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GATE 2013 : Geology And Geophysics

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2013 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG GG : GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS Duration : Three Hours Maximum Marks :100 Please read the following instructions carefully: General Instructions: 1. Total duration of examination is 180 minutes (3 hours). 2. The clock will be set at the server. The countdown timer in the top right corner of screen will display the remaining time available for you to complete the examination. When the timer reaches zero, the examination will end by itself. You will not be required to end or submit your examination. 3. The Question Palette displayed on the right side of screen will show the status of each question using one of the following symbols: You have not visited the question yet. You have not answered the question. You have answered the question. You have NOT answered the question, but have marked the question for review. You have answered the question, but marked it for review. The Marked for Review status for a question simply indicates that you would like to look at that question again. If a question is answered and Marked for Review, your answer for that question will be considered in the evaluation. Navigating to a Question 4. To answer a question, do the following: a. Click on the question number in the Question Palette to go to that question directly. b. Select an answer for a multiple choice type question. Use the virtual numeric keypad to enter a number as answer for a numerical type question. c. Click on Save and Next to save your answer for the current question and then go to the next question. d. Click on Mark for Review and Next to save your answer for the current question, mark it for review, and then go to the next question. e. Caution: Note that your answer for the current question will not be saved, if you navigate to another question directly by clicking on its question number. 5. You can view all the questions by clicking on the Question Paper button. Note that the options for multiple choice type questions will not be shown. Answering a Question 6. Procedure for answering a multiple choice type question: a. To select your answer, click on the button of one of the options b. To deselect your chosen answer, click on the button of the chosen option again or click on the Clear Response button c. To change your chosen answer, click on the button of another option d. To save your answer, you MUST click on the Save and Next button GG 1/19 2013 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG e. To mark the question for review, click on the Mark for Review and Next button. If an answer is selected for a question that is Marked for Review, that answer will be considered in the evaluation. 7. Procedure for answering a numerical answer type question: a. To enter a number as your answer, use the virtual numerical keypad b. A fraction (eg.,-0.3 or -.3) can be entered as an answer with or without 0 before the decimal point c. To clear your answer, click on the Clear Response button d. To save your answer, you MUST click on the Save and Next button e. To mark the question for review, click on the Mark for Review and Next button. If an answer is entered for a question that is Marked for Review, that answer will be considered in the evaluation. 8. To change your answer to a question that has already been answered, first select that question for answering and then follow the procedure for answering that type of question. 9. Note that ONLY Questions for which answers are saved or marked for review after answering will be considered for evaluation. Choosing an Optional Section 10. Sections in this question paper are displayed on the top bar of the screen. Questions in a Section can be viewed by clicking on the name of that Section. The Section you are currently viewing is highlighted. 11. A checkbox is displayed for every optional Section in the Question Paper. To select an optional Section for answering, click on the checkbox for that Section. 12. If the checkbox for an optional Section is not selected, the Save and Next button and the Mark for Review and Next button will NOT be enabled for that Section. You will be able to only see questions in the Section, but you will not be able to answer questions in the Section. 13. After clicking the Save and Next button for the last question in a Section, you will automatically be taken to the first question of the next Section in sequence. 14. You can move the mouse cursor over the name of a Section to view the answering status for that Section. Changing the Optional Section 15. After answering the chosen optional Sections, partially or completely, you can change an optional Section by selecting a checkbox for a new Section that you want to attempt. A warning message will appear along with a table showing the number of questions answered in each of the previously chosen optional Sections and a checkbox against each of these Sections. Click on a checkbox against a Section that you want to reset and then click on the RESET button. Note that RESETTING a Section will DELETE all the answers for questions in that Section. Hence, if you think that you may want to select this Section again later, you will have to note down your answers for questions in that Section. If you do not want to reset any Section and want to continue answering the previously chosen optional Sections, then click on the BACK button. 16. If you deselect the checkbox for an optional Section in the top bar, the following warning message will appear: "Deselecting the checkbox will DELETE all the answers for questions in this Section. Do you want to deselect this Section?" If you want to deselect, click on the RESET button. If you do not want to deselect, click on the BACK button. 17. You can shuffle between different Sections any number of times. You can change the optional Sections any number of times. GG 2/19 2013 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG Paper specific instructions: 1. There are a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks. Questions are of multiple choice type or numerical answer type. A multiple choice type question will have four choices for the answer with only one correct choice. For numerical answer type questions, the answer is a number and no choices will be given. A number as the answer should be entered using the virtual keyboard on the monitor. 2. Part-A is a compulsory section that contains 25 questions carrying 1 mark each. Part-B contains two optional sections: Section 1 (Geology) and Section 2 (Geophysics). Each of these sections contains 30 questions carrying 2 marks each. The 2 marks questions include two pairs of common data questions and two pairs of linked answer questions. The answer to the second question of the linked answer questions depends on the answer to the first question of the pair. If the first question in the linked pair is wrongly answered or is not attempted, then the answer to the second question in the pair will not be evaluated. 3. Questions Q.56 Q.65 belong to General Aptitude (GA) section and carry a total of 15 marks. Questions Q.56 Q.60 carry 1mark each, and questions Q.61 Q.65 carry 2marks each. 4. Questions not attempted will result in zero mark. Wrong answers for multiple choice type questions will result in NEGATIVE marks. For all 1 mark questions, mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. For all 2 marks questions, mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. However, in the case of the linked answer question pair, there will be negative marks only for wrong answer to the first question and no negative marks for wrong answer to the second question. There is no negative marking for questions of numerical answer type. 5. Calculator is allowed. Charts, graph sheets or tables are NOT allowed in the examination hall. 6. Do the rough work in the Scribble Pad provided. GG 3/19 2013 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG PART A: COMMON TO BOTH GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS CANDIDATES Q. 1 Q. 25 carry one mark each. Q.1 The number of hydrous minerals in the Moh s scale of hardness is _________. Q.2 It takes approximately _________ minutes for sunlight to reach the Earth. Q.3 In a remotely sensed data of a planet, the presence of hydrous species can be inferred using _________region of the electromagnetic spectrum? (A) Radiowave Q.4 (B) Gamma (C) Infrared (D) Visible Amongst the following, which one will have the highest P-wave velocity? (A) Granite (B) Diamond (C) Shale (D) Talc Q.5 Assuming the Earth to be a perfect sphere, its equatorial velocity is approximately __________ km/hr Q.6 Both strength and plasticity of a rock increase with the (A) increase in temperature (B) decrease in strain rate (C) increase in confining pressure (D) increase in pore fluid pressure Q.7 Amongst the following options, the acceptable value of the Poisson s ratio of a rock is (A) 0.55 Q.8 (B) K-feldspar (C) biotite (D) garnet (B) difference (C) product (D) ratio (B) Enstatite (C) Pyrite (D) Ilmenite same resistances and resistivities same resistivities but different resistances same resistances but different resistivities different resistances and resistivities The type of wave that arrives first at a station from an earthquake hypocenter is (A) P-wave GG (D) sub-tropical regions Two bodies made up of same material with different dimensions have (A) (B) (C) (D) Q.13 (C) mid-latitudes Choose the diamagnetic mineral from the following. (A) Calcite Q.12 (B) poles Acoustic impedance is the _____________ of density and velocity. (A) sum Q.11 (D) -1.00 The most abundant mineral in the Earth s crust is (A) quartz Q.10 (C) 0.25 The acceleration due to gravity, g is maximum at (A) equator Q.9 (B) 1.00 (B) S-wave (C) Rayleigh wave (D) Love wave 4/19 2013 Q.14 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG Which one of the following is the correct statement? (A) Accretionary wedge is part of the foreland basin (B) Spreading ridge is a major zone of metamorphism (C) Dehydration of subducting slab induces mantle melting (D) Back arc basin represent a convergent regime Q.15 Match the following items of Group I with those of Group II. Group I Group II P) Electrical Method Q) Magnetic Method R) Gravity Method S) Seismic Method (A) (B) (C) (D) Q.16 P 3;Q 2;R 5 P 3;Q 4;R 1 P 3;Q 4;R 2 P 5;Q 4;R 3 ;S 1 ;S 2 ;S 1 ;S 2 If a radioactive isotope has a decay constant of 1.55 10-10 year-1, its half-life (in years) would be (A) 4.57 109 Q.17 1) Density 2) Velocity 3) Resistivity 4) Susceptibility 5) Dielectric Permittivity (B) 4.47 109 Newton s law of gravitation Coulomb s law of electrostatics Coulomb s law of magnetostatics Hooke s law A type of unconformity characterized by the occurrence of sedimentary rocks on igneous/metamorphic rocks is known as (A) angular unconformity (C) paraconformity Q.20 V (B) V (C) V 2 (D) V 3 An active trench is present in the vicinity of (A) Andaman & Nicobar Islands (C) Lakshadweep Q.22 (B) nonconformity (D) disconformity For seismic S-wave velocity, V, the rigidity modulus, , is proportional to (A) Q.21 (B) Dielectric permittivity (D) Electrical resistivity Which of the following is NOT an inverse square law? (A) (B) (C) (D) Q.19 (D) 4.47 1010 Which of the following physical properties of rocks has the widest range of variation? (A) Magnetic permeability (C) Seismic velocity Q.18 (C) 4.57 1010 (B) Gulf of Cambay (D) Krishna-Godavari delta In a homogeneous anisotropic medium, the physical property varies (A) with position but not with direction (B) with both position and direction (C) with direction but not with position (D) neither with position nor with direction GG 5/19 2013 Q.23 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG Which one of the following stable isotopic ratios is used for estimation of palaeo-temperature of seawater? (A) 13C/12C (C) 87S/86Sr Q.24 (B) 18O/16O (D) 15N/14N Match the items of Group I with those of Group II. Group I P. Coal Q. Copper R. Oil S. Uranium 1. Gandhar 2. Singareni 3. Khetri 4. Jadugoda 5. Degana (A) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2 (C) P-1, Q-3, R-2, S-5 Q.25 Group II (B) P-2, Q-3, R-5, S-4 (D) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4 Which of the following logging techniques is best suited to estimate the shaliness of hydrocarbon reservoirs? (A) Resistivity (C) Induction GG (B) Sonic (D) Gamma ray 6/19 2013 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG PART B (SECTION 1): FOR GEOLOGY CANDIDATES ONLY Q. 26 to Q. 55 carry two marks each. Q.26 Which of the following statements is correct? (A) Eolian sands do not exhibit cross bedding. (B) Deep marine sands are well sorted. (C) Glacier deposit may contain faceted pebble. (D) Wave ripples do not form on shallow marine sands. Q.27 The test of organic-walled foraminifera is termed as (A) Microgranular (C) Porcellaneous (B ) Hyaline (D) Tectinous Q.28 The void ratio (in percentage) of sandstone is 25. Its porosity in percentage is ________. Q.29 On a 1:10,000 scale map, the length of a fault trace on a horizontal plane is represented as 5 cm. The same on a 1:25,000 scale vertical aerial photograph is _________ cm. Q.30 In high-grade metamorphism, biotite melting indicates (A) rock cooling (C) rock uplifting Q.31 (B) rock hydration (D) rock dehydration Match the dentition type in Group I with the bivalves in Group II. Group I P. Desmodont Q. Dysodont R. Isodont S. Heterodont 1. Mytilus 2. Cerastoderma 3. Mya 4. Spondylus 5. Nucula 6. Arca (A) P 3, Q 1, R 4, S 2 (C) P 3, Q 1, R 5, S 2 Q.32 Group II (B) P 1, Q 2, R 6, S 5 (D) P 2, Q - 1, R 4, S 6 Which one of the following is the correct statement regarding hydrocarbon generation? (A) H/C content of organic matter increases as it matures. (B) O/C content of organic matter increases as it matures. (C) Lignite does not form any hydrocarbon during maturation. (D) Oil source rock is most abundant in Mesozoic. GG 7/19 2013 Q.33 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG In the stereographic projection, 1, 2 and 3 represent poles of three planes. Choose the correct combination of statements from the following. (A) The plane corresponding to 1 is horizontal and the plane corresponding to 2 is inclined. (B) The plane corresponding to 1 is striking N-S and the plane corresponding to 2 is horizontal. (C) The plane corresponding to 2 is vertical and the plane corresponding to 3 is striking E-W. (D) The plane corresponding to 2 is striking E-W and the plane corresponding to 3 is inclined. Q.34 Match the minerals in Group I with its corresponding industrial application in Group II. Group I P. Kaolinite Q. Rutile R. Graphite S. Serpentine (A) P 1, Q 3, R 4, S 2 (C) P 3, Q 1, R 4, S 2 Q.35 Group II 1. Pigment 2. Asbestos 3. Cement 4. Lubricant 5. Abrasive (B) P 3, Q 1, R 2, S 4 (D) P 1, Q 5, R 3, S 2 Match the Hermann-Maugin symbol in Group I with its corresponding general form in Group II. Group I P. 6/m Q. 3m R. 6m2 S. 6 1. Trigonal Dipyramid 2. Ditrigonal Dipyramid 3. Dihexagonal Pyramid 4. Ditrigonal Pyramid 5. Hexagonal Dipyramid (A) P 5, Q 4, R 2, S 1 (C) P 5, Q 4, R 1, S 3 Q.36 Group II (B) P 5, Q 4, R 1, S 2 (D) P 3, Q 4, R 2, S 1 Which of the following is a type of dam? (A) Anchor GG (B) Shotcrete (C) Geogrid (D) Buttress 8/19 2013 Q.37 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG Match the items in Group I with those in Group II. Group I P. Kersantite Q. Fenite R. Mugearite S. Phonolite 1. Hornblende-diopside-plagioclase lamprophyre 2. Basaltic trachyandesite 3. Volcanic nepheline syenite 4. Biotite-plagioclase lamprophyre 5. Metasomatic rock associated with carbonatites (A) P 1, Q 2, R 4, S 3 (C) P 3, Q 1, R 2, S 4 Q.38 Group II (B) P 4, Q 5, R 2, S 3 (D) P 4, Q 5, R 3, S 2 A chondrite-normalized REE pattern of quartzo-feldspathic gneiss shows a sharp positive Eu anomaly. This indicates presence of (A) plagioclase in the sample. (B) quartz in the sample. (C) clinopyroxene in the sample. (D) sillimanite in the sample. Q.39 Choose the correct expression from the following that explains the changing vertical position of a point on the land surface at any time (Surface Uplift SU, Bedrock Uplift BU, Deposition D, Compaction C, Erosion E). (A) SU = BU D C E (B) SU = BU D + C E (C) SU = BU + D C + E (D) SU = BU + D C E Q.40 Match the following stratigraphic units listed in Group I with the Precambrian basins in Group II. Group I P. Badami Group Q. Kheinjua Formation R. Sullavai Group S. Papaghni Group 1. Vindhyan 2. Chhatisgarh 3. Kaladgi 4. Cuddapah 5. Pranhita-Godavari (A) P 3, Q 1, R 5, S 4 (C) P 1, Q 2, R 3, S 5 Q.41 Group II (B) P 1, Q 5, R 4, S 3 (D) P 3, Q 2, R 5, S 4 . Mantle xenoliths are observed in (A) Kimberlite (B) Granite (C) Pegmatite (D) Granulite . Q.42 Dimension of hydraulic conductivity is (A) LT-2 GG (B) L3T-1 (C) ML-3 (D) LT-1 9/19 2013 Q.43 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG Match the items in Group I with those in Group II. Group I P. Katrol Formation Q. Barail Formation R. Ariyalur Formation S. Sylhet Formation 1. Oligocene 2. Cretaceous 3. Eocene 4. Jurassic 5. Paleocene 6. Miocene (A) P 2, Q 4, R 5, S 3 (C) P 4, Q 2, R 4, S 5 Q.44 Group II (B) P 2, Q 5, R 3, S 1 (D) P 4, Q 1, R 2, S 3 The outcrop pattern of folded sedimentary strata on the map given below represents (A) culmination of antiform (C) depression of antiform Q.45 (B) culmination of synform (D) depression of synform Match the economic deposits in Group I with the host rocks in Group II. Group I P. Malanjkhand copper Q. Salem magnesite R. Zawar Pb-Zn S. Rampura-Agucha 1. Granite 2. Dolomite 3. Graphitic Schist 4. Ultramafics 5. Basalt 6. Rhyollite (A) P 1, Q 4, R 3, S 2 (C) P 1, Q 4, R 2, S 3 GG Group II (B) P 2, Q 3, R 5, S 2 (D) P 3, Q - 2, R 6, S 5 10/19 2013 Q.46 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG The stereographic projection below shows the principal stress axes and fault planes. The projection represents a (A) normal fault Q.47 (B) reverse fault (C) dextral fault (D) sinistral fault Select the correct the statement from the following. (A) Incised channels form an account of aeolin action. (B) Mesa structures are observed only in steeply dipping beds. (C) Crevasse splay is commonly associated with meandering river. (D) Coral reefs are abundant in Gulf of Cambay. Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 48 and 49: A, B, C, D, E, F and G are minerals in a sample of metamorphic rock. The micro-texture of the assemblage is given below. A, D and G are porphyroblasts, B and C are coronas, E and F are inclusions. Q.48 Select the appropriate metamorphic reaction from the following options. (A) A + B = C + D (C) A + D = B + C GG (B) A + C = D + G (D) E + D = C + A 11/19 2013 Q.49 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG Based on the micro-texture, select the oldest assemblage from the following. (A) A-D (B) E-F (E) A-G (C) B-C Common Data for Questions 50 and 51: The Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope (A-B) of a porous limestone is given below. Q.50 The point P represents (A) uniaxial tensile strength. (B) uniaxial compressive strength. (C) indirect tensile strength. (D) shear strength. Q.51 For a condition represented by the circle 1, if pore water pressure increases, the circle will change to (A) circle 2. (B) circle 3. (C) circle 4. (D) circle 5. Linked Answer Questions Statement for Linked Answer Questions 52 and 53: Sedimentary structures are useful for determining the younging direction of a bed. Q.52 Which one of the following sedimentary structure represents the bottom of a bed? (A) Current crescent (C) Rain print Q.53 Which sedimentary process is responsible for the generation of the structure identified above? (A) Wave reworking (C) Drying and desiccation GG (B) Desiccation crack (D) Load cast (B) Liquefaction of sediments (D) Erosion of cohesive substrate 12/19 2013 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG Statement for Linked Answer Questions 54 and 55: The table below represents recalculated cation compositions data of minerals. Si Ti Al Fe Mn Mg Ca Na Total Q.54 I 3.000 0.000 1.997 1.400 0.000 1.038 0.568 0.000 8.003 IV 2.000 0.000 0.009 1.405 0.032 0.998 1.567 0.000 6.011 (B) II and IV (C) I and IV (D) I and III Calculate the distribution coefficient [KD] for the Fe-Mg system. (A) 0.504 GG III 1.910 0.003 0.186 0.160 0.000 0.877 0.848 0.021 4.005 Select the correct garnet [(Ca,Fe,Mg,Mn)3Al2Si3O12] and clinopyroxene [Ca(FeMg)Si2O6] pair respectively. (A) II and III Q.55 II 3.000 0.003 2.000 6.000 0.000 0.510 0.475 0.024 12.012 (B) 0.620 (C) 1.420 (D) 1.535 13/19 2013 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG PART B (SECTION 2): FOR GEOPHYSICS CANDIDATES ONLY Q. 26 to Q. 55 carry two marks each. Q.26 A P-wave is reflected as both P- and S- waves from an interface at angles rp and rs respectively. The relationship between rp and rs is (A) rp > rs Q.27 (B) rp = rs (B) Moment (D) Intensity In what circumstances, the migrated reflection seismic section will be same as the unmigrated one? (A) Inclined interfaces (C) Horizontal interfaces Q.29 (B) Undulating interfaces (D) Vertical interfaces Which of the following methods is best suited to estimate the resistivity variations in the upper mantle? (A) (B) (C) (D) Q.30 (D) rp = 2rs Which of the following ways of measuring the size of an earthquake does not require instrumental recording? (A) Richter magnitude (C) Mw Q.28 (C) rp < rs Deep electrical resistivity Ground Penetrating Radar Controlled Source Electromagnetics Magnetotellurics Amongst the following 4-electrode configurations of the electrical resistivity method, which is best suited for archeological investigations? (A) Schlumberger (B) Pole-Pole (C) Wenner (D) Dipole-Dipole Q.31 A singular value of an m x n matrix, A, is defined as (A) positive square root of eigenvalue of AAT (B) modulus of eigenvalue of A (C) eigenvalue of ATA (D) square of eigenvalue of A Q.32 In an ill-posed geophysical inverse problem, stated as non-singular matrix equation, the magnitude of determinant of the coefficient matrix is (A) large Q.33 (C) near zero (D) very large In a 4-layer subsurface model, which combination of A-, H-, K- and Q- type electrical resistivity sounding curves is NOT possible? (A) HA Q.34 (B) zero (B) AK (C) KQ (D) HQ Which of the following characteristics of a Self Potential (SP) anomaly gives the approximate position of centre of the buried ore body? (A) Position of maximum of the anomaly (B) Position of minimum of the anomaly (C) Position of zero crossing (D) Position midpoint between maximum and minimum of the anomaly GG 14/19 2013 Q.35 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG Given a scalar function, f ( x, y ) xy . The curl of gradient of f ( x, y ) is (A) 2 x i Q.36 (B) 2 y j (C) 0i (D) x i y j Which of the following is NOT correct? (A) In VLF-EM technique, the tilt-angle mode is best suited to locate conductive bodies (B) Fraser filter is a difference filter (C) Static shift affects MT impedance phase (D) Tipper vector is derived from the three magnetic field components, Hx, Hy and Hz. Q.37 If L, B, F and T respectively stand for Latitude correction, Bouguer correction, Free-air correction and Terrain correction, then the order in which they will have to be applied for gravity data analysis is (A) LFBT Q.38 (C) FLBT (D) TBLF Geomagnetic secular variations originate from the (A) inner core Q.39 (B) LBTF (B) outer core (C) crust (D) mantle Removal of regional component from magnetic data is similar to (A) band-pass filtering (B) low-pass filtering (C) high-pass filtering (D) band-reject filtering Q.40 Which of the following is useful to estimate the depth to the centre of a spherical body from a gravity anomaly curve? (A) Surface integration (B) Volume integration (C) Twice the absolute maximum (D) Half-width of the anomaly Q.41 Application of reduction-to-pole technique to a magnetic anomaly results in (A) flattening the anomaly curve. (B) transforming the asymmetry in the anomaly to symmetry. (C) halving the amplitude. (D) doubling the amplitude. Q.42 The Fourier transform of a comb function is (A) delta function Q.43 GG (C) sync function (D) rectangular function In Cartesian coordinate system, if the geological strike of a two-dimensional body is oriented along the x-direction, then the electromagnetic field components associated with TM mode of magnetotelluric method are (A) Hx, Ey and Ez Q.44 (B) comb function (B) Ex, Hy and Ez (C) Hx, Hy and Ez (D) Ex, Hy and Hz A seismic signal is recorded in the frequency band 100-250 Hz. While digitizing the signal, the sampling interval one should choose to avoid aliasing is ___________ ms. 15/19 2013 Q.45 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG Wadati diagram is a plot of the difference in P- and S- wave arrival times against the arrival time of P-wave. It helps in estimating the (A) velocity of P-wave. (C) time of occurrence of earthquake. Q.46 (B) velocity of S-wave. (D) hypocenter of earthquake. Match the items of Group I with those of Group II Group I Group II P) Caliper log Q) NMR log R) Neutron log S) SP log 1) Permeability 2) Resistivity 3) Diameter 4) Velocity 5) Porosity (A) P 3, Q 4, R 2, S 5 (C) P 4, Q 2, R 4, S 3 Q.47 (B) P 3, Q 1, R 5, S 2 (D) P 1, Q 3, R 2, S 4 The most common hydrocarbon indicator is (A) flat spot (B) dim spot (C) bright spot (D) velocity sag Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 48 and 49: A recursive filter y n is given by y n 2 xn 1.5 xn 1 yn 2 . Q.48 The order of y n is_________. Q.49 The transfer function of y n in z-domain is 1 1.5z 2 z2 2 z2 (C) 1 1.5 z (A) (B) (D) 2.00 2.01 A . 2.01 2.00 Common Data for Questions 50 and 51: Q.50 In a linear inverse problem, the coefficient matrix, (B) (-4.01, -0.01) (C) (4.01, 0.01) (D) (-4.01, 0.01) If the elements of A are expressed up to first decimal place only, then the number of possible solution(s) of the resulting inverse problem is (A) 1 GG 1 z 2 The eigenvalues of A are (A) (4.01, -0.01) Q.51 1 z2 2 1.5 z 2 1.5z (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 16/19 2013 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG Linked Answer Questions Statement for Linked Answer Questions 52 and 53: In an electrical resistivity sounding survey a current of 20 mA is passed through the current electrodes separated by a distance of 50 m and a voltage of 3 V is measured across the potential electrodes, separated by 10 m. Q.52 The above electrode configuration is known as (A) Schlumberger (B) Wenner (C) Pole-Dipole (D) Pole-Pole Q.53 The apparent resistivity (in -m) for the above electrode configuration is close to (A) 100 (B) 200 (C) 300 (D) 400 Statement for Linked Answer Questions 54 and 55: An electromagnetic (EM) wave of frequency 25 Hz is impinging on a homogeneous half-space, having resistivity of 100 -m. Q.54 The skin-depth of the wave is about (A) 1 km Q.55 (C) 500 km (D) 500 m The velocity of the EM wave (in km/s) is close to (A) 20 GG (B) 1 m (B) 30 (C) 40 (D) 50 17/19 2013 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG General Aptitude (GA) Questions Q. 56 Q. 60 carry one mark each. Q.56 A number is as much greater than 75 as it is smaller than 117. The number is: (A) 91 Q.57 (B) 93 (D) 96 The professor ordered to the students to go out of the class. I II III IV Which of the above underlined parts of the sentence is grammatically incorrect? (A) I Q.58 (C) 89 (B) II (C) III (D) IV Which of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word given below: Primeval (A) Modern (C) Primitive Q.59 (B) Historic (D) Antique Friendship, no matter how _________it is, has its limitations. (A) cordial (B) intimate (C) secret (D) pleasant Q.60 Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the pair: Medicine: Health (A) Science: Experiment (C) Education: Knowledge (B) Wealth: Peace (D) Money: Happiness Q. 61 to Q. 65 carry two marks each. Q.61 X and Y are two positive real numbers such that 2 + 6 and + 2 8. For which of the following values of ( , ) the function ( , ) = 3 + 6 will give maximum value? (A) (4/3, 10/3) (B) (8/3, 20/3) (C) (8/3, 10/3) (D) (4/3, 20/3) Q.62 If | 4 7| = 5 then the values of 2 | | (A) 2, 1/3 GG (B) 1/2, 3 | | is: (C) 3/2, 9 (D) 2/3, 9 18/19 2013 Q.63 GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS GG Following table provides figures (in rupees) on annual expenditure of a firm for two years - 2010 and 2011. Category 2010 2011 Raw material 5200 6240 Power & fuel 7000 9450 Salary & wages 9000 12600 Plant & machinery 20000 25000 Advertising 15000 19500 Research & Development 22000 26400 In 2011, which of the following two categories have registered increase by same percentage? (A) Raw material and Salary & wages (B) Salary & wages and Advertising (C) Power & fuel and Advertising (D) Raw material and Research & Development Q.64 A firm is selling its product at Rs. 60 per unit. The total cost of production is Rs. 100 and firm is earning total profit of Rs. 500. Later, the total cost increased by 30%. By what percentage the price should be increased to maintained the same profit level. (A) 5 Q.65 (B) 10 (C) 15 (D) 30 Abhishek is elder to Savar. Savar is younger to Anshul. Which of the given conclusions is logically valid and is inferred from the above statements? (A) Abhishek is elder to Anshul (B) Anshul is elder to Abhishek (C) Abhishek and Anshul are of the same age (D) No conclusion follows END OF THE QUESTION PAPER GG 19/19 GATE 2013 : Answer keys for GG - Geology and Geophysics Section 1 - Geology Section 2 - Geophysics Key(s)/Value(s) Key(s)/Value(s) 1 Marks to All Marks to All GG 2 8 to 8.3 8 to 8.3 GG 3 C C GG 4 B B GG 5 1600 to 1700 1600 to 1700 GG 6 C C GG 7 C C GG 8 B B GG 9 A A GG 10 C C GG 11 A A GG 12 B B GG 13 A A GG 14 Marks to All Marks to All GG 15 B B GG 16 B B GG 17 D D GG 18 D D GG 19 B B GG 20 C C GG 21 A A GG 22 C C GG 23 B B GG 24 D D GG 25 D D GG 26 C A GG 27 D D GG 28 20 C GG 29 2 D GG 30 D B GG 31 A A GG 32 D C GG 33 B D GG 34 C B GG 35 A Marks to All Paper Q.No GG Page 1 of 2 GATE 2013 : Answer keys for GG - Geology and Geophysics Section 1 - Geology Section 2 - Geophysics Key(s)/Value(s) Key(s)/Value(s) 36 D C GG 37 B A GG 38 A B GG 39 D C GG 40 A D GG 41 A B GG 42 D B GG 43 D A GG 44 C 2 GG 45 C C GG 46 A B GG 47 C C GG 48 C 2 GG 49 B D GG 50 B A GG 51 A D GG 52 D A GG 53 B Marks to All GG 54 D A GG 55 Marks to All D GG 56 D D GG 57 B B GG 58 C C GG 59 B B GG 60 C C GG 61 A A GG 62 B B GG 63 D D GG 64 A A GG 65 D D Paper Q.No GG Page 2 of 2

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Additional Info : Solved GATE exam paper, Geology and Geophysics - 2013 paper
Tags : GATE geology and geophysics model papers 2014, syllabus, India, GATE Exam Question Papers, Free Online Solutions, Answers, Answer Key, Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, IIT, IISc, GATE Exam Syllabus, GATE Study Material, GATE Exam Pattern, gate exam papers, gate question papers 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, past gate papers, gate papers with answers, gate entrance exam engineering, gate previous years papers, gate old papers, gpat.  

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