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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (Delhi Public School (DPS) Megacity, Kolkata)

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Sradha Mohanty
Delhi Public School (DPS) Megacity, Kolkata
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Dellki Pu6lic School Megacity, Kolkata PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION Session: 2024-2025 Class X Maximum Marks: 80 Time Allowed: Two Hours Subject: English Language Answers to this Poper must be written on the paper provided separately. Youwill not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent inreading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the tine allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all ive qcstions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets )This question paper consists of nine printed pages. Question 1 Write a compositionin (300-350 words) on any one of the following topics: (20) (i) Some of our richest experiences take placE wheri we travel to different places. Narrate one such experience you had while travelling along with your family members. (ii) Your house is situated adjacent to a busy shopping centre. Describe vividly the various sights, sounds and smells that you usually see, hear and experience at different times of the day. Share some of your cherished moments. essence in the nodern its losing gradually (ii) "Spirituality iseither in favour or against this statement. society. Express your views (iv) Write an original story titled: "Race against Time" or carefully. Write a story or a description below given picture the the Study about v) be to you. Your composition may there an account of what it suggests however, it; take suggestions from subject of the picture or you may Give composition. picture and your must be a clear connection between the a suitable title to your composition, also. Question 2 topics: (10) Write a letter on any one of the following being the most (i) You have received a special award in the assembly for sharing the talented student of your school. Write a letter to your friend 2. and the celebrations that details of the award ceremony, your feelings followed. as car your society are not allowed to play in the compound of Write a letter to the Children vehicles. their wners are afraid that they might damage a separatearea for parking Secretary of your society requesting him to allot your request and explain why it is the vehicles. Give adequate reasons for important for children to play closer to their homes. Question 3 neighbourhood. Tree Plantation Drive' in its students (i) Your school is organising a notice-board senior informing the notice for the school Draft a participate in it. about this initiative and inviting them to compose an Nature Club of your institution, the of President the As requesting (ii) of a neighbouring schoolteachers, to Principal the to addressed e-mail senior students along with two him/her to send a group of allthe relevant details also. contribute in this noble mission. Give (5+5) Question 4 that follow: carefully and answer the questions passage following the Read in Norway. We of the summer holidays mnemory unpleasant said to me, We are I have only one in Oslo and my mother house grandparents' nose and were in the wants to look at your He afternoon. this with my nose and going to the doctor that time. What is wrong at eight was I think I mouth.' mouth?'Iasked. have got adenoids.' said. However, Ithink you mother my much,' Nothing said. It's nothing' Don't worry about it,' she What are they?' Iasked her. we walked towards the do tor's house. There hand as The doctorhad a Iheld my mother's and Iwas lifted into it.) cabin his in chair nose and into was dentist's forehead and h peered up my his to whispered strapped round mirror aside nd they held a mother my took my mouth) He then mother looking rather grim, but she nodded. conversation. I saw my aluminium mug Over a gas flame. water to boil in an some put surgical steel doctor The placed a long thin shining he water. I and into the boiling water steam coming off the boiling the watching there something sat instrument. I was tooyoung to realize that apprehensive. I dressed in white was not in the least happen. Then, a nurse to going was ordinary aeurved white out of the carrying a red rubber apronand it around uniform came in. She was on the front of my body nd tied of the curve The enamel bowl. She put the/apron ch n. enamel bowl under my my neck.) Then, she held the curve of my chest. the bowl fitted perfectly against 3 The doctor was bending over me. In his hand he held that long shiny steel instrument. He held it right in front of my face. It was about the thickness and length of a pencil. Towards the end, the metal became thinner, and there was a tiny blade set at an angl The blade was n t more than a centimetre long, very small and sharp. (Open your mouth, the doctor said, speaking Norwegian. I refused, as I thought hewas going to do something to my teeth and everything anyone had ever done to my teeth had been agonising. It won't take two seconds,' the doctor said. He was amiable and I opened my mouth. The tiny blade lashed in the bright light and disappeared into my mouth. It went high up into the roof of my mouth, and the hand that held the blade gave four or five brisk little twists and the next moment, out of py mouth into the (basin came tumbling a whole mass of flesh and blood.I was too shocked'and outraged to do anything, but yelp. I was petrified by the sight and my first thought was that the doctor had cut out the whole of the middle of my head. Those were your adenoids,' I heard the doctor saying. I sat there gasping. The roof of my mouth seemed to be on fire. Igrabbed my mother's hand and held on to it tightly Icould not believe that anyone would do this to me. Stay where you are,' the doctor said. You will be all right in a minute.'Blood was still coming out of my mouth and dripping into the basin that thenurse was holding. Spitit all out,' she said, that's a good boy.' You will be able to breathe much better through your nose after this,' the doctor said. The nurse wiped my lips and washed my face with a wet flannel. Then, they lifted me out of the chair. Ifelt a bit groggy. We will get you home,' my mother said, taking my hand. Down the stairs we went and on to the street. We walked back to my grandparents' house, and when we arrived at last, I rememnbered my grandmother saying, Let him sit down in that chair and rest for a while. After all, he's had an operation.' an (An excerpt from Roald Dahl's book - Boy: Tales of Childhood'- autobiographical account.) used in the (i) For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as (3) passage) from the options provided: 1. apprehensive (a) apprentice (b)-anxious (c) adhesive (d) innovative 2. outraged 4 (a) furious (b) elated (c) discouraged (d) managed the opposite of the word: released? 3. Which word from the passage is (a)enamel (b)groggy (clpeered (d)grabbed (ii) Answer the following questions: to the (a) Why was Roald Dahl taken doctor? Why do you think the exanining him? doctor took his mother aside after before the surgery? (b) What did the nurse do, just Bring out the anyone would do this to me'. (C): I could not believe that reference to the passage. implication of this statement with reached home? grandmother comfort him when he Dahl's did (d) How passage to justify it. Quote a sentence from the from his remembers this incident vividly Dahl Roald think you (e) Why do (2+2+2+1+2) childhood? (ii) the Roald Dahl's experience, from describe words, 50 out. (8) Innot more than his adenoids were taken entered the doctor's cabin till time he Question 5 ofthe below with a suitable form correct given passage the in (i) Ellin the gaps brackets, Do not copy the passage, but write in (4) Word given in the the blank space. phrase appropriate to serial order the word or e0to(hear)a noise downstairs., She (1) she when night, at Margaret woke up daughter was still asleep and her as quietly bed 2 (2) -10-(get) out of her dark, yet she (4) towards the stairs. It was quite CL-(go) were stealthily (3) downstairs in the living room. They standing men masked (can) see two Margaret (6) ---- (switch) ug- (try) to open the safe. When(un) into the lobby and (8) desperately (5) frantically (7) 34-on the light,those two men 5 - (escape) from there. She quickly went upstairs and caled up the police. (ii) Fillin the blanks with suitable prepositions: a) The strike was called at the last moment. b) There was a fierce combat c) Do away (4) the two wrestlers. --your superstitious beliefs. d) The new employment scheme was introduced . the welfare of the workers. e) The procession will begin . two' o clock in the afternoon. ) The gallant soldiers laid ----- their lives for the nation. g) A courageous man always succeeds-L-his life. h) Fortune seemed smile upon her at last. (i ) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. Choose the correct option: (4) 1. Diya's grandparents are quite old. They are very active. (a) Diya's grandparents are quite old and active. (b) Diya's grandparents are so old that they are active. (c)'Although Diya's grandparents are quite old, they are very active. (d) Diya's grandparents are old enough for any activity. 2. Soham is not in the auditorium. Soham is not in the infirmary. (a) Soham is neither in the auditorium nor in the infirmary. (b) Soham cannot be in the auditorium as he is in the infirmary. (c) Soham is both not in the auditoriumn and in the infirmary. (d) Soham is not in the auditorium but also in the infirmary. 9 3. You must submit the form on time. You will not be selected for the event. (a) You must submit the form on time for getting elected in theevent. not be selected for (b) You must submit the form on time, otherwise you will the event. selected for the event. (c) If you submit the form on time, you will not be for the selection of the event. (d) You must submit the form on time and try 4. Ihave completed my studies. I am looking for a job. for a job. (a) I have completed my studies as I am looking for a job. (b) Ihave completed my studies and looking for a job. (c) Imust completemy studies or look for a job. (d) Having completed my studies, I am looking given after sentences according to the instructions change the (iv) Rewrite the following may be necessary, but do not each, Make other changes that the correct option: (8) meaning of each sentence. Choose were addressing the students. 1. The class representatives (begin: The students .......) representatives. addressed by the class (a) The students had to be addressed by the class representatives. (b)The students were being by the class representatives. (c) The students will be addressed the class representatives. (d) The pupils were addressed by you take me to the hospital?" 2. The injured man said to Ritu, "Will (begin:The injured man asked... ) would take him to the hospital. (a, The injured man asked Ritu whether she (b) The injured man asked Ritu for taking him to the hospital. hospital. (c) The injured man asked to Ritu to take him to the hospital. (d) The injured man asked Ritu that can she take him to the 7 kitchen, someone knocked at the door. 3. As soon as the maid entered the (begin: No sooner.......) someone knocked at the doo. (a) No sooner the maid enters the house when the (b), No sooner did the maid enter the kitchen than someone knocked at door. (c) No sooner when the maid entered there was a knock at the door. (d) Nosooner after themaid entered, someone knocked at the door. 4. If his relatives reach here on time, we can take them out for a drive. (begin: Unless-------) (a) Unless the relatives reach there on time, we can take them out for a drive. (b) Unless and until his relatives reached on time, we can take them out. (c) Unless his relatives reach here on time, we can not take them out for a drive. (d) Unless his relatives reach on time, we might take them out for a drive. 5.Crossing the railway lines to get to the station is dangerous. (end: ...... station.) (a) It is dangerous crossing railway lines to get the station. (b) It is dangerous crossing the railway lines for getting the station. (c) It is dangerous to get across for railway lines to reach station. () _It is dangerous to cross the railway lines to get to the station. 6. Manoj was too tensed about his tournament to sleep at night. (use: so------that) (a) Manoj was so tensed about his tournament that he slept at night.

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