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ICSE Prelims 2018 : Geography (St. Michael's School (SMS), Siliguri, Jalpaiguri)

8 pages, 110 questions, 69 questions with responses, 80 total responses,    2    0
Deepmani Chhetri
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ST. MICHAEL S SCHOOL EXAMINATION: PRE BOARD 2017-2018 FULL MARKS: 80 SUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY CLASS: X TIME: 2 HOURS Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. The time is to be spent on reading the question paper. The time given at the head of the Paper is the time allotted for writing the answers. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Attempt seven questions in all. Part I is compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be attempted. A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ] To be supplied with this paper: Survey of India Map Sheet No. 45D/10 and a twine of 20 cms. Note: (i) In all map work, by a wise use of arrows to indicate positions of countries, cities and other insertions that you make, you will be able to avoid overcrowding parts of the map. (ii) The extract of the Survey of India Map Sheet No. 45D/10 must not be taken out of the examination hall. It must be handed over to the Supervising Examiner on the completion of the paper. (iii) The Map of India provided along with the question paper must be fastened with your answer booklet. (iv) All sub- sections of each question must be answered in the correct order. (v) All working including rough work should be done on the same answer sheet as the rest of the answer. PART- I Question: 1 Study the map extract of the survey of India sheet no 45D/10, and answer the following questions. [Easting-16-26, Northing-09 -19] a) Identify the feature shown by the given six figure grid reference and name them.[2] i) 241138 ii) 193163 b) What is the nature of the rivers shown on the map extract? What does it suggest about the amount of rainfall experienced? [2] c) i) Why foot path is the only mode of transport in the north eastern part of the map? [1] 1out of 6pages ii) Measure the length in kms and metres of the metalled road that can be seen in the North western part of the map. Show your working. [2] d) I) Name two artificial feature seen in grid square 1610 [1] ii) Name the black line that runs from east to west between northing 09 and 10. [1] e) What is the difference in height between the areas shown in grid square 2118 and 2513? Is intervisibility possible between these places? Give reason. [2] f) Calculate the area enclosed within Easting 17 to 23 and Northing 10 to 17 in square kms. [2] g) State the compass direction of Ramkund Pahar and Jai vilas palace from Hetamji.[1] h) What is the difference in drainage pattern in grid 2510 and 2315? [1] i) State the general relief of the map. [1] j) What does the white colour used in the map indicate? What can be the reason to leave these area uncultivated? [1] k) State the land use pattern of the mapped area. [1] l) Name the quickest means of communication available for the residents of Abu settlement [1] m) What does 6r in grid 2216 indicate? Question: 2 On the outline map of India provided. [1] [1X10] a) Mark with a dot and label one important oil field of north east India. b) Mark and label the Karakoram pass. c) Shade and label the state with the lowest population. d) Mark and label the capital city of Telengana. e) Shade and label one area with alluvial soil in peninsular India. f) Mark and label the Western Ghats. g) Mark with an arrow the direction of temperate cyclones and label it. h) Trace out the course of river Mahanadi and label it. i) Mark and label the konkan coast. j) Mark and label one iron ore field. PART -II ANSWER ANY FIVE QUESTIONS FROM THE FOLLOWING Question 3 a) Name the season with the longest duration experienced in India. Discuss this season based on the pressure and Prevailing wind. [2] 2out of 6pages b) State two features of retreating monsoon. [2] c) Name a region in India which receives rainfall both in summer and winter. Also mention the source of rain. [1] d) Give geographical reason for the following. [2] i. The rainfall in India is unevenly distributed. ii. Chennai experiences more rainfall than Bengaluru from NE Monsoon. e) Given below is the climatic data of a station. Study the table and answer the questions that follow : Month Station Jan Feb Mar Apr May A 23. 25. 27. 28. 30. Temp in 8 0 7 3 2 C Rain in 0 0 11. 12. 2.1 1 5 cm Jun Jul Aug Sep 30.3 30.4 30.3 30.0 215. 146. 145. 120. 5 4 3 3 Oct Nov Dec 30. 25. 24. 3 5 2 4.1 3.0 0.1 (i) Calculate the annual range of temperature? [1] (ii) On which coast is this station located? Give a reason to support your answer. [1] iii) Name the hottest and the driest month. [1] Question 4 a) State two reason for low productivity of red soil. Mention a method by which we can in improve the quality of this soil. [2] b) Name the soil that is best suited for the cultivation of the following crops. i. Cotton ii. Jute iii. Coffee iv. Ragi c) i. Name the soil that covers the major part of India. ii. Why does the colour of this soil vary from light to dark? d) State two characteristics of Laterite soil. e) Give reason for the following. i. Khadar gets replenished every year while bhangar does not. ii. Black soil needs to be tilled just after the first rain. Question 5 a) i. State two characteristic features of vegetation found in tropical deserts. ii. Name one species of the desert vegetation and state its use. [3] 3out of 6pages [2] [2] [2] [2] b) The uses of trees has been given below. Name the tree and what qualities makes them fit for these uses? [2] i. It is used in making aromatic substances and extracting oil. ii. The timber extracted from this tree is universally used for making expensive furniture. c) How tidal forest has adopted in the physical environment of Sunderban delta? [2] d) Why tropical evergreen forest have not been much exploited for commercial purposes? [1] e) Under what climatic condition does the tropical monsoon forest grow? Name one area where these forest are largely destroyed. State one reason for such massive destruction. [2] Question 6 i. Name one mineral found in the following places and also mention the state they are located. [3] Keonjhar Balaghat Ankleshwar i. ii. iii. ii. Why is manganese used in the iron and steel plant? [1] iii. What is the difference between Conventional and non-conventional sources of energy? [1] iv. State two advantage of using solar energy over coal as a source of energy. [2] v. Mention one advantage and one limitation of wind energy. [1] vi. Name the following. i. ii. [1] Geothermal plant located in Himachal Pradesh. The first wind power farm of India. vii. Why most of the oil refineries are located at the port cities? [1] Question -7 a) Mention two advantages of rainwater harvesting. [2] b) Why do we need to conserve water? Suggest any two effective methods to conserve water. [3] 4out of 6pages c) Observing the picture given below answer the questions that follow i. Identify the type of irrigation. Name a states where this type of irrigation is widely used. ii. [1] What are the basic conditions necessary for the construction of this form of irrigation? d) e) [1] Well scores over canal irrigation . Give two reasons to justify this statement Give reason for the following. i. Inundation canals are operational only during the rainy season. ii. Well irrigation adds to the fertility of soil. [1] [2] Question 8 a) Mention two characteristics of intensive agriculture. b) i. In which agricultural season is wheat grown? [2] [1] ii. Give two climatic requirements of this crop. c) i. What is green Revolution? Mention two features of this programme. ii. Why is blending necessary for tea? d) Name the following. i. ii. iii. iv. e) State [1] [2] [1] [1/2 X 4] It is the process of removal of cotton fibre from cotton pod. In this method sugarcane is cut at the base leaving the root intact with the soil. A microbiological process that is used to remove jute fibre from the stalk. A new shoot that grows after the trimming of tea bushes. the uses of Sugarcane. [1] Question 9 5out of 6pages a) i. Name the foreign collaborators of Rourkela steel plant. ii. Name the source from where it gets iron ore and Power supply. [2] b) With reference to sugar industry answer the following questions: i. Name one product and one byproduct. [1] ii. Give two reasons which have made Maharashtra one of the leading producer of sugar in south India. [2] c) State any two problems faced by the silk industry in India [2] d) Give reason for the following. [2] i. The per capita labour production of steel is very low in India. ii. Although cotton is barely cultivated in west Bengal, Kolkata has emerged as one of the main centres of cotton textile industries. e) Name the following. i. One petrochemical industry in Joint sector. ii. The first public sector iron and steel plant of India [1] Question 10 a) What is CWTC? Name it s headquarter. [2] b) In south India coastal shipping is more developed than inland water transport. Give two geographical reasons in favour of this statement. [2] c) Name the first six lane expressway of India. State two important characteristics of an Expressway. [2] d) Give reason for the following. [2] i. Rail ways is well developed in the Northern plains than any other parts of India. ii. BRO plays an important role in strengthening the defence and economy of India. e) State any two problems of roadways. [2] Question 11 a) Why biomedical waste must be treated separately with more precaution? [1] b) State two effects of Acid rain. [1] c) Why there is a need to recycle waste? 6out of 6pages [1] d) What is compost? State any two benefits of composting. [2] e) Mention two effects of waste on Aquatic life. [2] f) What is land fill? State the basic requirement to set up a landfill. [2] g) Write one advantage that electrostatic precipitator have over air scrubber. [1] 7out of 6pages 8out of 6pages

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