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ICSE Class X Mid-term 2021 : Physical Education

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Dhanush MP
Santhome Public School, Mandya
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SANTHOME PUBLIC SCHOOL, MANDYA Affiliated to ICSE, New Delhi Half Yearly Examination 2020- 21 Class: 10 Name: Physical Education Marks: 100 Time: 2 Hrs General Instructions: Write the necessary details such as Name, Class and Section and Subject clearly on the answer sheet. Read the question well and write the answer on a neat ruled paper. Write the answers in a legible handwriting. Complete and submit the examination paper on time. Sincerity is expected from the students, please avoid copying or malpractices during the time of examination. Section A (Attempt all questions from this section) Question 1 1) Define adolescene period? 2) Define growth. 3) Differentiate between growth and development [any 3]` 4) Write the factors that influence human growth and development. Explain gender. [2] [2] [3] [3] Question 2 1) Define physical education. 2) List down the physical development objectives of physical education. 3) Write a short note on social development. 4) Enlist the importance of sports training [any 10] [2] [2] [3] [3] Question 3 1) Define sports training. 2) Explain mesomorph body type. 3) Differentiate between ectomorph and endomorph [any 3] 4) Write the full form of i) ACL ii) BMR iii) AVPU Question 4 1) Define strain. 2) Write any two objectives of sports training. 3) What is low back pain? Write down its causes and symptoms. 4) Define fracture? Write any 4 types of fracture. SPS010010 1|P a g e [2] [2] [3] [3] [2] [2] [3] [3] P.T.O Question 5 1) Define shin splint. 2) What do you mean by warming up? 3) What are the benefits of cooling down? 4) List any 3 preventive steps to avoid accident related to sporting activities. [2] [2] [3] [3] Section-B [50 Marks] Cricket (Attempt all the questions from this section) Question 6 a) Explain the following terms. [8] i) A dot ball ii) Yorker iii) Ball tampering iv) An appeal b) i) Under what circumstances a ball is said to be lost? How many runs are added to the score of the striker? ii) When is a striker out hit wicket? iii) Mention three situations when a team s innings is said to be complete? [9] c) Draw a diagram of a cricket pitch and mark the following. i) Length of the pitch ii) Popping crease iii) Bowling crease iv) Return crease [4] d) What are the hand signals for the following i) Free hit ii) Short run iii) No ball iv) Cancel ball [4] Question 7 a) Explain the terms i) A china man ii) A sight screen iii) A googly iv) Declaration [8] b) Write the following i) Weight and circumference of the cricket ball ii) Length and widest part of a cricket ball 2|P a g e [8] iii) Height and breadth of cricket stumps iv) Distance between strumps and distance of inner circle from the wickets c) i) Identify the colour of the cricket ball used in test and one day matches? What is reason behind using coloured balls? ii) State any three conditions due to which pitch may be changed. iii) State any three situations where a batsman can be declared out even when a no ball has been bowled. [9] *********** BEST OF LUCK******************* 3|P a g e

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