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ICSE Class IX Notes 2023 : Computer Applications (Ebenezer International School (EISB), Bangalore)

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Divya SN
Ebenezer International School (EISB), Bangalore
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CONCEPTS OF OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE: A programming language is a set of instructions to perform a task. It is classified into two categories as: 1) Low Level Language 2) High-Level Language Low Level Language is a language in binary form that is understandable by the computer. It is further classified as: i) Machine level language It is a binary language i.e. language in the form of 0 s and 1 s which a machine understands easily. It requires no translation. ii) Assembly level language it is an intermediate language that uses symbols and mnemonics to develop a solution or perform a task. It was designed to overcome the difficulty of using binary language(MLL). It is a language easily understandable by the user and hence requires a translation into machine language. It uses an Assembler which is a translating program that converts an assembly level language to a machine level language High-Level Language is a language in English like statements that is easily understandable to the user. It requires a translator to be converted to a machine languages. There are two different types of translator used and they are: 1. Compiler A translating program that converts all instructions in high-level programming language into a machine level language at once. It is a faster process but difficult to debug all errors together. 2. Interpreter - A translating program that converts a high-level language line by line into a machine level language. Correction of errors is faster since the error is found at the end of each statement but it takes longer execution time. Source Code A program or code written in a high-level language Object Code/Machine code A program in binary form i.e. machine level program Difference between Compiler and Interpreter Compiler It converts the whole source program into object program at once It displays the errors for the whole program together after compilation Interpreter It converts the source program into object program line by line It displays the errors of one line at a time and after correction the control goes to the next line

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