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ICSE Prelims 2017 : Geography Answer Scheme (Smt. Lilavatibai Podar High School (LPHS), Mumbai)

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Drishti Potterhead
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TEC No .121 LILAVATIBAI PODAR HIGH SCHOOL(ISC) PRELIM - 2016-17 Subject: Geography (answer key) Points: 80 Std.: X Duration: 2hrs Instructions Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions . The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets []. Attempt seven questions in all. Part I is compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be attempted. A total of five questions are to be attempted from part two. Part I (30 Marks) Attempt all questions from this part Question 1 Study the extract of Survey of India map sheet no 45D/10 and answer the following questionsa. Find out the six figure grid reference of the followingi. Permanent hut in 0820 082201(1) ii. .323 097277(1) b. What does the blue coloured circle in grid square 0619 represent? Unlined perennial well c. Mention one man made feature in the map extract which provides evidence that the region in the map extract receives seasonal rainfall. Cart track motorable in dry season,dry tank with embankment d. What is the compass direction of Dadarla from Dantral?...South East e. What is the difference between pattern of settlements in 0819 and settlement Idarla. 0819- scattered/dispersed ..Idarla- Nucleated/clustered e. What is the height of the contour line in grid square 0526 .300m g. What do black dashes in 1019 mean? Identify the drainage pattern in 0824. Undefined course of a river.( ), dendritic drainage pattern [2] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] h. What is the distance in kilometers as the crow flies from temple in Jolpur to permanent hut in 0519? [2] 5.5cm(1) .5.5/2=2.7km (1) i. What does RF stand for? State the RF of the map provided to you. [2] Representative fraction .(1) 1:50,000 (1) j. Identify two manmade features in grid square 0723. [2] (any two)(1+1) .Permanent huts, cart track, lined perennial well, farmland, Settlement, cultivated land k. Mention two factors which provides evidence that the region in the map extract is a rural region. [2] Presence of cultivated land, cart tracks l. Name and explain the term used for the broken brown lines in 0423. [2] Form lines ..(1) They represent only the general pattern of land. They do not give definite height. When relief of an area is complicated accurate data is not available.(1) j. Calculate the area of the region which lies to the south of northing 22. [2] 36 sq km+( + + + )= 3sq km= 39sq km PART II (50 Marks) Question 3 a) Explain the following terms[2] i. Burst of monsoon The sudden violent onset of rainfall in the first week of June(1) ii. October Heat Sultry and oppressive weather in the month of October which is marked by clear cloudless sky, high temperature and high humidity.(1) b) State two reasons why it is extremely cold in north India during the winter season. [2] Answer: (Any two) (1+1) 1. Punjab ,Haryana and Rajasthan experience continental type of climate as they are located away from the moderating influence of the sea. 2. In the month of February , the cold winds from the Caspian sea and Turkmenistan/north/Nentral Asia bring cold wave over the northwestern parts of India. 3. Snowfall in the nearby Himalayan ranges creates a cold wave situation. c) Mention any three features of Indian rainfall. [3] Answer: (Any three)(1+1+1) 1. There is rainfall over three months and the rest of the year is mostly dry.70% of the rainfall occurs during this period/seasonal rainfall 2. Rainfall is mainly of the relief type. The windward slopes get more rainfall than the leeward Slopes/orographic rainfall 3. Only a small portion of the rainfall is received from sources other than monsoon. 4. Rainfall is erratic/quantity and time of occurrence cannot be predicted. d) Study the climatic data given below and answer the questions that followStation A Month Temp ( C) Rainfall (cm) Temp ( C) Rainfall (cm) B i) ii) iii) [3] Jan Feb 14.4 16.7 Mar 23.3 April 30.0 May 33.3 June 33.3 July 30.0 Aug 29.4 Sep 28.9 Oct 25.6 Nov 19.4 Dec 15.6 2.5 1.3 1.0 1.8 7.4 19.3 17.8 11.9 1.3 0.2 1.0 24.4 24.4 26.7 28.3 30.0 28.9 27.2 27.2 27.2 27.8 27.2 25.0 0.2 - - 1.8 50.6 59.0 24.8 24.8 24.8 1.0 - 1.5 0.2 Calculate the annual rainfall for station A .67cm ..(1) What is the annual range of temperature of station B?...5.6 C .(1) In which hemisphere does station A lie? Northern hemisphere..(1) Question 4 a) State two characteristics of alluvial soil. Answer: (Any two)(1+1) [2] 1. In the upper reaches of river valleys soils are coarse. As one moves further down soil particles become smaller and more uniform. 2. in the Upper Ganga Valley it is dry, porous, sandy, faint yellow and consists of clay and organic matter while soils in the lower Ganga valley are more compact, less coarse and more moist. 3. It is light ,porous therefore easily tillable. 4. It is fertile as it is rich in minerals especially potash and lime. 5. Soils in drier areas are more alkaline. b) Give reasons[2] i) Black soil is known as self aerated soil. Answer: During dry season black soils shrink and develop big cracks which help in air circulation .(1) ii) Topsoil is the most important layer of soil. Answer:Top soil is the layer of soil has humus/organic matter hence it supports plant life. .(1) c) Name the soil which is found on the summits of Eastern Ghats. How is it formed? Name two cash crops which grow in it.(LINKED QUESTION 1st ans wrong whole is marked wrong) [3] Answer: Laterite soil .(1) It is formed by the process of leaching in which nutrients get percolated to the lower layers due to heavy rainfall .Ragi, rice, sugarcane, tea ,cinchona, rubber ,coffee(2) d) With reference to soil erosion, answer the following[3] i) The state which tops in soil erosion in India ..Rajasthan .(1) ii) Mention two ways in which soil erosion by wind can be checked Shelter belts .( ),Strip cropping .( ) iii) State a reason why northeastern parts of India, Shivaliks and hilly regions in South India are affected by soil erosion. Answer: These regions receive heavy rainall and steep slopes. During heavy rainfall soils are washed away by running water down the sope. (Shivaliks- Deforestation by man.) / no vegetation .(1) Question 5 a) State two objectives of agro forestry. [2] Answer: (any two)(1+1) 1. To reduce pressure on natural forests for obtaining timber as well as non timber products. 2. To check soil erosion and to maintain natural fertility of the soil. 3. To maintain ecological balance along with proper utilization of farm resources. 4. To make the best use of all the awailable resources like land , manpower, livestock, recreation, a variety of forest products sustainably from the same land. b) With reference to littoral forests, answer the following[2] i) State a characteristic feature of these forests. Answer:(any one) .(1) 1. They are mainly evergreen species of varying density and height , usually associated with wetness. 2. The tree trunks are supported by a number of stilt like roots which remain submerged under water during high tide and can be seen during low tide. 3. They have profuse growth with tangle of climbers, which is an adaptation for survival in soft And shifting mud. ii) Name two important trees found here. Answer:(any two)(1+1) Keora, sundari, amur, bhara, rhizophora, screw pines, canes, palms, agar,mangrove c) Name the forest which has not been fully exploited. State one use each of any two trees found in the region.(LINKED) [3] Answer: Tropical evergreen/ Rainforest .(1) (Any Two trees, two uses)(1+1) S.No Name of theTree Uses Rosewood Furniture, floor boards, wagon parts,for carving, making ornamental 1 plyboards and veneers 2 Ebony For ornamental carving and decoration, inlaying, making musical Instruments, sports goods, piano keys, caskets. 3 Chaplas Shipbuilding, furniture, packing boxes 4 Gurjan Construction work, packing boxes, tea boxes, panelling, flooring, 5 6 Telsur Sissoo 7 Toon carriage and wagon construction Bridges, piles, boats, masts, cart, railway sleepers Building construction, furniture, bullock cart, agricultural implements, Musical instruments, railway sleepers Tea boxes, toys, furniture d) Mention any three soil conservation practices. [3] Answer: (1+1+1) Any three soil conservation practices Terrace farming, strip cropping, contour ploughing etc Question 6 a) State two drawbacks of conventional methods of irrigation. [2] Answer :(any two)(1+1) 1. Large quantity of water is not properly utilized. 2. Crops are subjected to cyclic changes of flooding and water stress situations, by providing heavy Irrigation at one time and leaving the fields to dry upto 10-15 days. 3.Low lying areas are subjected to water logging resulting in poor yield. 4.Extensive areas of land in arid and semi arid regions are no longer used for cultivation due to Accumulation of salts. b) Name the method of irrigation which uses perforated pipes placed between rows of crops. State an advantage. [2] Answer: Drip irrigation .(1) (Any one) .(1) 1. Evaporation drastically reduced. 2. Grower can customize an irrigation programme beneficial to each crop. 3. Less wastage of water. c) Name[3] i) The water storing mechanism in western Himalayas .Khatri or Kuhl .. (1) ii) The watershed development project started by the Central Government Haryali ..(1) iii) A conventional method of irrigation practiced majorly in peninsular India...Tank irrigation(1) d) What is rain water harvesting? Mention two reasons why there is a need for it. [3] Answer: Collection and storing of rainwater for future use .(1) (any two)(1+1) 1. Due to high intensity and short duration most rain water tends to flow rapidly leaving very little for recharge of groundwater 2. Irrigation utilizes 90 % of the total fresh water. 3. Increase in population is resulting in water scarcity. 4. Most of our water resources are polluted and water cannot be used without treating it. 5. Overexploitation of underground water often results in lowering the water table. Question 7 a) State any two features of extensive farming. [2] Answer: (Any two)(1+1) 1. Farms are huge in size. 2. Machines are used 3. Farmer specialises in production of one or more commercial crops. 4. It is highly capital intensive. 5. Crop yield is high, with large surplus for sale. b) Explain the process of ratooning. With which crop is it associated. [2] Answer: During the first, harvest sugarcane is cut leaving a little bit of stalk in the soil with roots. The stalk soon puts out new shoots called rations.. (1) Sugarcane (1) c) Give reasons[3] i) Millets are known as inferior grains. It serves as food crops for the poorer sections of the society and its straw is used as cattle fodder, easy to grow, cheaper (any 2) .(1) ii) Polished rice has a glossy texture but lacks nutrition. Because the nutrients are lost due to excessive rubbing .(1) iii) Mesta is grown where jute cannot be grown. As it can withstand drought conditions/ requires less water .(1) d) i) Name two varieties of coffee which are used for making instant coffee. [1] Robusta ( ) Liberica ( ) ii) With which crop is tapping associated? Why is it done in the morning? [1] Rubber .( ), flow of latex is highest in the morning/ it tends to get thicker with rise in temperature ( ) iii) State two uses of linseed. [1] Any two- ( )+( ) To make waterproof fabrics, printing ink , paints, oilcake used as fertilizer.

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