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ICSE Class X Board Specimen 2024 : Yoga

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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ICSE 2024 EXAMINATION SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER YOGA Maximum Marks: 100 Time allowed: Two hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section A and any six questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[ ]. SECTION A (Attempt all questions.) Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. [20] (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.) (i) The artery that arises from the left ventricle and carries blood to all parts of the body is: (ii) (a) The pulmonary vein (b) Vena cava (c) The pulmonary artery (d) Aorta The endocrine gland that secretes the hormone oxytocin is called: (a) Pituitary gland (b) Adrenal gland (c) Thyroid gland (d) Pancreas T24 841 SPECIMEN 1 of 9 (iii) Read the following statements carefully and choose the correct alternative which matches the statement into (assertion) and its reasoning. Assertion (A): A person drunk on alcohol has an unstable balance while walking. Reasoning (R): Alcohol affects the functioning of the cerebellum. (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (a) Both A & R are true, R is the correct explanation of A. (b) A is true but R is false. (c) A is false but R is true. (d) Both A and R are false. The darker, richly supplied with blood, layer of the eye is called: (a) Retina (b) Choroid (c) Vitreous chamber (d) Sclera The process that involves cleaning the root of the tongue is called: (a) Basti (b) Dantmula Dhauti (c) Jivha mula Shodhna (d) Jal neti The outer region of the kidney is called: (a) Medulla (b) Cortex (c) Ureter (d) Adrenal A disease caused by the over secretion of the thyroid gland is: (a) Acromegaly (b) Exophthalmic goitre (c) Diabetes (d) Cretinism T24 841 SPECIMEN 2 of 9 (viii) (ix) The type of blood cells involved with the clotting of blood are: (a) Erythrocytes (b) Thrombocytes (c) Leucocytes (d) Red Blood cells Which of the sense organs can benefit using the object shown in the picture alongside: (x) (a) Skin (b) Tongue (c) Eyes (d) Ears The picture depicts a sub part of one of the following from Rishi Patanjali s yoga sutras: (xi) (a) Yamas or Niyamas (b) Vrittis (c) Chittavikshepas or Antareyas (d) Kleshas The term Upeksha from Patanjali s Yoga sutra 1.33 means: (a) Friendliness towards those who are happy. (b) Indifference towards those who are wicked. (c) Compassion towards those who are unhappy. (d) Joy in virtue of another. T24 841 SPECIMEN 3 of 9 (xii) The following terms belong to a particular school of philosophy: Advaita, Maya, Jagat. Another term belonging to the same philosophy is: (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (a) Chitta bhumi (b) Brahman (c) Purusha (d) Prakriti The name of Sri Aurobindo s father was: (a) Dr. K.D Ghose (b) Bramarath (c) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (d) Dr. S. Dutta The main therapeutic effect of the asana shown in the picture is: (a) It energizes the system (b) It opens the lungs (c) It relaxes the heart (d) It tones the pancreas Tripitakas are an important text from this school of philosophy: (a) Buddhism (b) Sankhya (c) Vedanta (d) Jainism T24 841 SPECIMEN 4 of 9 (xvi) (xvii) (xviii) The sage whose guru was Rishi Vaisampayana was: (a) Rishi Patanjali (b) Rishi Yajnavalkhya (c) Swami Brahmananda (d) Swami Vivekananda The founder of the Sankhya school of philosophy is: (a) Sage Badrayana (b) Sage Jaimini (c) Sage Kapila (d) Rishi Patanjali The artery that arises from the base of the aorta and supplies blood to the heart muscles is: (xix) (xx) (a) Pulmonary artery (b) Hepatic artery (c) Coronary artery (d) Renal artery The Chittavikshepa that means false perception or living under illusion is: (a) Samshaya (b) Pramada (c) Bhrantidarshan (d) Styana The name of Sri Aurobindo s spiritual collaborator was: (a) Mira bai (b) Savitri (c) Mirra Alfassa (d) Anne Besant T24 841 SPECIMEN 5 of 9 Question 2 (i) (ii) (iii) State whether the following are true or false: [5] (a) The pancreas is located in front of the neck. (b) The eustachian tube equalizes the air pressure on either side of the ear drum. (c) Veins have valves. (d) The contraction phase of the heart is called diastole. (e) A convex lens is used to correct hyperopia Match the columns: [5] (a) Acceleration of the heartbeat 1. Carries blood away from the heart (b) Artery 2. Controls the heart beat (c) Vasodilation 3. Sympathetic nervous system (d) Vein 4. Parasympathetic nervous system (e) Medulla Oblongata 5. Carries blood towards the heart Select the odd one out: [5] (a) Reflex arc, Spinal cord, Reflex action, Cerebrum (b) Parswa Uttanasana, Urdhwa Dhanurasana, Uttanasana, Parivritta Trikonasana (iv) (c) Cerebellum, Cerebrum, Pons, Medulla Oblongata (d) Cretinism, Acromegaly, Goitre, Myxoedema (e) Phagocytosis, Diapedesis, Angina Pectoris, Antibody Production Name the following: (a) The double walled membranous covering that protects the heart. (b) A disease in which uric acid crystals are deposited at the joints. (c) The largest inorganic solute found in urine. (d) A blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood away from the kidney. (e) The lobe of the cerebrum that controls hearing. T24 841 SPECIMEN [5] 6 of 9 SECTION B (Answer any six questions from this Section.) Question 3 (i) (ii) With respect to Sant Narsi Mehta write two sentences on each of the following: (a) Vaishnav Janto (b) Any two teachings of Sant Narsi Mehta Describe the following works of Ved Vyasa in three sentences each: (a) Srimad Bhagwatam (b) Mahabharata [4] [6] Question 4 (i) The picture shows an Indian monk who became famous overnight. (a) Name this monk and what was the event that made him world famous. (b) Write two teachings of this monk. (ii) [4] [6] (a) Where is the ashram of the sage shown in the picture located? Write any two inspirations you draw from his life. (b) Write in detail about an event from his life that stands out in your mind. T24 841 SPECIMEN 7 of 9 Question 5 With respect to Ramana Maharishi write notes on the following: (i) His relationship with his mother. [2] (ii) Any two works of Ramana Maharishi. [2] (iii) His method of self enquiry. [3] (iv) The experience he had at a young age that led to the all-consuming question, [3] Who am I? Question 6 With respect to the Samadhi Pada answer the following questions: (i) Describe any two ways given to us by Rishi Patanjali to still the Chitta Vrittis. [2] (ii) Which two methods have worked the best for you to still your thoughts? [2] (iii) Write a sentence on each of the following: [3] (iv) (a) Nirbeej Samadhi (b) Sabeej Samadhi (c) Savitarka Samadhi Name the first three accompaniments of the obstacles listed in Yoga sutra 1.31. [3] Question 7 With respect to the Sadhana Pada write notes on the following: (i) Asana [2] (ii) Pranayama [2] (iii) Samyama (the three limbs of ashtanga yoga involved in it) [3] (iv) Name the first three virtues listed in sutra 1.33 and write a sentence on each of [3] them. T24 841 SPECIMEN 8 of 9 Question 8 Explain the following terms from Rishi Patanjali s yoga sutras: (i) Klishta and Aklishta vrittis [2] (ii) Chit and Chitta [2] (iii) Vikalpa Vritti (With an example) [3] (iv) Dharma megha Samadhi (Name the pada in Rishi Patanjali s Yoga sutras that it [3] is a part of) Question 9 With respect to Eckhart Tolle s philosophy explain the following: (i) The Pain Body [2] (ii) The human mind s addiction to thinking. [2] (iii) Three methods to enter the eternal now. [3] (iv) Which three aspects of Tolle s teachings are most relevant for you? [3] Question 10 Write the following yoga sutras in Sanskrit and explain them word by word: (i) Patanjali Yoga Sutra 1.2 [5] (ii) Patanjali yoga sutra 2.28 [5] Question 11 Write ten points of comparison between Buddhism and Jainism. T24 841 SPECIMEN [10] 9 of 9

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