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JEE Mains 2015

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Minty Badoni
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai
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Time: 3 Hrs. le;: 3 ?kaVs CODE-A Max. Marks : 360 vf/kdre vad : 360 Immediately fill in the particulars on this page of the Test Booklet with Blue / Black Ball Point Pen. Use of pencil is strictly prohibited. 1. ijh{kk iqfLrdk ds bl i`"B ij vko';d fooj.k uhys@dkys ckWy IokbaV isu ls rRdky HkjsaA isfUly dk iz;ksx fcYdqy oftZr gSA 2. The answer Sheet is kept inside this Test Booklet. When you are directed to pen the Test Booklet, take out the Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars carefully. 2. 3. The test is of 3 hours duration. 3. m kj i=k bl ijh{kk iqfLrdk ds vUnj j[kk gSA tc vkidks ijh{kk iq f Lrdk [kks y us dks dgk tk,] rks m kj i=k fudky dj lko/kkuhiwoZd fooj.k HkjsaA ijh{kk dh vof/k 3 ?kaVs gSA 4. The Test Booklet consists of 90 questions. The maximum marks are 360. 4. bl ijh{kk iqfLrdk esa 5. There are three parts in the question paper A, B, C consisting of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics having total 30 questions in each part of equal weightage. Each question is allotted 4 (four) marks for correct response. 5. 6. Candidates will be awarded marks as stated abov e in Instructions No. 5 for correct response of each question. (one fourth) marks will be deducted for indicating incorrect response of each question. No deduction from the total score will be made if no response is indicated for an item in the answer sheet. 6. bl ijh{kk iqfLrdk es rhu Hkkx A, B, C gSA ftlds izR;sd Hkkx esa HkkS frd foKku] jlk;u foKku ,oa ds dqy 30 iz'u gSa vkSj lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSA izR;sd iz'u ds lgh m kj ds fy, 4 pkj vad fu/kkZfjr fd;s x;s gSA vH;kfFkZ;ksa dks izR;sd lgh m kj ds fy, mijksDr funsZ'ku la[;k 5 ds 7. There is only one correct response for each question. Filling up more than one response in any question will be treated as wrong respons e and marks for wrong res ponse will be deducted accordingly as per instructions 6 above. 7. R;sd iz'u dk dsoy ,d gh lgh m kj gSA ,d ls vf/kd m kj nsus ij mls xyr m kj ekuk tk;sxk vkSj mijksDr funsZ'k 6 ds vuqlkj vad dkV fy;s tk;saxsA 8. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars/ marking responses on Side-1 and Side-2 of the Answer Sheet. Use of pencil is strictly prohibited. 8. 9. No candidate is allowed to carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers, pager, mobile phone, any electronic device, etc., except the Admit Card inside the examination room/hall. 9. m kj i=k ds i``"B-1 ,oa i`"B-2 ij okafNr fooj.k ,oa m kj vafdr djus gsrq ds oy uhys @dkys ckW y Iokba V is u dk gh iz;ksx djsaA is fUly dk iz ;ksx fcYdq y oftZr gSA ijh{kkFkhZ }kjk ijh{kk d{k@gkWy esa izos'k dkMZ ds vykok fdlh Hkh izdkj dh ikB~; lkexzh] eqfnzr ;k gLrfyf[kr dkxt dh ifpZ;k ] istj eksckby Qksu ;k fdlh Hkh izdkj ds bysDV kWfud midj.kksa ;k vU; izdkj dh lkexzh dks ys tkus ;k mi;ksx djus dh vuqefr ugha gSA 10 Rough work is to be done on the space provided for this purpose in the Test Booklet only. This space is given at the bottom of each page and in one page at the end of the booklet. 10. 11. On completion of the test, the candidate must hand over the Answer Sheet to the Invigilator on duty in the Room/Hall. However, the candidates are allowed to take away this Test Booklet with them. 11. 12. The CODE for this Booklet is A. Make sure that the CODE printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet and also tally the same as that on this booklet. In case of discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the Answer Sheet. 12. bl iqfLrdk dk ladsr A gSA ;g lqfuf'pr dj ysa fd bl iqfLrdk dk ladsr] m kj i=k ds i`"B-2 ij Nis ladsr ls feyrk gS vkSj ;g Hkh lqfuf'pr dj ysa fd ijh{kk iqfLrdk] m kj i=k ij e la[;k feyrh gSA vxj ;g fHkUu gks] rks ijh{kkFkhZ nwljh ijh{kk iqfLrdk vkSj m kj i=k ysus ds fy, fujh{kd dks rqjUr voxr djk, A 13. Do not fold or make any stray marks on the Answer Sheet. 13. m kj i=k dks u eksM+sa ,oa u gh ml ij vU; fu'kku yxk, A 90 iz'u gSA vf/kdre vad 360 gSA funsZ'kkuqlkj ekDlZ fn;s tk,axsA izR;sd iz'u ds xyr m kj ds fy;s oka Hkkx fy;k tk;sxkA ;fn m kj iqfLrdk esa fdlh iz'u dk m kj ugha fn;k x;k gks] rks dqy izkIrkad ls dksbZ dVkSrh ugha fd tk;sxhA jQ dk;Z ijh{kk iqfLrdk esa dsoy fu/kkZfjr txg ij gh dhft,A ;g txg izzR;sd i`"B ij uhps dh vksj vkSj iqfLrdk ds vUr esa ,d i`"B ij nh xbZ gSA ijh{kk lekIr gksus ij] ijh{kkFkhZ d{k@gkWy NksM+us ls iwoZ m kj i=k d{k fujh{kd dks vo'; lkSi nsaA ijh{kkFkhZ vius lkFk bl ijh{kk iq fLrdk dks ys tk ldrs gSa A Name of the Candiate (in Capital letters) : ____________________________________________________________ Roll Number : in figures : in words : _______________________________________________ Name of Examination Centre (in Capital letters) : ________________________________________ Candidate's Signature : ______________________________ Invigilator's Signature : ___________________________________ fujh{kd ds vuqns'kksa ds fcuk eqg j u rksMsa+ 1. DO NOT BREAK THE SEAL WITHOUT BEING INSTRUCTED TO DO SO BY THE INVALIDATOR INSTRUCTIONS (funsZ'k) JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS PART - A : PHYSICS 1. Two stones are thrown up simultaneously from the edge of a cliff 240 m high with initial speed of 10 m/s and 40 m/s respectively. Which of the following graph best represents the time variation of relative position of the second stone with respect to the first ? (assume stones do not rebound after hitting the ground and neglect air resistance, take g = 10 m/s2) (The figures are schematic and not drawn to scale.) fdlh 240 m ph pksVh ds ,d fdukjs ls] nks iRFkjksa dks ,d lkFk ij dh vksj Qsadk x;k gS] budh izkjfEHkd pky e'k% 10 m/s rFkk 40 m/s gS] rks fuEukafdr esa ls dkSulk xzkQ (vkys[k) igys iRFkj ds lkis{k nwljs iRFkj dh fLFkfr ds le; fopj.k (ifjorZu) dks lokZf/kd lgh n'kkZrk gS ? (eku yhft, fd, iRFkj tehu ls Vdjkus ds i'pkr~ ij dh vksj ugha mNyrs gSa rFkk ok;q dk izfrjks/k ux.; gS] fn;k gS g = 10 m/s2) (;gk xzkQ dsoy O;oLFkk vkjs[k gS vkSj Ldsy ds vuqlkj ugha gS) Ans. (1) (2) (3) (4) (3) Sol. Page || 3 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 240 = 10 t CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS 1 10t2 2 5t2 10t 240 = 0 t2 2t 48 = 0 t2 8t + 6t 48 = 0 t = 8, 6 The first particle will strike ground at 8 seconds upto 8 second, relative velocity is 30m/s and relative acceleration is zero. After 8 second magnitude of relative velocity will increase upto 12 seconds when second particle strikes the ground. izFke d.k 8 lSd.M ij tehu ls Vdjk;sxkA 8 lsd.M rd lkis{k osx 30m/s gS rFkk lkisf{kd Roj.k 'kwU; gSA 8 lSd.M i'pkr~ lkisf{kd osx dk ifjek.k 12 lsd.M rd c<sxk tc rd f}fr; d.k lrg ls Vdjkrk gSA 2. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is T = 2 L g . Measured value of L is 20.0 cm known to 1 mm accuracy and time for 100 oscillations of the pendulum is found to be 90s using a wrist watch of 1s resolution. The accuracy in the determination of g is : L fdlh ljy yksyd dk vkorZ, T = 2 g gSA L dk ekfir eku 20.0 cm gS] ftldh ;FkkFkZrk 1 mm gSA bl yksyd ds 100 nksyuksa dk le; 90s gS] ftls 1s foHksnu dh ?kM+h ls ekik x;k gS] rks g ds fu/kkZj.k esa ;FkkZFkrk gksxh % Ans. (1) 2% (2) Sol. Given fn;k gS T= 90 sec. 100 (2) 3% (3) 1% (4) 5% L 0.1 L 20 T = 1 sec. 100 T 1 T 90 1 L g= 2 2 4 T Page || 4 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS g 100% = L 100 2 T 100 g L T g 0. 1 100% = 100 + 2 g 20 1 100= 2.72% 90 so nearest option is 3% vr% lehiorhZ fodYi 3% gSA 3. Given in the figure are two blocks A and B of weight 20 N and 100 N, respectively. These are being pressed against a wall by a force F as shown. If the coefficient of friction between the blocks is 0.1 and between block B and the wall is 0.15, the frictional force applied by the wall on block B is : ;gk vkjs[k esa nks CykWd (xqV[ks) A rFkk B n'kkZ;s x;s gSSa ftuds Hkkj e'k% 20 N rFkk 100 N gSA bUgsa] ,d cy F }kjk fdlh nhokj ij nck;k tk jgk gSA ;fn ?k"kZ.k xq.kkad dk eku] A rFkk B ds chp 0.1 rFkk B vkSj nhokj ds chp 0.15 gS rks] nhokj }kjk CykWd B ij yxk cy gksxk % Ans. (1) 100N (3) (2) 80N (3) 120N (4) 150N Sol Assuming both the blocks are stationary ;g ekfu, fd nksuksa CykWd fLFkj gSA N=F f 1 = 20N f 2 = 100+20 = 120N Page || 5 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 4. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS A particle of mass m moving in the x direction with speed 2v is hit by another particle of mass 2m moving in the y direction with speed v. If the collision is perfectly inelastic, the percentage loss in the energy during the collision is close to : x-fn'kk esa 2v pky ls pyrs gq, m nzO;eku ds ,d d.k ls, y - fn'kk esa v osx ls pyrk gqvk 2m nzO;eku dk ,d d.k] Vdjkrk gSA ;fn ;g la?kV~V (VDdj) iw.kZr~% vizR;kLFk gS rks] VDdj ds nkSjku tkZ dk {k; (gkfu) gksxh: Ans. Sol. (1) 44% (3) Just before collision (2) 50% (3) 56% (4) 62% Just after collision VDdj ds Bhd igys VDdj ds fBd i'pkr~ 2V Energy loss tkZ 2V 1 1 1 gkfu E = m (2V)2 + (2m) V2 (3m) 2 2 2 2 3 = 3mV2 5. 2 4mV 2 5mV 2 = = 55.55% 3 3 Distance of the centre of mass of a solid uniform cone from its vertex is z0. If the radius of its base is R and its height is h then z0 is equal to fdlh ,dleku Bksl 'kadq ds nzO;eku dsUnz dh mlds 'kh"kZ ls nwjh z0 gSA ;fn 'kadq ds vk/kkj dh f=kT;k R rFkk 'kadq dh pkbZ h gks rks z0 dk eku fuEukafdr esa ls fdlds cjkcj gksxk ? (1) h2 4R (2) 3h 4 Ans. (2) Sol COM of uniform solid cone of height h is at height (3) 5h 8 (4) 3h 2 8R h 3h from base, therefore from vertex its 4 4 h pkbZ ds ,d leku Bksl 'kadw dk nzO;eku dsUnz vk/kkj ls h 3h pkbZ ij gksrk gSA vr% 'kh"kZ ls pkbZ ij gksxkA 4 4 Page || 6 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 6. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS Form a solid sphere of mass M and radius R a cube of maximum possible volume is cut. Moment of inertia of cube about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to one of its faces is fdlh Bksl xksys dk nzO;eku M rFkk bldh f=kT;k R gSA blesa ls vf/kdre lEHko vk;ru dk ,d D;wc (?ku) dkV fy;k tkrk gSA bl D;wc dk tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ fdruk gksxk, ;fn bldh ?kw.kZu v{k blds dsUnz ls gksdj xqtjrh gS rFkk blds fdlh ,d Qyd ds yEcor~ gS ? (1) Ans. Sol. MR 2 (2) 32 2 MR2 (3) 16 2 4MR 2 9 3 (4) 4MR 2 3 3 (3) AB = 2R a 3 = 2R 2R a= 3 2R Mass of cube ?ku dk nzO;eku = 4 R 3 3 3 M = 3M 8R 3 4 R 3 3 3 3 2M = 3 Moment of inertia of cube about given axis is nh xbZ v{k ds ifjr% ?ku dk tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ = ma2 6 2M 4R 2 1 4MR 2 = = 3 3 6 9 3 7. From a solid sphere of mass M and radius R, a spherical portion of radius R/2 is removed , as shown in the figure. Taking gravitational potential V = 0 at r = , the potential at the centre of the cavity thus formed is : (G = gravitational constant) ,d Bksl xksys dk nzO;eku M rFkk f=kT;k R gSA blls R/2 f=kT;k dk ,d xksyh; Hkkx] vkjs[k esa n'kkZ;s x;s vuqlkj dkV fy;k tkrk gSA r = (vuUr) ij xq:Roh; foHko ds eku V dks 'kwU; (V = 0) ekurs gq, bl izdkj cus dksVj (dSfoVh) ds dsUnz ij] xq:Roh; foHko dk eku gksxk : (G = xq:Roh; fLFkjkad gSA ) (1) GM 2R (2) GM R (3) 2GM 3R (4) 2GM R Page || 7 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | Ans. Sol. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS (2) Potential at point P due to complete solid sphere lEiw.kZ Bksl xksys ds dkj.k fcUnw P ij foHko 2 GM 3R 2 R = 2 2R 3 2 GM 3R 2 R = 4 2R 3 2 GM 11R = 2R 3 4 11GM = 8R Potential at point P due to cavity part xqfgdk ds dkj.k fcUnw P ij foHko M G 3GM 3 8 = = 8R 2 R 2 So potential due to remaining part at point P vr% 'ks"k Hkkx ds dkj.k fcUnw P ij foHko 8. = 3GM 11GM 8R 8R = 11GM 3GM GM = 8R R A pendulum made of a uniform wire of cross sectional area A has time period T. When an additional mass M is added to its bob, the time period changes to TM. If the Young's modulus of the material of the wire is Y then 1 is equal to : (g = gravitational acceleration) Y fdlh ,d leku rkj dk vuqizLFkdkV dk {ks=kQy A gSaA blls cuk;s x;s ,d yksyd dk vkorZdky T gSA bl yksyd ds xksyd ls ,d vfrfjDr M nzO;eku tksM+ nsus ls yksyd dk vkorZdky ifjofrZr gksdj TM gks tkrk gSA ;fn bl rkj ds inkFkZ dk ;ax xq.kkad Y gks rks 1 dk eku gksxk : (g = xq:Roh; Roj.k) Y T 2 A M (1) T 1 Mg Ans. T 2 Mg M (2) T 1 A T 2 A M (3) 1 T Mg T 2 A (4) 1 T Mg M (1) Page || 8 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | Sol. T = 2 TM = 2 TM = T CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS g g = Mg AY 2 TM =1+ T 2 TM Mg =1+ T AY 2 A 1 TM 1 Mg y T 9. Consider a spherical shell of radius R at temperature T. The black body radiation inside it can be considered as an ideal gas of photons with internal energy per unit volume u = 1 U U T 4 and pressure P = . If the 3 V V shell now undergoes an adiabatic expansion the relation between T and R is fdlh xksyh; dks'k ('kSy) dh f=kT;k R gS vkSj bldk rki T gSa blds Hkhrj f".kdk fofdj.kksa dks QksVksuksa dh ,d ,slh vkn'kZ xSl ekuk tk ldrk gS ftldh izfr bdkbZ vk;ru vkUrfjd tkZ u = U T 4 rFkk V 1 U nkc P = 3 V gSA ;fn bl dks'k esa :n~/kks"e izlkj gks rks T rFkk R ds chp lEcU/k gksxk (1) T e R Ans. (3) Sol. p= (2) T e 3R (3) T 1 R (4) T 1 R3 1U 3V 1 nRT T4 3 V VT3 = const fu;rkad 4 R3 T3 = const fu;rkad 3 T R = const fu;rkad T 1 R Page || 9 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 10. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS A solid body of constant heat capacity 1 J/ C is being heated by keeping it in contact with reservoirs in two ways: (i) Sequentially keeping in contact with 2 reservoirs such that each reservoir supplies same amount of heat. (ii) sequentially keeping in contact with 8 reservoirs such that each reservoir supplies same amount of heat. In both the cases body is brought from initial temperature 100 C to final temperature 200 C. Entropy changes of the body in the two cases respectively is ,d Bksl fiaM (oLrq) dh fLFkj "ek /kkfjrk 1 J/ C gSA bldks "edksa ( "ek Hk.Mkjksa) ds lEidZ esa j[kdj fuEu nks izdkj ls xeZ fd;k tkrk gSA (i) vuq fed :i ls 2 "edksa ds lEidZ esa bl izdkj j[kdj fd izR;sd "ed leku ek=kk esa "ek nsrk gSA (ii) vuq fed :i ls 8 "edksa ds lEidZ esa bl izdkj j[kdj fd izR;sd "ed leku ek=k esa "ek nsrk gSA nksuksa fLFkfr;ksa esa fiaM dk izkjfEHkd rki 100 C rFkk vfUre rki 200 C gSA rks bu nks fLFkfr;ksa esa fi.M dh ,UV kWih esa ifjorZu gksxk, e'k% Ans. Sol. (1) n 2, 4 n2 (2) n 2, n 2 (3) n 2, 2 n 2 (4) 2 n 2, 8 n 2 (2) Since entropy is a state function, therefore change in entropy in both the processes should be same. Therefore correct option is (2) pawfd ,UV ksih voLFkk Qyu gS vr% nksuks izf ;kvksa esa ,sUV ksih esa ifjorZu leku gksuk pkfg,A vr% lgh fodYi (2) gS 11. Consider an ideal gas confined in an isolated closed chamber. As the gas undegoes an adiabatic expansion, the average time of collision between molecules increases as Vq, where V is the volume of the gas. The value CP of q is : C V ,d vkn'kZ xsSl fdlh cUn lao`r ] fo;qDr foyfxr d{k esa lhfer j[kh gSA bl xSl esa :n~/kks"e izlkj gksus ij] blds v.kqvksa CP ds chp VDdj dk vkSlr dky le; Vq ds vuqlkj c<+ tkrk gS] tgkW V xSl dk vk;ru gSA rks q dk eku gksxkA C V (1) 3 5 6 Ans. (3) Sol. since pwafd n (2) 3 5 6 (3) 1 2 (4) 1 2 1 n 2v rms d2 1 and vrms T V n = C1V 1 V T <v> = C2 T1/2 since pwfd TV 1 = constant fu;rkad V 1 2 Page || 10 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 12. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS For a simple pendulum, a graph is plotted between its kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE) against its displacement d. Which one of the following represents these correctly ? (graphs are schematic and not drawn to scale) fdlh ljy yksyd ds fy;s] mlds foLFkkiu d rFkk mldh xfrt tkZ ds chp vkSj foLFkkiu d rFkk mldh fLFkfrt tkZ ds chp xzkQ [khaps x;s gSA fuEukafdr esa ls dkSulk xzkQ vkys[k lgh gS \ (;gkW xzkQ dsoy O;oLFkk vkjs[k gS vkSj Ldsy ds vuqlkj ugha gSA) Ans. Sol. (1) (2) (3) (4) (2) K.E. is maximum at mean position, whereas P.E. is minimum. At extreme position, K.E. is minimum and P.E. is maximum. ek/; fLFkfr ij xfrt tkZ vf/kdre gksxh] tcfd fLFkfrt tkZ U;wure gksxh . pje fLFkfr ij xfrt tkZ U;wure gksxh] tcfd fLFkfrt tkZ vf/kdre gksxh . 13. A train is moving on a straight track with speed 20 ms 1. It is blowing its whistle at the frequency of 1000 Hz. The percentage change in the frequency heard by a person standing near the track as the train passes him is (speed of sound = 320 ms 1) close to : ,d V su jsyxkM+h lh/kh iVfj;ksa ij 20 ms 1 dh pky ls xfr dj jgh gSA bldh lhVh dh /ofu dh vko`f k 1000 Hz gSA ;fn /ofu dh ok;q esa pky 320 ms 1 gks rks] iVfj;ksa ds fudV [kM+s O;fDr ds ikl ls V su ds xqtjus ij] ml O;fDr }kjk lquh xbZ lhVh dh /ofu dh vko`f k esa izfr'kr% ifjorZu gksxkA yxHkx Ans. (1) 6% (2) Sol. f before crossing ikj f after crossing (2) 12% djus ds igys (3) 18% (4) 24% c 320 = f0 c v = 1000 320 20 S c 320 = f0 c v = 1000 320 20 S ikj djus ds ckn 2cv s f = f 0 2 2 c vs 2 320 20 f 100 = 12.54% 12% 100% = 300 340 f Page || 11 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 14. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS A long cylindrical shell carries positive surface charge in the upper half and negative surface charge in the lower half. The electric field lines around the cylinder will look like figure given in : (figures are schematic and not drawn to scale) fdlh yEcs csyukdkj dks'k ds ijh Hkkx esa /kukRed i`"B vkos'k rFkk fupys Hkkx esa _.kkRed i`"B vkos'k gSaA bl csyu (flfyUMj) ds pkjksa vksj fo|qr {ks=k&js[kk,sa] ;gkW n'kkZ;s x;s vkjs[kksa esa ls fdl vkjs[k ds leku gksxh \ (;g vkjs[k dsoy O;oLFkk vkjs[k gS vkSj Ldsy ds vuqlkj ugha gSA) Ans. Sol. (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) and (3) is not possible since field lines should originate from positive and terminate to negative charge. (4) is not possible since field lines must be smooth. (1) satisfies all required condition. (2) o (3) lEHko ugha gS D;ksafd {ks=k js[kk,sa /kukRed ls mRiUu gksuh pkfg, ,oa _.kkRed vkos'k ij lekIr gksuh pkfg;sA. (4) lEHko ugha gSa D;ksafd {ks=k js[kk,sa rh{.k ugha gksuh pkfg;saA (1) lHkh vko';d 'krks dks larq"V djrk gSA 15. A uniformly charged solid sphere of radius R has potential V0 (measured with respect to ) on its surface. For this sphere the equipotential surfaces with potentials respectively. Then (1) R1 = 0 and R2 > (R4 R3) (3) R1 = 0 and R2 < (R4 R3) 3V0 5 V0 3 V0 V , , and 0 have radius R1, R2, R3 and R4 2 4 4 4 (2) R1 0 and (R2 R1) > (R4 R3) (4) 2R < R4 R f=kT;k ds fdlh ,d leku vkosf'kr Bksl xksys ds i`"B dk foHko V0 gSA ( ds lkis{k ekik x;k)A bl xksys ds fy;s] 3V0 5 V0 3 V0 V , , rFkk 0 foHkoksa okys lefoHkoh i`"Vksa dh f=kT;k;sa] e'k% R1, R2, R3 rFkk R4 gSA rks 2 4 4 4 Ans. (1) R1 = 0 rFkk R2 > (R4 R3) (2) R1 0 rFkk (R2 R1) > (R4 R3) (3) R1 = 0 rFkk R2 < (R4 R3) (3, 4) (4) 2R < R4 Page || 12 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | Sol. V0 = V(r < R) = KQ 2R3 (3R2 r2) 3 KQ 3V0 2 R 2 V at R2 (R2 ij V) = 16. PHYSICS KQ r VcentredsU = 5V0 kQ (3R 2 R 22 ) 3 4 2R R R2 5 3 22 R2 = 2 2 R V at R3 (R3 ij V)= 3V0 kQ 4 R3 V at R4 (R4 ij V) = V0 kQ 4 R4 | DATE: 04-04-2015 KQ R V(r > R) = CODE-A R4 R3 = 4R R3 = 4 R 3 R4 = 4R 4 8R R = > R2 3 3 In the given circuit, charge Q2 on the 2 F capacitor changes as C is varied from 1 F to 3 F. Q2 as a function of 'C' is given properly by : (figures are drawn schematically and are not to scale) fn;s x;s ifjiFk esa] C ds eku ds 1 F ls 3 F ifjofrZr gksus ls 2 F la/kkfj=k ij vkos'k Q2 esa ifjorZu gksrk gSA 'C' ds Qyu ds :i esa Q2 dks dkSulk vkys[k lgh n'kkZrk gS \ (vkys[k dsoy O;oLFkk vkjs[k gSa vksj Ldsy ds vuqlkj ugha gSA) (1) (2) (3) (4) Page || 13 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | Ans. (1) (2) (3) (4) CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS (2) Sol. Q2 = 2Q 2 Q= 3 2 1 C 3 Q=E C 3 Q2 = 2 3CE 2CE = 3 C 3 C 3 Page || 14 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 17. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS When 5V potential difference is applied across a wire of length 0.1 m, the drift speed of electrons is 2.5 10 4 ms 1. If the electron density in the wire is 8 1028 m 3, the resistivity of the material is close to : 0.1 m yacs fdlh rkj ds fljksa ds chp 5V foHkokarj vjksfir djus ls bysDV kWuksa dh viokg pky 2.5 10 4 ms 1 gksrh gSA ;fn bl rkj esa bysDV kWu ?kuRo 8 1028 m 3 gks rks] bl ds inkFkZ dh izfrjks/kdrk gksxh, yxHkx % Ans. (1) 1.6 10 8 m (4) (2) 1.6 10 7 m (3) 1.6 10 6 m (4) 1.6 10 5 m = 0.1 m Sol. + V = 5v v d = 2.5 10 4 m/s n = 8 1028/m3 I = ne A v d VA = ne A v d V 5 = nev = 28 19 8 10 1.6 10 2.5 10 4 0.1 d = 1.6 10 5 m 18. In the circuit shown, the current in the 1 resistor is : n'kkZ; s x;s ifjiFk esa 1 izfrjks/kd ls izo kfgr /kkjk gksxh : (1) 1.3 A, from P to Q 1.3 A, P ls Q dh vks j (2) 0 A 0 'kw U; A (3) 0.13 A, from Q to P 0.13 A, Q ls P dks (4) 0.13 A, from P to Q 0.13 A, P ls Q dks Ans (3) Sol. Page || 15 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS x 6 x 0 x 9 =0 3 1 5 5 15 3 9 1 x = 2 = 15 5 5 x= i= 2 23 3 x 0 = = 0.13A 23 1 from Q to P Q ls P dks 19. Two coaxial solenoids of different radii carry current I in the same direction. Let F1 be the magnetic force on the inner solenoid due to the outer one and F2 be the magnetic force on the outer solenoid due to the inner one. Then : nks lek{kh ifjufydkvksa esa] izR;sd ls /kkjk ,d gh fn'kk esa izo kfgr gks jgh gSA ;fn] ckgjh ifjufydk ds dkj.k] Hkhrjh ifjufydk ij pqEcdh; cy F1 rFkk Hkhrjh ifjufydk ds dkj.k] ckgjh ifjufydk ij pqEcdh; cy F2 gks rks : (1) F1 = F2 = 0 (2) F1 is radially inwards and F2 is radially outwards F1 Hkhrj dh vks j o vjh; f=kT; gS vkS j F2 ckgj dh vks j o vjh; gS A (3) F1 is radially inwards and F2 = 0 F1 Hkhrj dh vks j o vjh; gS rFkk F2 = 0 gS A (4) F1 is radially outwards and F2 = 0 F1 ckgj dh vks j o vjh; gS rFkk F2 = 0 gS A Ans. Sol. (1) F1 F2 = 0 Because net resultant will be zero. and equal because of action and reaction pair ifj.kkeh cy 'kwU; gksxk ,oa leku gksxk D;ksafd f ;k izfrf ;k ;qXe gSA Page || 16 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 20. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS Two long current carrying thin wires, both with current , are held by insulating threads of length L and are in equilibrium as shown in the figure, with threads making an angle ' ' with the vertical. If wires have mass per unit length then the value of is : (g = gravitational acceleration) nks igys yEcs rkjksa esa izR;sd ls /kkjk izokfgr gks jgh gSA bUgsa L yEckbZ ds fo|qrjks/kh /kkxksa ls yVdk;k x;k gSA bu /kkxksa esa izR;sd ds }kjk /okZ/kj fn'kk ls ' ' dks.k cukus dh fLFkfr esa] ;s nksuksa rkj lkE;koLFkk esa jgrs gSaA ;fn bu rkjksa dh izfr bdkbZ yEckbZ nzO;eku gS rFkk g xq:Roh; Roj.k gS rks] dk eku gksxk % gL (1) sin cos 0 Ans. (2) 2 sin gL 0 cos (3) 2 gL tan 0 (4) gL tan 0 (2) Sol. gsin = 0 I2 cos 2 ( 2L sin ) g L 2sin cos I. 0 Page || 17 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 21. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS A rectangular loop of sides 10 cm and 5 cm carrying a current I of 12 A is placed in different orientations as shown in the figures below : (a) (b) (c) (d) If there is a uniform magnetic field of 0.3 T in the positive z direction, in which orientations the loop would be in (i) stable equilibrium and (ii) unstable equilibrium ? (1) (a) and (b), respectively (2) (a) and (c), respectively (3) (b) and (d), respectively (4) (b) and (c), respectively 10 cm rFkk 5 cm Hkqtkvksa ds ,d vk;rkdkj ywi ik'k ls ,d fo|qr /kkjk] I = 12 A] izokfgr gks jgh gSA bl ik'k dks vkjs[k esa n'kkZ;s x;s vuqlkj fofHkUu vfHkfoU;klksa fLFkfr;ksa esa j[kk x;k gSA (a) (b) (c) (d) ;fn ogk 0.3 T rhozrk dk dksbZ ,dleku pqEcdh; {ks=k] /kukRed z fn'kk esa fo|eku gS rks] n'kkZ;s x;s fdl vfHkfoU;kl esa] ;g ik'k ywi (i) LFkk;h larqyu rFkk (ii) vLFkk;h larqyu esa] gksxk ? (1) e'k% (a) rFkk (b) esa (2) e'k% (a) rFkk (c) esa (3) e'k% (b) rFkk (d) esa (4) e'k% (b) rFkk (c) esa Ans. Sol. (3) For stable equilibrium angle should be zero and for unstable equilibrium angle between M and B should be . LFkkbZ lkE;oLFkk ds fy;s M rFkk B ds e/; dks.k 'kwU; gksuk pkfg;s] rFkk vLFkk;h lkE;oLFkk ds fy;s M rFkk B ds e/; dks.k gksuk pkfg;sA Page || 18 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 22. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS An inductor (L = 0.03H) and a resistor (R = 0.15 k ) are connected in series to a battery of 15V EMF in a circuit shown below. The key K1 has been kept closed for a long time. Then at t = 0, K1 is opened and key K2 is closed simultaneously. At t = 1ms, the current in the circuit will be : (e5 150) n'kkZ;s x;s ifjiFk esa] ,d izsjd (L = 0.03H) rFkk ,d izfrjks/kd (R = 0.15 k ) fdlh 15V fo|qr okgd cy (bZ-,e-,Q-) dh cSVjh ls tqMs+ gSaA daqth K1 dks cgqr le; rd cUn j[kk x;k gSA blds i'pkr~ le; t = 0 ij, K1 dks [kksy dj lkFk gh lkFk, K2 dks cUn fd;k tkrk gSA le; t = 1ms ij, ifjiFk esa fo|qr /kkjk gksxh % (e5 150) Ans. (1) 100 mA (4) (2) 67 mA Sol. Current at t = 0 0 = E0 R t = 0 ij /kkjk E0 R 0 = (3) 6.7 mA (4) 0.67 mA tR For decay circuit I = I0 e L tR ifjiFk esa /kkjk gzkl ds fy;s I = I0 e L tR I= 23. E0 L e R = 0.67 mA A red LED emits light at 0.1 watt uniformly around it. The amplitude of the electric field of the light at a distance of 1 m from the diode is : (1) 1.73 V/m (2) 2.45 V/m (3) 5.48 V/m (4) 7.75 V/m ,d yky jax dk ,y-bZ-Mh- (izdk'k mRltZu Mk;ksM) 0.1 okV ij] ,dleku izdk'k mRlftZr djrk gSA Mk;ksM ls 1 m nwjh ij] bl izdk'k ds fo|qr {ks=k dk vk;ke gksxk : Ans. (1) 1.73 V/m (2) (2) 2.45 V/m (3) 5.48 V/m (4) 7.75 V/m Page || 19 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | Sol. Intensity rhozrk = I= | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS P 4 r 2 1 0 E 20 C 2 So E 20 E0 = 24. CODE-A P 4 r 2 1 0 E02 C 2 2P 4 0 r 2C = 2 0.1 9 109 1 3 108 6 = 2.45 V/m Monochromatic light is incident on a glass prism of angle A. If the refractive index of the material of the prism is , a ray, incident at an angle , on the face AB would get transmitted through the face AC of the prism provided: dk Pk ds fdlh fizTe dk dks.k 'A' gSA bl ij ,do.khZ izdk'k vkifrr gksrk gSA ;fn fizTe ds inkFkZ dk viorZukad gS rks] fizTe ds AB Qyd ij] dks.k vkifrr izdk'k dh fdj.k] fizTe ds Qyd AC ls ikjxr gksxh ;fn: 1 (1) > sin 1 1 sin A sin sin A sin (3) > cos 1 Ans. 1 1 1 1 sin A sin (2) < sin 1 sin A sin (4) < cos 1 1 1 (1) Sol. For transmission ikjxeu ds fy;s r2 < iC A r1 < i C sin (A r1) < sin iC sin (A r1) < 1 Page || 20 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS 1 1 A r1 < sin 1 r1 > A sin 1 1 1 sin r1 > sin A sin sin r1 = sin 1 sin sin A sin 1 1 1 > sin 1 sin A sin 25. On a hot summer night, the refractive index of air is smallest near the ground and increases with height from the ground. When a light beam is directed horizontally, the Huygens' principle leads us to conclude that as it travels, the light beam : (1) becomes narrower (2) goes horizontally without any deflection (3) bends downwards (4) bends upwards xzh"e _rq dh xeZ jkf=k esa] Hkw-ry ds fudV] ok;q dk viorZukad U;wUkre gksrk gS vkSj Hkw -ry ls pkbZ ds lkFk c<+rk tkrk gSA ;fn] dksbZ izdk'k-fdj.k iqat {kSfrt fn'kk esa tk jgk gks rks] gkbxsUl ds fl)kUr ls ;g ifj.kke izkIr gksrk gS fd] pyrs gq, izdk'k- fdj.k iqat: (1) ladqfpr ladhZ.k gks tk;sxkA (2) fcuk fo{ksfir gq,] {kSfrt fn'kk esa pyrk jgsxk (3) uhps dh vksj >qd tk;sxkA (4) ij dh vksj >qd tk;ssxkA Ans. (4) Sol. Ray 2 will travel faster than 1, so beam will bend upward fdj.k 2, fdj.k 1 dh rqyuk esa rsth ls xeu djsxhA vr% fdj.k iaqt ij dh rjQ eqM+ tk;sxkA Page || 21 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 26. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS Assuming human pupil to have a radius of 0.25 cm and a comfortable viewing distance of 25 cm, the minimum separation between two objects that human eye can resolve at 500 nm wavelength is : (1) 1 m (2) 30 m (3) 100 m (4) 300 m ;fn ekuo us=k dh iqryh dh f=kT;k 0.25 cm] vkSj Li"V lqfo/kk tud ns[kus dh nwjh 25 cm gks rks] 500 nm rjaxnS/;Z ds izdk'k esa] nks oLrqvksa ds chp fdruh U;wure nwjh rd ekuo us=k mu nksuksa ds chp foHksnu dj ldsxk \ Ans. (1) 1 m (2) (2) 30 m (3) 100 m (4) 300 m Sol. Resolving angle of necked eye is given by : fcuk p'esa dh vkW[k ds fy, foHksnu dks.k % 1.22 D y 1.22 500 10 9 25 10 2 0.25 2 10 2 6 y = 30 10 m = 30 m 27. As an electron makes a transition from an excited state to the ground state of a hydrogen - like atom/ion : (1) its kinetic energy increases but potential energy and total energy decrease (2) kinetic energy, potential energy and total energy decrease (3) kinetic energy decreases, potential energy increases but total energy remains same (4) kinetic energy and total energy decrease but potential energy increases tc dksbZ bysDV kWu] gksbM kstu tSls ijek.kq@vk;u dh m ksftr voLFkk ls U;wure tkZ voLFkk esa la e.k djrk gS rks mldh% (1) xfrt tkZ esa o`f) rFkk fLFkfrt tkZ rFkk dqy tkZ esa deh gksrh gSA (2) xfrt tkZ] fLFkfrt tkZ rFkk dqy tkZ esa deh gks tkrh gSA (3) xfrt tkZ de gksrh gS] fLFkfrt tkZ c<+rh gS vkSj dqy tkZ ogh jgrh gSA (4) xfrt tkZ o dqy tkZ de gks tkrh gSa fdUrq] fLFkfrt tkZ c<+ tkrh gSA Ans. (1) Sol. Z KE n 2 as n decreases KE increases and TE, PE decreases n dk eku ?kVus ij KE c<rh gS rFkk TE, PE ?kVrh gSA Page || 22 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 28. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS Match List-I (Fundamental Experiment) with List-II (its conclusion) and select the correct option from the choices given below the list : List - I (A) Franck-Hertz experiment (B) Photo-electric experiment (C) Davison, Germer experiment List - II Particle nature of light Discrete energy levels of (ii) atom (iii) Wave nature of electron (iv) Structure of atom (i) lwph I ewy iz;ksx dk lwph -II mlds ifj.kke ds lkFk lqesyu eSp dhft;s vkSj fuEukafdr fodYiksa esa ls lgh fodYi dk p;u dhft;s % lwph- I lwph - II (A) sasd gVZ~l izk;skx (i) izdk'k dh df.kdk izd`fr (B) izdk'k fo|qr izz;ksx (ii) v.kq ds fofoDr tkZ Lrj (C) Msohlu teZj iz;ksx (iii) bysDV kWu dh rajx izd`f k (iv) ijek.kq dh lajpuk Ans. Sol. (1) (A) - (i) (B) - (iv) (C) - (iii) (2) (A) - (ii) (B)-(iv) (C) - (iii) (3) (A) - (ii) (B) (i) (C) -(iii) (4) (A) - (iv) (B) - (iii) (C) - (ii) (3) (A) Frants Hertz Experiment is associated with Discrete energy levels of atom (B) Photo electric experiment is associated with particle nature of light and Davison Germer experiment is associated with wave nature of electron. (A) sad gV~Zl iz;ksx v.kqvksa ds fofoDr tkZ Lrj ls lEcfU/kr gSA (B) izdk'k fo|qr iz;ksx izdk'k dh df.kdk izd`fr ls lEcfU/kr gS rFkk Msohlu teZu iz;ksx bysDV kWu dh rjax izd`fr ls lEcfU/kr gSA 29. A signal of 5 kHZ frequency is amplitude modulated on a carrier wave of frequency 2 mHz. The frequencies of the resultant signal is/are : (1) 2 MHz only (2) 2005 kHz, and 1995 kHz (3) 2005 kHz, 2000 kHz and 1995 kHz (4) 2000 kHz and 1995 kHz 5 kHZ vko`f k ds fdlh ladsr flXuy dk 2 mHz vko`f k dh okgd rajx ij vk;ke ekWMqyu fd;k x;k gS A rks] ifj.kkeh flXuy ladsr dh vko`f k gksxh % (1) 2 MHz dsoy (3) 2005 kHz, 2000 kHz rFkk 1995 kHz Ans. (2) 2005 kHz, rFkk 1995 kHz (4) 2000 kHz rFkk 1995 kHz (3) Page || 23 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | Sol. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS f c = 2MHz = 2000 KHz f m = 5KHz Resultant frequencies are ifj.kkeh vkoZfr;k f C + f m , f c, f c f m = 2005 KHz, 2000, 1995 KHz 30. An LCR circuit is equivalent to a damped pendulum. In an LCR circuit the capacitor is charged to Q0 and then connected to the L and R as shown below : If a student plots graphs of the square of maximum charge (Q2Max) on the capacitor with time (t) for two different values L1 and L2(L1> L2) of L then which of the following represents this graph correctly ? (plots are schematic and not drawn to scale) (1) (2) (3) (4) Page || 24 CODE-A JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | | DATE: 04-04-2015 PHYSICS LCR ,y-lh-vkj ifjiFk fdlh voeafnr yksyd ds rqY; gksrk gS A fdlh LCR ifjiFk esa la/kkfj=k dks Q0 rd vkosf'kr fd;k x;k gS] vkSj fQj bls vkjs[k esa n'kkZ;s x;s vuqlkj L o R ls tksM+k x;k gSA ;fn ,d fo|kFkhZ L ds] nks fofHkUu ekuksa L1 rFkk L2 (L1> L2) ds fy;s ] le; t rFkk la/kkfj=k ij vf/kdre vkos'k ds oxZ (Q2Max) ds chp nks xzkQ cukrk gS rks fuEukfdar esa ls dkSu lk xzkQ lgh gS \ IykWV dsoy O;oLFkk IykWV gS rFkk Ldsy ds vuqlkj ugha gSa (1) Ans. Sol. (2) (3) (4) (1) at any time 't' apply KVL fdlh le; 't' ij KVL ds }kjk q di iR L 0 C dt i d2 q 2 dq dt q dq Ld2 q R 0 C dt dt 2 R dq q 0 L dt LC dt from damped harmonic oscillator, the amplitude is given by voeafnr vkoZrh nksyu ds fy, vk;ke fuEu izdkj fn;k tkrk gSA A A 0e A A 0e dt 2m , for general equation of double differential equation dt 2m , f}vodfyr O;kid lehdj.k ds fy, Q (mt )ax Q 0 e Rt 2L d2 x dt 2 d2 x dt 2 b dx k x 0 m dt m Rt L 2 Q max Q 02 e b dx k x 0 m dt m lesser the self inductance, faster will be damping hence de LoizsjdRo ds fy, voeanu rsth ls gksxsaA Page || 25 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 CHEMISTRY PART B : CHEMISTRY 31. The molecular formula of a commercial resin used for exchanging ions in water softening is C8H7SO3Na (Mol. wt. 206). What would be the maximum uptake of Ca2+ ions by the resin when expressed in mole per gram resin ? ,d okf.kT; jsfT+ku dk vkf.od lw=k C8H7SO3Na gSA vkf.od Hkkj = 206 bl jsftu dh Ca2+ vk;u dh vf/kdre varxzZg.k {kerk eksy izfr xzke jsftu D;k gS\ (1) 1 103 (2) Ans. (4) Sol. 1 g of C8H7SO3Na = 2C8H7SO3Na (3) 2 309 (4) 1 412 1 mole 206 Ca2+ + 1 mole 206 32. 1 206 (C8H7SO3)2Ca + 2Na+ 1 mole 412 Sodium metal crystallizes in a body centred cubic lattice with a unit cell edge of 4.29 . The radius of sodium atom is approximately: lksfM;e /kkrq ,d var% dsfUnzr ?kuh; tkyd esa f LVfyr gksrk gS ftlds dksj dh yackbZ 4.29 gSA lksfM;e ijek.kq dh f=kT;k yxHkx gS % Ans. (1) 1.86 (1) (2) 3.22 (3) 5.72 (4) 0.93 Sol. R= 33. Which of the following is the energy of a possible excited state of hydrogen ? 3 a = 1.86 4 fuEufyf[kr esa ls gkbZM kstu dh laHko m ksftr voLFkk dh tkZ dkSulh gS\ Ans. (1) +13.6 eV (3) Sol. (En)H = 13.6 n=2 34. (2) 6.8 eV 12 n2 (3) 3.4 eV (4) +6.8 eV eV E2 = 3.4 eV The intermolecular interaction that is dependent on the inverse cube of distance between the molecules is: (1) ion-ion interaction (2) ion-dipole interaction (3) London force (4) hydrogen bond og varjk&v.kqd vU;ksU; f ;k tks v.kqvksa ds chp dh nwjh ds izfrykse ?ku ij fuHkZj gS] gSa % (1) vk;u&vk;u vU;ksU; (2) vk;u&f}/kzqo vU;ksU; (3) yaMu cy (4) gkbM kstu ca/kd Ans. (2) Page || 26 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | Sol. Ion-dipole interaction vk;u&f}/kzqo vU;ksU; 35. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 CHEMISTRY 1 r3 1 r3 The following reaction is performed at 298 K 2NO(g) + O2(g) 2NO2(g) The standard free energy of formation of NO(g) is 86.6 kJ/mol at 298 K. What is the standard free energy of formation of NO2(g) at 298 K ? (KP = 1.6 1012) fuEufyf[kr vfHkf ;k dks 298 K ij fd;k x;kA 2NO(g) + O2(g) 2NO2(g) 298 K ij NO(g) ds laHkou dh ekud eqDr tkZ 86.6 kJ/mol gSA 298 K ij NO2(g) dh ekud eqDr tkZ D;k gS\ (KP = 1.6 1012) (1) R(298) in (1.6 1012) 86600 (2) 86600 + R(298) ln (1.6 x 1012) ln 1.6 1012 (3) 86600 Ans. Sol. (4) 0.5 [2 86,600 R (298) ln (1.6 1012)] R 298 (4) 2 G f (NO ) [2 G f (NO) + G f (O )] = G r = RT n Kp 2 2 2 G f (NO ) [2 86,600 + 0] = RT n Kp 2 G f (NO ) = 0.5[2 86,600 R (298) n(1.6 1012)] 2 36. The vapour pressure of acetone at 20 C is 185 torr. When 1.2 g of a non-volatile substance was dissolved in 100 g of acetone at 20 C, its vapour pressure was 183 torr. The molar mass (g mol 1) of the substance is: 20 C ij ,sflVksu dh ok"i nkc 185 torr gSA tc 20 C ij] 1.2 g vok"i'khy inkFkZ dks 100 g ,sflVksu esa ?kksyk x;k] rc ok"i nkc 183 torr gks x;kA bl inkFkZ dk eksyj nzO;eku (g mol 1 esa) gSA Ans. Sol. (1) 32 (2) (2) 64 (3) 128 (4) 488 P0 PS n = PS N 185 183 1.2 / M = 183 100 / 58 M 64 g/mol 37. The standard Gibbs energy change at 300 K for the reaction 2A composition of the reaction mixture is [A] = J/K/mol, e = 2.718] (1) forward direction because Q > KC (3) forward direction because Q < KC B + C is 2494.2 J. At a given time, the 1 1 , [B] = 2 and [C] = . The reaction proceeds in the : [R = 8.314 2 2 (2) reverse direction because Q > KC (4) reverse direction because Q < KC Page || 27 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 300 K ij vfHkf ;k 2A = Ans. Sol. 1 1 , [B] = 2 vkSj [C] = gSA 2 2 CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 CHEMISTRY B + C dh ekud fxCt tkZ 2494.2 J gSA fn, x, le; esa vfHkf ;k feJ.k dk la?kVu [A] vfHkf ;k vxzflr gksrh gS : [R = 8.314 J/K/mol, e = 2.718] (1) vxz fn'kk esa D;ksafd Q > KC (2) foijhr fn'kk esa D;ksafd Q > KC (3) vxz fn'kk esa D;ksafd Q < KC (2) G = G + RT ln Q = 2494.2 + 8.314 300 ln 4 = positive kukREkd (4) foijhr fn'kk esa D;ksafd Q < KC Q K Since, G is positive so, Q > K, so reaction shifts in reverse direction. pwfda G kukRed gS, blfy, Q > K, vr% vfHkf ;k foifjr fn'kk esa foLFkkfir gksxhA G = RT n 38. Ans. Two Faraday of electricity is passed through a solution of CuSO4. The mass of copper deposited at the cathode is : (at. mass of Cu = 63.5 amu) CuSO4 ds ,d foy;u esa] nks QSjkMs fo|qr izokfgr dh xbZA dSFkksM ij fu{ksfir rkacs dk nzO;eku gS % (Cu dk ijekf.od nzO;eku = 63.5 amu) (1) 0 g (2) 63.5 g (3) 2 g (4) 127 g (2) Sol. Cu2+ + 2e Cu 2F 1 mole = 63.5 g. 39. Higher order (>3) reactions are rare due to : (1) low probability of simultaneous collision of all the reacting species (2) increase in entropy and activation energy as more molecules are involved (3) shifting of equilibrium towards reactants due to elastic collisions (4) loss of active species on collision mPp dksfV vfHkf ;k (>3) nqyZHk gS D;ksafd % (1) izfrf ;k esa lHkh iztkfr;ksa ds ,d lkFk VDdj dh laHkkouk de gksrh gSA (2) vf/kd v.kqvksa ds 'kkfey gksus ls ,aV kih vkSj laf ;rk tkZ esa o`f) gksrh gSA (3) ykspnkj Vdjko ds dkj.k vfHkdkjdksa dh fn'kk esa lkE; dk LFkkukarj.k gksrk gSA Ans. Sol. 40. (4) Vdjko ls lf ; Lih'kht dk {k; gksrk gSA (1) Higher order (> 3) reactions are rare due to low probability of simultaneous collision of all the reacting species. mPp dksfV vfHkf ;k (>3) nqyZHk gS D;ksafd izfrf ;k esa lHkh iztkfr;ksa ds ,d lkFk VDdj dh laHkkouk de gksrh gSA 3 g of activated charocoal was added to 50 mL of acetic acid solution (0.06N) in a flask. After an hour it was filtered and the strength of the fitrate was found to be 0.042 N. The amount of acetic acid adsorbed (per gram of charcoal) is : ,d ykLd esa 0.06 N ,flfVd vEy ds 50 mL foy;u esa 3 g lf ;r~ dk"B dks;yk feyk;k x;kA ,d ?kaVs ds i'pkr~ mls Nkuk x;k vkSj fuL;an dh izcyrk 0.042 N ikbZ xbZA vf/k'kksf"kr ,flfVd vEy dh ek=kk (dk"B&dks;yk ds izfr xzke ij) gS% Ans. (1) 18 mg (1) (2) 36 mg (3) 42 mg (4) 54 mg Page || 28 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | Sol. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 CHEMISTRY Initial mmoles of CH3COOH = 0.06 50 Final mmoles of CH3COOH = 0.042 50 Hence, mass of CH3COOH adsorbed per gram of charcoal = (0.06 0.042) 50 10 3 60 103 = 18 mg 3 CH3COOH ds izkjfEHkd feyh eksy = 0.06 50 CH3COOH ds vafre feyh eksy = 0.042 50 vr% dk"B dks;yk ds izfr xzke vo'kksf"kr CH3COOH dk O;eku = 41. Ans. Sol. (0.06 0.042) 50 10 3 60 103 = 18 mg 3 The ionic radii (in ) of N3 , O2 and F are respectively : (1) 1.36, 1.40 and 1.71 (3) 1.71, 1.40 and 1.36 N3 , O2 rFkk F dh vk;fud f=kT;k;sa ( esa) e'k% gSa % (2) 1.36, 1.71 and 1.40 (4) 1.71, 1.36 and 1.40 (1) 1.36, 1.40 rFkk 1.71 (2) 1.36, 1.71 rFkk 1.40 (3) 1.71, 1.40 rFkk 1.36 (3) These are isoelectronic species. As negative charge increases, ionic radius increases. (4) 1.71, 1.36 rFkk 1.40 ;g lebysDV kWfud Lih'kht gSA tSls gh _.kkos'k c<+rk gS] vk;fud f=kT;k Hkh c<+rh gSA 42. In the context of the Hall - Heroult process for the extraction of Al, which of the following statements is false? (1) CO and CO2 are produced in this process (2) Al2O3 is mixed with CaF2 which lowers the melting point of the mixture and brings conductivity (3) Al3+ is reduced at the cathode to form Al (4) Na3AlF6 serves as the electrolyte gkWy&gsjkWYV iz e ls ,syqfefu;e ds fu"d"kZ.k ds lanHkZ esa dkSu lk dFku xyr gS\ (1) bl iz e esa CO rFkk CO2 dk mRiknu gksrk gSA (2) CaF2 dks Al2O3 esa feykus ij feJ.k dk xyukad de gksrk gS vkSj mlesa pkydrk vkrh gSA (3) dSFkksM ij Al3+ vipf;r gksdj Al cukrk gSA (4) Na3AlF6 fo|qr vi?kV~; dk dke djrk gSA Ans. Sol. (4) (1) In this process, carbon anode is oxidised to CO and CO2. (2) It is a fact (3) At cathode, Al3+ from Al2O3 is reduced to Al. (4) Al2O3 is the electrolyte, which is undergoing the redox process. So, Al2O3 serves as electrolyte and Na3AlF6, although an electrolyte, serves as solvent. (1) bl iz e esa dkcZu ,uksM CO rFkk CO2 esa vkWDlhd`r gksrk gSA (2) ;g rF;kRed gSA (3) dSFkksM+ ij] Al2O3 ls Al3+ ] Al esa vipf;r gksrk gSA (4) Al2O3 ,d oS|qr vi?kV~; gS] tks jsMksDl iz e nsrk gSA vr% Al2O3 ,d oS|qr vi?kV~; ds :i esa iz;qDr gksrk gS rFkk Na3AlF6 ;|fi ,d oS|qr vi?kV~; gS fQj Hkh ,d foyk;d ds :i esa iz;qDr gksrk gSA Page || 29 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 43. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 CHEMISTRY From the following statements regarding H2O2, choose the incorrect statement : (1) It can act only as an oxidizing agent (2) It decomposed on exposure to light (3) It has to be stored in plastic or wax lined glass bottles in dark (4) It has to be kept away from dust H2O2 ds lUnHkZ esa] fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa esa ls xyr dFku pqfu, % (1) ;g dsoy vkWDlhdkjd gS (2) izdk'k esa bldk vi?kVu gksrk gS (3) bls IykfLVd ;k eksevVs dk p cksryksa esa va/ksjs esa laxzfgr fd;k tkrk gS Ans. Sol. (4) bls /kwy ls nwj j[kuk pkfg, (1) H2O2 can undergo reduction as well as oxidation because oxidation number of oxygen in H2O2 is 1. So, it can act both as reducing agent and oxidising agent. H2O2 vip;u rFkk vkWDlhdj.k ns ldrk gSA D;ksafd H2O2 esa vkWDlhtu dh vkWDlhdj.k la[;k 1 gSA vr% ;g vipk;d rFkk vkWDlhdkjd nksuksa dh rjg O;ogkj dj ldrk gSA 44. Which one of the following alkaline earth metal sulphates has its hydration enthalpy greater than its lattice enthalpy ? fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu ls {kkjh; e`nk /kkrq lYQsV dh ty;kstu ,sUFkkYih mlds tkyd ,sUFkkYih ls vf/kd gS \ Ans. Sol. (1) CaSO4 (2) BeSO4 (3) BaSO4 (4) SrSO4 (2) Down the group, solubility of sulphates of group 2 metals in water decreases. BeSO4 is soluble in water (a known fact). Hence, hydration energy of BeSO4 is more in magnitude than its lattice energy. oxZ esa uhps tkus ij ty esa oxZ 2 dh /kkrqvksa ds lYQsVks dh foys;rk ?kVrh gSA BeSO4 ty esa foys; gksrk gSA ,d Kkr rF; blfy, BeSO4 dh ty;kstu tkZ ifjek.k esa bldh tkyd tkZ ls vf/kd gksrh gSA 45. Which among the following is the most reactive ? fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lokZf/kd vfHkf ;k'khy gS \ Ans. Sol. 46. (1) Cl2 (2) Br2 (3) 2 (4) Cl (4) In general, interhalogen compounds are more reactive than halogens except fluorine (as per NCERT) lkekU;r% vUrjkgSykstu ;kSfxd yksjhu dks NksMdj (NCERT ds vuqlkj) gSykstuksa ls vf/kd f ;k'khy gksrs gSA Match the catalysts to the correct processes : Catalyst Process (A) TiCl3 (i) Wacker process (B) PdCl2 (ii) Ziegler - Natta polymerization (C) CuCl2 (iii) Contact process (D) V2O5 (iv) Deacon's process fn, x, mRizjsdksa dks lgh iz e ds lkFk lqesfyr djsa % mRizsjd iz e (A) TiCl3 (i) okWdj iz e (B) PdCl2 (ii) RlhXyj- uV~Vk cgqydhdj.k (C) CuCl2 (iii) laLi'kZ iz e (D) V2O5 (iv) Mhdu iz e (1) (A) - (iii), (B) - (ii), (C) - (iv), (D) - (i) (3) (A) - (ii), (B) - (iii), (C) - (iv), (D) - (i) (2) (A) - (ii), (B) - (i), (C) - (iv), (D) - (iii) (4) (A) - (iii), (B) - (i), (C) - (ii), (D) - (iv) Page || 30 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | Ans. Sol. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 CHEMISTRY (2) TiCl3 Ziegler-Natta polymerisation PdCl2 Wacker process CuCl2 Deacon's process V2O5 Contact process TiCl3 ftxyj-ukVk cgqydhdj.k PdCl2 okWdj e CuCl2 Mhdu e V2O5 lEidZ e 47. Which one has the highest boiling point ? fuEufyf[kr esa ls lokZf/kd DoFkukad fdldk gS \ Ans. Sol. 48. (1) He (2) Ne (3) Kr (4) Xe (4) London dispersion forces increase from He to Xe because molecular mass increases. So boiling point will also increase from He to Xe. yaMu dh.kZu He ls Xe rd c<+rk gS D;ksfd vkf.od nzO;eku c<+rk gSA blfy, He ls Xe rd DoFkukad Hkh c<s+xkA The number of geometric isomers that can exist for square planar [Pt (Cl) (py) (NH3) (NH2OH)]+ is (py = pyridine ) : oxZ leryh; [Pt (Cl) (py) (NH3) (NH2OH)]+ (py = pyridine ) ds T;kferh; leko;fo;ksa dh la[;k gS : Ans. Sol. (1) 2 (2) 3 (2) The complex is of the type [Mabcd] M = metal a, b, c, d = Monodentate ligands. (3) 4 (4) 6 ladqy [Mabcd] dkj dk gSaA M = /kkrq a, b, c, d = ,dynUrqd fyxs.M 49. The colour of KMnO4 is due to : (1) M L charge transfer transition (3) L M charge transfer transition (2) d d transition (4) * transition KMnO4 ds jax dk dkj.k gS % Ans. (1) M L vkos'k LFkkukUrj.k la e.k (2) d d la e.k (3) L M vkos'k LFkkukUrj.k la e.k (3) (4) * la e.k Page || 31 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 CHEMISTRY Sol. Colour of KMnO4 is due to charge transfer from O2 (ligand) to Mn(VII) (Central metal ion). KMnO4 dk jax O2 (fyxs.M) ls Mn(VII) (dsUnzh; /kkrq vk;u) rd vkos'k LFkkukUrj.k ds dkj.k gksrk gSA 50. Assertion : Nitrogen and Oxygen are the main components in the atmosphere but these do not react to form oxides of nitrogen. Reason : The reaction between nitrogen and oxygen requires high temperature. (1) Both assertion and reason are correct, and the reason is the correct explanation for the assertion (2) Both assertion and reason are correct, but the reason is not the correct explanation for the assertion (3) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct (4) Both are assertion and reason are incorrect vfHkdFku : ukbV kstu vkSj vkWDlhtu okrkoj.k ds eq[; ?kVd gSa ijUrq ;g f ;k djds ukbV kstu ds vkWDlkbM ugha cukrsA rdZ : ukbV kstu vkSj vkWDlhtu ds chp vfHkf ;k ds fy, mPp rki dh vko';drk gSA (1) vfHkdFku vkSj rdZ nksuksa lgh gSa vkSj rdZ vfHkdFku dk lgh Li"Vhdj.k gSA (2) vfHkdFku vkSj rdZ nksuksa lgh gSa ijUrq rdZ vfHkdFku dk lgh Li"Vhdj.k ugha gSA (3) vfHkdFku xyr gS ijUrq rdZ lgh gSA (4) vfHkdFku o rdZ nksuksa xyr gSaA Ans. Sol. (1) Assertion is true because it is an observation that nitrogen being highly stable does not react with oxygen in atmosphere. The reaction to form oxides of nitrogen takes place at higher temperature ( 2000 K as per NCERT). So, reason is correct and also the correct explanation of the assertion. vfHkdFku lR; gS D;kasfd ;g ns[kk tkrk gS fd ukbV kstu mPp LFkk;h gksrk gS] tks ok;qe.My esa vkWDlhtu ds lkFk f ;k ugha djrk gSA vfHkf ;k mPp rki ( 2000 K NCERT ds vuqlkj) ij ukbV kstu ds vkWDlkbM cukrh gSA vr% rdZ lgh gS rFkk vfHkdFku dk Li"Vhdj.k Hkh lgh gSA 51. In Carius method of estimation of halogens, 250 mg of an organic compound gave 141 mg of AgBr. The percentage of bromine in the compound is : (at. mass Ag = 108 ; Br = 80) gSykstu ds vkdyu dh dSfjvl fof/k esa 250 mg dkcZfud ;kSfxd 141 mg AgBr nsrk gSA ;kSfxd esa czksehu dh izf'krrk gS% (ijekf.od nzO;eku Ag = 108 ; Br = 80) Ans. (1) 24 (1) Sol. %X= Thus (2) 36 (3) 48 (4) 60 Atomic mass of Br Wt. of AgBr 100 Molecular mass of AgBr Wt. of organic Bromide % Br = 141 80 100 = 24 188 250 Br dk ijek.kq Hkkj AgBr dk Hkkj % X = AgBr dk v.kqHkkj 100 dkcZfud czksekbM dk Hkkj vr% % Br = 80 141 100 = 24 188 250 Page || 32 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 52. CODE-A CHEMISTRY | DATE: 04-04-2015 Which of the following compound will exhibit geometrical isomerism ? (1) 1-Phenyl-2-butene (2) 3-Phenyl-1-butene (3) 2-Phenyl-1-butene (4) 1,1-Diphenyl-1-propane fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk ;kSfxd T;kferh; leko;ork n'kkZrk gS \ (1) 1-Qsfuy-2- C;wVhu (2) 3-Qsfuy-1-C;wVhu (3) 2-Qsfuy-1-C;wVhu Ans. Sol. (4) 1,1-MkbZQsfuy-1- izksisu (1) Molecules with restricted rotation and having two different groups on both restricted atoms can show geometrical isomerism. 1 - Phenyl - 2- butene (Ph CH2 CH=CH CH3) (cis) (trans) izfrcaf kr ?kw.kZu rFkk nksuksa izfrcaf kr ijek.kqvksa ij nks fofHkUu lewg j[kus okys v.kq T;kfefr; leko;ork n'kkZrs gSA 1 - Qsfuy - 2- C;wfVu (Ph CH2 CH=CH CH3) (lei{k) 53. (foi{k) Which compound would give 5-keto-2-methyl hexanal upon ozonolysis ? vkstksuksfyfll djus ij dkSu&lk ;kSfxd 5-dhVks-2-esfFky gsDlkuSy nsrk gS \ (1) CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 (2) (3) CH3 Ans. (4) H3C CH3 (2) Sol. 54. CH3 (5-keto-2-methyl hexanal) (5-dhVks-2-esfFky gsDlkuSy) The synthesis of alkyl fluorides is best accomplished by : (1) Free radical fluorination (2) Sandmeyer's reaction (3) Finkelstein reaction (4) Swarts reaction vYdkby yksjkbM ds la'ys"k.k ds fy, lcls csgrjhu fof/k gS % (1) eqDr ewyd yksfjus'ku (2) lSUMek;j vfHkf ;k (3) fQadyLVkbu vfHkf ;k (4) LokVZl vfHkf ;k Ans. (4) Sol. R X + AgF R F + AgX (Swarts reaction) (LokVZl vfHkf ;k) Page || 33 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 55. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 CHEMISTRY In the following sequence of reactions : H2 / Pd KMnO4 SOCl2 C Toluene A B BaSO 4 the product C is : (1) C6H5COOH (2) C6H5CH3 fn, x, vfHkf ;k vuq e esa mRikn C gS % (3) C6H5CH2OH (4) C6H5CHO (3) C6H5CH2OH (4) C6H5CHO H / Pd KMnO 4 SOCl2 C Toluene A B 2 BaSO 4 Ans. (1) C6H5COOH (4) KMnO4 Sol. Toluene 56. (2) C6H5CH3 H2 / Pd SOCl2 (A) BaSO 4 (B) (C) In the reaction NH2 NaNO / HCl CuCN / KCN 2 D E + N2 0 5 C CH3 the product E is : fn, x, vfHkf ;k esa mRikn E gS % NH2 NaNO / HCl CuCN / KCN 2 D E + N2 0 5 C CH3 COOH (1) (2) H3C CH3 CH3 CH3 CN (3) (4) CH3 Ans. (3) Page || 34 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 CHEMISTRY NH2 NaNO / HCl 0 5 C CuCN / KCN 2 Sol. + N2 CH3 (D) 57. (E) Which polymer is used in the manufacture of paints and lacquers ? (1) Bakelite (2) Glyptal (3) Polypropene (4) Poly vinyl chloride fdl cgqyd dk mi;ksx izys; vkSj izyk{k cukus esa gksrk gS \ (1) csdsykbV (2) fXyIVky (3) ikWfyizksihu (4) ikWfy okbfuy DyksjkbM Ans. (2) Sol. Glyptal is used in the manufacture of paints and lacquers. fXyIVsy dk mi;ksx izys; vkSj izyk{k cukus esa gksrk gSA 58. Which of the vitamins given below is water soluble ? (1) Vitamin C (2) Vitamin D (3) Vitamin E (4) Vitamin K fuEufyf[kr foVkfeuksa esa ty esa foys; gksus okyk gS % (1) foVkfeu C (2) foVkfeu D Ans. Sol. 59. (3) foVkfeu E (4) foVkfeu K (1) Vitamin B and C are water soluble and Vitamin A, D, E and K are water insoluble. foVkfeu B rFkk C ty esa foys;'khy gS rFkk foVkfeu A, D, E o K ty esa vfoys;'khy gSA Which of the following compounds is not an antacid ? (1) Aluminium hydroxide (2) Cimetidine (3) Phenelzine (4) Ranitidine fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSulk ;kSfxd izfrvEy ugha gS \ (1) ,syqfefu;e gkbM kDlkbM (2) flesfVfMu (3) fQufYtu (4) jSfufVMhu Ans. Sol. (3) Phenelzine is tranquilizer. It is not an antacid. fQufYtu ,d 'kked gSA ;g izfrvEy ugha gSA 60. Which of the following compounds is not colored yellow ? fn, x, ;kSfxdksa esa dkSu ls ;kSfxd dk jax ihyk ugha gS \ Ans. Sol. (1) Zn2[Fe(CN)6] (3) (NH4)3[As(Mo3O10)4] (1) Zn2[Fe(CN)6] is white. (2) K3[Co(NO2)6] (4) BaCrO4 Zn2[Fe(CN)6] lQsan gSA Page || 35 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | CODE-A MATHS | DATE: 04-04-2015 PART C - MATHEMATICS 61. Let A and B be two sets containing four and two elements respectively. Then the number of subsets of the set A B, each having at least three elements is : (1) 219 (2) 256 (3) 275 (4) 510 ekuk A rFkk B nks leqPp; gS ftuesa e'k% pkj rFkk nks vo;o gSa] rks leqPp; A B ds mu mileqPp;ksa dh la[;k] ftuesa izR;sd esa de ls de rhu vo;o gSa] gS : (1) 219 (2) 256 (3) 275 (4) 510 Ans. (1) Sol. n(A) = 4 n(B) = 2 n(A B) = 8 So atleast 3 = total none one two digits = 28 1 8C1 8C2 = 28 1 8 28 = 28 37 = 256 37 = 219 Hindi. n(A) = 4 n(B) = 2 n(A B) = 8 blfy, de ls de 3 = dqy dksbZ ugha ,d nks vad = 28 1 8C1 8C2 = 28 1 8 28 = 28 37 = 256 37 = 219 62. A complex number z is said to be unimodular if |z| = 1. Suppose z1 and z2 are complex numbers such that z1 2z2 is unimodular and z2 is not unimodular. Then the point z1 lies on a : 2 z1z2 (1) straight line parallel to x-axis (2) straight line parallel to y-axis (3) circle of radius 2 (4) circle of radius 2 z1 2z2 ,d lfEeJ la[;k z ,dekikadh dgykrh gS ;fn |z| = 1 gSA ekuk z1 rFkk z2 ,slh lfEEkJ la[;k, gSa fd 2 z z ,dekikadh 1 2 gS rFkk z2 ,dekikadh ugh gSa] rks fcUnq z1 fLFkr gS : (1) x-v{k ds lekarj ,d js[kk ijA (2) y-v{k ds lekarj ,d js[kk ijA (3) 2 f=kT;k okys o` k ijA (4) 2 f=kT;k okys o` k ijA Ans. Sol. (3) |z| = 1 ; |z2| 1 z1 2z2 2 z1z2 = 1 |z1 2z2|2 = 2 z1z2 2 (z1 2z2) z1 2 z2 = 2 z1z2 2 z1z2 |z1|2 + 4 |z2|2 2z1z2 2z1z2 = 4 + |z1|2 |z2|2 2z1z2 2z1z2 | z |2 1 | z1 |2 4 = 0 |z2| 1 |z1| = 2 2 Page || 36 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 63. CODE-A Let and be the roots of equation x2 6x 2 = 0. If an = n n, for n 1, then the value of to : (1) 6 (2) 6 MATHS | DATE: 04-04-2015 (3) 3 a10 2a 8 is equal 2a 9 (4) 3 ekuk rFkk f}?kkr lehdj.k x2 6x 2 = 0 ds ewy gSaA ;fn n 1 ds fy, an = n n gS] rks a10 2a 8 2a 9 dk eku gS : Ans. Sol. (1) 6 (3) x2 6x 2 = 0 an = n n (2) 6 (3) 3 (4) 3 a10 2a8 10 10 2( 8 8 ) 8 ( 2 2) 8 ( 2 2) 6 9 6 9 = = 2a9 2( 9 9 ) 2( 9 9 ) 2( 9 9 ) 6 = =3 2 2 64. 1 2 2 If A = 2 1 2 is a matrix satisfying the equation AAT = 9 , where is 3 3 identity matrix, then the ordered a 2 b pair (a, b) is equal to : (1) (2, 1) (2) ( 2, 1) (3) (2, 1) (4) ( 2, 1) 1 2 2 ;fn A = 2 1 2 ,d ,slk vkO;wg gS tks vkO;wg lehdj.k AAT = 9 , dks larq"V djrk gS tgk 3 3 dk rRled vkO;wg a 2 b gS] rks fer ;qXe(a, b) dk eku gS : Ans. Sol. (1) (2, 1) (4) AAT = 9 65. 1 2 a (2) ( 2, 1) 2 1 2 2 2 b 1 2 2 2 1 2 (3) (2, 1) a 1 2 0 =9 b 0 0 1 0 (4) ( 2, 1) 0 0 1 a + 4 + 2b = 0, 2a + 2 2b = 0, a2 + 4 + b2 = 9 a = 2, b = 1. The set of all value of for which the system of linear equations : 2x1 2x2 + x3 = x1 2x1 3x2 + 2x3 = x2 x1 + 2x2 = x3 has a non-trivial solution, (1) is an empty set (2) is a singleton (3) contains two elements (4) contains more than two elements Page || 37 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 MATHS ds lHkh ekuksa dk leqPp;] ftuds fy, jsf{kd lehdj.k fudk; : 2x1 2x2 + x3 = x1 2x1 3x2 + 2x3 = x2 x1 + 2x2 = x3 dk ,d vrqPN gy gS , (1) ,d fjDr leqPp; gSA (2) ,d ,dy leqPp; gSA (3) esa nks vo;o gSA (4) esa nks ls vf/kd vo;o gSA Ans. (1) (3) (2) 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 Sol. (3) (4) 1 =0 ( 2) (3 + 2 4) 2( 2 + 2) 1(4 3 ) = 0 ( 2) ( 2 + 3 4) + 4( 1) + ( 1) = 0 ( 1)( 2 + 2 8 + 5) = 0 ( 1)( 2 + 2 3) = 0 2 Two elements ( 1) ( + 3) = 0 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 Hindi. =0 ( 2) (3 + 2 4) 2( 2 + 2) 1(4 3 ) = 0 ( 2) ( 2 + 3 4) + 4( 1) + ( 1) = 0 ( 1)( 2 + 2 8 + 5) = 0 ( 1)( 2 + 2 3) = 0 nks vo;o ( 1)2 ( + 3) = 0 66. Ans. The number of integers greater than 6,000 that can be formed, using the digits 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8, without repetition, is : (1) 216 (2) 192 (3) 120 (4) 72 vadks 3, 5, 6, 7 rFkk 8 ds iz;ksx ls fcuk nksgjk;s] cuus okys 6,000 ls cMs+ iw.kkZdks dh la[;k gSA : (1) 216 (2) 192 (3) 120 (4) 72 (1) (2) (2) (3) (4) Sol. Number of integer greater than 6000 may be 4 digit or 5 digit C-1 when number is of 4 digit C-2 when number is of 5 digit = 5! = 120 total = 120 + 72 = 192 digit Hindi. 6000 ls cM+s iw.kkZadks dh la[;k 4 vad ;k 5 vad gksxh C-1 tc la[;k esa 4 vad gks C-2 tc la[;k esa 5 vad gks = 5! = 120 dqy = 120 + 72 = 192 vad Page || 38 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 67. CODE-A MATHS | DATE: 04-04-2015 The sum of coefficients of integral powers of x in the binomial expansion of (1 2 x )50 is : (1) 1 50 (3 + 1) 2 (2) 1 50 (3 ) 2 1 50 (3 1) 2 (3) (4) 1 50 (2 + 1) 2 (4) 1 50 (2 + 1) 2 (1 2 x )50 ds f}in izlkj esa x dh iw.kkZadh; ?kkrks ds xq.kkadksa dk ;ksx gS : (1) 1 50 (3 + 1) 2 Ans. (1) Sol. 1 2 x 1 2 x 50 (2) = C0 1 50 (3 1) 2 (3) + . . . . . + C 2 x + C 2 x + C 2 x + . . . . . + C 2 x = C0 C1 2 x + C2 2 x 50 1 50 (3 ) 2 2 50 50 2 1 50 2 50 Put x = 1 j[kus ij 68. 1 350 = C0 + C2(2)2 + . . 2 If m is the A. M. of two distinct real numbers l and n(l, n > 1) and G1, G2 and G3 are three geometric means between l and n, then G14 + 2 G 42 + G34 equals : (1) 4 l2 mm (2) 4 lm2 n (3) 4 lmn2 (4) 4 l2m2n2 ;fn nks fofHkUu okLrfod la[;kvksa l rFkk n(l, n > 1) dk lekarj ek/; (A.M.)m gS vkSj l rFkk n ds chp rhu xq.kks kj ek/; Ans. (G.M.) G1, G2 rFkk G3 gSa] rks G14 + 2 G42 + G43 cjkcj gS : (1) 4 l2 mm (2) 4 lm2 n (2) Sol. M= (3) 4 lmn2 (4) 4 l2m2n2 n 2 , G1 , G2 , G3 , n are in G.P. xq.kks kj esa 1 n 4 r= 1 1 3 n 4 G1 = n 2 G2 = n 4 G3 = G14 + 2G24 + G34 n n2 n3 + 2 4 2 + 4 3 = 3n + 2 2n2 + n3 = n ( 2 + 2n + n2) = n ( + n)2 = 4m2n = 4 Page || 39 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 69. 1 2 13 + 1 3 1 (1) 71 3 Sol. | DATE: 04-04-2015 13 2 3 13 2 3 3 3 13 The sum of first 9 terms of the series + + + ......... is : 1 3 1 3 5 1 (1) 71 (2) 96 (3) 142 3 Ans. CODE-A 3 + 3 MATHS (4) 192 3 1 2 3 + ......... ds izFke 9 inksa dk ;ksx gS : 1 3 5 (2) 96 (3) 142 (4) 192 (2) n2 (n 1)2 4 Tn = n2 Tn = 1 (n + 1)2 4 Tn = 1 2 [n + 2n + 1] 4 n Sn = T Sn = 1 n(n 1) ( 2n 1) n(n 1) n 6 4 n n 1 n=9 1 9 10 19 9 10 9 1 384 [285 + 90 + 9] = = 96. = 6 4 4 4 S9 = 70. lim x 0 (1 cos 2x )(3 cos x ) is equal to x tan 4x (1) 4 lim x 0 (2) 3 (1 cos 2x )(3 cos x ) x tan 4x (1) 4 Ans. (3) Sol. lim x 0 x tan 4x (4) 1 2 (3) 2 (4) 1 2 cjkcj gS& (2) 3 1 cos2x 3 cos x (3) 2 = lim x 0 2 sin2 x (3 cos x ) cos 4x =2 sin 4 x 4 x2 4x Page || 40 CODE-A JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 71. | DATE: 04-04-2015 MATHS k x 1 , 0 x 3 If the function g(x) = is differentiable, then the value of k+ m is; mx 2 , 3 x 5 (1) 2 (2) 16 5 (3) 10 3 (4) 4 k x 1 , 0 x 3 vodyuh; gS] rks k+ m dk eku gS % mx 2 , 3 x 5 ;fn Qyu g(x) = (1) 2 (2) Ans. (1) Sol. k x 1 0 x 3 g(x) mx 2 3 x 5 16 5 (3) 10 3 x 1 4 k x 1 2k lim k L(g (3)) = xlim 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 1 2 mx 2 2k x 3 x 3 Since this limit exists 3m + 2 2k = 0 So R(g (3)) = m by L-Hospital rule Since g(x) is differentiable k = 4m Solving (i) & (ii) (4) 4 = k 4 R(g (3)) = lim m= 2 8 ,k= 5 5 2k = 3m + 2 ...(i) ...(ii) k+m=2 ...(ii) k x 1 0 x 3 Hindi. g(x) mx 2 3 x 5 x 1 4 k x 1 2k lim k L(g (3)) = xlim 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 1 2 R(g (3)) = lim x 3 mx 2 2k x 3 pwafd bldh lhek fo|eku gksus ds fy, 3m + 2 2k = 0 blfy, gkWLihVy fu;e ls R(g (3)) = m pwafd g(x), k = 4m vodyuh; gSA ...(ii) (i) vkSj (ii) dks gy djus ij m= 2 8 ,k= 5 5 = k 4 k+m=2 2k = 3m + 2 ...(i) ...(ii) Page || 41 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 72. Ans. Sol. 2 CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 MATHS 2 The normal to the curve, x + 2xy 3y = 0, at (1, 1) (1) does not meet the curve again (2) meets the curve again in the second quadrant (3) meets the curve again in the third quadrant. (4) meets the curve again in the fourth quadrant. o x2 + 2xy 3y2 = 0 ds fcUnq (1, 1) ij vfHkyEc (1) o dks nksckjk ugha feyrkA (2) o dks nksckjk f}rh; prqFkk 'k esa feyrk gSA (3) o dks nksckjk r`rh; prqFkk 'k esa feyrk gSA (4) o dks nksckjk prqFkZ prqFkk 'k esa feyrk gSA (4) x2 + 2xy 3y2 = 0 2x + 2xy' + 2y 6yy' = 0 y' = x y 3y x dy =1 dx Equation of normal at (1, 1) is y 1 = (x 1) x+y=2 Solving with curve x2 + 2x ( 2 x) 3(2 x)2 = 0 x = 1, 3 P(1, 1) and Q(3, 1) So normal meets curve again at (3, 1) in fourth quadrant. Aliter x2 + 2xy 3y2 = 0 (x y) (x + 3y) = 0 x y = 0 or x + 3y = 0 Equation of normal at (1, 1) is x + y 2 = 0 Intersection with x + 3y = 0 is (3, 1) Hindi. x2 + 2xy 3y2 = 0 2x + 2xy' + 2y 6yy' = 0 At x = 1, y = 1 we have y' = x y 3y x x = 1, y = 1 ij dy =1 dx (1, 1) ij vfHkyEc dh lehdj.k y 1 = (x 1) gSA x+y=2 o ds lkFk gy djus ij x2 + 2x ( 2 x) 3(2 x)2 = 0 x = 1, 3 P(1, 1) vkSj Q(3, 1) blfy, vfHkyEc o dks iqu% (3, 1) prqFkZ prqFkkZa'k ij feyrk gSA oSdfYid gy x2 + 2xy 3y2 = 0 (x y) (x + 3y) = 0 x y = 0 or x + 3y = 0 (1, 1) ij vfHkyEc dk lehdj.k x + y 2 = 0 x + 3y = 0 ds lkFk izfrPNsn fcUnq (3, 1) Page || 42 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 73. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 MATHS f (x) Let f(x) be a polynomial of degree four having extreme values at x = 1 and x =2. If lim 1 2 =3, then f(2) is x 0 x equal to : (1) 8 (2) 4 (3) 0 (4) 4 ekuk f(x) ?kkr 4 dk ,d cgqin gS ftlds x = 1 rFkk x =2 ij pje eku gSA ;fn lim 1 f ( x2 ) =3 gS] rks f(2) cjkcj gS& x 0 x Ans. Sol. (1) 8 (2) 4 (3) f'(x) = 0 at x = 1 and x = 2 f '(1) = 0 ; f'(2) = 0 lim x 0 f (x) x2 (3) 0 (4) 4 =2 f(x) = ax4 + bx3 + 2x2 f'(x) = 4ax3 + 3bx2 + 4x f'(1) = 4a + 3b + 4 = 0 f'(2) = 32a + 12b + 8 = 0 8a + 3b + 2 = 0 4a + 3b + 4 = 0 4a = 2 a = 1 ;b= 2 2 x4 2x3 + 2x2 2 f(2) = 8 16 + 8 = 0 Hindi. f'(x) = 0, x = 1 vkSj x = 2 ij f '(1) = 0 ; f'(2) = 0 f(x) = lim x 0 f (x) =2 x2 f(x) = ax4 + bx3 + 2x2 f'(x) = 4ax3 + 3bx2 + 4x f'(1) = 4a + 3b + 4 = 0 f'(2) = 32a + 12b + 8 = 0 8a + 3b + 2 = 0 4a + 3b + 4 = 0 4a = 2 a = f(x) = 1 ;b= 2 2 x4 2x3 + 2x2 2 f(2) = 8 16 + 8 = 0 Page || 43 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 74. x x The integral 2 dx 4 1 3/4 CODE-A equals 1/ 4 x 4 1 (1) 4 x 1/ 4 4 +c x x lekdy 2 1/4 (2) (x + 1) +c 4 1/4 4 1/4 (3) (x + 1) +c x 4 1 (4) 4 x +c x 4 1 (4) 4 x Ans. Sol. x (x 2 +c dx 4 1 3/4 cjkcj gS& 1/ 4 x 4 1 (1) 4 x (4) MATHS | DATE: 04-04-2015 1/ 4 4 +c 1/4 (2) (x + 1) +c (3) (x + 1) +c dx 1)3 / 4 4 dx 1 x 3 1 4 x 3/ 4 1+ 1 = t4 x4 4 1 dx = 4t3 dt x5 dx = t3 dt x3 1/ 4 1 t 3 dt = t + C = 1 4 3 x t 4 75. The integral log x log x 2 2 2 (1) 2 lekdy log x 2 2 log(36 12x x 2 ) (2) 4 I= log x 2 log x 2 2 log x 2 12 x 36 dx is equal to (3) 1 log x 2 (1) 2 (3) 4 Sol. log(36 12x x 2 ) (2) 4 4 Ans. +C dx (4) 6 cjkcj gS& (3) 1 (4) 6 dx 4 2 log x I = 2 log x log 6 x dx ...(i) 2 Page || 44 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 4 I= log 6 x log 6 x log x CODE-A b b f(x)dx f a b x dx a a dx 2 | DATE: 04-04-2015 MATHS ...(ii) Equation (i) & (ii) gives 4 2I = 2 4 log x log 6 x dx dx = 2 log x log 6 x 2 Hence I = 1 4 Hindi. I = log x 2 log x 2 2 log x 2 12 x 36 dx 4 2 log x I = 2 log x log 6 x dx ...(i) 2 4 I= log 6 x log 6 x log x b b f(x)dx f a b x dx a a dx 2 ...(ii) lehdj.k (i) vkSj (ii) ls 4 2I = 2 4 log x log 6 x dx dx = 2 log x log 6 x 2 vr% I = 1 76. The area (in sq. units) of the region described by {(x, y); y2 2x and y 4x 1} is (1) 7 32 (2) 5 64 (3) 15 64 (4) 9 32 {(x, y); y2 2x rFkk y 4x 1} }kjk ifjHkkf"kr {ks=k dk {ks=kQy (oxZ bdkbZ;ksa) esa gS& (1) Ans. 7 32 (2) 5 64 (3) 15 64 (4) 9 32 (4) 2 Sol. y 1 y2 dy 4 2 1/ 2 1 1 y 2 1 y {y 3 }1 1/ 2 4 2 6 1/ 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 8 2 6 8 1 3 3 1 9 4 2 8 6 8 15 6 9 32 32 32 Page || 45 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 77. CODE-A Let y(x) be the solution of the differential equal (x log x) (1) e (2) 0 (3) 2 | DATE: 04-04-2015 MATHS dy + y = 2x log x, (x 1). Then y(e) is equal to dx (4) 2e dy ekuk vody lehdj.k (x log x) dx + y = 2x log x, (x 1) dk gy y(x) gS] rks y(e) cjkcj gS& Ans. Sol. (1) e (3) (2) 0 dy y =2 dx x log x (3) 2 (4) 2e at x = 1 ; y = 0 1 I.F. = dx = elog(logx) = logx e x log x y(logx) = 2(log x)dx y(logx) = 2[xlogx x] + c at x = 1, c = 2 x=e y = 2(e e) + 2 y=2 Hindi. dy y =2 dx x log x x = 1 ; y = 0 ij 1 I.F. = dx = elog(logx) = logx e x log x y(logx) = 2(log x)dx y(logx) = 2[xlogx x] + c x = 1, c = 2 ij x=e y = 2(e e) + 2 y=2 78. The number of points, having both co-ordinates as integers, that lie in the interior of the triangle with vertices (0, 0), (0, 41) and (41, 0) is (1) 901 (2) 861 (3) 820 (4) 780 f=kHkqt] ftlds 'kh"kZ (0, 0), (0, 41) rFkk (41, 0) gSa] ds vkarfjd Hkkx esa fLFkr mu fcUnqvksa dh la[;k ftuds nksuksa funsZ'kkad iw.kk d gS] gS& Ans. (1) 901 (4) (2) 861 (3) 820 (4) 780 Sol. Page || 46 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 1 + 2 + . . . . . 39 = 39 (39 + 1) = 780 2 1 + 2 + . . . . . 39 = 39 (39 + 1) = 780 2 CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 MATHS Hindi. 79. Locus of the image of the point (2, 3) in the line (2x 3y + 4) + k (x 2y + 3) = 0, k R, is a (1) straight line parallel to x-axis (2) straight line parallel to y-axis (3) circle of radius 2 (4) circle of radius 3 fcUnq (2, 3) ds js[kk (2x 3y + 4) + k (x 2y + 3) = 0, k R esa frfcEc dk fcUnqiFk ,d & (1) x-v{k ds lekUrj js[kk gSA (2) y-v{k ds lekUrj js[kk gSA Ans. Sol. (3) 2 f=kT;k dk o` k gSA (3) Line passing through (1, 2) AP = AQ ( 1)2 + ( 2)2 = (2 1)2 + (3 2)2 2 + 2 2 4 + 3 = 0 x2 + y2 2x 4y + 3 = 0 r= 1 4 3 = r= 1 4 3 = (4) 3 f=kT;k dk o` k gSA 2 Hindi. (1, 2) ls js[kk xqqtjrh gSA AP = AQ ( 1)2 + ( 2)2 = (2 1)2 + (3 2)2 2 + 2 2 4 + 3 = 0 x2 + y2 2x 4y + 3 = 0 2 80. The number of common tangents to the circles x2 + y2 4x 6y 12 = 0 and x2 + y2 + 6x + 18y + 26 = 0, is (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 o` kksa x2 + y2 4x 6y 12 = 0 rFkk x2 + y2 + 6x + 18y + 26 = 0 dh mHk;fu"B Li'kZ js[kkvksa dh la[;k gS& (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 Ans. Sol. (3) C1(2, 3) r1 = 5 C2 ( 3, 9) r2 = 8 C1C2 = 25 144 = 13 C1C2 = r1 + r2 externally touch 3 common tangents Page || 47 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 MATHS Hindi. C1(2, 3) r1 = 5 C2 ( 3, 9) r2 = 8 C1C2 = 25 144 = 13 C1C2 = r1 + r2 ck ; Li'kZ 3 mHk;fu"B Li'kZ js[kk,a 81. The area (in sq.units) of the quadrilateral formed by the tangents at the end points of the latera recta to the ellipse (1) 27 4 nh?kZo` k (1) Ans. Sol. x2 y 2 1 , is 9 5 (2) 18 x2 y 2 1 ds 9 5 (3) 27 2 (4) 27 ukfHkyEcksa ds fljksa ij [khaph xbZ Li'kZ js[kkvksa }kjk fufeZr prqHkqZt dk {ks=kQy oxZ bdkbZ;ksa esa gS& 27 4 (2) 18 (3) 27 2 (4) 27 (4) x2 y2 1 9 5 a = 3, b = 5 b2 5 , a 3 e 1 b2 ae, a 5 2, 3 5 2 9 3 1 9 Area {ks=kQy = 4 3 = 27 2 2 82. Ans. Sol. Let O be the vertex and Q be any point on the parabola, x2 = 8y. If the point P divides the line segment OQ internally in the ratio 1 : 3, then the locus of P is (1) x2 = y (2) y2 = x (3) y2 = 2x (4) x2 = 2y ekuk ijoy; x2 = 8y dk 'kh"kZ O rFkk ml ij dksbZ fcUnq Q gSA ;fn fcUnq P, js[kk[k.M OQ dks 1 : 3 ds vkUrfjd vuqikr esa ckaVrk gS] rks P dk fcUnqiFk gS& (1) x2 = y (2) y2 = x (3) y2 = 2x (4) x2 = 2y (4) 4t 2t 2 P = 4 , 4 h=t k= t2 2 k= h2 2y = x2. 2 Page || 48 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 83. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 The distance of the point (1,0,2) from the point of intersection of the line MATHS x 2 y 1 z 2 = = and the plane 3 4 12 x y + z = 16, is (1) 2 14 js[kk Ans. Sol. (2) 8 x 2 y 1 z 2 = = 3 4 12 (3) 3 21 (4) 13 rFkk lery x y + z = 16 ds izfrPNsn fcUnq dh] fcUnq (1, 0, 2) ls nwjh gS& (1) 2 14 (4) Point of intersection (3 + 2, 4 1, 12 + 2) 3 + 2 4 + 1 + 12 + 2 = 16 11 = 11 = 1 (5, 3, 14) (2) 8 (3) 3 21 (4) 13 Distance = 16 9 144 169 13 Hindi. izfrPNsn fcUnq (3 + 2, 4 1, 12 + 2) 3 + 2 4 + 1 + 12 + 2 = 16 11 = 11 = 1 (5, 3, 14) nqjh = 16 9 144 169 13 84. The equation of the plane containing the line 2x 5y + z = 3, x + y + 4z = 5 and parallel to the plane x + 3y + 6z = 1, is (1) 2x + 6y + 12z = 13 (2) x + 3y + 6z = 7 (3) x + 3y + 6z = 7 (4) 2x + 6y + 12z = 13 js[kk 2x 5y + z = 3, x + y + 4z = 5 dks varfoZ"V djus okys lery] tks lery x + 3y + 6z = 1 ds lekUrj gS] dk lehdj.k gS& Ans. Sol. (1) 2x + 6y + 12z = 13 (2) x + 3y + 6z = 7 (3) Equation of real plane 2x 5y + z 3 + (x + y + 4z 5) = 0 x(2 + ) + y( 5) + z(4 + 1) 3 5 = 0 (4) 2x + 6y + 12z = 13 2 5 4 1 55 3 1 3 6 2 3 + 6 = 5 2 = 11 = (3) x + 3y + 6z = 7 11 2 7x 21y 49 21z 0 2 2 2 x + 3y + 6z 7 = 0 equation of plane 7x + 21y + 42z 49 = 0 Hindi. okLrfod lery dk lehdj.k 2x 5y + z 3 + (x + y + 4z 5) = 0 x(2 + ) + y( 5) + z(4 + 1) 3 5 = 0 2 5 4 1 55 3 1 3 6 2 Page || 49 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | CODE-A MATHS | DATE: 04-04-2015 3 + 6 = 5 2 = 11 = 85. 11 2 lery dk lehdj.k x + 3y + 6z 7 = 0 7x 21y 49 21z 0 2 2 2 7x + 21y + 42z 49 = 0 1 Let a, b and c be three non-zero vectors such that no two of them are collinear and (a b) c | b || c | a . 3 If is the angle between vectors b and c , then a value of sin is (1) 2 2 3 (2) 2 3 (3) 2 3 (4) 2 3 3 ekuk a, b rFkk c rhu 'kwU;srj ,sls lfn'k gS fd muesa ls dksbZ nks lajs[k ugha gS rFkk (a b) c 1 | b || c | a gSA ;fn lfn'kksa 3 b vkSj c ds chp dk dks.k gS] rks sin dk ,d eku gS& (1) Ans. Sol. 2 2 3 (2) 2 3 (3) 2 3 (4) 2 3 3 (1) a b c 31 | b || c | a c a b 1 c.b a c.a b | b || c | a 3 1 | b || c | c.b a c.a b 3 Since a & b are not collinear 1 c.b |b| |c| = 0 & c .a = 0 3 cos + 1 =0 3 1 3 Aliter : a b c cos = 8 2 2 = 3 3 sin = 1 = a.c b b.c a | b || c | a 3 a .c b 1 | b || c | b.c a 3 Page || 50 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 MATHS a.c = 0 1 & | b || c | b.c = 0 3 1 | b || c | | b || c | cos = 0 3 1 3 cos = sin = Hindi. 1 1 2 2 9 3 a b c 31 | b || c | a c a b 1 c.b a c.a b | b || c | a 3 1 | b || c | c.b a c.a b 3 vr% a vkSj b lajs[kh; ugha gSA 1 c.b |b| |c| = 0 & c .a = 0 3 cos + 1 =0 3 1 3 cos = 8 2 2 = 3 3 sin = a b c 1 = a.c b b.c a | b || c | a 3 oSdfYid : a .c b 1 | b || c | b.c a 3 a.c = 0 1 & | b || c | b.c = 0 3 1 | b || c | | b || c | cos = 0 3 cos = sin = 1 3 1 1 2 2 9 3 Page || 51 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 86. CODE-A MATHS | DATE: 04-04-2015 If 12 identical balls are to be placed in 3 identical boxes, then the probability that one of the boxes contains exactly 3 balls is 11 (1) 10 55 2 3 3 12 2 (2) 55 3 1 (3) 220 3 11 1 (4) 22 3 ;fn 12 ,d tSlh xasnsa] 3 ,d tSls cDlksa esa j[kh tkrh gS] rks buesa ls ,d cDls esa Bhd 3 xasnsa gksus dh izkf;drk gS& 11 10 55 2 (1) 3 3 Ans. Sol. 12 2 (2) 55 3 1 (3) 220 3 11 1 (4) 22 3 (1) There seems to be ambiguity in the question. It should be mentained that boxs are different and one particular box has 3 balls : then 12 number of ways = C 3 29 312 11 55 2 = 3 3 Alter 3 C1 12C3 (9C0 + 9C1 + 9C2 + 9C4 + 9C5 + 9C5 + 9C7 + 9C8 + 9C9) 12 3 + 3 3 6 3 = 3C1 12C3 (29 29C3) + 12 3 2 6 3 12 C1 C3 (29 2.9 C3 ) correct answer should have been 12 3 2 6 12 3 Hindi. iz'u esa dqN lafnX/krk gSA ;g ;gk lanwds fofHkUu vkSj ,d fo'ks"k lanwd esa rhu xsans j[kh gksuh pkfg, rc ep; 12 ep;ksa dh la[;k = C 3 29 312 11 = 55 2 3 3 oSdfYid 3 C1 12C3 (9C0 + 9C1 + 9C2 + 9C4 + 9C5 + 9C5 + 9C7 + 9C8 + 9C9) 12 3 + 3 3 6 3 = 3C1 12C3 (29 29C3) + 3 12 3 2 6 12 C1 C3 (29 2.9 C3 ) lgh m kj 12 3 2 6 gksuk pkfg,A 12 3 Page || 52 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | 87. CODE-A MATHS | DATE: 04-04-2015 The mean of the data set comprising of 16 observations is 16. If one of the observation valued 16 is deleted and three new observations valued 3, 4 and 5 are added to the data, then the mean of the resultant data, is (1) 16.8 (2) 16.0 (3) 15.8 (4) 14.0 16 izs{k.kksa okys vkadMksa dk ek/; 16 gSA ;fn ,d izs{k.k ftldk eku 16 gS] dks gVk dj] 3 u;s izs{k.k ftuds eku 3, 4 vkSj 5 gS] vkadMksa esa feyk fn;s tkrs gS] rks u;s vkadMksa dk ek/; gS& Ans. (1) 16.8 (4) (2) 16.0 (3) 15.8 (4) 14.0 x1 x 2 ........x16 = 16 16 If ;fn x1 = 16 x1 x 2 ........x10 16 3 4 5 18 = 88. 16 10 16 12 240 12 252 = = = 14 18 18 18 If the angles of elevation of the top of a tower from three collinear points A, B and C, on a line leading to the foot of the tower, are 30 , 45 and 60 respectively, then the ratio, AB : BC , is (1) (2) 3 :1 3: 2 (3) 1 : 3 (4) 2 : 3 rhu lajs[k fcUnqvksa A, B vkSj C, ,d ,slh js[kk ij fLFkr gS tks ,d ehukj ds ikn dh fn'kk esa ys tkrh gS] ls ,d ehukj ds f'k[kj ds mUu;u dks.k e'k% 30 , 45 rFkk 60 gS] rks AB : BC dk vuqikr gS& Ans. (1) (1) Sol. tan30 = (2) 3 :1 h AD 3: 2 (3) 1 : 3 (4) 2 : 3 AD = h 3 h BD = h ; CD = 3 AB AD BD BC BD CD 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 = 1 1 3 89. 1 2x Let tan 1y = tan 1x + tan 1 . Then a value of y is 2 , where |x| < 3 1 x (1) 3x x 3 1 3x (2) 2 3x x 3 1 3x 2 1 2x 2 , tgk |x| < 3 1 x ekuk tan 1y = tan 1x + tan 1 (1) 3x x 3 1 3x 2 (2) 3x x 3 1 3x 2 (3) 3x x 3 1 3x 2 (4) 3x x 3 1 3x 2 gS] rks y dk ,d eku gS& (3) 3x x 3 1 3x 2 (4) 3x x 3 1 3x 2 Page || 53 JEE (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2015 | Ans. Sol. CODE-A | DATE: 04-04-2015 MATHS (1) 1 <x< 1 3 x = tan 3 < < 6 6 tan 1y = + tan 1 tan 2 = + 2 = 3 y = tan 3 = y= 90. Ans. Sol. 3 tan tan3 1 3 tan 2 3x x3 . 1 3x2 The negation of ~ s v (~ r s ) is equivalent to (1) s ~ r (2) s (r ~ s) (3) s (r ~ s) ~ s v (~ r s ) dk fu"ks/k lerqY; gS& (1) s ~ r (2) s (r ~ s) (3) s (r ~ s) (4) ~ s (~ r s) = (~ s ~ r) (~ s s) = ~ (s r) t = ~ (s r) So negation is s r.. blfy, udkjkRed gSA s r.. (4) s r (4) s r Page || 54 Read the following instructions carefully fuEufyf[kr funsZ'k /;ku ls i<+s : 1. The candidates should fill in the required particulars on the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet (Side-1) with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen. 1. ijh{kkFkhZ dks ijh{kk iqfLrdk vkSj m kj i=k (i`"B-1) ij okafNr fooj.k uhys @dkys ckWy Iokba V is u ls gh Hkjuk gSA 2. For writing/marking particulars on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet, use Blue/Black Ball point Pen only. 2. m kj i=k ds i`"B-2 ij fooj.k fy[kus@vafdr djus ds fy, dsoy uhys @dkys ckWy IokbaV isu dk ;ksx djsaA 3. The candidates should not write their Roll Numbers anywhere else (except in the specified space) on the Test Booklet/ Answer Sheet. 3. ijh{kk iqfLrdk@m kj i=k ij fu/kkZfjr LFkku ds vykok ijh{kkFkhZ viuk vuq ekad vU; dgha ugha fy[ksaA 4. Out of the four options given for each question, only one option is the correct answer. 4. R;sd 'u ds fy;s fn;s x;s pkj fodYiksa esa ls dsoy ,d fodYi lgh gSA 5. For each incorrect response, one fourth ( ) of the total marks allotted to the question would be deducted should be deducted from the total score. No deduction from the total score, however, will be made if no response is indicated for an item in the Answer Sheet. 5. R;sd xyr m kj ds fy, ml 'u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr dqy vadksa esa ls ,d pkS FkkbZ ( ) vad dqy ;ksx esa ls dkV fy, tk,saxsA ;fn m kj i=k esa fdlh 'u dk dksbZ m kj ugha fn;k x;k gS ] rks dqy ;ksx esa ls dksbZ vad ugha dkVs tk,axsA 6. Handle the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet with care, as under 6. ijh{kk iqfLrdk ,oa m kj i=k dk /;kuiwoZd ;ksx djsa D;ksafd fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr esa (dsoy ijh{kk iqfLrdk ,oa m kj i=k ds ladsr esa fHkUurk dh fLFkfr dks NksM+dj), nwljh ijh{kk iqfLrdk miyC/k ugha djk;h tk,xhA no circumstances (except for discrepancy in Test Booklet Code and Answer Sheet Code), another set will be provided. 7. The candidates are not allowed to do any rough work or writing work on the Answer Sheet. All calculations/writing work are to be done in the space provided for this purpose in the Test Booklet itself, marked Space for Rough Work. This space is given at the bottom of each page and in one at the end of the booklet. 7. m kj i=k ij dksbZ Hkh jQ dk;Z ;k fy[kkbZ dk dke djus dh vuqefr ugha gSA lHkh x.kuk ,oa fy[kkbZ dk dke] ijh{kk iqfLrdk esa fu/kkZfjr txg tks fd *jQ dk;Z ds fy, txg* }kjk ukekafdr gS] ij gh fd;k tk,xkA ;g txg R;sd i`"B ij uhps dh vksj vkSj iqfLrdk ds vUr esa ,d i`"B ij nh xbZ gSA 8. On completion of the test, the candidates must hand over the Answer Sheet to the Invigilator on duty in the Room/Hall. However, the candidates are allowed to take away this Test Booklet with them. 8. ijh{kk lEiUu gksus ij] ijh{kkFkhZ d{k@gkWy NksM+us ls iwoZ m kj i=k d{k fujh{kd dks vo'; lkSai nsaA ijh{kkFkhZ vius lkFk bl ijh{kk iq fLrdk dks ys tk ldrs gS A 9. Each candidate must show on demand his/her Admit Card to the Invigilator. 9. ekaxs tkus ij R;sd ijh{kkFkhZ fujh{kd dks viuk os'k dkMZ fn[kk, A 10. No candidate, without special permission of the Superintendent or Invigilator, should leave his/her seat. 10. v/kh{kd ;k fujh{kd dh fo'ks"k vuqefr ds fcuk dksbZ ijh{kkFkhZ viuk LFkku u NksM+sA 11. The candidates should not leave the Examination Hall without handing over their Answer Sheet to the Invigilator on duty and sign the Attendance Sheet second time will be deemed not to have handed over the Answer Sheet and dealt with as an unfair means case. The candidates are also required to put their left hand THUM B impression in the space provided in the Attendance Sheet. 11. dk;Zjr fujh{kd dks viuk m kj i=k fn, fcuk ,oa mifLFkfr i=k ij nqckjk gLrk{kj fd, fcuk dksbZ ijh{kkFkhZ ijh{kk gkWy ugha NksMxsa+ sA ;fn fdlh ijh{kkFkhZ us nwljh ckj mifLFkfr i=k ij gLrk{kj ugha fd, rks ;g ekuk tk,xk fd mlus m kj i=k ugha ykSVk;k gS ftls vuqfpr lk/ku ;ksx esa ekuk tk,xkA ijh{kkFkhZ vius cka;s gkFk ds vaxwBs dk fu'kku mifLFkfr i=k esa fn, x, LFkku ij vo'; yxk, A 12. Use of Electronic/Manual Calculator and any Electronic device like mobile phone, pager etc. is prohibited. 12. bysDV kWfud@gLrpkfyr ifjdyd ,oa eksckby Qksu] istj bR;kfn tSls fdlh bysDV kWfud midj.k dk ;ksx oftZr gSA 13. The candidates are governed by all Rules and Regulations of the JAB/Board with regard to their conduct in the Examination Hall. All cases of unfair means will be dealt with as per Rules and Regulations of the JAB/Board. 13. ijh{kk gkWy esa vkpj.k ds fy, ijh{kkFkhZ t-,-c-@cksMZ ds lHkh fu;eksa ,oa fofu;eksa }kjk fu;fer gksaxsA vuqfpr lk/ku iz;ksx ds lHkh ekeyksa dk QSlyk t-,-c-@cksMZ ds fu;eksa ,oa fofue;ksa ds vuqlkj gksxkA 14. 14. No part of the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet shall be detached under any circumstances. fdlh Hkh fLFkfr esa ijh{kk iqfLrdk rFkk m kj i=k dk dksbZ Hkh Hkkx vyx ugha fd;k tk,xkA 15. ijh{kkFkhZ }kjk ijh{kk d{k gkWy@esa os'k dkMZ ds vykok fdlh Hkh dkj dh ikB~; lkexzh] eqfnzr ;k gLrfyf[kr] dkxt dh ifpZ;k ] istj] eksckby Qksu ;k fdlh Hkh dkj ds bysDV kWfud midj.kksa ;k fdlh vU; dkj dh lkexzh dks ys tkus ;k mi;ksx djus dh vuqefr ugha gSA 15. Candidates are not allowed to carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers, pager, mobile phone, electronic device or any other material except the Admit Card inside the examination room/hall.

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