies that occur are (a) P.E remains same, K.E increases (b) K.E remains same, P.E increases (c) both K.E and P.E increase (d) both K.E and P.E decrease (xv) 27 12Mg emits a beta particle and is transformed into an element Y. Then y is (a) isotope of Mg (b) isotone of Mg (c) Excited state of Mg (d) isobar of Mg [Tum 0v8' 1 X PHY-3 (LMG) ,., ./.'bullet moving at a speed of 400 mis . . a wooden block 4 cm thick. WA JIJst p1erc85 What speed is required to just pierce a block 9 crn thick ? [2] 2. frA stone is tied to a string and whirled in a circle, state i) the type of motion of the body ii) the direction of velocity of the body at a particular instant. [2] (iii) A hand flour grinder of diameter 40 cm can grind wheat when a force of 2 kgf is applied at its handle. What force is required if the size of the grinder used is half it's diameter ? [2] Give two safety precautions while handling radioactive materials. [2] (v) Draw a ray diagram to show how a convex lens can be used to bum a piece of paper without using any artificial source of light. J)lf) Give two characteristics [2] of ultrasonic waves. [2] (vii) (a) A machine cannot be used as a force multiplier as well as a speed multiplier. Why? (b) Which quantity of a machine of a given design .does not change with change in efficiency? Give its relationship with efficiency of the machine. [1 +2=3] [5x2=10] 3. .. (a) Djfferen~/ate between resistance and specific resistance of a conductor. (b) The frequency of a wave produced on< the surface of water is 2 Hz. If the wave amplitude is 20 cm, draw a displacement -time graph for the wave. (c) Find the potential difference required to pass a current of 0.5 A in a conductor of resistance 25 n. (d) A household uses A.C. of rating 2 kW, 220 V, for 5 hrs. each day. If electrical energy costs Rs. 5 per .unit then what is the cost of consumption for the month of June? (e) How much charge flows through 250 V - 1000 W heater in 1 minute ? SECTION B (40) [Attempt any four from this ~ctlon] 4. (a) Explain why soldiers are told to break their steps while crossing a suspension bridge. [2] (b) An engine develops 100 kW power. How much time will it take to lift a man of 75 kg to a height of 60 m? [3) . X PHY-4 (LMG) {c) Explain : {i) Why a truck has a bigger steering wheel than a small car. (ii) A uniform metre scale is balanced at 60 cm mark and weights of 6 gf and 45 gf are suspended from 10 cm mark and 75 cm mark resp~ctively . Calculate the weight of the metre scale. [2+3] 5 (a) A pulley system has V.R = 4 and efficiency of 90%. Calculate i) M.A. ii) effort needed to raise a load of 300 N by the system. [3] (b) Two parallel rays of red of wavelength 'A. and violet of wavelength 'A.v travel through R air, meet the air -glass interface as shown in the figure below. (i) Will their path inside the glass be pacallel to each other? Give reason for your l answer. I (ii) Compare the speed of the two rays in glass. Violet Air Glass (c) (i) In the figure below , a ray falls normally-on one face of a equilateral prism and refracted ray grazes the side AC . Find the refractive index of the glass with respect to liquid. \ [4] (ii) State one use and one harmful effect of IR radiations. 6. (a) (i) A woman playing a sitar tightens it's string before starting her performance so that the tension increases by four times. What change will be observed in the frequency of the instrument. 2 (ii) A RADAR is sending signal to a plane at a distance of 4.5 x 10 m away. Find the time after which the signal is received back. [1+2=3: [ium Over _ X PHY-5 (LMG) (c) In the figure I i) readings ir (b) A monochromatic ray of light is incide t . on the face AB of an equilateral n at,= 55 prism ABC undergoes retraction and 1181 to the base BC and emerges Qoes para out from surface AC. 0 (i) Find the angle of emergence at AC . (ii) What is the angle of deviation 6 ? 0, will the value of 6 be greater, lesser 55 or equal to the calculated value in part ii)? [31 (iii) if the angle of incidence is more than (c) (i) Copy the diagram and complete it to show the formation of image of the object 8. (a) How many , to AB. Name the lens. (ii) Find the position of the imag~ if focal length of the lens is 20 cm and distance (b) of AB from lens L is 30 cm. 82 v-. Ex (i)' Name 1 (ii)' What c (i) is er (c) (i) Two bl across i L (i) the (ii) Resist, (a) Explain why the surrounding becomes pleasantly warm when water in lake starts [2] freezing in cold countries ? . (b) abed is rectangular coil placed in a magnetic field when &~~(:-fit flows through 9. (a) What are b it (b) (i) what is the direction of force in ab and cd arms (ii) State the rule used to find the direction of force in (i) CU I (i) What earthi [4] (c) (i) Calcl c ~ - -Jg-1, s N (ii) A cu a te1 a I X PHY-6 (LMG) (c) In the figure below A,B, Care th ree ammeters. The B reads o.6A. Calculate the i) readings in A and C ii) total resistance of the circuit -'tv en ! l 238 8 (a) How many alpha and beta particles are emitted when an element X t (b) 0 e2 y206 Explain your answer with proper calculations. 92 decays [3] (i) Name the radiation which has least' penetrating power. (ii) What changes occur in the nucleus of an atom after the radiation named in (i) is emitted ? Give an equation to show the emission. (c) [3] (i) Two bulbs rated 100 W-120 V and 10 W-120 V are connected in parallel across 120 V source. Find (i) the current in each bulb and [4] (ii) Resistance of each bulb ? 9. (a) What are background radiations? Name two sources of background radiations. [2] (b) (i) What is meant by earthing of an appliance ? ii) What is the purpose of earthing? (c) [3] (i) Calculate the heat required to change 10 g of ice at -20 C into water at 40 C? [specific heat capacity of water 4.2 Jg-1 K-1"- specific latent heat of ice is _336 Jg-1 , specific heat capacity of ice is 2.1 J9: 1 ] (ii) A cube of ice at - 20 c is heated till the water reaches boiling point. Draw a temperature vs time graph to show this. X P,HY-7 (LMG) [3+2]

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