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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : English Paper 2 (English Literature)

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Std: X MODEL II EXAMI NATION !2023-241 Total Marks : SO LITERA TURE IN ENGLISH (ENGLISH PAPER - 2) Time allowed: Two hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. . . The tune gzven at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. The paper has four sections. Section A is compulso ,y-All questions in section A must be answered. You must attempt one question.from each of the Sections B, C and D and 011e other question f,-om any section ofyour choice. . The mtended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [}. SECTIO N A (Attempt all questions f,-om this Section.) Question I Read the following questions and choose the most appropriate response from the choices given below. (Please do not copy the question-simply write out in correct serial order the appropria te word or phrase.) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Which word is not used to describe Shylock 's desire in act IV, Scene I? (a) Danm'd (b) wolvish ( c) ravenous (d) bloody What is not a quality of mercy? (a) It is enthrone d in the hearts of kings. (b) It is not spontaneous . . ( c) It is twice blessed. . . ( d) It is an attribute to God hunself. . What was engraved on the ring that Nenssa had given to Gratiano.9 (a) "Till death do us part. " (b) "Love c0nquers all." ( c) "Love me and leave me not." . ( d) "In God and thee my joy shall be" What is the main concern that Launcelot expresses to Jessica at the beginnin g of Act III, Scene V (a) Shylock taking his bond. (b) Jessica's' impendin g _doom,. ( c) The price of pork bemg raised. (d) The sins of the father affecting the children. [16] (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) . posed on him? WhY does Portia ask Lorenzo not to refuse the du ty im . d h 1 n Vemce an s e (a) .Because everyone had gone to the court o f Justice could depend only on Lorenzo. (b) To test his loyalty and obedience. (c) Because of the urgency of the situation. (d) Because of the necessity and her love for him. . On the night described by Lorenzo, where did Dido stand with a willow branch in her hand? (a) By a tranquil river. (b) In the heart of the forest. (c) Upon the wild sea banks. ~ d) In the bustling city of Carthage. Which of the following work Sibia did Not do? (a) Gathered sticks. (b) Put dung to dry (c) Gathered papers. (d) Cooked and weeded Why couldn' t Joe Thompson go immediately to ' The Guardians'? (a) Pennit needed to be obtained. (b) Maggie had just lost her mother and separated from siblings. (c) It was already dusk. (d) He wanted to keep Maggie. The short story ''The Blue Bead" ends on a note of( a) Love (b) Dramatic irony (c) Hope (d) Happiness What is the best evidence for Bradbury creating a gloomy/dreary mood in " All Summer in a Day"? (a) " ...... A thousand forests had been crushed under the rain and grown up a thousand times to be crushed again." (b) " ..... and this was the schoolroom of the children." (c) " She would play no games with them in the echoing tunnels of the underground city." ( d) " .. ... the sweet crystal fall of showers . .." Choose the option that lists the sequence of events in the correct order. 1. "Write me as one that loves his fellow men." 2. And with a look made of all sweet accord, 3. Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom, 4. But cheerly still; and said, "I pray thee, then," (~)3 , 1,2, 4 (b)l,2,4,3 (c)4, 1, 3, 2 (d) 3, 2,4,1 The short story, "The Little Match Girl" is set on (a) 30 th December (b) J 1st December (c) pt January (d) 25 th December (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) What kind Of 11 fi ( )C e does the free bird NOT lead? (~) omplet_ely immobilized . ( ) ~asy-gomg, carefree lifesty le. ~ ~s a sense of entitlement. , ( ) Life of oppo1tunities . The Patriot' is a (a) Didactic P-oe-n-1 (b) Ballad (c) Elegy (d) Dramatic Monologue How are the daffodils described in terms of movement? (a) Twinkling on the milky way. (b) Dancing like the ,vaves. ( c) Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. ~ d) S~aying and moving near the pond. . Wl~ich ot the following lines contain the same literary device as the one m Leigh Hunt's, "Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace." (a) :~My country! in thy days of glory past" . (b) Now wherefore stoppest thou me". (c) "Once upon a midnight dreary while I pondered weak and weary " ( d) " I wander' d in a forest thoughtlessly". SECTIONB (Answer one or more questions from this section.) DRAMA (The Merchant Of Venice by William Shakespeare) Question 2 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Shylock: No news of them? Why, so: and I know not what spent in the search; Why thou loss upon loss! the thief gone with so much, and so much to find the thief and no satisfaction, no revenge: (i) What significant loss does Shylock express in this passage, and how much did it cost him? (ii) What dark wishes does Shylock have regarding his daughter? (iii) What news about Antonio's financial situation is revealed in the scene? (iv) What instructions does Shylock give Tubal towards the end of the scene? ( v) Analyze the theme of discrimination and prejudice as portrayed through Shylock's monologue in the scene. Question 3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Bassanio: Dear sir, offorce I must attempt you further : Take some remembrance of us, as a tribute, Not as a fee: Grant me two things, I pray you, Not to deny me, and to pardon me. Portia: You press me far, and therefore I will yield. [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] .a his wife. Why does he call her ti se words to P ort t , fr Bassanio addresses 1e . pt 'some remembrance om h'im ' . '? W11y does he want Portia to acce Slf (i) . and Antonio? . . fi .. ,ng the three thousand ducats that , ' d Portia give o1 t e1, . . . %at reason_ oes . 1 ? What does she ask Antonio for immediately Bassanio offered he1 eat ,er. . after this conversation? . h d ' k 1 "asks Bassanio for his nng? W at reason oes Why do you t11111 ~ 1e _ . . .. . . o o1 ,,e her for retusmg to pm t with the nng? Bassan.l ::, . . . wh . d' d What does the ring repres~nt m thetr_rela_t1onsh1p: ? at promise 1 Bassanio make v.1hen the nng was fi~st g1v~n to h11n. . . . How does Antonio persuade Bassamo to give away the rmg? What ms1ght does this give us into the nature of their relationship? (ii) ( iii) (iv) [3] [3] [3] [4] SECTION C (Answer 011e or more questions from this section.) PROSE- Short Stories (Treasure Trove-A collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories) Question 4 _ Read the following extract from Jesse Owen's short story 'My Greatest Olympic Prize' given below and answer the questions that follow: After all, I am a Negro. A little hot under the collar about Hitler's ways, I determined to go out there and show 'Der Fuhrer ' and his master race who was superior and who wasn 't. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Why was Jesse Owens not much worried about Hitler's 'master race' theory and was confident of winning the Olympic event? What is meant by, 'A little hot under the collar'? What was the unpleasant surprise Jesse Owens received at the broad jump trials before the 1936 Olympics? What does it mean to keep something 'under wraps'? Why did Hitler keep his athlete under wraps? Why was Jesse Owens afraid that he would foul out of the trials? How did Luz Long help him qualify for the trials? Describe what happened at the Olympic Games the next morning? [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] Question 5 Read the following extract from Hans Christian Andersen's short story 'The Little Match Girl' given below and answer the questions that follow: The snowflakes fell on her long, golden hair which curled so prettily about her neck, but she did not think of her appearance now. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The sto~ is se~ on a_'New Year's Eve'. Why do you think it was important? What did the little girl do to protect herself from the bitter cold? Why she did not dare to go home? Describe the vision of the Christmas tree? [3] [3] [3] [3] . How does the sto . , . ry deal With the the same time? me of fairy tales' and realism at the 1 SECT IOND . iAnsw er one or m (Treasure T [4] ore questzons from this Section.) POETRY of ICSE Poems and Short Stories) tion collec rove-A Ques tion 6 Read the :60 II . extrac t fr . . . , . owing 0111 th and nmg Brow t Rober by t' Patrio The poem e . th io quest ans\\;'er the ns at follow: Ala c A_c, zt was I who leape d at the sun ,,., 10 CT M 0 zve zt my lovzn gfhencls to keep! ought ,nan could do, have I left undone: y ou see my harvest, what J reap ns very day, now a year is run. i7~ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) How What does the word ' harve st' mean in the context of the above lines? ? would you descri be the speak er's state of mind as he says these words third the in y What does the allego rical reference to 'leaping at the sun' signif of stanza , and how does it contribute to the overall thematic develo pment the poem ? are Wher e is the speak er being taken? Why is he being taken there? Who the only ones who watch him being led through the streets? How is the Patrio t's accep tance of death and trust in God's judgm ent highli ghted in the poem ? poet What chang e in the peopl e's attitude towards the narrat or does the is nature highli ght in the above extract? What important aspect of huma n revea led to the reader throug h his contrast? [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] Ques tion 7 David Roth and Read the follow ing extrac t from the poem 'Nine Gold Meda ls ' by answe r the questi ons that follow: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) And the banne r above and nine smilin g/ace s Said more than these words ever wilt Said more than these words ever will the Whic h race was the highli ght of the day? What was the signal that athlet es waite d for? What was ' specia l' about the athlet es who were . partic ipatin g in this 'Spo:t s Meet '? of the athlet es as they lined up mmd of state How does the poet descri be the for the race? Who won the race? as the final What was the atmos phere and antici pation amon g the specta tors event of the day appro ached ? G iv e If you had to give this poem an altern ate title, what would yo u call it? reason s for your answe r. the Why do you think the autho r uses the word 'strange ' to descri be what in and behav iour of the athlet es? What was writte n on the banne r sense was it apt? [3] [3] [3] [3 J [4]

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