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Dhruba Das
Bishop Cotton Boys' School (BCBS), Bangalore
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Slno Term 1 chromosomes- Definition Highly coiled chromatin fibres Misc // 2 Chromatin fibres network of very long extremely thin dark staining fibres // 3 Nucleotide Each single DNA strand is composed of nucleotide 4 Genetics The transmission of body features (both similarities and differences) from parents to offsprings and the laws relating to such transmission Is the technique in which the genetic constitution of an organism(bacterium) is altered by introducing new genes into its 5 genetic engineering chromosomes GMO insulin 6 Genes genes are the specific parts(DNA segments) of a chromosome, which determine the hereditary characteristics Mitosis(equational 7 division) The kind of cell division which occours in all body cells except egg producing oocytes and sperm producing spermatocytes, is known as mitosis 8 Meiosis Is the kind of cell division that produces the sex cells or gamates which are haploid(n). It takes place in the reproductive organs(egg producing oocytes and sperm producing spermatocytes) 9 Karyokinesis All nuclear changes that occur during cell division are collectively temed as karyokinesis 10 Heredity The transmission of genetically based characteristics from parents to offsprings Homologus 11 chromosome A pair of corresponding chromosomes, of same shape and size, one from each parent 12 Genome The full complement of DNA(including all genes and intergenic regions) of an organism 13 Alleles Alternative form of a gene occouping the same position(locus) on homologus chromosomes and affecting the same characterisics but in different ways is called allele 14 Genotype The set of genes present in the cells of an organism Is one in which the parent cell divides into 2 identical daughter cells, where the same normal chromosome number is maintained, at each cell division producing diploid(2n) cells 15 Phenotype Sex linked 16 inheritance 17 Mendels Laws- The observable characteristics which is genetically controlled Sex linked inheritance is the appearance of a trait which is due to the presence of allele exclusively either on the X Colourblindness, chromosome or on the Y chromosome haemophilia, baldness 18 Law of dominance Out of a pair of contrasting characters present together, only one is able to express itself while the other remains suppressed. The one that expresses is the dominanat character, and the one that is unexpressed is the recessive Law of segregation(law of 19 purity of gamates) The two members of a pair of factors separate during the formation of gamates. 2 pairs of contrasting characters, the distribution of the members of one pair Law of independent into the gamates is independent of the 20 assortment distribution of the other pair 21 Mutation Mutation is a sudden change in one or more genes, or in the number or in the structure of chromosomes. 22 Imbibition Living or dead plants absorb water by surface attarction 23 Diffusion Free movement of molecules of substance from rgn of HIGHER to LOWER conc, when two are in direct contact 24 Osmosis 25 Endosmosis 26 Exosmosis Movement of water molecules from rgn of HIGHER to LOWER conc, through semipermeable membrane Inward osmosis(Cell swells up) Outward osmosis(Cell Shrinks) 27 Osmotic pressure Minimum pressure to prevent passage of pure solvent into the solution when 2 are separated by semi-permeable membrane 28 Tonicity Relative conc of sol that determine direction and extent of diffusion 29 Active transport Passage of substance from LOWER to HIGHER conc, using ENERGY from cell, through living cell membrane. 30 Passive transport No input energy, high to low conc, there is free movement of molecule 31 Flaccidity Condition where cell content is shrunken,the cell is no longer tight Eg- Sicle cell anaemia, Radioactive radiation 32 Turigidity Is the state of a cell in which the cell wall is rigid and stretched by an increase in the volume of vacuoles due to absorption of water, thecell is then said to be turgid 33 Plasmolysis Is the contraction of cytoplasm from the cell wall, caused due to the withdrawal of water, when placed in a strong(hypertonic solution). 34 Root pressure Root pressure is the pressure developed in the roots due to continued inward movement of water through cell-to-cell osmosis which helps in the ascent of cell sap, upward through the stem. 1) root pressure, 2)capillarity,3) 35 Ascentof sap- forces transpiration pull, 4) adhesion 36 Transpiration 37 Cuticular Transp 38 Lenticular Transp 39 Is the evaporative loss of water from the aerial parts of the plant Desert Plants Lenticels never close, open at all times 40 Photosynthesis Process by which, living plant cells, containing chlorophyll, produce food substance, from CO2, water, using light energy. 41 Photoysis Defined as the splitting of H2O molecule into hydrogen and oxygen ions in presence of light and grana Photophosphorilatio 42 n The end results of photolysis 43 Polimerisation 44 Polycythaemia 45 Erythropena Several glucose molecules transformed to produce one molecule of starch Abnormally increased number of RBC Abnormally decreased number of RBC 46 Excretion The removal of all harmful unwanted products from the body, especially the nitrogenous wastes 47 Osmoregulation 48 Ultrafiltration 49 Nerves Bundle of nerve fibres of separate neurons, enclosed in a tubular sheath 50 Ganglia The aggregates of the nerve cells from which the nerve fibrs may arise/enter into 51 Reflex Action Reflex action is an automatic, quick and inivoluntary action in the body, viught about by stimulus 52 Conditioned reflex 53 Sense organs Organs that enable us to be aware of the conditions of the environment 54 Accomodation The process of focussing the eye to see objects at differeent distances 55 Hormones A secretion from some glandular part of the the body, which is poured into blood, and which acts on the target organ or cells of the same individual 56 Reproduction Is the formation of new inidividuals by sexual/asexual means, which can repeat the process in their own turn 57 Semen Is the mixture of sperms and secretions from seminal vesicle, prostate, Cowper's gland, and urethral gland. 58 Puberty Is the period during which immature reproductive system of boys and girls mature and become capable of reproducing. 59 Menarche Is the onset of mensturation in a young female at about the age 13 years 60 Menopause Is the Permanent stoppage of mensturation at age of about 45 years age 10: girls; age 11: boys 61 Demography 62 Natality 63 Mortality 64 Tubectomy 65 Vasectomy In woman In men 66 Immunity Body's resistance to the onset of a disease after infection by harmful germs 67 Antibody Is a blood serum proteing Special chemicals found in blood which act produced in response to against germs or their secretions injected antigen 68 Antibiotics Chemical substances produced by some micro-organisms, and can kill/ inhibit tbe growth of other microorganisms 69 Vaccination Is the introduction of any kind of dead or weakened germs into the body of a living being to develop immunity against the respective disease/ diseases 70 Vaccine A preparation consisting of weakened germ substances to developv immunity against the germs of a particular disease 71 Immunisation Developing resistance to disease producing germs or their toxins by introducing killed germs or germ substance to induce production of specific antibodies needs work

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