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ICSE Class X Prelims 2022 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Vibgyor High School, Horamavu, Bangalore)

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Vibgyor High School, Horamavu, Bangalore
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VIBGYOR HIGH SEMESTER 2 - PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION AY 2021 2022 ENGLISH LITERATURE Grade: 10 Max. Marks: 40 Date: 15/02/2022 Time allowed: 1 hour 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS: Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 10 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. The paper has four sections. Section A is compulsory All questions in Section A must be answered. You must attempt one question from each of the Sections B, C and D. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. This question paper contains 7 printed pages. Section A Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question. Write the correct answer only.) i) What is the tone used by the poet, Leigh Hunt, in Abou Ben Adhem ? (a) a tone of blissfulness (b) a tone of serenity (c) a tone of celebration (d) a triumphant tone 1 [10] ii) According to David Roth, the world needs: (a) not more competition but more cooperation and collaboration (b) not more collaboration but more competition and cooperation (c) not more cooperation but more competition and collaboration (d) more competition, collaboration and cooperation iii) Which phrase has been used in the poem Nine Gold Medals , to describe the venue where the spectators were gathered? (a) the field (b) the ground (c) the finish line (d) the tracks iv) What was Jesse Owens thinking about while he was going over on the boat ? (a) His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of running the broad jump. (b) His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the Nazis Aryan -superiority theory. (c) His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of taking home one or two of those gold medals. (d) His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of his new found friendship with Luz Long. v) What were the children on planet Venus peering out for? (a) to look at the great jungle that covered Venus (b) to hear the drum and gush of water (c) to take a look at the sweet crystal fall of showers (d) for a look at the hidden sun vi) Why had the rocket men and women come to the raining world? (a) They had come from Earth to experience life away from it. (b) They had come to experiment, earn money and achieve success. (c) They had come to set up civilization and live out their lives. (d) They had come to experience the technological advances on Venus. 2 Shylock analogizes his choice of a weight of carrion flesh over receiving vii) three thousand ducats with _____________. (a) the purchased slaves of Christians sweating under burdens rather than being offered beds as soft as theirs (b) men who do not love a gaping cat (c) his thought of paying five thousand ducats to have a rat infesting his house, poisoned (d) other men who cannot contain themselves when they hear the shrill notes of the bag-pipe viii) Which of the following characters is presented as noble but passive and an object of pity? (a) Bassanio (b) Antonio (c) Shylock (d) the Duke of Venice ix) Name the character who is believed to have moved trees, stones and floods with his music. (a) Orpheus (b) Troilus (c) Pythagoras (d) Pyramus x) According to Bassanio, Portia s strength of displeasure would be abated if she knew ____________. (a) the virtue of the ring (b) who asked him to give the ring (c) how unwillingly he left the ring (d) half the worthiness of the one who gave the ring 3 SECTION B DRAMA (The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare - Acts 4 and 5) Question 2 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: PORTIA: It must not be; there is no power in Venice Can alter a decree established: Twill be recorded for a precedent, And many an error, by the same example, Will rush into the state: it cannot be. i) To whose request does Portia respond in the given lines? What was the [2] Whom does Shylock compare Portia to? Mention two other praises that [2] request made? ii) Shylock bestows her with. iii) the world thinks, and I think so too [3] What, according to the duke, is expected from Shylock when he enters the court of justice? iv) Why does the doctor of law doubt that Bassanio s wife would give him little [3] thanks for the offer made by him? How does Nerissa respond to a wish made by Gratiano on similar lines as Bassanio? How does this conversation alter the atmosphere in the scene? Question 3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: LORENZO: Come, ho, and wake Diana with a hymn! With sweetest touches pierce your mistress ear, And draw her home with music. [Music] JESSICA: I am never merry when I hear sweet music. i) Where does this scene take place? Who is Diana ? [2] ii) What were Jessica and Lorenzo playfully accusing each other of a while ago? [2] 4 Who had entered then? iii) Upon entering the scene, how does Portia explain Nerissa s remark: [3] When the moon shone, we did not see the candle. Which attribute of hers does this highlight? iv) Later in this scene, how do Portia and Nerissa finally restore peace and [3] harmony in the play? SECTION C PROSE - SHORT STORIES (Treasure Trove A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories) Question 4 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Get away! The boy gave her another push. What re you waiting for? Then, for the first time, she turned and looked at him. i) How was Margot different from the other children? Mention any two points of [2] difference. ii) What had Margot written about the sun in her poem? What had the children [2] learnt about the sun in the class? iii) Describe what the children did as they rushed out, yelling into the springtime . [3] iv) Where had Margot been locked? How did the other children behave after they [3] realised their mistake? Question 5 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Suddenly all the tension seemed to ebb out of my body as the truth of what he said hit me. i) Naming the narrator, describe how he had prepared himself for the Olympics. [2] ii) What ideology was the narrator up against? How did it affect his performance? [2] 5 iii) Which event did Jesse Owens think he was best at? Why? What had the [3] German just said that had resulted in the tension ebbing out of my body ? iv) What had Pierre de Coubertin said about the modern Olympic Games? How [3] was this epitomized at the Berlin Olympics by the German? SECTION D POETRY (Treasure Trove A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories) Question 6 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: And to the presence in the room he said, What writest thou? i) What had made Abou bold ? Why had his name led all the rest ? [2] ii) How had the angel reacted to Abou s words, What writest thou? [2] iii) What had the angel been writing before it vanished? How did the angel come [3] again the next night? What makes this poem didactic? iv) May his tribe increase! [3] Why does the poet make such a wish? What does it reveal of Abou? Question 7 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: But as sure as I m standing here telling the story Now it s a strange one, but here s what occurred i) Naming the I in the extract, state why had the athletes come from so many [2] countries ? ii) Describe the scene just before the final event of the day . Which phrase has [2] been used in the poem to indicate that the race had started? iii) Provide all the relevant details of the unfortunate incident that took place in the story when the race began. 6 [3] iv) That s how the race ended . [3] Describing the end of the race, explain what made the Special Olympics truly special. ***** 7

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