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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : History (Association of Odisha ICSE Schools (ASISC Orissa))

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Loyola School, Bhubaneswar
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SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION OF ORISSA ICSE ICSE MODEL EXAMINATION-2024-25 & GEGRAPHy -HISTORY HISTORY F.M:80 TIME: 2HRS PAPER-1 Answers to this Paper You will not the at given of total head of sheet provided write during the first 15 minutes. this Paner and marks intended out three of five questions PART of all I writing the answersS. 1 from Section A two out of three questions from Section B. are given questions in brackets lJ |30marks| from this questions Part 1 [16] Choose the () IL. for (Compulsory). from Part questions or parts for Attempt Question time allowed the is paper. the question in reading questions all on the Part are to be attempted from five questions The be spent to is Attempt A to separately. answer written be allowed This time The time be must correct The number (b) 238 235 (c) 236 (d) 230 (a) (i ) Given Select below option: are details who the person Person Age of a fulfils states the Rajya Sabha from the to members elected of few Indian is citizens. the eligibility become the to criteria Prime Minister of India Description |In years] W 65 An X 35 Has taken up 22 Is 33 (a) W (b) X (c) Y (d) industrialist has declared insolvency the citizenship reputed movie a Is who a professor in a of Canada star private college Z 1| P i) The settlements to the people of over 8,160 cases have who attended the Which advantage of the (a) Saves money brought LokAdalats, highlighted category ofpower of the in the above headline? President (a) (d) the than Rs. 191 crores -The Economic Times Format (a is in the picture? Judicial (b) Executive PRESIDENT (c) (v) Identify more courts highlighted PARDONING POWER relief of Lok Adalat is (b) Speedy justice (c) Workson compromise (d) Reduces the burden on higher (iv)Which financial Financial Discretionary correct statementsabout an ordinance. prepared by the Cabinet Q: Is introduced only in the LokSabha R: Is introduced when the P: Is Parliament is not in session. it. S: The Prime Minister introduces Q S (c)P andR (d)Q andS (a)P and (b)R and (vi) The lower court has passed an order in correct procedure has not been followed Which jurisdiction is the High Court a criminal case. However, the High Court and goes through exercising in the above feels that the that case again. situation? (a)Revisory b)Advisory (c)Original (d)Appellate (vii) Read the two statements given below about the shows the correct relationship between Assertion: Reason (A)and Partition (A)Lord Curzon Partitioned Bengal : (R)The British A and R (a)Both R (c) A (d) A contradicts R the cause is true for and leads in 1905 unite the Hindus and are true but independent (b) is wanted to of Bengal and select the option that (R). ofeach Muslimsin Bengal other A to R. 2| Page (vim) (a) 1904 (b) 1906 (c) 1907 (d)1908 of (IX).Which (a) Spilt :TheSurat Muslim League: 1906 of the Formation persons the following is most likely to be associated with this picture? Ram Mohan Roy Raja (b) DadabhaiNaoroji (c) JyothibaPhule (d) DayanadaSaraswathi Repeated complaints has no teachers. which Sharma lives, if he SharmaNOT follow, of these methods would effective. Which in the area school (x) The government not been have the residents by was by the inspired (b) Use (xi)Who the government leaflets to criticize press & Boycott Swadeshi among the to the a petition Distribute (c) (d) Nationalists? Early Write (a) in people did following NOT Mission Plan? formulate the Cabinet (a) Pethic Lawrence (b) Cripps Sir Stafford (c)Lord Wavell (d) Clement Attlee (xi)Identify the ODD ONE (a) To fight of the Indian National Army. out of the following objectives the British (b) To work out a (c) To organise a treaty with modern for transfer arms of power Provisional Government Indian (d) Total mobilisation of of Free India man power 3|P Nii)Which of the following agencies of the United Nations is connected with ) How is this picture? LEARNT theSession w you Imagine TOGETHER. gve woulk you Albrat Tegtkee, (NyGive at ( Ment () (a) ILO (b) UNICEF (c) WHO (d) UNDP (xiv)Thc girl ASISChasorganized a regionalposter Which ofthe making competition on following (a)Swami leaders who leader's poster will Vivekananda contributed students most (b) likely Aurobindo Gosh make? education (c) JyotibaPhule d) Raja (xv)Who Ram Mohan Roy among the (a) Roosevelt following were the founders of the ,Sukarno, Nchru (b)Tito, Nasser, (c) to Aligned Movement? Nehru Churchill, Stalin, (d)Stalin, Non Tito Nehru, Sukarno (xvi) ldentify the countries of the Triple (a) Gemany, Austria, France Entente. (b)Austria, England, (c) France, (d) Russia, America Germany,Russia France, England Question 2 Read the Lack of givennews carefully. quorum todayforcedabrupt adjournmentofboth (i)What is the quorum of the Indian Parliament? many members shouldbe present the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. Economic Times, December 18, 2015 If the strength ofthe to prevent this adjournment? Lok Sabhais 550 members, how (21 4|Page (1) How is the Session Court (1)Imagineyou were you would give (iv)Give any ()Mention two to any part of justify Hitler's from the Court army which his attack. of the District Judge? attacked Poland. Mention any [2] two reasons [2 objectives of the Forward Bloc. any two (vi) Mention different factors [21 responsible for the two objectives (Vi)Mention any two Non ofthe formation of the Muslim Leaguc. Aligned common ideologies of [2 Movement. (2] Fascism and Nazism. [2) PART II |50marks] SECTION A Attemptany two questions Question 3 With reference to the Parliament from this Section. India,answerthe following questions: () Who elects the Speakerofthe Lok of Sabha?Mention (i1) The Lok Sabha is more poerful than the Rajva two any functions ofthe Speaker. Sabha. Give [3] three reasons to analyse this statement. [3] Mention any four ways in which (i1) the Legislature controls the Executive. [4] s Questipn With reference to the (i)Name the powers of the three emergencies under which each of President, answerthe following questions: that can be declared by the President. Mention them can be proclaimed. any one circumstance (3] (ii) Mention any (iii) any made by the President of India. The President works under the adviceofthe Prime Minister and four legislative powers to justify this statement. Question With three appointments his cabinet. Mention [4] 5 reference ( Who appoints How 3] to the Supreme Court of India, answer the the judgesof the Supreme Court?What can the judges be removed? following is the term questions: ofthe Supreme Court Judge? [3] 5|Page-7 G) Why is the Supreme Court called 9 the Court of Record? [3) (ii) What is meant by the (a)Judicial (b) Advisory atthe Look terms? following Review uestion Jurisdiction [41 SECTION 6 Question The Revolt of reference B Attempt any three questions from 8S7 was 1 to this, major a uprising this the rule of the British against answer the followingquestions: ()Mention any three (i) Mentionany three policies of Section. expansionused by the economic causes of the East India Company.With British. [3) Revolt. [3] (m)Mention any four changes made in the military after the Revot. [4] Question 7 With reference What were (i) to the Gandhian Era, answer the following questions the causes of the Non Cooperation Movement? ( ) Mention any two causes which led to the Civil [3) Disobedience Movement. Why was movementsuspended? this (3] (iii) Mention any four impacts of the Disobedience Movement. 41 & Question Civil Read the excerpt given below and answer the questionsthat follow In the evening ofJune 3, Mountbatten broadcasted over the Radio. He explained the cause of agreement either on the Cabinet Mission Plan, the unity of India. But there can be no question of coercing any large areas in which one community has a majority to live against their will under a governmentin which another community has a majority. And the only alternative to coercion is partition saying, All-India "To my great regret it has been impossible to obtain or any plan that would preserve partition." India ()Mentionany three clauses of the Today Web Desk Cabinet Mission Plan. (3] (ii) Mention any three terms of the Mountbatten Plan. [31 (iii)The Congresswas compelled to accept the Mountbatten Congress justified its acceptance. Plan. Mention any four ways in which the [41 6| Page -7 9 Question Look at the picture given and answer the following questions: PeariHar December Attack U.s. LAPAN ayten,DcC okee CHINA Nortor ()Which country was responsible forthe above attack? Mention any two consequences of the war associated with this attack. (ii) Explain the (iii) The Treaty above country's invasion of China of Versailleswas a cause for this this treaty. [3] [3] war. Mention any four unfair terms of [41 Question 10 The United Nations Organisation is a peace keeping organisation. following: ( )Mention (ii) What With reference to this ,answerthe any three objectives of the United Nations Organisation. is the composition ofthe International Court of 3] Justice? [3] (i i) Give the expansion of WHO. Mention any three of its functions [4]

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