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KARNATAKA ICSE SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION PREPARATORY EXAMINATION JANUARY 2020 ___________________________________________________________________________ Class: X Subject: Science- Biology (Paper 3) Max. Marks: 80 Duration: 2hrs Date : ___.___. 2020 Instructions: Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers Attempt all questions from Section I and any four from Section II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions, are given in brackets [ ]. Section I (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this section Question 1 (a) Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks (i) to (v) with appropriate words/phrases: [5] Charles Darwin proposed the theory of ____ (i) ____. According to this theory, the organisms produce more offspring than that can survive. This is called ____ (ii) ___. This creates competition among them and there is struggle for ____ (iii) ___. This struggle eliminates the unfit individuals. The fit organisms posses some ____ (iv) ___ survive and reproduce. These (iv mentioned alongside) accumulate over a long period of time lead to the ___ (v) ___. (b)Name the following: [5] (i) The pressure exerted by a concentrated cell sap on a solvent to prevent its movement from a solution of lower concentration to a solution of higher concentration through a semi permeable membrane. (ii) The part of the brain that controls heart beat and breathing. (iii) The main nitrogenous waste eliminated through kidneys in humans. (iv) The statistical study of human population. (v) A tough structure that serves as a blood vascular connection between foetus and uterine wall. (c) Choose the correct answer from each of the four options given below: (i) In Hyperopia the light is (A) Focussed behind retina (B) Focussed in front of retina (C) Focussed on retina (D) Scattered in the vitreous humour (ii) A plant kept in the dark room ensures that the (A) plant is free from starch (B) leaves of the plant are free from chlorophyll (C) leaves of the plant are free from starch (D) plant is free from chlorophyll (iii) The number of homologous pairs of chromosomes present in a diploid cell of human male cell (A) 46 pairs (B) 22 Pairs (C) 23 pairs (D) one pair (iv) In trees most of the transpiration occurs through [5] (A) Cuticle (B) Lenticels (C) Hydathodes (D) Stomata (v) The fluid that transports Anti Diuretic Hormone from posterior pituitary to kidneys. (A) Only blood (B) Blood and Lymph (C) Urine (D) serum (d) In each set of terms given below, there is an odd one and cannot be grouped in the same category to which the other three belong. Identify the odd term in each set and name the category to which the remaining three belong: [5] (i) urea, ammonia, creatinine, uric acid (ii) Thymine, phosphate, RNA, sugar (iii) Syringe, needles, fly ash, soiled dressings (iv) general growth of the body, increases blood glucose concentration, ossification of bones, mental development (v) Perilymph, tympanum, endolymph, organ of corti (e) Match the items given in column A with the most appropriate ones in Column B and REWITE the correct matching pairs: [5] Column A Column B (i) Transpiration pull - Insulin (ii) Exosmosis - Skin burns (iii) Iodine 131 - Glucagon (iv) Alpha cell - Alkaline secretion (v) Prostate gland - Ascent of sap - Plasmolysis - Thyroid cancer (f) Given below are five groups of five terms each. Arrange and rewrite the terms in each group in the correct order so as to be in logical sequence: [5] (i) Puberty, menopause, Menstruation, Ovulation, menarche (ii) Ozone hole, chemical decomposition of Ozone, CFC s from air conditioners, UV rays directly reach the earth, stratosphere (iii) secretion of thyroxine, anterior pituitary, regulation of body metabolism, stimulation of thyroid, secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone (iv)Axon, cyton, synapse, dendrites, axon terminals (v) substomatal space, mesophyll cells, stoma, atmosphere, inter cellular space (g) The statements given below are incorrect. Rewrite the correct statement by changing underlined words of the statements: [5] (i) Fertilization in humans occurs in Uterus. (ii) A sudden change in the amount, arrangement or structure of the DNA or chromosomes of an organism is called heredity. (iii) Chlorophyll absorbs protons, the unit of sunlight during light reaction. (iv) Blood group AB contains no antigens in blood plasma. (v) Cerebrospinal fluid is neurotransmitter (h)Expand the following abbreviations: (i) NADP (ii) ACTH [5] (iii) IAA (iv) CNG (v) SAN Se ection II (40M Marks) (A Attempt anyy four questiions from this main) Quesstion 2 (a) TThe diagram given below w represents a stage du uring mitoticc cell division n. Observe tthe diagram m and answ wer the quesstions that ffollow: [5] e stage given n alongside. i. Identify the ii.. Name the p parts numbeered 1 and 2 2. iiii. What is the technical tterm for thee (1) Division n of nucleus aand (2 2) Division off cytoplasm?? ivv. Mention th he stage thaat comes beffore the stagge shown in the diagram m. Draw a neat labelleed diagram o of the stage mentioned. division that occurs during: v.. Name the ttype of cell d 1. Grow wth of a shoo ot on of ovule. 2. Formatio (b) A Answer the ffollowing wiith respect tto the picturre given: [5] (i)Me ention two p points for th he statementts given belo ow about po ollution given n alongside: (1) Pollutants P ressponsible. (2) Effect E on water bodies. (3) Measures M to control. (ii) Two T Objectivves of Swacchh Barat Abbhiyan (iii) The air quallity of Delhi has reachedd to seriouslyy dangerous levells. Suggest two measurees to improvee the air quality of Metroo cities like Delhi. Question 3 (a)T The following questions are based on o the diagrram of an exxperimentall set up of photosynthe p esis. [5] Observe carefully and answ wer the queestions: M the aim a of the exxperiment. (i) Mention (ii) Why W is a hyddrophyte useed in the expperiment andd not a mesopphyte? (iii) Write W your observations o s in the follow wing conditions: 1. A pincch of sodium m bicarbonatee is added too water in thee beaker. 2. The exxperiment is conducted in i the green llight. (iv) The T plant ussed in the expperiment is not n destarchhed. Give reaason. (v)W Write the chemical equatiion for photoosynthesis. (b) Give G scientiffic terms for the follow wing: (i) The T hormone that stimulaates the symppathetic nervvous system m. (ii) The T collectio on of nerve cell c bodies frrom which nnerves emergge. (iii) Reduced sug gar levels in the blood. (iv) The T oldest human h ancestor. (v) The T enzyme with antisepptic propertyy in tears. (vi) The T minerall component of chlorophhyll. (vii) The exudatiion of excess water by thhe herbaceouus plants. (viiii) The process by which the neutroph hils engulf bbacteria that invades the body. (ix) The T process by which so odium and potassium aree absorbed by b the roots. [5] Question 4 (a) Observe the O e diagram givven below aand answer tthe question ns that follo ow: [5] (i) Identify the phenomenon n. Which theeory is explaiined by this phenomeno on? (ii) N Name the Sciientific namee of (1) Pepp pered Moth (2) Modern Human ns (iii)EExplain whatt has caused d the changee from A to B B? (iv) W Write two ch haracteristics of: (1) N Neanderthal man. (2) C Cro Magnon man (b) Mention M thee exact locattion of the following: f (ii) S (i) Eustachian E tuube Sunken stom mata (iii) Epididymis (iv) Myelin M sheaath [5] (v) Hepatic portall vein Question 5 (a) Given G below w is the flow of fluids in n Nephron. S Study the diiagram careefully and answer a the quesstions: [5] (i)) Identify thee parts labelled 1and 2. N Name the coollective term m used foor 1 and 2. (iii) Explain thhe process occcurring in ppart 1. (iiii) The filtraate collected in part 2 conntains glucose, vitamins like V Vitamin B annd vitamin C. C Yet they arre not excretted in a norm mal heealthy indiviidual. (ivv) Mention the t effect off sympatheticc nervous sy ystem on urinnary bladd der. (v) Name N any tw wo metabolicc disorders which w can bee diagnosed by b urine anaalysis. (b) The T followin ng diagram depicts the foetus in th he uterus. Sttudy the diaagram and answer a the quesstions that follow: f [5] (i) ( Label the parts B and C (ii) How maany days doees the human n foetus takee to get fully developed? (iii) ( Name thhe hormonal part in the above a picturee. Also menttion the horm mones produced p by it. (iv) ( Give suiitable explannation for thee following: (1) Maternal M bloood does not enter e the foeetus directly.. (2) Menstrual M cyccle stops tem mporarily duuring pregnanncy. Question6 Q (a) Mention M thee exact functtion of the following: f (i) Cili C b d [5] (ii) Corpus C callosum (iii) Gibberellinss A fluuid (iv) Amniotic (v) Synapse S O thee pictures deepicting an experimentt conducted by Pavlov tto study a phenomenon p n. (b) Observe Observe the piccture and an nswer the foollowing queestions: [5] W is the aiim of the exp periment? (i) What (ii) In I this experiiment labelleed (1) in the picture whatt is the: (A) Stimulus and d R actionn? (B) Reflex (iii) Differentiatee between thhe phenomennon urring in 1 an nd 4. occu (iv) All A reflex acctions are invvoluntary acctions but all innvoluntary actions a are no ot reflex actiions. Give reasoon. (v) Schematicall S ly arrange thhe following to repreesent the patth of reflex arc: a Saliv vary gland, Brain B or Spinnal cord, Sallivation, Moto or neuron, Sound of the ringing bell, Sensory neurron, Receptors of the earr. Question 7 (a) In I rabbits, assume a that the dominaant allele (B B) produces black fur. T The allele (b b) for white fur is [5] recessive to B. W colourr fur will eacch of the folllowing rabbiits have? ( i) What Rabbit: 1 2 3 4 notype: Gen B BB Bb bB bb o rabbits wheen crossed can c also prod duce pure breeeds as well as hybrids? (ii))Which of thhe above two (iii) Which W rabbiits are homoozygous for coat c colour? (iv) Rabbits R 2 annd 3 (mentioned above) are a crossed. State wheth her it is a monohybrid crooss or dihybrid cross. Expllain with a reeason. (v) State S the law w of segregatiion of gamettes. D a neatt diagram of internal sttructure of eye and label the follow wing parts: (b) Draw (i) The T outermosst transparen nt layer of the eye. (ii) The T layer of the eye that provides noourishment too the eye. (iii) The area of no vision T larger cavity of the eye ball. (iv) The (v) The T spot conntaining the maximum m nuumber of sennsory cells. ***************************** [5]