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GATE 2012 : Geology And Geophysics

16 pages, 95 questions, 12 questions with responses, 13 total responses,    0    0
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GATE 2012 Online Examination GG : GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS Duration: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100 Read the following instructions carefully. 1. The computer allotted to you at the examination center runs a specialized software that permits only one answer to be selected for multiple choice questions using a mouse. Your answers shall be updated and saved on a server periodically and at the end of the examination. 2. To login, enter your Registration Number and password provided in the envelope. Go through the symbols used in the test and understand the meaning before you start the examination. You can view all questions by clicking on the View All Questions button in the screen after the start of the examination. 3. To answer a question, select the question using the selection panel on the screen and choose the correct answer by clicking on the radio button next to the answer. To change the answer, just click on another option. If you wish to leave a previously answered question unanswered, click on the button next to the selected option. 4. The examination will automatically stop at the end of 3 hours. 5. There are a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks. Except questions Q.26 Q.30, all the other questions are of multiple choice type with only one correct answer. Questions Q.26 - Q.30 require a numerical answer, and a number should be entered using the virtual keyboard on the monitor. 6. Questions Q.1 Q.25 of Part-A are common to both Geology and Geophysics and carry 1 mark each. Part B contains two sections: Section 1 (Geology) only for Geology candidates and Section 2 (Geophysics) only for Geophysics candidates. Questions Q.26 Q.55 in each of these sections carry 2 marks each. The 2 marks questions include two pairs of common data questions and two pairs of linked answer questions. The answer to the second question of the linked answer questions de pends on the answer to the first question of the pair. If the first question in the linked pair is wrongly answered or is unattempted, then the answer to the second question in the pair will not be evaluated. 7. Questions Q.56 Q.65 belong to General Aptitude (GA) section and carry a total of 15 marks. Questions Q.56 Q.60 carry 1 mark each, and questions Q.61 Q.65 carry 2 marks each. 8. Unattempted questions will result in zero mark and wrong answers will result in NEGATIVE marks. There is no negative marking for questions of numerical answer type, i.e., for Q.26 Q.30. For all 1 mark questions, mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. For all 2 marks questions, mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. However, in the case of the linked ans wer question pair, there will be negative marks only for wrong answer to the first question and no negative marks for wrong answer to the second question. 9. Calculator is allowed. Charts, graph sheets or tables are NOT allowed in the examination hall. Do the rough work in the Scribble Pad provided. 10. You must sign this sheet and leave it with the invigilators at the end of the examination. ________________________________________________________________________________________ DECLARATION: I hereby declare that I have read and followed all the instructions given in this sheet. Registration Number GG Name Signature Verified that the above entries are correct. Invigilator s signature:

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Additional Info : Solved GATE exam paper, Geology and Geophysics - 2012 paper
Tags : GATE geology and geophysics model papers 2013, syllabus, India, GATE Exam Question Papers, Free Online Solutions, Answers, Answer Key, Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, IIT, IISc, GATE Exam Syllabus, GATE Study Material, GATE Exam Pattern, gate exam papers, gate question papers 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, past gate papers, gate papers with answers, gate entrance exam engineering, gate previous years papers, gate old papers, gpat.  

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