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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Biology (Association of Odisha ICSE Schools (ASISC Orissa))

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Loyola School, Bhubaneswar
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OF ORISSA ASSOCIATION ICSE SCHOOLS ICSE MODEL EXAMINATION-2024-2025 (SCIENCE PAPER BIOLOGY 3) F.M-80 Time-2 hrs This separately. be written on the paper provided Answers to this Poper must the first 15 minutes. during to write You will not be ollowed poper. spent in reoding the question This time is to be for writing the answers ollowed this Poperis the time time given ot the heod of B. Section A is The intended marks ony four questions from Section compulsory. Attempt of questions ore given in brackets for the questions or parts 0 SECTION-A (Attempt all questions from this section) Question-1 Choose the correct answers ().The attached earlobe (a) human is: Homozygoustrait trait produced Human spermsare nuclear material and acrosome what would be (ii). [15] trait (d) Heterorygous (). options: the questions from the given Dominanttrait (b) Recessive (c) in to the testes. They possess a head region in which the are present. Supposea sperm lacked an acrosome, the consequence? (a) The sperm (b) Sperm will (c) The resulting (d) Sperm will Astigmatism in not mature will not be able to fertilise the egg semen will be acidic possess double the amount of nuclear material. can be corrected by: (a) concave lens (b) convex lens (c) cylindrical lens (d) both a and c 1|Page-8 (iv). The gland whose (a) (b) (c) Seminal secretion the neutralize acidity of and the urethra vagina is: vesicle Cowper's gland Prostate gland (d) Seniniferous tubules the given figure,the (v). In and put the it lid jar is packed then firmly, with 5-6 after dry hrs, kidney the jar burst open with a force. amount This force water to of is called: Osmotic pressure (a) (b)Turgor pressure pressure (c) Imbibition (d) Wall Pressure the two correct statements from the (vi). ldentify we add a small beans.If (A) The (B) DUP (C) Pulmonary (D) Sinoatrial wall of ventricles sound is thicker is produced is that of auricles. when auriculo-ventricular artery arises node than following: located valves get closed from lungs in the walls is associated with: of right auricle. (a) A and B (b) A and D (c) Band C (d) B and D The first (vii). (a) Homo use of fire by hominids habilis (b) Homo erectus (c) Homo (d) Cro-magnon sapiens (viii). Assertion(A):Lymphocytes WBCS. produce antibodies and are the smallest Reason(R):Lymphocytes contain granules in the cytoplasm and release histamine. 2 | Pa a) A is true and R (b) A is False Both (c) Ram is Ram and Mohan (b) Ram (c) technical (a) acid Hina said:Urea (c) (d) Priya and Hina and term for Mohan the difference between population and death rate is called: density Demography (a) (c) rate rate water as droplets (b) birth population (b) Growth of said:Amino Priya and Hina (d) Priya (xi).Loss molecules are reabsorbed from the correct? (a) (x).The specific reabsorption : Mohan said:Ammonia said:Glucose Who False asked students which kidneys during filtrate in True is andR are True class.teacher In a biology R Both A and R are (d) (ix). A and False is takes place through: cuticle lenticels Hydathodes (d) Stomata (xii). Deplasmolysis occurs (a) Concentrated (b) cell is placed in: salt solution sugar salt (d) Hypertonic (xii). plasmolyzed a Tap water Concentrated (c) when solution solution is Assertion(A):Haemophilia individuals Reason(R):Haemophilic clotting (a) A (b) A (c) is of blood true and R is False and R Both A (d) Both an X-linked dominant character. is is and Rare A and R in lack a factor responsible for the the body. False True True are False 3|Page -8 THE FLUIp (XIVI THAT FILLS THE EYE IN THE SPACE BETWEEN THE LENS AND THE COpr. Aqueous humour (a) (b) Vitreous humour (c) Perilymph (d) Endolymph (xv).Acromegalyis caused by: (a) Hypersecretion of growth hormone during (b) Hypersecretion of growth hormoneduring adulthood (c) Hyposecretion of growth (d) Hyposecretion hormoneduring childhood hormone during adulthood growth of childhood. Question-2 (i) Name the following: [5] (a) The morphological (b) The cessation of The part of the (c) appearance of an menstrual brain having the (d) The scientific name (e) A a industrial melanism. of fruits. in ripening each group in in the correctorder so as to be in [5] motor neuron, effector, (b) Renal vein, Afferent arteriole, (c) Graafian follicle, (d) Intestine, Liver, Ostium, Capillary receptor, network, glomerulus, efferent arteriole Ovum, Uterus, Fallopian Intestinal sensory neuron artery,Hepatic vein, tube Hepatic Portal Cro-magnon,Australopithecus, Homo erectus, Neanderthal the odd term (iii).ldentify remaining (a) centre. sequence: (a) Association neuron, (e) females. respiratory used and rewrite the terms logical in individual. of the organism studied for gaseous phytohormone () Arrange cycle in each set and vein man name the category to which the three belong: Malleus, Iris, Stapes, Incus (b) Cortisone, Somatotropin, Adreno-corticotropic hormone,Vasopressin (c) Tonsils, Glomerulus, Spleen,Lymph nodes (d) blinking, coughing, (e) Wisdom swallowing, Applying brakes teeth, Pinna, Retina, VermiformAppendix 4 | Page - :"qo (iv) Mention the exact [5) location of (a) Organ (b) Chlorophyll (c) Centrosome (d) Epididymis (e) Chordae tendinae the following: of Corti below and (V) Study the diagram given Spllt in the blanks suitable with words:(5] fill L66092L Cork Widmouth Potted Plant KOH prove that carbon 48 hours to (b)Solution.This is the absorb(c)--from the to hours.The experimental turns.......d) leaf whereas the part part plant of a into inserted flask.The for starch.The tested is is is conical then is plant for(a)-,a potted necessary part of a leaf leaves.A flask placed in in placed containing sunlight the leaf that was inside for the dark room for KOH a few conical flask turns(e)--incolour. the leaf outside of e to is dioxide SECTION-B questions from (Attempt any four this section) (1| Question-3 ()(a).Explainthe term-Photophosphorylation. of the (b).Which part is brain affected by alcohol Why consumption? the alcoholic person (21 (2) walks clumsily? Mentiontwo (ii) (ii) in plants adaptations found Loss of nucleus and mitochondria to reduce transpiration? make erythrocytes more efficient (2] (iv) Given below germinating is an experimental seeds. Study it and set up to demonstrate answerthe questions a particular in their tropic function. Explain movement in [3) that follow: -Perfocated trough Moist sawdust sced Germinating Brck 5|F name e Name the parts (a) (b) Name the type Part1 (c) is as labelled and 2. ned movementshownby 1 of affected 1 by two stimull., and Which one 2. of pncit the two isstronger [1) Question-4 (21 Define synapse (i) State and define Mendel's law based on dihybrid (ii) Mention two reasons for sharp (iv) Which is the area of best rise vision? is the [21 cross. of population in What exact India. location fthe of mentioned (2] Structure? (3] () Observe the diagram A and B given below: 4 B Fig. (a) b) (c) What does diagram A and B depict? Comment on X. Comment onY Question-5 () Expand the abbreviation MTP (i ) State two functions of amniotic ( i) Differentiate (iv) (v) Name the [1] [2 fluid. between: Australopithecus and pacemaker Cromagnon (Cranial of the heart.Why Observe the figure given below capacity) is it th called [2) so? and answerthe questions [21 that follow: (3] 6| Page-8 name of the the theory that (a) What (D) Who explained the theory? (C) What is is the of conclusion is being depictedin the figure? theory? this Question-6 (0) Define Osmosis () Mention [1] (a) Dynamic balance (b) Static (iv) Whyrenal (v) A teacher drew rain. (2) with: of the ear concerned Name the structure (ii) of acid two effects (2] balance cortex is dotted and medulla renal striped is (a) Name the defect (b) Where is eye Gopal of 2 is suffering clearly as it appeared blurred to it him.[3] from. the image formed in this defect? Mention one cause (c) appearance? told the students to copy the diagram of heart on the blackboard and notebooks.Gopal couldn't see the diagram in their in Which type of lens of this doctor defect. will advice Gopal to use in his spectacles? Question-7 (0) Define demography. ( ) What type (ii) Mention (iv) What is of blood do pulmonary two limitations (a) Name artery and pulmonary the parts labelled vein carry? section A, of the human [2 [2 of Ganong's potometre? ovulation? Name one hormone secreted The diagram shows a (V) [1] by corpus luteum? [3) brain. B (b) Give the function of C (c) Name the basic unit of brain.State one function of A 7|Page-8 Question-8 Define Mutation [1] (ii) Mention two steps in urine formation. [2] (ii) Differentiate (iv) between Diabetes wiet will happen if a pinch of related) (2] Mellitus sodiuu and Diabetes Insipidus (Hormones hicnrbonto ie added to the water experiment? (v) Draw a well labeled diagram four chromosomes in photosyntnesis (2) of an animal cell showing metaphase stageW [3]

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