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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Geography (Good Shepherd International School (GSIS), Ooty, The Nilgiris)

7 pages, 88 questions, 16 questions with responses, 18 total responses,    2    0
Hina Gandhi (Teacher in )
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______________________________________________________________________________ FIRST TRIAL EXAMINATIONS, December 2022-2023 GEOGRAPHY X H.C.G.-Paper-2 (Two Hours- 80 marks) Answers to this paper must be written on the answer sheet provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. ___________________________________________________________________________ Attempt eight questions in all. Part I is compulsory: All question from Part I are to be attempted. A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II. The intended marks for questions or Parts of questions are given in brackets [ ] i. In all Map Work, make a wise use of arrows to indicate positions of countries, cities and other insertions, to avoid overcrowding parts of the map. ii. The extract of Survey of India Map Sheet No. 43DS/10 must not be taken out of the examination hall. It must be handed over to the Supervising Examiner on completion of the Paper. iii. The Map given at the end of this question paper must be fastened to your answer booklet. iv. All sub-section of each question must be answered in the correct serial order. v. All working, including rough work, should be done on the same answer sheet as the rest of the answer Part 1 [30 marks] Attempt all questions Question 1 Study the extract of the survey map of India Map sheet No 43S/10, Easting s 62 to 72, Nothings 27 to 37, and answer the following questions. (a) Give four figure grid reference of: (i) the sluice which is found in the map extract (ii) Village Harmatiya [2] (b) (i) What type of roads connect Harmatiya and Gulabganj. (ii) [1] Drainage pattern in 7131 [1] (c) In which direction does the Sukli nadi flow? [1] (d) What is the distance in Km along the metalled road from Pamera to the confluence of two metalled roads and NH 168 in grid square 6432. [1] (e) What is the main occupation of the people in the given map extract. Give reasons for your answer. [2] (f) What is the evidence that the lake in grid square 6832 is artificial? [1] (g) Name one natural feature and one man made feature in grid square 6434. [1] Question 2 On the outline map of India Provided: (a) Draw and name the Tropic of Cancer. [1] (b) Label the river Godavari. [1] (c) Mark and name Lake Wular [1] (d) Mark C on the coal fields in Jharia. [1] (e) Mark with an arrow and name the NE monsoon over the Bay of Bengal. [1] (f) Shade and name the Gulf of Kutch. [1] (g) Shade and name the coastal plain that receives rainfall in October-November. [1] (h) Mark with a dot and name Mumbai. [1] (i) Shade a region with Black Cotton Soil. [1] (j) Use an arrow to point at a densely populated state in South India. [1] Question 3 Choose the correct answer: [10] a. The method of growing longs strips of grass between crops refer to : 1. Contour Ploughing 2 Strip Farming 3. Terrace Farming 4. Crop Rotation b. Western disturbances originate in Mediterranean Sea and enter in North West India after crossing? 1. Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan 3. Maldives, Sri Lanka 2. Bangladesh, Myanmar 4.China, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan c. In which of the following states is black soil found? 1. Rajasthan 2. MP 3. Gujarat 4.Jharkhand 2.Jamun 3.Babool 4.Tulsi 3.Fir 4.All of the Above d. ____ is found only in India? 1. Sarpagandha e. Which of the tree is used in making matchbox? 1. Deodar 2. Pine f. What lead to falling groundwater levels in agricultural irrigation farming? 1. Increase in usage of canal irrigation 2. Water diverting directly from river channels 3. Increase in own wells and tube-wells in the farms for irrigation 4. Rain Water Harvesting g. Rourkela steel plant obtains its coal from _____________ 1. Nayvelli 2. Jharia 3. Mayurbhanj 4. Bacholim h. ______________transport is the most widespread mode of transport. 1. Airways 2. Waterways 3. Roadways 4. Railways i. Most eco-friendly method of waste disposal is . 1. Composting 2. Dumping 3. Segregation 4. Recycling j. Being malleable, ductile and a good conductor, ________ is mainly used in electrical cables, electronics and chemical industries. 1. Steel 2. Manganese 3. Copper 4. None of them Part 2 Answer any five questions from this section Question 4 (a) Mention the four seasons that prevail in India stating the months for each. [2] (b) State the agricultural benefits derived from: [2] 1. The Westerly Depressions in Punjab 2. The Kalbaisakhi in Assam. (c) Give geographical reason for each of the following: [3] 1. Kolkata receives heavier rain than Lucknow. 2. The Summer Monsoon winds blow over the Arabian Sea from the Southwest. 3. Thar is a desert. (d) Study the climatic data given below and answer the questions that follow: [3] 1. What is the annual range temperature of the station? 2. What is the total annual rainfall experienced by the station? 3. Why would it be correct to presume that the station lies in the interior and not on the coast? Question 5 a. Mention two characteristics of Red Soil. b. Define the term Soil conservation . (i) (ii) c. `[2] [2] Why is it necessary? Give geographical reason for each of the following: i. Red Soil ideal for dry farming. ii. Black Soil needs to be tilled after the first rains. iii. Khadar soil is more fertile than Bhangar soil. [3] d. Name two important agents of erosion. For each, state one method of controlling the erosion caused. [3] Question 6 a. Mention two characteristics of Tropical Rain forest. [2] b. To which type of forest do the following trees belong? 1. Sundari 2. Rosewood and ebony 3. Deodar and fir a. What is social forestry? What is chipko movement? c. Give geographical reason for each of the following: i. Tropical evergreen forests are evergreen. ii. Mangrove forests or vegetation are stilted and look like tangled mass of roots. iii. There is shrinkage of forests cover in India. d. What is the need for forest conservation? [3] [3] [3] Question 7 a. What are the reasons that necessitate artificial irrigation? [2] b. Mention two advantages of rain water harvesting? [2] c. With reference to well irrigation, answer the following questions: [3] (i) Name two states in which well irrigation is widely used. (ii) Name two types of well used for irrigation in these states. (iii) Give two advantages and two disadvantages of wells. d. Give geographical reason for each of the following: i. The drip method of irrigation is the best among all modem methods of irrigation. ii. Tank irrigation is popular in south India. iii. There is water scarcity in India. [3] Question 8 a. State the difference between metallic minerals and non-metallic minerals. [2] b. i. Name the metal obtained from Bauxite. ii. Name three states which are the largest producers of bauxite. c. Give geographical reason for each of the following: i. The demand of coal for railways has reduced. [2] [3] ii. Oil refineries are located close to oilfields or near ports. iii. Manganese is used in iron and steel industry. d. State three advantages that biogas has over solar energy. [3] Question 9 a. Mention the difference between Rabi and Kharif crops with examples. [2] b. Which state is the leading producer of jute? Give any two factors responsible for this. [2] c. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow: i. Name the crop which is being planted. ii. Mention the climatic conditions which favour the cultivation of the crop being planted. iii. Name the state which produces the largest quantity of the crop being planted. d. Describe any two remedial steps taken by the government to boost agricultural production. [3] [3] Question 10 a. Mention the factors which are responsible for the location of an industry. [2] b. With reference to cotton textile industry, answer the following questions: [2] i. Which is the country s most important manufacturing centre? ii. State two geographical reasons for its importance. c. Mention three factors that have helped the sugar industry flourish in the peninsula region than in the northern regions of India. [3] d. i. What is sericulture? [1] ii. Name two important silk- weaving centres in Karnataka. [1] iii. Name four varieties of silk produced in India. [1] Question 11 a. Roadways are always considered more important than any other means of transportation. Give two reasons in support of the statement. [2] b. Differentiate between a harbour and a port with examples. [2] c. Mention three advantages and three disadvantages of rail transport. [3] d. Why does transport play an important role in a developing country like India? [3] Question 12 a. Define the terms: i. Incineration [2] ii. Eutrophication b. How does waste accumulation affect the environment? [2] c. What is composting? Mention the different ways in which it is done. [3] d. Explain the role of government in waste management? [3]

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